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Anthocyanin extraction from plant tissues: A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anthocyanins have gathered the attention of the scientific community mostly due to their vast range of possible applications. They have been the center point of the research in many different fields, among which is food development, where their innate coloring, antioxidant capacity, and biological potential open interesting venues to the development of new food additives and functional foodstuffs. As the range of application grows, so does the necessity to obtain these compounds, and since they are naturally occurring, the most common way to obtain anthocyanins is to extract them from different plant sources, such as fruits and flowers. Several efforts have been made to develop methods that allow for better extraction yields and higher purification rates therefore this review aims to compile the information regarding extraction and purification procedures in a comprehensive manner.  相似文献   

对索氏抽提法测定含油量的方法进行了改良,在原索氏抽提装置上加装了恒温冷凝水系统,将冷凝水温度改为恒温15℃。改良后的索氏抽提法与原方法相比,测定结果的准确度和灵敏度显著提高,有效消除了因季节、气候等因素引起的温度变化所带来的测定值差异。2007年至2010年加拿大谷物委员会组织36家国际权威油料检测实验室开展国际油料品质比对检测,结果显示,本实验室检测结果|Z|值均小于2,且采用改良索氏抽提法后,测定结果的Z比分数由-1.98~-0.12减小到-0.60~0.20,相对偏差由-2.5%~-0.38%减小到-1.24%~0.24%,实现了含油量检测结果的国际接轨。  相似文献   

The use of bioactive compounds in different commercial sectors such as pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries signifies the need of the most appropriate and standard method to extract these active components from plant materials. Along with conventional methods, numerous new methods have been established but till now no single method is regarded as standard for extracting bioactive compounds from plants. The efficiencies of conventional and non-conventional extraction methods mostly depend on the critical input parameters; understanding the nature of plant matrix; chemistry of bioactive compounds and scientific expertise. This review is aimed to discuss different extraction techniques along with their basic mechanism for extracting bioactive compounds from medicinal plants.  相似文献   

Fish and fish by-products are the main natural source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), both of them with a great importance in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Comparing to conventional fish oil extraction processes such as cold extraction, wet reduction or enzymatic extraction, supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide under moderate conditions (25 MPa and 313 K) may be useful for reducing fish oil oxidation, especially when fish oil is rich in omega-3 such as salmon oil, and the amount of certain impurities, such as some species of arsenic. Furthermore, taking profit of the advantages of supercritical carbon dioxide as extractive solvent, a coupled extraction-fractionation process is proposed as a way to remove free fatty acids and improve fish oil quality, alternatively to physical and chemical refining procedures.  相似文献   

Mass transfer models on supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction of vegetable oils are reviewed, that may facilitate the scale-up of laboratory data for industrial design purposes. Reviewed mechanisms of oil transport within the solid matrix include the desorption from the solid, the formation of a shrinking core of condensed oil in a non-adsorbing porous matrix, and diffusion in a homogenous medium. Analyzed simplificat ions of a general mass transfer model include external control of mass transfer rates, internal control of mass transfer rates, consideration of a linear driving force, and steady state approximations, among others. More complex two-stage models, and critical comparisons of some of the proposed models are also included. Trends for the external mass transfer coefficient and effective diffusivity in the solid matrix from studies on SC-CO2 extraction of oil from vegetable substrates are thoroughly discussed and contrasted with those obtained using simpler model systems. The possible effect of the axial dispersion on the rate of extraction is also discussed. Finally, the high-pressure vegetable oil-CO2 phase equilibrium is discussed in connection with its influence on the mass transfer process. Special emphasis is given to the role of the solid matrix on high-pressure phase equilibrium.  相似文献   

针对植物油中DNA含量极低、DNA序列片段短、破坏严重的特点,以食用植物油为原料,旨在建立一种从植物油中稳定、高效提取DNA的方法。实验采用硅膜吸附柱法提取植物油基因组DNA,PCR扩增其相应内源基因进行质量鉴定,再针对通用的外源基因CaMV35S启动子进行PCR、LAMP和实时荧光PCR检测对该方法进行评价。结果表明:该方法提取的DNA质量可靠,采用PCR、LAMP和实时荧光PCR技术成功地检测出了植物油中的CaMV35S启动子。因此,硅膜吸附柱法提取的植物油DNA可以作为PCR、LAMP、实时荧光PCR扩增模板用于转基因成分的检测,该方法经济、稳定、安全,为植物油的基因检测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Enzyme-assisted extraction processing (EAEP), feasible alternative to screw pressing and organic solvent extraction technologies, is a promising method for the simultaneous extraction of oil and protein from oilseed. This method incorporates comminuting, extraction buffers and enzymes to allow production of a range of oils and proteins although different challenges appear during the process. The demand for acceptable and high free oil yields and purities of protein is always incompatible in many processes. This review article covers technological aspects of EAEP, and discusses the application of enzymes in pretreatment, extraction and demulsification, and explores the quality characteristics and safety of the oils and proteins obtained, focusing particularly on recent application of EAEP at the laboratory and industrial scale.Industrial relevance
  • 1.Enzymes are widely used on an industrial scale but mainly as catalysts, and the applications mainly concerning the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, compounds for chemistry of specialty, polymers, etc.
  • 2.At the industrial scale, one advantage of EAEP is environment benefit because it can avoid the risk of organic solvents and particularly hexane.
  • 3.The quality of the products produced by the smooth process is usually higher.
  • 4.EAEP technique is considered as an alternative method to produce valuable products without loss of quality at moderate conditions.
  • 5.Compared with solvent extraction, EAEP is more eco-friendly. Besides that, one of the main advantages of EAEP is the specificity of enzymes.

中国植物油料蛋白生产现状与发展趋势   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
刘志同 《中国油脂》2004,29(10):5-10
对中国主要植物油料蛋白--大豆蛋白、花生蛋白、棉籽蛋白、菜籽蛋白工业的生产现状与发展趋势进行了论述,同时对这4种蛋白的氨基酸组成、营养效价和生物价进行了比较.结果表明,菜籽蛋白的生物价和营养效价最高,其次为大豆蛋白,再次为棉籽蛋白,最后为花生蛋白.目前我国对大豆蛋白开发利用最多,而对于菜籽蛋白和棉籽蛋白,由于脱毒技术等原因,开发利用不足.随着人民生活水平的提高、技术的成熟,这些油料蛋白将得到进一步的开发、利用,市场潜力巨大.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe need for renewable and sustainable sources of proteins is growing. Diets containing more plant protein are increasing due to several reasons: the negative environmental impacts of animal protein production, the increasing vegetarianism and veganism trends, and inadequate consumer acceptance of food grade insects.Scope and approachThis paper links the isolation of valuable proteins from sustainable sources – by-products from processing industry of plant origin and eco-innovative technologies which are emerging for this purpose (electrostatic separation, subcritical water extraction, reverse micelles extraction, aqueous two-phase systems extraction, enzyme-, microwave-, ultrasound-, pulsed electric energy- and high pressure-assisted extraction). In this way, not only the key challenges of modern food processing are met-the assurance of cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally friendly production, but also the concept of zero food waste seems more achievable.Key findings and conclusionsA number of different techniques have emerged with high potential to assist protein extraction of preserved techno-functional properties, but they are still in the early stage of its industrial applications. In the EU, its industrial application may be hindered by legislative issues. The respective Novel Food Regulation classifies food obtained in a production process not used for food production before 15 May 1997, as “novel food’’ and the regulatory status for each single case must be sought. On the other hand, the utilization of novel processing technologies is regulatory encouraged in EU due to their potential to reduce the environmental impact of food production, enhance food security and bring benefits to consumers.  相似文献   

选取花生、芝麻、油菜籽及对应的油脂样品,利用干灰化法-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法和微乳液法-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法分别测定其铅含量.结果显示:所检测12个油料样品中有8个样品铅含量超出植物油料卫生标准( GB 19641-2005)的限量要求;所检测22个油脂样品中有1个油样铅含量超出食用植物油卫生标准( GB 2716-2005)的限量要求;油料和对应油脂的铅含量呈正相关;微乳液法-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定油脂样品中痕量铅回收率在95%~106%之间.此法具有操作简便、灵敏度好、分析结果准确等特点.  相似文献   

阐述了浸出油厂自动化仪表在生产中的重要性,简述了仪表安装的几个阶段,各阶段的工作要点以及施工方法,介绍了仪表安装中防爆措施,常用的自动化仪表安装注意事项.  相似文献   

Inulin constitutes an important food ingredient, widely used for its fiber content, and its ability to substitute fat and sugar ingredients. Traditionally, industrial inulin production from chicory roots requires high extraction temperature (70–80 °C) and long extraction time (1–2 h). This conventional extraction is generally accompanied with the presence of a large amount of impurities in the extracted juice, mainly due to the application of high temperature, requiring thus further purification steps. To overcome these issues, developing novel extraction technologies, consuming less energy, faster, and providing high yield and purity, is of paramount importance to meet the requirements of a green extraction concept. In this review, the feasibility of using conventional and new promising technologies (enzyme assisted extraction, ultrasounds, microwaves, supercritical fluid extraction, and pulsed electric fields) to recover inulin from plant food materials and by-products from an environmental and economical point of view will be discussed.Industrial relevanceInulin is widely used in food industries mainly due to its ability to substitute fat and sugar ingredients. However, the current industrial recovery process of this molecule is mainly carried out by diffusion in hot water (70–80 °C), followed by a relatively complex purification process, due to the presence of a large amount of impurities generated by the application of high temperatures. The need for obtaining greener, sustainable, and viable processes has led food scientists to develop new processes in full correspondence with the green extraction concept based on the use of non-conventional technologies (i.e. pulsed electric fields, ultrasounds, microwaves, etc). The submitted review discusses the potential of some of these new promising technologies to allow the industrial sustainability and green recovery of inulin, which have as benefits: energy- and time-saving along with higher yields and milder temperatures, reducing thus the subsequent purification steps.  相似文献   

降低小型浸出油厂溶耗的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了小型浸出油厂在降低溶耗方面应注意的问题及采取的措施.通过对湿粕刮板机座的改造、采用自制铝合金盘管式简易冷凝回收装置对尾气的回收,达到了降低溶耗的目的,使成品粕中残溶指标达到要求,从而降低了企业生产成本,具有一定的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

粮油制品中黄曲霉毒素脱毒研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄曲霉毒素(Aflatoxin,AFT)是一类致癌性极强的剧毒物质,常存在于发霉的粮油制品中。本文综述了黄曲霉毒素去毒方法研究进展,并结合近年来黄曲霉毒素检测技术的研究,提出了将新型纳米材料吸附法与化学方法相结合的脱毒、去毒方法。以期对我国开展粮油黄曲霉毒素脱毒技术体系研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

主要介绍了浸出车间进料段常见料位控制方式,料位器的种类、选择及安装注意事项.实践证明,在浸出制油厂应用料位自动控制技术,能有效地控制料位,减少溶剂的跑、冒、滴、漏现象,降低溶剂消耗,减少安全隐患.  相似文献   

刘国新 《中国油脂》2006,31(1):78-79
作为大豆浸出油厂的主要副产品的大豆粕,其质量的好坏直接影响到销售价格,也直接影响一个油脂加工企业的经济效益。正常情况下豆粕颜色金黄至浅棕,分散性好,水分适中,适宜贮存运输和销售。但是由于种种原因,有时会造成豆粕结块,使得豆粕中水分超标,难以贮存与运输,往往在贮存及运输过程中会发生霉变、腐烂,给油脂加工企业带来难以挽回的经济损失,极大地影响了油脂企业的经济效益。下面结合生产实际,谈谈豆粕结块的原因及相应的解决方法。1豆粕结块产生的原因经蒸脱机蒸脱后的成品豆粕中含有大量大小不一、形状不规则的豆粕,相互粘结在一起,…  相似文献   

Truffles are considered one of the world's most highly prized foods mainly due to their desirable organoleptic properties and rarity. However, truffles are seasonal (harvested mostly in winter from June to August in the Southern Hemisphere and from December to February in the Northern Hemisphere) and extremely perishable. Truffles deteriorate rapidly showing undesirable changes within 10 days from harvest in aroma and visual appearance after harvest. The very short postharvest shelf life (about 7–10 days) limits the potential for export and domestic consumption all year round. Several preservation methods have been studied to prolong their shelf life without the loss of aroma. However, all traditional preservation techniques have their own shortcomings and remain challenging. The extraction of natural truffle aroma volatiles for food applications could be a potential alternative to replace the existing synthetic flavoring used for processed truffle products. Four commonly used extraction methods for recovering volatile compounds from plants, namely, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, Soxhlet extraction, distillation, and cold pressing, are critically analyzed. Up to date, existing research about the extraction of aroma volatiles from truffles is limited in the literature but based on the volatility of the key truffle volatile compounds, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction may offer the best possibility so that a natural truffle-based product that can be used in food applications throughout the year can be made available.  相似文献   

为降低汽提塔蒸汽消耗和提高毛油品质,对2 000 t/d大豆加工项目浸出车间新型筛孔式汽提塔进行设计。基于道尔顿分压定律和史密斯关联图,计算出理论直接蒸汽量为580 kg/h,空塔气速为0.94 m/s,塔盘直径为1 200 mm。对筛孔式汽提塔塔盘和降液管进行设计,并利用化工模拟软件对其进行校核。校核结果显示,所设计的塔压降、液泛因子、降液管清液层高度合适。将所设计的筛孔式汽提塔应用于实际生产,与碟盘式汽提塔相比,毛油残溶明显降低,操作温度由原来的115℃降为105℃,直接蒸汽量节约39%。  相似文献   

Phytosterols provide important health benefits: in particular, the lowering of cholesterol. From environmental and commercial points of view, the most appropriate technique has been searched for extracting phytosterols from plant matrices. As a green technology, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) using carbon dioxide (CO2) is widely used to extract bioactive compounds from different plant matrices. Several studies have been performed to extract phytosterols using supercritical CO2 (SC‐CO2) and this technology has clearly offered potential advantages over conventional extraction methods. However, the efficiency of SFE technology fully relies on the processing parameters, chemistry of interest compounds, nature of the plant matrices and expertise of handling. This review covers SFE technology with particular reference to phytosterol extraction using SC‐CO2. Moreover, the chemistry of phytosterols, properties of supercritical fluids (SFs) and the applied experimental designs have been discussed for better understanding of phytosterol solubility in SC‐CO2. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Technology continues to evolve for the concentration and stabilisation of omega-3 fatty acids for delivery into food and beverage products. The use of lipases for selective concentration of EPA and DHA, or for re-esterification reactions, is important in the production of omega-3 concentrates. Enzymatic strategies require robust enzymes that can be immobilised and multiply re-used. Novel and mild processing methods are particularly important for providing oils with good sensory properties, which are required for successful use as functional food ingredients. Although in some cases good quality oils can be used directly in some foods, such as margarine, many foods require that microencapsulated and stabilised omega-3 oils be used. This is particularly important when the oils are preconcentrated. There are a number of industrially used microencapsulation methods, but the most widely used are complex coacervates and spray dried emulsions. Fish oil is still the most widely used source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids for addition to food, although algal oil is the primary source of DHA for infant formula use in North America. Algal oil is still significantly more expensive than fish oil for most applications, although many groups are improving both the cost and quality of omega-3 oil from algal sources. In particular, Thraustochytrid and Schizochytrid strains are a promising source of both DHA and EPA, and with further improvement could be used to provide varying ratios of these omega-3 fats. In this short review we will describe some of the current research in omega-3 fat concentration and microencapsulation, with particular emphasis on the use of lipases for concentration and complex coacervation for microencapsulation.  相似文献   

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