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This article investigates how cultural landscapes (especially the potentially limiting organically evolved landscape) can be used as a research framework to evaluate historical mining heritage sites in Australia and New Zealand. We argue that when mining heritage sites are read as evolved organic landscapes and linked to the surrounding forested and hedged farmland, the disruptive aspects of mining are masked. Cultural landscape is now a separate listing for World Heritage sites and includes associative and designed landscape as well as those that have evolved organically. These usages have rarely been scrutinized with care. We analyse how mid-nineteenth century goldmining sites can be best thematically interpreted and understood for their heritage, indeed World Heritage, significance and, where appropriate, developed for their sustainable heritage tourism potential. Drawing on a number of research disciplines, a schematic framework is offered for interpreting and classifying these new world cultural landscapes based upon analysis of gold-rush heritage sites throughout the Trans-Tasman world. We evaluate and apply this framework to place-based case studies in Victoria, Australia and Otago, New Zealand.  相似文献   

后种族隔离时代的南非民主进程方才10年,我们开始看到建筑设计新途径的首批清晰信号。本文探讨了当代南非建筑,尤其是新公共建筑的文化认同问题,作者认为今日绝大多数的南非人,希望通过面向来来的民主之路,逃离种族隔离岁月的种种压迫,重新想像其个人与集体的归属感,建筑作为一种公众艺术,在此主体再发现的过程中,明显必须扮演其角色,本文开篇,在南非长期受殖民统治的脉络中,发展了有关主体认同的一些文化政治反思,继而提出,建筑实践能够贡献于新的文化认同的3种建径,视设计为一种开放与民主的实践,公共空间的建造与设计中的建构记忆理念,并以当代南非建筑的重要作品分别诠释。  相似文献   

采访主要包括5个方面话题:对建筑教育的态度和对在美国普林斯顿大学40年教学经历的终止的回顾;如何理解埃森曼的批判性写作、批判性阅读和批判性实践之间的关系,以及在不断发展中所呈现出的多样变化甚至矛盾关系;对建筑学的一些基本问题的认识,以及这些认识与当代语境之间的联系;作为一个重要的文化角色,埃氏本人如何理解他的同事和学生所提出的“后批判”和“投射理论”,以及他本人如何进行回应;关于中国的话题。  相似文献   

The Austrian-born architects Erwin Winkler and Fritz Eisenhofer immigrated to New Zealand during the 1950s. After working at the Housing Division of the Ministry of Works, they established a joint architectural practice in 1958 when the growing New Zealand economy and governmental efforts, such as the Group Housing Scheme, increased the building of homes. At the same time the repetitive appearance of English Cottage Style state houses, that had been built in reaction to a severe housing shortage after the Second World War, led to a demand for architecturally designed homes. In reaction to this,Winkler & Eisenhofer established a reputation as a non-conformist practice in creating homes that not only offered modern open-plan living, but also featured unusual features, murals or sculptures. After New Zealand had overcome the housing shortage by the early 1960s, and during an economic upsurge, the practice received commissions from wealthy clients and was no longer competing with builders who offered standardised homes. Winkler & Eisenhofer now oriented their houses towards contemporary American precedents created for a clientele who wished their homes to reflect individuality, internationality and modernity. A number of architectural practices sought at the same time to develop a distinct New Zealand architectural idiom. This paper investigates how the careers of Winkler & Eisenhofer developed at a time when the demand for homes that were designed to overcome a housing shortage, shifted to a demand for modern houses that reflected a newly developing life-style. Within the complex discourse on architectural modernism in New Zealand, Winkler & Eisenhofer's houses were created outside of the ongoing search for a distinct New Zealand style.  相似文献   

Landscape design is an expression and repository of cultural values and beliefs, and in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the designed landscape faces particular challenges. Globalization is seen as a potential threat to landscape identity, which is even more significant for a country which has built its economy and self-image from its unique natural landscape. The potential for resistance is limited by the small size and youth of the profession of landscape architecture in New Zealand. While traditions of farming and gardening extend back to early European settlement in the mid nineteenth century, and beyond to indigenous Maori practices of land modification, professional landscape design is a relatively recent development (the first tertiary course in landscape architecture began at Lincoln College (now Lincoln University) in 1969). Landscape design in New Zealand draws its vocabulary from the power of the country's natural heritage landscapes, convinced that a naturalistic aesthetic exclusively represents environmental health. Some of the core values of New Zealand society are, however, overlooked by designers. The need to develop a critically informed design language which includes the farming landscape along with the natural one is argued. The invention of such a language, referred to as a complex ecological aesthetic, is seen as a potential source of design expression that is invigorated by the tension between mechanistic and natural landscape aesthetics. It therefore has the potential to promote environmental health, while being regionally grounded, and can help face the challenges that globilization poses to the landscape.  相似文献   

董勤铭 《中外建筑》2010,(10):82-83
纵观当今世界发展的趋势,中国和西方两大势力是最具有活力和发展的政治、经济、文化主体,中国通过20年左右的改革,发展的趋势直追西方发达国家,在这些年的发展成就中最具有代表的是建筑业的发展,一栋栋高楼拔地而起,让西方世界目瞪口呆。但是我们发现建筑形式还是以西方美学形式主导我们的建筑。具有中国文化特色的精品建筑少之又少,最具有代表和经典的现代建筑并具有中国文化特征的建筑是北京香山饭店。其设计师是具有中国文化背景的美国华裔建筑师贝聿铭,还有几个代表作中国建筑大师戴念慈设计的北京饭店等作品,让我们看见的具有民族亲和力的作品比较少,所以我们必须了解中西古建筑的一些文化特征,作为我们建筑设计的参考,从中汲取美学、文化元素是作为一个建筑师应具备的文化内涵。  相似文献   

金磊 《建筑创作》2009,(9):132-144
回溯新中国建筑设计及建筑学理论研究60年的历程,既经历了创建、发展和辉煌,也经历了顿挫、困境与危机。"建筑中国60年"系列丛书从策划、编撰到出版的两年间是《建筑创作》杂志社团队不懈追求、理清历史史实、揭示事件内涵、把握作品评析要点的过程。为此本丛书力诫当下文化的"浮躁"病症,每一位作者力求用独特而深刻的历史批判视点,在展示中国建筑60年学术成就及优秀作品的同时,还坚守文化态度和积极探索真理的精神,努力反映出新中国一代代建筑学人们求真务实的学术品质。我以为"建筑中国60年"系列丛书的宗旨:要让新中国60年建筑的经典作品不仅仅真正成为一种思想和精神财富,更要引发出一系列真切的反省及总结机制,本丛书的"建筑中国"一词凸显新中国大厦奠基与新中国建筑作品建设过程这双重含义,前者具有宏观精神,后者更体现扎实的工程意义。作为一部志向于以建筑的名义向新中国60年华诞致敬的大型系列出版物,它已不再是一套具有某些个人情绪的建筑师随笔类"小书",而是集中反映"建筑中国60年"历程中的记忆、作品、语言、文字、图片等精神财富的"大书",从中不仅能读到建筑随时代变迁的发展史,更能成为珍贵的建筑设计学在理念与信息上的"教科书",因为其中闪现着一代代建筑师在艰难中奋进且不无坎坷的身影,从此种意义上讲"建筑中国60年"系列就是希望用"全集"呈现60载中国建筑的文化创造。  相似文献   

Ada Louise Huxtable is widely acknowledged to be among the most influential architectural critics of the last century. Her recent death was followed by numerous assessments of the many achievements of her long, pioneering career. Although Huxtable wrote about countless works of architecture, evidence of her enduring influence may be found in the circumstances surrounding the evolution of a single building—the Gallery of Modern Art in New York City—which became inextricably intertwined with Huxtable's critique of it. The story of Huxtable's engagement with this building serves as a case study of the potential impact of the cultural critic and how architectural criticism intersects with practice and politics.  相似文献   

Relatively little work has been done on the housing experience of recent migrants from cultural backgrounds different to that of their host society. This absence is particularly marked for relatively high socio-economic status skilled migrants, many of whom have to negotiate housing markets significantly different from those in their countries of origin. Data obtained from a panel study of recent immigrants from three separate sources—China, India and South Africa—to New Zealand's main cities (primarily Auckland) are used to explore the nature of their housing experiences. Over a four-year period these migrants moved towards the New Zealand norm of owner occupied, detached dwellings, although more rapidly in some cases than others; the pace of movement reflected not only cultural differences among the three groups, relative to the New Zealand norms, but also experiences in the labour market. These differences are reflected in levels of satisfaction with the decision to move to New Zealand.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):237-257
Both conservatives and liberals have criticized the New Urbanist movement with respect to its built outcomes and underlying theory. Conservatives admit that New Urbanism represents a particular market segment, but contend that most Americans prefer the traditional auto‐oriented suburb. Many critics on the left argue that New Urbanism is a false hope for improving urban life because it is limited to physical design, deals inadequately with issues of social justice and political economy, and is easily appropriated by the real estate industry as just another consumer product. The existing literature offers little systematic discussion of how the capitalist system matches up with New Urbanist principles and practices. This paper explores this issue by creating a framework for understanding the intersection of the three circuits of capital – finance capital, fixed capital, and research and technology capital – with three key New Urbanist principles – design fit; sustainability; and a composite principle encompassing civility, diversity, and equity. Given the three circuits of capital and the three design principles, there are nine points of interaction between New Urbanism and capitalism. Rather than taking capitalist principles for granted when evaluating the challenges facing New Urbanism, the authors use a critical perspective of this economic system. The conclusion suggests some changes in finance, regulation, politics, and design philosophy that may be needed before the full benefits of New Urbanism can be realized.  相似文献   

任肖莉 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):38-39
以印度建筑师拉吉.里瓦尔的设计作品——新德里尼赫鲁展览馆为例,分析了如何创造具有印度特色的建筑空间,阐述了印度建筑的文化内涵、艺术形式以及主要的建筑手法。  相似文献   

建筑照明在建筑夜间的艺术效果、文化表达方面具有非常重要的作用,优秀的照明设计能够更准确地表达建筑意图、文化内涵、烘托建筑的性格与环境的气氛。大体量异型建筑具有独特的雕塑感形体,带给人强烈的视觉冲击与美的享受,其美的表达离不开精湛的建筑照明艺术设计。而环境破坏与资源枯竭是当今最受关注的世界性问题,大环境对建筑节能提出了新的要求。大体量异型建筑巨大的照明能耗是实现建筑节能目标的巨大障碍。内蒙古科技馆新馆借助合理的照明设计与计算机计算模拟等手段,整合了建筑艺术效果、文化表达、建筑节能以及经济性等方面,是值得研究借鉴的低能耗照明设计的优秀案例。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the roles and responsibilities of the architect and architectural education in addressing complex water issues. The scholarship highlights the importance of collaborative design efforts and small-scale interventions to address values, understanding, and function in the face of urban complexity and the effects of climate change in New Orleans. Design-build projects of the Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design, the community design center of the Tulane School of Architecture, serve as a vehicle to reflect on both the evolution of public interest design practice and definitions of pragmatism. Our intent is to underscore architecture's relevancy and the potentials of incremental action in responding to New Orleans's uncertain future.  相似文献   

由理论与方法的角度讨论建筑评价的课题,本文由1960-1970年代人与环境研究的用后评估作为历史的,制度的以及论述的建构的进步起点,然后,讨论1980年代建筑批评与建筑史的论辩,作为理论反思的方法论转折点。接着,由文学批评与文化研究的知识贡献,讨论建筑论述与设计措词的课题。最后,以论述的空间作为结论,并推荐贺龙·巴赫德的《埃菲尔铁塔》作为建筑批评、建筑史写作以及符号学研究对艾菲尔铁塔解秘的范例。  相似文献   

Landscape design is an expression and repository of cultural values and beliefs, and in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the designed landscape faces particular challenges. Globalization is seen as a potential threat to landscape identity, which is even more significant for a country which has built its economy and self-image from its unique natural landscape. The potential for resistance is limited by the small size and youth of the profession of landscape architecture in New Zealand. While traditions of farming and gardening extend back to early European settlement in the mid nineteenth century, and beyond to indigenous Maori practices of land modification, professional landscape design is a relatively recent development (the first tertiary course in landscape architecture began at Lincoln College (now Lincoln University) in 1969). Landscape design in New Zealand draws its vocabulary from the power of the country's natural heritage landscapes, convinced that a naturalistic aesthetic exclusively represents environmental health. Some of the core values of New Zealand society are, however, overlooked by designers. The need to develop a critically informed design language which includes the farming landscape along with the natural one is argued. The invention of such a language, referred to as a complex ecological aesthetic, is seen as a potential source of design expression that is invigorated by the tension between mechanistic and natural landscape aesthetics. It therefore has the potential to promote environmental health, while being regionally grounded, and can help face the challenges that globilization poses to the landscape.  相似文献   

Changes in architectural style can be understood as, among other things, a form of social change and can be subsumed under the study of such change as it has evolved from the dialectical notions of the ancient Greeks up to the theories of nineteenth- and twentieth-century philosophers and social scientists. Such a framework would view the culture of postmodernism and its accompanying artistic and architectural styles in part as a response to political-economic changes occurring in the late twentieth century. Thus terms such as uncertainty and ambiguity would be seen to represent more than subjective variations in cultural style, and the dialectical role of architecture in constructing reality would also have to be given greater importance.  相似文献   

新世纪高层建筑发展趋势及其对城市的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从分析新世纪高层建筑的发展趋势着手,揭示了这一时期创作观念所呈现出的新趋势,以及建筑本体在技术表现、建筑形象以及近地空间设计等方面的发展走向,从城市空间结构、交通网络、环境系统、文化内涵等方面论述了高层建筑对城市的深层影响,指出在全球范围内关注生态问题和可持续发展的今天,我们更应客观地分析和评价高层建筑的创作和实践,使其走向健康发展之路。  相似文献   

We believe that architecture has lost its role as conciliator between humanity and the universe, it has lost much of its meaning. We use an example of a studio problem and process to explore issues in architecture, science, and meaning as they relate to architectural education. The confrontation of this problem in architectural education should involve the infusion of scientific thought and theoretical issues into the design studio, as well as other courses, to aid students in formulating their own world view in order to create an architecture of meaning. A seven-week design studio offered to second-year students included reading Stephen W. Hawking's A Brief History of Time and analyzing the spatial theories outlined in the book. This research informed site analysis as well as the architectural and landscape design.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the dramatic transformation of the inherited historical urban and architectural characteristics of the city of Al-Najaf in Iraq, seeking new ways of seeing the possibilities of preserving and revitalizing the historical center of the city.In addition to being one of the most sacred centers for Shia Muslims, Al-Najaf has a rich cultural and architectural heritage. Its architectural characteristics and urban structure not only reflect the history of the city but also stand as evidence of the most important junctures in Islamic history: the martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is a central Islamic spiritual personality and the second most important figure after the Prophet Muhammad. Since its establishment in 750 AD, the formation of Al-Najaf has never separated from its sociopolitical context and Islamic principles, particularly Shia Muslims’ beliefs.Today, the city is a destination for more than million Shia Muslim pilgrims each year, and the number is rapidly increasing. However, as the city continues to develop, its architecture and unique urban structure transform dramatically. The cultural and architectural heritage of the city is seriously threatened. Several factors played a crucial role in the formation and the transformation of the city's specific architectural and urban structures. The most influential factors were mainly related to religion, environment, and politics. This paper introduces the main forces behind the transformation of the deep organizational structures of the architecture and urban fabric in Al-Najaf. The question of whether it is still possible to protect and preserve the remaining parts and revitalize the Old City center is also examined. The goal is to identify the major preservation issues and provide possible insights based on successful preservation experiences that address similar issues in different contexts.  相似文献   

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