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Brian Schermer 《Journal of Architectural Education》2001,55(1):31-42
The rising proportion of architects who work as in-house employees of large client organizations represents an important shift in the pattern of architectural employment. Client-situated practice presents new challenges for architects that they do not otherwise face in more traditional work settings. This research attempts to provide, through a case study of one group of in-house architects, a fuller understanding of the nature of this form of work. The study uses a community of practice perspective to shed light on how the architects fit within the client's organizational structure and hierarchy, the practical actions and strategies of the architects and others who are involved in building design, and the material and social context in which the architectural work is situated. After comparison with traditional practice, this article offers suggestions for preparing students for this growing form of architectural employment. 相似文献
C. Greig Crysler 《Journal of Architectural Education》2013,67(4):208-217
Combining insights from the sociology and political economy of the professions with several more recent analyses of canon formation, this article provides a critique of the transmission model of education which currently dominates architectural training. The transmission model is criticized for its tendency to portray students as passive and homogeneous professional subjects removed from social and political forces. An alternative model of educational practice, informed by theories of critical pedagogy, is considered. Critical pedagogy provides insights into how the existing framework of architectural education might be challenged, permitting the development of a more democratic learning environment informed by competing interpretations, alternative histories, and a new range of situated political issues. 相似文献
H. Kawamura A. Tani H. Naknao M. Yamada 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1992,7(2):131-142
Abstract: In the critical analysis of fracture and unstable behavior of structures, the uniqueness of solution is no longer assured. Such critical states can be analyzed by recognizing their deformation- and forcespaces which are not considered in the usual numerical matrix analysis. The purpose of this paper is to show the applicability of qualitative reasoning, which has been recently developed as a method of artificial intelligence, to the above-mentioned critical analysis of structures. To recognize multi-dimensional spaces, qualitative reasoning is performed using reasoning rules described with production rules 'if ∼ then ∼' and qualitative values +, 0 and −. As a case study, qualitative reasoning is applied to some kind of truss units subjected to combined axial force, bending moment and shear force. Its mechanical behavior can be illustrated in the three-dimensional deformation- and force-spaces. Here, the LISP language, which is suitable for processing lists, is employed. 相似文献
这篇文章以肯尼斯·弗兰普敦的批判地方主义作为考察中国当代建筑设计实践的一个重要视点,从以下三个方面分析了杭州历史博物馆主楼设计:流线转换与地形、空间层次与传统空间关系、构造学与地方形式。作者试图在地方主义的框架里理解这个有个性的建筑作品,另一方面,发现其中鲜活的灵感和建筑师的个人经历对于建筑设计的影响也是这篇评论的另一个目的。 相似文献
现代主义建筑运动风靡全球,"国际式"的风格、快速的建造模式和方法大大提升了生产效率.但是这也陷入了趋同化的陷阱,越来越多带有地域特征的建筑走向消失.一些建筑师开始反思,呼吁一种批判性的地域主义,而这种批判性正是来自于对本土建筑文化的挖掘与反思.建筑文化本身是有地域性的,所以批判性地域主义和建筑文化都是一种对地方性和场所性的判识. 相似文献
以黄山悦榕庄建筑设计为实例,分析了山地建筑的特征、山地建筑与环境设计的关系,同时对该项目的设计作出了详细阐述。通过对自然环境、人文环境的分析,依据现代工程技术,借鉴传统元素,使该工程既有浓厚的地域特色,又具有新时代特征的山地建筑。 相似文献
现代主义建筑运动风靡全球,"国际式"的风格、快速的建造模式和方法大大提升了生产效率.但是这也陷入了趋同化的陷阱,越来越多带有地域特征的建筑走向消失.一些建筑师开始反思,呼吁一种批判性的地域主义,而这种批判性正是来自于对本土建筑文化的挖掘与反思.建筑文化本身是有地域性的,所以批判性地域主义和建筑文化都是一种对地方性和场所性的判识. 相似文献
1955 年针对梁思成的建筑思想批判,剑指资产阶级唯心主义、复古主义与建筑中的“浪费现象”,却未对关涉建筑设计规律的“型范”“法式”“做法”等问题进行深入的学术讨论,终不能令梁思成心悦诚服。梁思成主张传承并发展以宋《营造法式》、清《工程做法》为代表的中国古代建筑模数化设计方法,藉以创造具有中国风格的现代主义建筑。他的这一探索在 1955 年遭遇了重创,他的学术思想却未因此改弦易张。 相似文献
<正>从2006年在《南方都市报》创立"建筑评论"栏目,迄今已有8年时间。在这8年中,我的实践可以分为两个阶段。第一阶段为2006年—2012年,期间作为大众媒体从业者,在都市类报纸上开设了首个"建筑评论"专栏,发起主办"中国建筑思想"论坛及中国建筑传媒奖;第二阶段为2013年至今,联合创办了一个志在将"建筑"推向大众的独立机构,带领一个年轻的团队在过去一年中做着多元的尝试。"建筑评论"起源于偶然。2006年,接手《南方都市报》"地产评论"版面——这个版面关注的焦点是纯粹的市场分析,可读性相对较差。为了增强版面 相似文献
Randy Deutsch 《Architectural Design》2017,87(3):56-67
Standard architectural education today rarely covers workflows. Yet successful architecture practice is as much about collaboration, communication and organisation as it is about design. To achieve this, it is crucial to ask the right questions. Here, Chicago-based architect and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign associate professor Randy Deutsch examines projects across the US and in London – from governmental and diplomatic buildings to sports and music facilities and an airport – to demonstrate how five firms have evolved their working process in order to fulfil challenging briefs. 相似文献
建筑创作的实践与思维 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
我的童年及少年时代在珠江三角洲的农村度过,然后到广州读书,有着从农村到城市的不同环境的薰陶和人间阅历;1936年大学毕业之后,先从事道路土木工程,解放之后又进入建筑设计与创作领域,有着从工程实践到建筑艺术创作的不同体会与思考。回首几十年中生活、环境、职业的转移和变化所引发的生活及思维的发展,颇有痕迹可寻。乡土田园审美观的孕育12岁之前,生活在珠江口农村中,与广州市郊只一江之隔。这里水网纵横,蕉基鱼塘,田畴聚落,星罗棋布,一派水乡自然景色。在这种天然的田园风光和淳朴人情关系的环境的潜移默化薰陶下,形成了一种乡土田园审… 相似文献
本文讨论了建筑类型学的类型与原型理论,并结合湖南大学营造工作室多年的建筑实践介绍了营造工作室在类型学理论方面的探索。 相似文献