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曾成德 《时代建筑》2007,(4):I0008-I0009
建筑(architecture)与屋舍(building)究竟有何分野?西方当代建筑史学家尼古拉斯·佩夫斯纳(Nikolaus Pevsner)在其巨著《欧洲建筑史纲(An Outline of European Architecture)》序言中开宗明义地为我们指出“脚踏车棚舍是一般屋舍.林肯大教堂是建筑作品”。[第一段]  相似文献   

1995年.Michael Vergason景观设计有限公司与建筑师Torti Gallas和些合作伙伴最先参与到国家大教堂周边环境的总体规划中。该规划蓝图兼顾了场地附近4所学校的需求以及大教堂自身对于游客和朝拜者的重要性。该设计基于1910年和1924年奥姆斯特德兄弟的总体规划,并做了细致的改良。  相似文献   

张少森 《建筑与环境》2009,3(2):143-145
慕尼黑圣心教堂作为典型的德国当代建筑,对传统哥特教堂的空间结构、空间序列、空间界面以及光的运用进行了继承,并用当代的建筑语言进行了演绎,在简洁的形体下获得了具有丰富内涵的教堂仪式空间。  相似文献   

葡萄牙是一个天主教国家,群众大都信奉天主教.这个传统,由于葡殖民主义的入侵,便带到澳门来.小小的澳门,现存的各式各样天主教教堂便有10多所,其中的奥斯汀教堂虽不是最大和最华丽的,但却有纪念意义.  相似文献   

<正>Abraham Lincoln(February 12,1809~April 15,1865)was the 16th President~1 of the United States of America.He served as President from March 4,1861,until April 15,1865(he was re-elected in 1864).He is the first republican President,but also a statesman~2 who belongs among the great.  相似文献   

张岩 《建筑技艺》2012,(2):132-139
在挪威克里斯蒂安桑,两所临近的学校决定要合并成一个新的学校。CEBRA提出了延展现有学校建筑的几何形体以及伸展趋势的想法,在建筑符号上设计成了一个十字形,表示从前的两所学校达成新的团结一致,这个方案使我们赢得了设计竞赛。考虑到这两个学校文化之间的交接,我们设计了多样的教学环境,以满足现代教育。新的学校包含两种文化中最好的部  相似文献   

闵晶 《华中建筑》2007,25(8):24-27
通过对米兰大教堂修建的历史的回顾,从修建背景、建造中有关比例的争论、建造过程与建成建筑的特色几个方面,分析在长达五个世纪的建造过程中米兰大教堂是如何形成现在与众不同的哥特式建筑特色的.  相似文献   

建于1960年代的林肯中心是全球知名的表演艺术圣地。它位于百老汇大街与哥伦比亚大道交汇处,占地约16公顷,跨越从62街到65街的三个街区,囊括了十二个顶级的表演艺术及教育组织,不仅是纽约重要的文化心脏,也推动了纽约市甚至纽约州的经济发展。它的公共设施吸引着大量来自世界各地的游客,也为纽约市民、以及附近居民提供了重要的城市公共空间。在建成近半个世纪后,林肯中心的许多设施已经不能适应今日的表演以及公众的需求。2006年,林肯中心启动其总值12亿美元的大规模改扩建工程,  相似文献   

The Cathedral of Noto, one of the most important baroque monuments that has given notoriety to the town of Noto, collapsed in the 13th of March 1996, approximately 5 years after the earthquake of ‘Santa Lucia’ that took place in December 13th 1990. The collapse has pointed out serious deficiencies in constructive materials of pilasters, even in their capacity to support vertical loads. That is why the earthquake of 1990 has acted as ‘the last blow’, coming after a long period of fatigue. Instead, the geometry of the church results to be ‘good’, and for this reason the reconstruction design consists merely in new pilasters, well made with local material, the well known ‘pietra di Noto’ and the replacement is going to take place both on the right, in the place of the collapsed pilasters, and on the left, in substitution of the old pilasters, really not adaptive for restoration. In this way, and with few other interventions, the ‘new’ church should result capable to resist to earthquakes similar to the one that occurred in 1693.  相似文献   

The baroque buildings of Sicily should be ideal subjects of Fracture Mechanics, having heights up to 60 m, PGA up to 0.30×g, low strengths, few reinforcements, aggregate with irregular stones in the most vulnerable zones. Their analysis constitutes a severe test. The damages between the earthquake on 13.12.1990 and its collapse on 13.03.1996 are due to cracking development always. A monotonic static analysis by FE is performed here. Prestressing and lightening are examined.  相似文献   

英国教堂,较明显地受法国影响,并保持自己的特色,形成英国罗马式和英国哥特式.  相似文献   

A series of level measurements, over a period of 7 years, have been taken in Gloucester Cathedral to attempt to monitor vertical movement of the structure. A statistical regression analysis of the results showed that the Cathedral has tilted very slightly about an axis running approximately NNE to SSW. The heavy, bell tower end of the Cathedral has settled by 8 mm at some points although the general lowering is much less. Reasons for the change are probably because of changes in the water table. The statistical analysis showed that the errors followed a normal distribution.  相似文献   

东正教“圣母大堂”折射的拜占庭建筑艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东正教自二十世纪初期传入中国,目前在上海乃至中国的影响已日渐式微,然而在上海这个“万国建筑博览会”的艺术殿堂中,东正教堂特有的拜占庭建筑风格无疑占有重要的一席之地。以新近修缮的优秀历史建筑——上海新乐路东正教堂(圣母大堂)为例,并将之与哈尔滨索菲亚大教堂及上海皋兰路圣尼古拉斯教堂进行对比,解析拜占庭建筑艺术风格特征,探索东正教宗教文化特点,体现出建筑历史渊源、文脉特征的查考对优秀历史建筑保护的重要意义。  相似文献   

广州圣心大教堂(石室)是中国规模最大的石结构哥特式教堂,蔡孝是教堂建设期间的总管工。本文根据历史文献资料,展示圣心大教堂建设的历史背景和曲折经历,并揭示了蔡孝既是一个创造了建筑奇迹的杰出工匠,又是一个为人不齿的洋人走狗。  相似文献   

米兰大教堂决定使用电动吊重行驶起重机为大教堂建造.保护和维修工作提供起重作业服务。  相似文献   

Historic debris flow activity along the north side of Cathedral Mountain in the southern Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, began in 1925 and has increased in frequency up to 1985. A typical debris flow event involves approximately 100,000 m3 of material. Debris flow velocities and discharges above the head of the fan crossed by the Trans-Canada Highway and the C.P.R. mainline are 5.5 m/sec and 210 m3/sec. Most of the large debris flow events are associated with jökulhlaups from Cathedral Glacier. Jökulhlaup discharges of at least 10,000 and perhaps as much as 24,000 m3 of water mobilize these debris flows. Part of the water may have come from a small ephemeral lake on the south side of the glacier. The balance must have been stored within the glacier. The onset and acceleration of debris flow activity was apparently induced by the recession of Cathedral Glacier. Source areas of debris flow sediments have retreated upslope since initiation of debris flow activity. C.P.R. began pumping meltwater from the glacier in 1985 and no jökulhlaups or significant debris flows have occurred since. This preventive measure should either eliminate jökulhlaups or reduce their magnitudes should they occur. Without jökulhlaups, debris flow hazard in the area should be reduced both in frequency and in magnitude.  相似文献   

On 13th March 1996 the dome of the St. Nicolò Cathedral of Noto fell due to a post-seismic structural collapse. In order to study the soil–structure interaction a comprehensive laboratory and in situ investigation has been carried out to obtain a soil profile. In this paper the dynamic characterisation results and normalised laws are proposed to consider shear modulus decay and damping ratio increase with strain level. The existing foundations of the cathedral were investigated by means of excavations and tests on the stones and the mortar. In this way the foundations were subjected to visual inspections to detect their size and their embedment level. Now, the soil–foundation interaction has been analysed by means of the finite element code SOFIA, considering at this stage the superstructure weight through the influence area approach. In particular, the effects of the designed remedial work of the foundation have been studied, comparing the two configurations before and after the foundation improvement.  相似文献   

The Cathedral of Noto was damaged after the earthquake that hit Sicily in 1990. Soon after the event, cracks appeared on the domes of the lateral naves, and also on the pillars. In 1992 some provisional work had been carried out in view of confining the pillars of the central nave that were damaged. Some pictures made after the earthquake also show clearly the presence of moisture rise on the pillars and walls. A sudden collapse due to the damages was probably not expected, so that no other measures were taken to better strengthen and repair the structures. Only after the collapse of the Civic Tower in Pavia (1989) and the following research (Masonry Int J 6 (1992) 11, Second International Conference RILEM on Rehabilitation of Structures, Highett, Australia (1998) 542), it was clearly shown that in case of high stresses on low-strength masonry an existing damage can slowly lead to partial or total collapse of the structure over a long time. It seems a confirmation of this long-term behaviour of the structures that the Cathedral collapse took place in 1996, 6 years after the earthquake, which had certainly caused high damages to the structure.  相似文献   

林肯公园场地是一个小型的城市场地,面积仅略大于1hm2,位于南佛罗里达迈阿密华盛顿大道和第17大街交汇处。该公园试图为迈阿密建立一种新型的公园范本。这样大小的城市公园通常在设计中会更多地使用硬质铺装而鲜用软铺装,但是林肯公园特殊的公园。  相似文献   

Editor: Min Fengkui's article "Bicycle traffic inChina" in your issue of June 1986 (volume 2number 1) provides a valuable overview ofthe growth of bicycling in China's cities andits relationship to public transportation. Healso offers some interesting proposals re-garding policies to be followed in cities ofvarious sizes with respect to the promotionof bicycling and public transportation. While much of his paper is interestingand useful, we do want to take issue withcertain parts of his analysis as well as with  相似文献   

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