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In this second-year graduate studio at the University of Pennsylvania, students generated different spatial and tectonic models by scrutinizing the dynamic conditions inherent in transparent surfaces. These different models were utilized to address an institution currently caught within a very different metaphor, and dilemma, of transparency: the contemporary public elementary school.  相似文献   

Utilizing an educational concept known as the hidden curriculum to analyze the design studio, the author argues that there is a rough correspondence between schooling and larger societal practices, where the selection of knowledge and the ways in which school social relations are structured to distribute such knowledge, are influenced by forms and practices of power in society. Asymmetrical relations of power are reproduced in schools and classrooms, including the design studio. In response, the author has been experimenting with a transformative pedagogy for the design studio, attempting to set up the conditions to investigate not only the many issues of design, but the nature of design education itself, especially with regard to how knowledge is produced and disseminated, how social relations are structured, and how students and the professor come to see their roles in these activities.  相似文献   

Combining insights from the sociology and political economy of the professions with several more recent analyses of canon formation, this article provides a critique of the transmission model of education which currently dominates architectural training. The transmission model is criticized for its tendency to portray students as passive and homogeneous professional subjects removed from social and political forces. An alternative model of educational practice, informed by theories of critical pedagogy, is considered. Critical pedagogy provides insights into how the existing framework of architectural education might be challenged, permitting the development of a more democratic learning environment informed by competing interpretations, alternative histories, and a new range of situated political issues.  相似文献   

This article reports on a master class convened by the Centre for Creative Arts, La Trobe University, in October 2012. It describes a performative approach to the encouragement of participants to find common ground between their different research fields. Using a tool-kit of concepts (intermundium, fit, and template), the leader fostered a new genealogy of hybrid ideations that progressively materialised the qualitative experience of ambience. Ambience emerges as an accumulation of marginal interests emarginated to find their common ground. It is suggested that the rhapsodic style of pedagogy described here has particular relevance to an enlarged pedagogy of architectural design, one able to articulate the ambient properties of human groups and physical arrangements. Exploring another, institutional margin, the dramaturgical nature of the teaching technique suggests a way of turning the institution inside-out.  相似文献   

景观设计之重要学术意义和实践作用已在国内外得到了普遍的认同,但国内景观设计教育教学则正在经历一个共同探索和转型之际。针对如此游离不定状态,本文提出研究景观设计专业建设的目标,制定适合新形势下的人才培养模式,并通过教学实践方式解决目前景观设计办学中所遇到的实际问题,从而探索出景观设计学教育教学之新途径1。  相似文献   

During the Cold War, the United States and USSR used educational exchange programs as instruments of cultural diplomacy. In 1950, East German reconstruction policy was radically transformed through a well-documented Soviet-sponsored reorientation of architects and planners from East Berlin. This article chronicles a concurrent but little-known exchange, sponsored by the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, which sent West German architects to America for professional retraining. Although the U.S. program fell far short of its intentions, it illuminates the nature of Cold War cultural strategies deploying urban planning pedagogy, which were meant to reproduce American values and systems of governance abroad.  相似文献   

基于虚拟设计工作室的建筑学教学方法初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于自身独有的特点,欧美建筑学教育大多数是基于设计工作室进行的。基于工作室的教学方法对于理论联系实践,提高学生的创造力有着不可低估的作用,而中国的建筑学教育在这方面的实践却远远不够。通过信息网络技术建立的虚拟设计工作室可以弥补教学方法的不足,达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

A new generation of architects, urban designers and planners are rethinking the city. Bill Menking describes how the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) has orchestrated a number of art-based collaborations in the New York boroughs that enable the community to participate in the reimagining of urban space. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为提高结构力学的教学效果,探讨用实验手段展现结构力学抽象理论的教学方法。该教学方法在经典结构力学教学基础上,增加3个层次的实验教学环节,即通过课堂演示实验加深学生对结构力学中抽象理论的理解,通过理解性实验提高学生理论联系实际的能力,通过学生自主提问、教师引导进行探索性实验,培养主动学习的习惯。将结构力学中的抽象理论实物化,使教学内容更加丰富,增强学生的综合能力,达到素质教育和创新发展的目的。  相似文献   

面对新世纪基础教育改革不断深化的严峻挑战,特别是应对全面实施创新教育的需要,教育学课程也必将面临着由传统走向现代的创新和转变。加强和改进高师公共教育学的教学方法,采取案例教学法、模拟教学、讨论式互动教学等方法,是进一步提高学生教育教学能力,发挥教育学在师范教育课程体系中应有作用的有效途径。  相似文献   

Georges Bataille (1897–1962) was a contemporary of Le Corbusier (1887–1965) and one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. He gave Le Corbusier a copy of his most celebrated book, La Part Maudite (The accursed share) and inscribed it with a warm dedication. At the time he received this gift, Le Corbusier was about to embark on the planning of Chandigarh in India. On his way to India, Le Corbusier read the book; he read it autobiographically, the same way he had read his copy of Homer's The Iliad and Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra. Le Corbusier's reading of La Part Maudite is a significant event in his late intellectual life. This essay reflects on the nature of Le Corbusier's reading. It traces the circumstances of the friendship between these two very different thinkers and speculates on the origin of their affinities and the confluence of the ideas that brought them together. I argue that the notions of the gift and potlatch in La Part Maudite, coming to Bataille from Marcel Mauss, are at the origin of the idea of the Open Hand in India.  相似文献   

2015年中外建筑史教学研讨会于2015年5月在同济大学召开。会议以"挑战与机遇——探索网络时代的建筑历史教学之路"为题,探讨在全球化网络时代,知识生产、传播和交流的方式发生质的改变背景下建筑历史教学的新理念、新思路和新方法。文章以当代建筑史研究动态与建筑史教学、网络时代与建筑史教学和建筑史教学在建筑学教育中的地位为三条主要线索,根据会议发言、论文和相关背景文献,整理了与会者的主要观点。  相似文献   

文章主要研究了L-矩阵多参数预条件AOR迭代方法中参数的选取对收敛速度的影响,并给出了相应的比较定理,最后通过数值例子来进行说明。  相似文献   

教学和科研作为高等院校的两项最重要职能,其间有着重要的互动关系.城乡规划是具有多学科综合特征的应用型社会学科,新时期规划工作的转型对城乡规划教育提出了更高要求.从理论角度探讨了“研究”和“教学”的本质含义及其关系,总结了学生学习经历的不同阶段及其特征,提出规划教育应该立足把学生由依赖外部因素的被动学习者提升为具有独立思考能力的积极的知识探求者,而以研究为导向的教学则是达到这一目标的基本方法.在此基础上,总结了研究型教学的四种方法,并通过实例介绍了研究型教学的具体形式,同时在学生和同行反馈信息的基础上对当前教学方法进行了一定程度的批判性评述和反思,提出研究型教学的设计与实践必须在理论的框架下并遵循科学的方法进行,同时还需兼顾教学的平等性和包容性等教育价值观问题,在此基础上才能有效推动高校城乡规划专业教研的有机融合,为社会培养研究型和创造型复合人才.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to carry out a mixed methods construction education study seeking to improve student learning. This study uses project-based learning (PrBL) and milestone deliverable pedagogy to teach a concrete industry project management course and compares the outcome to a control (non-PrBL) version of the same course. The intervention course was designed as a full semester learning experience for students. The students worked as project managers from start to finish constantly contributing to the completion of their team project. In the control scenario, delivered in Fall 2013, students were required to carry-out a traditional project due at the end of the semester. This study examines the impact of having the course project become the main learning mechanism and considers and measures the ways in which PrBL affects student performance. Pre and post questionnaires regarding self-perceptions of learning and skill development were administered and project and course grades were used to assess the impact of PrBL on the students’ performance. The questionnaires revealed a minimum increase of students’ perception of their understanding of 48%. The course grade comparison showed an average of 13% point increase in all student grades when the PrBL pedagogy was implemented.  相似文献   

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