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腐蚀,是悄悄的、自发进行的一种冶金的逆过程。自然环境(大气、土壤、江湖、海洋、火山爆发、生物和微生物等)和工业介质(酸、碱、盐、工业水、熔盐、石油及其产品、烟气等)都有可能造成材料的腐蚀,它的危害遍及所有的行业,包括冶金、化工、炼油、能源、矿山、交通、机械、航空航天、信息、农业、食品、医药、海洋开发和基础设施等。除了造成材料的损坏、能源的消耗和设备的失效等直接损失外,腐蚀还可能进一步引起物料的污染和产品质量下降、装置泄漏和工艺流程中断,甚至造成爆炸和人员伤亡以及大规模环境污染  相似文献   

2009年度新疆石油学会信息技术交流会于2009年8月27日至28日在鄯善胜利召开,本次大会由吐哈油田公司承办。来自新疆油田公司、塔里木油田公司、吐哈油田公司、西部钻探工程公司、中国石化西北油田公司、独山子石化公司、乌鲁木齐石化公司、克拉玛依石化公司、新疆销售公司、中国石油天然气运输公司等会员单位、以及思科、中兴通讯、宝利通、EMC、联想、IBM、SUN、DELL、惠普、詹博网络、新疆联通、新疆移动、新疆电信等IT公司的代表180多人参加了会议。吐哈油田公司副总地质师燕列灿、  相似文献   

据美国《石油情报周刊》最新统计,世界石油大公司排名位居前20位的为:沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司、伊朗国家石油公司、埃克森美孚公司、委内瑞拉国家石油公司、中国石油天然气股份有限公司、BP公司、皇家荷兰/壳牌公司、美国康菲公司、雪佛龙公司、道达尔公司、墨西哥国家石油公司、科威特国家石油公司、阿尔及利亚国家石油公司、俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司、巴西国家石油公司、俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)、俄罗斯鲁克石油公司、马来西亚国家石油公司、阿布扎比国家石油公司、意大利埃尼集团。  相似文献   

美国奇耐联合纤维公司(Unifrax I LLC)成立于1891年,其前身是Carborundum公司。作为高温隔热纤维制品的主要生产厂商,Unifrax的产品在钢铁、有色金属、石油化工、发电、陶瓷、汽车、防火、锻造、船舶和海洋工程、航空航天、电器设备及其他许多工业领域  相似文献   

《新疆石油科技》是经新疆维吾尔自治区科委、自治区新闻出版局正式批准由新疆石油学会主办的综合性出版物,每季1期。它重点报导全疆钻井工程、采油工程、油井测试、井下作业、油田化学、油田基建、油气集输、炼油化工、计算机应用、计量技术、现代管理等方面的科技成果、学  相似文献   

“五个和谐”:地企和谐——发展共谋、责任共担、环境共建、稳定共抓;人企和谐——以人为本、倾情民事、休戚与共、共同发展:家庭和谐——敬老爱幼、相敬如宾、邻里融洽、生活健康;人际和谐——诚信友爱、心态平和、行为文明、互助互帮;环境和谐——绿色生态、舒适宜居、安定有序、良性发展。  相似文献   

1月,临沂;3月,昆山;4月,古雷、南京;5月,大连、蚌埠、赣州;6月,南京、唐山、鄂尔多斯、湘潭、准噶尔;7月,日照、大丰;8月,常州、天津、柳州、淄博、东营;9月,平顶山;10月,平邑;11月,抚顺……  相似文献   

<正>《海洋石油》是国内外公开发行的油气勘探开发方面的综合性学术刊物,竭忱欢迎广大石油界、地质界科技、生产工作者踊跃投稿。1投稿范围海洋油气勘探、海洋油气田开发、海洋地质、石油地质与勘探、油气田开发与开采、地球物理勘探、天然气水合物、测井与录井、海洋工程、钻井工程、油藏工程、油气储运、实验与测试等方面的新理论、新方法、新技术和最新科研、生产成果。  相似文献   

<正>《海洋石油》是国内外公开发行的油气勘探开发方面的综合性学术刊物,竭忱欢迎广大石油界、地质界科技、生产工作者踊跃投稿。1投稿范围海洋油气勘探、海洋油气田开发、海洋地质、石油地质与勘探、油气田开发与开采、地球物理勘探、天然气水合物、测井与录井、海洋工程、钻井工程、油藏工程、油气储运、实验与测试等方面的新理论、新方法、新技术和最新科研、生产成果。  相似文献   

<正>《海洋石油》是国内外公开发行的油气勘探开发方面的综合性学术刊物,竭忱欢迎广大石油界、地质界科技、生产工作者踊跃投稿。1投稿范围海洋油气勘探、海洋油气田开发、海洋地质、石油地质与勘探、油气田开发与开采、地球物理勘探、天然气水合物、测井与录井、海洋工程、钻井工程、油藏工程、油气储运、实验与测试等方面的新理论、新方法、新技术和最新科研、生产成果。  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2023,48(2):33-34
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2021,46(1):27-28
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2020,45(12):25-26
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中地区生物礁特征及分布   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
塔里木盆地塔中地区中、上奥陶统发育多种类型生物礁,主要造礁生物包括海绵、托盘类、层孔虫、珊瑚、隐藻类、苔藓虫、蓝绿藻、绿藻、管孔藻科红藻等,主要礁体类型为灰泥丘和少量的骨架礁、障积礁。分析钻探揭示的生物礁特征,结论是灰泥丘主要形成于棚内及棚缘内带环境,骨架礁与障积礁主要形成于棚内与棚缘环境。通过沉积相分析和地震反射特征研究,预测塔中地区的陆棚边缘相带和塔中北部斜坡的中部地带,有望找到带状或断续带状分布的生物礁带。塔中1号断裂西墙的顺托果勒西区块已发现6个地震异常反射体,从其发育层位、所处环境和内部反射特征来看,极可能是生物礁丘。图2表2参6  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2023,48(1):27-28
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2019,44(7):33-34
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2019,44(9):29-30
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2019,44(11):35-36
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2023,48(3):25-26
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

Oil Refining     
《Oil and Energy Trends》2019,44(5):35-36
Current data on refinery products: LPG, mogas, naphtha, aviation fuel and Kerosene, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, other and total products, and total products. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Average production is thousand barrels per day. Updated on a monthly basis. Current data on crude oil refinery runs. Countries covered: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom. Updated on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

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