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NMR determinations of fluorine environments in transparent oxyfluoride glass-ceramics were made to learn about the crystallization of LaF3, as well as to ascertain the structural role of fluorine in the surrounding glassy matrix. The fraction of fluorine in LaF3 was measured as a function of heat treatments, demonstrating significant differences between glasses modified with barium and those containing sodium. The results of these measurements showed that not all of the fluorine formed LaF3 in these glass-ceramics, with resolution of additional fluoride sites at −135 and −185 ppm, due primarily to Si–F and Al–F bonding, respectively. Not only is the evidence of Si–F bonding unexpected, given the presence of aluminum, but the amount of Si–F bonding is sensitive to the type of modifier in the glass. Samples containing barium oxide as the modifier showed a higher fraction of Si–F bonding than those modified with sodium oxide.  相似文献   

Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is an important property to consider when utilizing oxide glasses in thermal treatment processes to avoid thermal damage at the interfaces of the glasses with heterogeneous materials. It is thus important to know the effect of additives on CTE for designing glasses. The use of alumina efficiently improves chemical and mechanical durability of oxide glasses while maintaining the functionality and productivity; however, alumina-doping often induces nonlinear variation of CTE. In this work, we therefore tried to investigate the relationship between CTE and the microstructure of sodium alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. To accurately model the glasses, we extended a force-matching potential by optimizing the parameter sets for Ca–O, Mg–O, and Na–O pair interactions using Bayesian optimization. The MD simulations reproduced the nonlinear variation of CTE as a function of alumina content, and detailed structural analyses identified inhomogeneous expansion in the glasses. It was found that the nonuniform CTE change at the nanoscale was related to the formation of an alumina-rich region, in which more fivefold-coordinated aluminum exist, when alumina content exceeded Na2O content. Accordingly, the microstructural change by alumina-doping was identified as the origin of the nonlinear variation in the CTE of the glasses.  相似文献   

Formation of an amorphous Al2Si2O5 layer on a steel pipe surface, after granite–dry steam interaction in the presence of copper, has been determined by XRD analysis and SEM (with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis). Kinetic data indicate high-protective properties of the Al2Si2O5 layer, which formed a three-dimension substrate ∼5 μm thick, after 100 h exposure.  相似文献   

Structure of Sodium Aluminosilicate Glasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of sodium aluminosilicate glasses composed of varying ratios ( R ) of Al2O3/Na2O (0.25 R 2.0) has been simulated with the molecular dynamics technique using a tetrahedral form of a three-body interaction potential. Extrema in the activation energies for sodium diffusion and in the diffusion constants for all of the atomic species were observed for glasses with equal concentrations of Al2O3 and Na2O ( R = 1.0). These changes corresponded to the minimum observed experimentally in the activation energy for electrical conductivity and to the maximum observed in the viscosity for glasses with compositions of R = 1.0. The coordination of aluminum remained 4 over the entire compositional range, negating the need to invoke a coordination change of aluminum to explain the changes in the physical properties. The changes to the simulated physical properties as R passed through the equivalence point were attributed to the elimination of nonbridging oxygen, to the introduction of oxygen triclusters, and to changes in the distribution of ring structures within the glass networks.  相似文献   

The relative partial molar enthalpies, Δ SiO2, of SiO2 in SiO2–M2O (M = Li, Na, K and Cs) binary and SiO2–CaO–Al2O3ternary melts were directly measured by drop-solution calorimetry at 1465 K and 1663 K. Δ SiO2 changes from exothermic to endothermic as silica content increases, confirming the tendency toward immisciblity seen from activity measurements. It is concluded that Δ SiO2 is negative due to acid-base reactions and charge-coupled substitutions when the melt is composed of fewer Q 4 and more Q 3 and Q 2 species, but positive due to structural strain when the melt is composed of mostly Q 4 species. The Δ SiO2 obtained by calorimetry is a useful measure of basicity, when comparing different alkali and alkaline earth oxides.  相似文献   

The system KF–AlF3 was reinvestigated precisely by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffractometry, and visual observation. All of the samples for the present investigation were prepared by solution synthesis. The results verified the existence of 2KF·AlF3 (K2AlF5) and KF·4AlF3 in the phase diagram; both compounds were orthorhombic. The cell parameters of the compounds were, respectively, a = 10.87 ± 0.03 Å, b = 10.36 ± 0.01 Å, c = 7.83 ± 0.03 Å, and a = 7.89 ± 0.01 Å, b = 7.57 ± 0.01 Å, c = 6.94 ± 0.01 Å. KAlF4 was confirmed to melt congruently at 575°± 2°C by careful examination.  相似文献   

In this study, we have developed a simple, versatile, and rapid solvothermal process for the preparation of sodium metal fluoride (NaxMFy) nanopowders (NaCoF3, NaMnF3, and Na3FeF6) using a microwave digestion system. Microwave heating significantly reduces the reaction time compared to conventional heating methods. The NaxMFy nanopowders have cluster structures consisting of small primary nanoparticles, thus resulting in a large surface area of >60 m2 g−1. The effect of an essential additive is also investigated to confirm the optimal conditions for obtaining large-surface-area NaxMFy nanopowders without impurities. We expect that this study will promote further research into the development and application of various nanostructured NaxMFy materials.  相似文献   

The optoelectronic properties of prototypal Telluride amorphous phase-change materials (GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5) are investigated from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Local tetrahedral germanium geometries are identified from topological angular constraint counting and this permits to relate exactly their contribution to targeted properties. The analysis of our computation reveals that the dominant population of tetrahedral Ge contributes to the tail of the valence and conduction band but with an increased electronic localization for the latter, whereas residual (essentially octahedral) geometries induce an overall constant localization at except close to the Fermi gap, where p electrons are largely delocalized. The detailed calculation of the atomic dipoles in the amorphous state indicates that tetrahedral Ge leads to lower momenta, especially in a-GeTe, and corresponding Ge-based correlations with Wannier centers also indicate the dual nature of the local geometries. These features which drive optical and dielectric contrast exemplify the unique properties of phase-change materials, and represent an obvious breakdown of the well-known Zachariasen rule stating that the short-range order is similar in crystals and glasses.  相似文献   

Calcium silicate hydrate and its Al‐substituted form synthesized by a hydrothermal process were investigated by X‐ray diffraction, compositional analysis, and magic‐angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy, in order to determine the mechanism of Al and Na incorporation in the tobermorite structure with varying molar ratios of Ca/Si and Al/Si. At a high molar ratio of Ca/Si, the silicate chains of tobermorite are ruptured, the degree of polymerization of the silicate chains is lowered, and the high calcium concentration lowers the content of Na2O in the structure. Solid‐state 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy confirm that all Al atoms were incorporated in the silicate chains of tobermorite. The tetrahedrally coordinated Al (Al(IV)) could either act as the bridging tetrahedron () for the dreierketten chain of tobermorite, or be present in Q3 sites that link two dreierketten chains together. Therefore, the degree of polymerization of the silicate chains of tobermorite is increased at high molar ratio of Al/Si. Furthermore, the greater charge deficit due to the replacement of Si4+ by Al3+ ions is compensated by increased adsorption or binding of Na+.  相似文献   

Fluor-hydroxyapatite (FHA) fabricated by a reaction between fluorapatite (FA) and hydroxyapatite (HA) was mixed with ZrO2 to produce FHA–ZrO2 composites. When the relative amount of FA to HA increased, the decomposition of the composite was decreased gradually because of the formation of thermally stable FHA solid solutions. With such suppression of decomposition, the FHA–ZrO2 composites retained fully densified bodies. As a result, significant enhancements in mechanical properties, such as hardness, flexural strength, and fracture toughness, were achieved as the relative amount of FA to HA increased. The highest values in strength and toughness were 220 MPa and 2.5 MPa·m1/2, respectively, with FHA–40 vol% ZrO2 composites. In vitro proliferation of osteoblast-like cells (MG63) on the composites showed behavior similar to that observed on pure HA and FHA. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of the growing cells (HOS) on the composites was slightly down-regulated compared with that on pure HA and FHA at prolonged periods.  相似文献   

For the study of negative thermal expansion (NTE) compounds, it is critical to effectively control the thermal expansion. In this letter, a chemical approach has been taken to control the thermal expansion behavior in ScF3 which has a strong NTE. Owing to the difference of radius of substituting ions, local distortion inevitably emerges in the lattice matrix, which is verified by pair distribution function analysis of high‐resolution synchrotron X‐ray scattering. It is a valuable clue that the thermal expansion behaviors in the ScF3 based systems and other trifluorides are correlated closely to structural distortion of metal‐F‐metal linkages. In addition, the introduction of 3d transition‐metal enables its semiconductor and ferromagnetic characteristics. This study provides important reference opinion for the control of thermal expansion and introduction of multifunctionalization for those NTE compounds with open framework structure.  相似文献   

The research of doped photonic glass has recently attracted much attention owning to the significant applications in various fields, including lasers, photovoltaics, and optical amplification. In this work, we present the design, fabrication, and experimental implementation of a novel fluorosilicate photonic glass-ceramics with broadband luminescence. We demonstrate that precipitated nanocrystals can be tuned by changing the heat-treatment temperature. This proposal offers an excellent opportunity for controlling the local environment around Ni2+ dopant. Consequently, the broadband and flat emission covering a waveband from 1200 to 2400 nm with a bandwidth of 605 nm can be realized. The possible physical mechanism, which can be attributed to the gradual change of nanocrystals from K2SiF6 to KCdF3 with the enhancement of the heat-treatment temperature, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Isotropic zero thermal expansion (ZTE) is rare but intriguing physical property in materials. Here, we report an isotropic ZTE property in a double ReO3‐type compound of MgZrF6, which exhibits a negligible value of coefficient of thermal expansion (αl = ?7.94 × 10?7 K?1 (XRD), αl = ?4.22 × 10?7 K?1 (dilatometry), 300‐675 K). The ZTE mechanism of MgZrF6 is understood by the joint studies of temperature dependence of crystal structure and lattice dynamics. Interestingly, different magnitudes of atomic displacement parameters (ADPs) for the fluorine atoms in MZrF6 (M = Ca, Ni, Mg) are found. The strong temperature sensitivity of ADPs demonstrates intensive transverse thermal vibration of fluorine atoms, which contributes essentially to the negative thermal expansion of CaZrF6. By contrast, for NiZrF6 with positive thermal expansion, the temperature response of ADPs is weak. Moderate transverse thermal vibration takes place in MgZrF6, and ZTE appears. Furthermore, lattice dynamics of MgZrF6 is studied by temperature‐dependent Raman spectroscopy, which reveals the ZTE mechanism. In particular, the F2g and Ag modes, corresponding to the bending and stretching vibrations of fluorine atoms, respectively, neither soften nor harden over the whole temperature range, which is correlated with the isotropic ZTE property of MgZrF6.  相似文献   

Oxyfluoride glasses of xLaF3–(60 − x)LaO3/2–40NbO5/2 (x = 0, 5, 10, 35) and xLaF3–(60 − x)LaO3/2–30NbO5/2–10AlO3/2 (x = 0, 10, 20, 30) were prepared using a levitation technique. Both the glass-transition temperature, Tg, and onset crystallization temperature, Tc, were lowered by substituting a part of the oxygen with fluorine in the glasses. An appropriate amount of fluorine maximized the difference between the temperatures, ΔT (= Tc − Tg), indicating the improvement in the glass-forming ability. The atomic packing densities of the glasses were approximately 60%, which gradually increased with the fluorine content. The absorption edge of the glasses shifted toward the shorter wavelength region in the ultraviolet spectra and toward the longer region in the infrared spectra by fluorine substitution. In addition, in one of the oxyfluoride glasses, a wide transparency from 307 nm to 9.2 µm was realized. Furthermore, the glass exhibited superior optical properties, with a combination of a high refractive index, nd, of 2.020 and low wavelength dispersion, vd, of 30.1. The effect of fluorine substitution on the nd and its vd was analyzed using the Lorentz–Lorenz dispersion formula.  相似文献   

We have studied the electrical properties and microstructure of fluorine-doped BaTiO3 ceramics. The samples were prepared using a classical ceramic technology that involved the calcination of intimately mixed powders of BaCO3, TiO2, and BaF2. When the samples were sintered in untreated ambient air, the fluorine from the sample reacted with water vapor and formed gaseous HF. To prevent this hydrolysis of the fluorine, we sintered the samples in dried air. The fluorine-doped BaTiO3 ceramics sintered in a dry atmosphere showed microstructures and electrical properties typical of donor-doped BaTiO3. The samples containing up to 0.3 mol% of fluorine were coarse-grained, semiconducting, and displayed a remarkable PTCR effect. In contrast, the samples with a higher fluorine concentration were fine grained and insulating. A SIMS elemental mapping of the samples showed that the fluorine was distributed throughout the microstructure of the semiconducting samples; however, the fluorine concentration was enriched at grain boundaries and in the BaTi2O5 intergranular phase.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that self-propagating sintering reaction could be activated and dramatically enhanced by laser excitation of ion dopants in the solid-state reactants. Near-resonant laser absorption and subsequent nonradiative decays make the solid-state reactants be sintered efficiently while ionic excitations catalyze self-propagating solid-state reactions. As a prototype demo, we synthesized white light upconversion phosphors NaYbF4:Pr3+/Gd3+. A continuous-wave laser at 980 nm was used to populate Yb3+ ions in YbF3 to excited level, which react with NaF to preform NaYbF4 nuclei. The preformed nuclei enhanced laser excitation and energy transfer to those ions that could not be directly excited by the pump laser and thus enabled self-propagating solid-state sintering synthesis of NaYbF4 microcrystals at quite low laser powers. Laser excitation of Yb3+ ions could also benefit facile rare-earth ion doping through activated self-propagating reactions. Gd3+ and Pr3+ ions were doped in NaYbF4 by simply adding Gd3+ and Pr3+ ionic oxides or fluorides in the raw materials. In addition, Gd3+ ions doping in F anions ambient could transform the NaYbF4 microcrystal phase from cubic to hexagonal and tune upconversion photoluminescence. This synthetic method can be widely applied to synthesize many other solid-state compounds, perovskite solar cells, photocatalysts, solid oxide fuel cells, and so forth.  相似文献   

Nextel™ 720 fibers were coated with LaPO4 and CePO4 monazite. The coatings were applied using washed and unwashed rhabdophane sols derived from La(NO3)3/(NH4)2HPO4 and a washed sol derived from Ce(NO3)3/H3PO4. The coatings were cured in-line at 900°–1300°C. Multiple coatings were also applied. Fiber strength was retained after coating with washed sols, but not with unwashed sols. These results are consistent with earlier work on LaPO4 monazite fiber coatings derived from La(NO3)3/H3PO4.  相似文献   

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