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A Perceptually Inspired Variational Framework for Color Enhancement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Basic phenomenology of human color vision has been widely taken as an inspiration to devise explicit color correction algorithms. The behavior of these models in terms of significative image features (such as, e.g., contrast and dispersion) can be difficult to characterize. To cope with this, we propose to use a variational formulation of color contrast enhancement that is inspired by the basic phenomenology of color perception. In particular, we devise a set of basic requirements to be fulfilled by an energy to be considered as 'perceptually inspired', showing that there is an explicit class of functionals satisfying all of them. We single out three explicit functionals that we consider of basic interest, showing similarities and differences with existing models. The minima of such functionals is computed using a gradient descent approach. We also present a general methodology to reduce the computational cost of the algorithms under analysis from O(N2) to O(N logN), being N the number of pixels of the input image.  相似文献   

Using Biologically Inspired Features for Face Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we show that a new set of visual features, derived from a feed-forward model of the primate visual object recognition pathway proposed by Riesenhuber and Poggio (R&P Model) (Nature Neurosci. 2(11):1019–1025, 1999) is capable of matching the performance of some of the best current representations for face identification and facial expression recognition. Previous work has shown that the Riesenhuber and Poggio Model features can achieve a high level of performance on object recognition tasks (Serre, T., et al. in IEEE Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. 2:994–1000, 2005). Here we modify the R&P model in order to create a new set of features useful for face identification and expression recognition. Results from tests on the FERET, ORL and AR datasets show that these features are capable of matching and sometimes outperforming other top visual features such as local binary patterns (Ahonen, T., et al. in 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 469–481, 2004) and histogram of gradient features (Dalal, N., Triggs, B. in International Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, pp. 886–893, 2005). Having a model based on shared lower level features, and face and object recognition specific higher level features, is consistent with findings from electrophysiology and functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments. Thus, our model begins to address the complete recognition problem in a biologically plausible way.  相似文献   

In machine learning, positive-unlabelled (PU) learning is a special case within semi-supervised learning. In positive-unlabelled learning, the training set contains some positive examples and a set of unlabelled examples from both the positive and negative classes. Positive-unlabelled learning has gained attention in many domains, especially in time-series data, in which the obtainment of labelled data is challenging. Examples which originate from the negative class are especially difficult to acquire. Self-learning is a semi-supervised method capable of PU learning in time-series data. In the self-learning approach, observations are individually added from the unlabelled data into the positive class until a stopping criterion is reached. The model is retrained after each addition with the existent labels. The main problem in self-learning is to know when to stop the learning. There are multiple, different stopping criteria in the literature, but they tend to be inaccurate or challenging to apply. This publication proposes a novel stopping criterion, which is called Peak evaluation using perceptually important points, to address this problem for time-series data. Peak evaluation using perceptually important points is exceptional, as it does not have tunable hyperparameters, which makes it easily applicable to an unsupervised setting. Simultaneously, it is flexible as it does not make any assumptions on the balance of the dataset between the positive and the negative class.   相似文献   

The paper presents a skeleton‐based approach for robust detection of perceptually salient shape features. Given ashape approximated by a polygonal surface, its skeleton is extracted using a three‐dimensional Voronoi diagramtechnique proposed recently by Amenta et al. [ 3 ]. Shape creases, ridges and ravines, are detected as curvescorresponding to skeletal edges. Salient shape regions are extracted via skeleton decomposition into patches.The approach explores the singularity theory for ridge and ravine detection, combines several filtering methodsfor skeleton denoising and for selecting perceptually important ridges and ravines, and uses a topological analysisof the skeleton for detection of salient shape regions. ACM CSS: I.3.5 Computational Geometry and Object Modeling  相似文献   

利用局部不变特征识别复杂平面多边形   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一种基于最佳匹配点、利用交比来识别平面多边形目标的方法.该方法利用目标的顶点构造交比不变量,并以其作为目标的特征矢量.采用最大隶属度原则,首先通过局部联合矢量寻找最佳匹配点和判断目标是否丢失顶点,然后识别目标.实验表明:该方法容易实现,计算量小,识别效率高,并且能够适用目标局部缺损的情况.  相似文献   

One of the basic difficulties with interactive walkthroughs is the high quality rendering of object surfaces with non-diffuse light scattering characteristics. Since full ray tracing at interactive rates is usually impossible, we render a precomputed global illumination solution using graphics hardware and use remaining computational power to correct the appearance of non-diffuse objects on-the-fly. The question arises, how to obtain the best image quality as perceived by a human observer within a limited amount of time for each frame. We address this problem by enforcing corrective computation for those non-diffuse objects that are selected using a computational model of visual attention. We consider both the saliency- and task-driven selection of those objects and benefit from the fact that shading artifacts of "unattended" objects are likely to remain unnoticed. We use a hierarchical image-space sampling scheme to control ray tracing and splat the generated point samples. The resulting image converges progressively to a ray traced solution if the viewing parameters remain unchanged. Moreover, we use a sample cache to enhance visual appearance if the time budget for correction has been too low for some frame. We check the validity of the cached samples using a novel criterion suited for non-diffuse surfaces and reproject valid samples into the current view.  相似文献   

The properties of the human visual system are taken into account, along with the geometric aspects of an object, in a new surface remeshing algorithm and a new mesh simplification algorithm. Both algorithms have a preprocessing step and are followed by the remeshing or mesh simplification steps. The preprocessing step computes an importance map that indicates the visual masking potential of the visual patterns on the surface. The importance map is then used to guide the remeshing or mesh simplification algorithms. Two different methods are proposed for computing an importance map that indicates the masking potential of the visual patterns on the surface. The first one is based on the Sarnoff visual discrimination metric, and the second one is inspired by the visual masking tool available in the current JPEG2000 standard. Given an importance map, the surface remeshing algorithm automatically distributes few samples to surface regions with strong visual masking properties due to surface texturing, lighting variations, bump mapping, surface reflectance and inter-reflections. Similarly, the mesh simplification algorithm simplifies more aggressively where the light field of an object can hide more geometric artifacts.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel concept called perceptually meaningful image editing and present techniques for manipulating the apparent depth of objects and creating the illusion of motion in 2D images. Our techniques combine principles of human visual perception with approaches developed by traditional artists. For our depth manipulation technique, the user loads an image, selects an object and specifies whether the object should appear closer or further away. The system automatically determines luminance or color temperature target values for the object and/or background that achieve the desired depth change. Our approach for creating the illusion of motion exploits the differences between our peripheral vision and our foveal vision by introducing spatial imprecision to the image.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the applicability of the features inspired by the visual ventral stream for handwritten character recognition. A set of scale and translation invariant C2 features are first extracted from all images in the dataset. Three standard classifiers kNN, ANN and SVM are then trained over a training set and then compared over a separate test set. In order to achieve higher recognition rate, a two stage classifier was designed with different preprocessing in the second stage. Experiments performed to validate the method on the well-known MNIST database, standard Farsi digits and characters, exhibit high recognition rates and compete with some of the best existing approaches. Moreover an analysis is conducted to evaluate the robustness of this approach to orientation, scale and translation distortions.  相似文献   

Perceptually optimized 3D graphics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author uses models of visual perception to remove nonperceptible components of a 3D computer graphics scene and optimize the system's performance. He considers how much detail can be removed from the scene without the user noticing, and how much added benefit these optimizations actually bring  相似文献   

基于累积边缘图像的现实人体动作识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了从现实环境下识别出人体动作,本文研究了从无约束视频中提取特征表征人体动作的问题. 首先,在无约束的视频上使用形态学梯度操作消除部分背景,获得人体的轮廓形状; 其次,提取某一段视频上每一帧形状的边缘特征,累积到一幅图像中,称之为累积边缘图像 (Accumulative edge image, AEI); 然后,在该累积边缘图像上计算基于网格的方向梯度直方图(Histograms of orientation gradients, HOG),形成特征向量表征人体的动作, 送入分类器进行分类. YouTube数据集上的实验结果表明,本文的方法比其他方法更加有效.  相似文献   

We study the recognition of surfaces made from different materials such as concrete, rug, marble, or leather on the basis of their textural appearance. Such natural textures arise from spatial variation of two surface attributes: (1) reflectance and (2) surface normal. In this paper, we provide a unified model to address both these aspects of natural texture. The main idea is to construct a vocabulary of prototype tiny surface patches with associated local geometric and photometric properties. We call these 3D textons. Examples might be ridges, grooves, spots or stripes or combinations thereof. Associated with each texton is an appearance vector, which characterizes the local irradiance distribution, represented as a set of linear Gaussian derivative filter outputs, under different lighting and viewing conditions.Given a large collection of images of different materials, a clustering approach is used to acquire a small (on the order of 100) 3D texton vocabulary. Given a few (1 to 4) images of any material, it can be characterized using these textons. We demonstrate the application of this representation for recognition of the material viewed under novel lighting and viewing conditions. We also illustrate how the 3D texton model can be used to predict the appearance of materials under novel conditions.  相似文献   

基于深度序列的人体行为识别, 一般通过提取特征图来提高识别精度, 但这类特征图通常存在时序信息缺失的问题. 针对上述问题, 本文提出了一种新的深度图序列表示方式, 即深度时空图(Depth space time maps, DSTM). DSTM降低了特征图的冗余度, 弥补了时序信息缺失的问题. 本文通过融合空间信息占优的深度运动图(Depth motion maps, DMM) 与时序信息占优的DSTM, 进行高精度的人体行为研究, 并提出了多聚点子空间学习(Multi-center subspace learning, MCSL)的多模态数据融合算法. 该算法为各类数据构建多个投影聚点, 以此增大样本的类间距离, 降低了投影目标区域维度. 本文在MSR-Action3D数据集和UTD-MHAD数据集上进行人体行为识别. 最后实验结果表明, 本文方法相较于现有人体行为识别方法有着较高的识别率.  相似文献   

A new approach to grayscale font generation improves on the fuzzy characters produced by existing methods by incorporating the expertise of type designers into rules for character-outline weight and phase control. The method we propose for synthesizing high-contrast grayscale characters relies on the set of visual rules that type designers have derived from their many years of manual design. We call our grayscaling method `perceptually tuned font generation', because it is based on human perception-that of both the designer and the reader  相似文献   

Perceptually stable regions for arbitrary polygons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zou and Yan have recently developed a skeletonization algorithm of digital shapes based on a regularity/singularity analysis; they use the polygon whose vertices are the boundary pixels of the image to compute a constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT) in order to find local symmetries and stable regions. Their method has produced good results but it is slow since its complexity depends on the number of contour pixels. This paper presents an extension of their technique to handle arbitrary polygons, not only polygons of short edges. Consequently, not only can we achieve results as good as theirs for digital images, but we can also compute skeletons of polygons of any number of edges. Since we can handle polygonal approximations of figures, the skeletons are more resilient to noise and faster to process.  相似文献   

Surface reflectance of real‐world materials is now widely represented by the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and also by spatially varying representations such as SVBRDF and the bidirectional texture function (BTF). The raw surface reflectance measurements are typically compressed or fitted by analytical models, that always introduce a certain loss of accuracy. For its evaluation we need a distance function between a reference surface reflectance and its approximate version. Although some of the past techniques tried to reflect the perceptual sensitivity of human vision, they have neither optimized illumination and viewing conditions nor surface shape. In this paper, we suggest a new image‐based methodology for comparing different anisotropic BRDFs. We use optimization techniques to generate a novel surface which has extensive coverage of incoming and outgoing light directions, while preserving its features and frequencies that are important for material appearance judgments. A single rendered image of such a surface along with simultaneously optimized lighting and viewing directions leads to the computation of a meaningful BRDF difference, by means of standard image difference predictors. A psychophysical experiments revealed that our surface provides richer information on material properties than the standard surfaces often used in computer graphics, e.g., sphere or blob.  相似文献   

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