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结合实例重点介绍在城市、港区集中供热系统中采用溴化锂吸收式热泵替代小区换热站锅炉的突出优越性,并引申溴化锂吸收式热泵在城市集中供热系统中的其他几种典型应用形式,最后展望溴化锂吸收式热泵在供热节能领域的发展前景。  相似文献   

介绍第一类溴化锂吸收式热泵的运行原理,详细阐述保证其安全运行的关键控制点、关键控制技术以及软硬件的实现方法.  相似文献   

介绍了第一类溴化锂吸收式热泵的原理及特点,并与蒸气压缩式水源热泵进行了一次能源效率下的制冷EER、制热COP、冷热平均COP’和制冷制热能力比ε的比较,得出第一类溴化锂吸收式热泵与蒸气压缩式热泵各自的最佳工作域。  相似文献   

以溴化锂水溶液的热物性参数计算公式和美国供暖制冷空调工程协会(ASHRAE)给出的溴化锂水溶液的平衡方程为基础,通过模拟计算得到了较为精确的确定溴化锂水溶液热物性参数的计算方法。进而对单效热泵循环的仿真模拟计算,实现了对机组在不同工况下的性能预测。为实验研究提供了分析方法,为企业生产提供了设计思路。  相似文献   

常规与新型溴化锂吸收式一类热泵机组对比,体现出新型机组的优势及特点,展现其市场竞争力,通过电厂改造,可以提高发电效率,减少能源浪费,满足国家节能减排的要求。  相似文献   

我国溴化锂吸收式制冷机和热泵的发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

吸收式热泵在工业上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任连伟 《制冷技术》1998,(1):25-26,32

对带喷射器的溴化锂吸收式第二类热泵循环进行热力计算和性能分析.带喷射器循环的最大特点是在溴化锂吸收式第二类热泵基本循环的基础上加上喷射器,将发生器出口的蒸汽引射到冷凝压力,因此新循环的发生压力可以较传统循环的压力低得多,从而使得新循环所需要的驱动热源温度要比传统循环低.此外,在相同的热源温度和其他外界条件下,新循环能够产出更高温度下的热量.理论研究结果显示,新循环在热源温度80℃和冷凝温度20℃的条件下,比单效第二类热泵循环吸收温度要高4℃以上.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,溴化锂产品及技术又有了长足的发展;上世纪末在中国市场出现的吸收式热泵,2005年后市场开始蓬勃增长,有业内人士称:“溴化锂热泵技术焕发出了新的生命力,2013年其市场销售额已近12亿元。为国家节能减排,特别是余热供热方面立下汗马功劳。”  相似文献   

溴化锂吸收式热泵机组可以有效回收利用工业和建筑中的各种形式低温余热,提高余热资源回收率,但设备参数对热泵性能影响很大.因此本文基于温度对口和梯级利用的原则,对蒸汽型双效溴化锂吸收式热泵机组内传热部件进行热力及传热分析,通过质量和能量守恒建立热泵机组数学模型,分析热网供水温度、蒸发器进口低温余热水温度和驱动热源温度这三个...  相似文献   

The renewable energy will play significant role in the world primary energy consumption in the future. Geothermal energy is immense with 5000 EJ/yr of technical potential; however, its utilization has been limited to areas with special geological conditions. Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) are one of the fastest growing applications of renewable energy in the world with annual increases of 10% and much faster in China. Its main advantage is that it uses normal ground or groundwater temperatures (between about 5 and 30℃), which are available in all countries of the world and make geothermal more attractive and practicable. With high Coefficient of Performance (COP) up to 6, GHPs make efficiency of primary energy more than 240% with assumed a 40% of electricity generation efficiency, which means energy savings and CO2 emission reduction. In this paper geothermal and GHP technology is introduced and the energy savings and CO2 emission reduction by GHPs are analyzed.  相似文献   

The primary energy consumption of two kinds of solar assisted absorption systems (solar assisted absorption chiller during summertime and heat pump during wintertime or solar assisted absorption chiller with direct gas combustion for heating during wintertime) is compared with the primary energy consumption of a compression chiller which can work as a heat pump during wintertime. For the absorption systems three technical options were considered: a single effect machine; a double effect machine with the solar energy delivered to the lower temperature desorber and combustion heat of a gas burner delivered to the higher temperature desorber; a double effect machine with both solar energy and combustion heat delivered to the higher temperature desorber. The analysis performed in this article shows that solar assisted absorption chillers, absorption heat pumps and direct solar heating systems even with low and intermediate solar fractions can operate with considerably less primary energy consumption than compression systems. Further, the necessary solar collector area to achieve that goal is compatible with roof area available in buildings. It was also verified that, for the double effect absorption machines, there is no advantage in delivering the solar energy to the higher temperature desorber, thus establishing as preferable the solution in which it is delivered to the lower temperature desorber.  相似文献   

介绍双级离心式高温水源热泵的设计过程和应用优势。通过理论计算及系统流程分析,推导出可实现77℃高温出水的大容量双级离心系统。并结合实际工程案例对双级离心式高温水源热泵方案做经济性评估。指出在应用双级离心式高温水源热泵制冷/供热时,不仅节约能源,降低运行费用,而且对环境保护有着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Solubilities and vapor pressures of the lithium bromide+calcium nitrate+water system [LiBr/Ca(NO3)2 mass ratio=1.0] were measured in various absorbent (lithium bromide+calcium nitrate) concentration and temperature ranges. Solubilities were measured by a visual polythermal method in the temperature range from 282.55 to 343.45 K and the experimental values were correlated with two least-squares regression equations as a function of temperature. The average absolute deviation between the experimental and the calculated solubilities was 0.23%. Vapor pressures were measured by the boiling point method in the temperature range from 334.65 to 385.85 K and in the absorbent concentration range from 44.9 to 70.3 mass%. The experimental values were correlated with an Antoine-type equation and the overall average absolute deviation was found to be 1.06%.  相似文献   

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