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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have gained major prominence by enabling companies to streamline their operations, leverage and integrate business data process. In order to implement an ERP project successfully, it is necessary to select an ERP system which can be aligned with the needs of the company. Thus, a robust decision making approach for ERP software selection requires both company needs and characteristics of the ERP system and their interactions to be taken into account. This paper develops a novel decision framework for ERP software selection based on quality function deployment (QFD), fuzzy linear regression and zero–one goal programming. The proposed framework enables both company demands and ERP system characteristics to be considered, and provides the means for incorporating not only the relationships between company demands and ERP system characteristics but also the interactions between ERP system characteristics through adopting the QFD principles. The presented methodology appears as a sound investment decision making tool for ERP systems as well as other information systems. The potential use of the proposed decision framework is illustrated through an application.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2002,39(7):581-592
The strategic value of data warehousing (DWG) for information management and decision support has been well acknowledged. Given scant research on the topic, this case study was intended to investigate the project planning and implementation approaches taken at one of the biggest insurance companies in the US. The company recognized that improved information management and delivery would be crucial to execute its long-term business goal, and DWG was given the highest priority. On this premise, the company pursued a pilot project. This case investigated project management issues of DWG and methodical approaches adopted by IT staff during the pilot project.  相似文献   

中文摘要:随着信息数据的快速发展,我国的社会保险信息化建设正在稳步推进,社会保险信息化建设程度依赖于各企业社会保险基础管理水平,电力企业的社会保险基础管理虽然开展较早,但距离数据共享及精确管理还有很大差距,如何在工作中将人力资源大数据充分应用在社会保险专业工作中,实现数据共享,提升数据价值,提高管理水平成为亟待解决的课题。本论文研究探索如何更好的实现人力资源社会保险大数据的共享与关联,实现大数据的应用服务,更好地开展人力资源中社会保险管理水准,更好地服务于企业与员工提出了很好的研究和探索,大数据的共享提高使社会保险管理工作的上升到了新高度,大数据的全面利用将成为提升公司管理水平、增强公司管理效能的有效手段。  相似文献   

为了促进南水北调工程数据资源共享,推进数据资源的有效利用,通过座谈、调研、资料收集等手段,对南水北调工程业务信息系统的水量调度和防汛、水生态环境及工程管理等核心业务信息资源进行摸底, 梳理业务、监管及基础数据的需求,分析数据共享的现状。研究结果表明:目前南水北调工程各个调度运行管理系统独立运行,缺乏完整的、共享数据来源及统一的数据标准,且数据的横纵向共享水平有待进一步提高。 在保障网络和数据安全的前提下,进一步提出统一南水北调工程数据标准,建立数据的共享和更新整编机制, 并继续进行深度数据挖掘工作的建议,可为南水北调工程构建智慧水利体系提供决策支撑。  相似文献   

针对大数据技术的研究和实际应用,总结了国外企业大数据技术的实际应用现状。在国外企业大数据需求侧管理应用中,介绍了法国电力公司、美国巴尔的摩燃气电力公司、美国南加州爱迪生电力公司和德国意昂电力公司四大能源企业大数据技术的应用主题和管理模式。通过上述介绍,在数据平台建设、数据管理和数据分析应用三个方面总结了各类大数据应用的启示,即集中建设统一大数据平台,并采用云部署方式是企业目前大数据平台建设的主流方式;统一数据标准规范有利于数据共享与数据管控,实现数据资源价值最大化;大数据分析应用有两个特点:一是大数据分析应用应紧紧围绕业务需求,以专业级应用为重心,配备充足的人力资源,准确聚焦业务痛点,快速解决业务实际问题。二是企业应结合业务特点和发展要求开展基础技术和基础应用方面的研究,为专业级分析应用提供服务和支撑。  相似文献   

在公司信息化建设整体架构中,档案管理作为日常办公和业务管理过程后续,重要性日渐突出。它作为企业信息资源管理及信息共享的重要组成部分,实现档案信息的目录、全文检索,并提供WEB端查询,通过整合相关业务管理系统的归档信息,为日常管理、工程建设、项目实施等提供对比辅助分析,提高档案的信息化水平和综合管理。  相似文献   

随我国经济发展,一些大型工程企业的项目建设不断开展,需要用信息化手段,设计出项目综合管理系统,实现对工程中的项目进度跟踪、信息共享和资源分配。该系统采用工作流设计模式,围绕项目执行过程,对业务流程进行有效管理,以实现工程企业的信息化,提升企业运营决策能力。  相似文献   

电网公司多年来建设了很多业务系统,各业务系统相互孤立应用.随着企业信息化建设的深入,业务系统中数据特别是非结构化数据的数据量急剧增长,人员查找数据信息极为不便.建设面向整个电网公司的分布式非结构化数据检索平台,该平台在Linux计算机集群上部署Hadoop开发框架以及Solr分布式全文检索系统,将各业务系统中的非结构化数据进行集中式的存储、管理,并且提供统一的搜索服务,使得企业相关人员能够高效、便捷地检索出所需的数据.实现知识服务无处不在,为员工工作提供帮助,为企业提供决策支持.  相似文献   

为强化物联网、大数据、人工智能等信息技术与黄河三角洲业务的深度融合,深入分析黄河三角洲业务智慧应用和信息化建设需求,提出智慧黄河三角洲总体建设思路和分期建设目标.设计建立智慧黄河三角洲的总体框架,并从监测感知、信息汇集、智能服务与分析支撑、业务智能应用、网络安全5个方面详细设计技术参考模型,实现黄河三角洲生态环境保护、...  相似文献   

软件外包是一个非常大的市场,目前在国内有很多软件公司从事软件项目外包行业,或把自己的部分业务发包给外包方,软件项目外包管理随着近年软件项目外包的发展越来越受到重视,它与公司项目的内容管理既关联又存在差异,文章通过对企业实际外包项目的具体案例的风险进行分析,提出了相应的解决方案,并总结了项目实施过程中存在的问题及改进意见,为软件企业的外包项目管理提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Smart grid technologies are bringing innovations in electrical power industries, affecting all parts of the electricity supply chain, and leading to changes in market structure, business models and services. In this paper we introduce a model of business intelligence for a smart grid supply chain. The model is developed in order to provide electricity markets with the necessary data flows and information important for the decision making process. The proposed model offers a way to efficiently leverage the new metering architecture and the new capabilities of the grid to reap immediate business value from the huge amounts of disparate data in emerging smart grids. The model was evaluated for the Serbian electricity market in the electric power transmission company Public Enterprise “Elektromre?a Srbije”. The results show that business intelligence solutions can contribute to a more effective management of smart grids, in order to ensure that companies achieve sustainability in the increasingly competitive electricity markets, while still providing the high quality services to end users.  相似文献   

Abstract. Often information systems (IS) are classified in three groups: (a) transactional, used mainly for co-ordination and resource allocation purposes at the operational level of a company; (b) tactical, often employed to support the resource procurement activities typical of middle management; and (c) information systems for strategic decision making, designed to help in the planning and strategy design processes which are the direct responsibility of top management. In general, the amount of care and management attention that companies give to these different types of systems is proportional to their position in this hierarchy: little attention is devoted to the mundane transaction-pushing systems and exquisite care is put into developing the sophisticated decision making aid for the CEO and his/her staff.
The IS/IT literature has been reporting quite commonly cases in which companies have attained or lost great competitive advantages by way of their transactional information systems [for example, Emery Worldwide, Baxter Healthcare ASAP system, and Frontier Airlines]. The aim of this paper is to identify actions that companies can take to realize potential benefits of their IS, in particular from their low-level, transactional IS.
Among other actions, we will conclude that companies would be better off if they: (a) have the IS department at the right place in the organization, staffed with people knowledgeable about the basic nature of the business in which the company is engaged; (b) are sensible to what can be called 'strategic maintenance' of systems, (c) set up a formal procedure for IS planning to ensure coherence between IS plans and business plans, derived, in turn, from business strategy, and (d) keep abreast of the relevant technology.
Several examples taken from European companies are used to illustrate these conclusions.  相似文献   

该文以合肥地区非典防治决策支持系统为例,分析了城市突发公共卫生事件应急指挥决策支持系统的需求,阐述了基于数字城市空间信息基础设施,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,整合数字城市信息化资源,建设城市突发公共卫生事件应急指挥决策支持系统的总体设计和技术实现。  相似文献   

张文元  谈国新 《图学学报》2022,43(1):163-171
针对现有的一些三维建模方法强调单一尺度几何模型构建,缺乏多细节层次(LoD)和语义信息表达,互操作性不强等问题,以国际开放标准CityGML为基础,利用矢量拉伸、基于几何特征和规则的语义信息提取、几何映射和语义映射等技术研究了建筑物多尺度几何语义一体化模型构建方法.采用开源Cesium库开发了一套基于WebGL的建筑物...  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,大数据时代的到来,商业智能系统已成为企业管理的重要组成部分.如何有效利用数据信息实现正确经营决策显得愈加重要.本文阐述了建立高效商业智能系统应具备的一般功能模块及其设计,通过实施商业智能项目最大限度地提高企业的管理水平、问题诊断能力以及决策水平和质量.  相似文献   

Balanced scorecard is a widely recognized tool to support decision making in business management. Unfortunately, current balanced scorecard-based systems present two drawbacks: they do not allow to define explicitly the semantics of the underlying knowledge and they are not able to deal with imprecision and vagueness. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we propose a semantic fuzzy expert system which implements a generic framework for the balanced scorecard. In our approach, knowledge about balanced scorecard variables is represented using an OWL ontology, therefore allowing reuse and sharing of the model among different companies. The ontology acts as the basis for the fuzzy expert system, which uses highly interpretable fuzzy IF–THEN rules to infer new knowledge. Results are valuable pieces of information to help managers to improve the achievement of the strategic objectives of the company. A main contribution of this work it that the system is general and can be customized to adapt to different scenarios.  相似文献   

针对传统物流大数据可视化平台缺少共享机制,可视化结果并不理想的问题,提出了基于区块链技术的物流大数据可视化平台构建方法。在区块链技术的基础上构建物流大数据管理平台,将大数据、云计算、移动互联网等新信息技术融入到平台构建中,在分层式的体系结构设计的基础上保证平台各个分层拥有适度的可扩展性与适应性。使用ML-T80型号电子标签,对货物所在位置进行实时跟踪,采用Symbol LS2208AP型号条码扫描器,实现手持模式和免提模式轻松地切换。根据用户展示端电路连接图,使用户在外界受到电磁干扰的情况下依旧能够直接查阅到想要的信息。规划服务范畴,设计数据管理功能、物流信息服务功能、物流资源交易功能和智能辅助决策功能模块。由实验结果可知,该平台共享周期短,最高共享效果可达到93%,以此实现物流大数据共享价值最大化。  相似文献   

吕欣  高枫 《计算机应用》2012,32(1):82-85
为解决电子政务信息资源共享中的隐私保护问题,提出一种隐私保护模型。模型将电子政务信息资源共享划分为基于数据挖掘或统计产生决策的业务和业务协同两类,分别采用数据预处理对隐私信息泛化和使用业务协同模拟器确定协同业务所需的最小隐私信息集合的方法,解决共享中的隐私保护问题。分析结果表明所提方法能有效保护隐私信息。  相似文献   

Data warehousing (DW) has emerged as one of the most powerful technology innovations in recent years to support organization-wide decision making and has become a key component in the information technology (IT) infrastructure. Proponents of DW claim that its infusion can dramatically enhance the ability of businesses to improve the access, distribution, and sharing of information and provide managerial decision support for complex business questions. DW is also an enabling technology for data mining, customer-relationship management, and other business-intelligence applications. Although data warehouses have been around for quite some time, they have been plagued by high failure rates and limited spread or use. Drawing upon past research on the adoption and diffusion of innovations and on the implementation of information systems (IS), we examine the key organizational and innovation factors that influence the infusion (diffusion) of DW within organizations and also examine if more extensive infusion leads to improved organizational outcomes. In this paper, we conducted a field study, where two senior managers (one from IS and the other from a line function) from 117 companies participated, and developed a structural model to test the research hypotheses. The results indicate that four of the seven variables examined in this paper-organizational support, quality of the project management process, compatibility, and complexity-significantly influence the degree of infusion of DW and that the infusion, in turn, significantly influences organization-level benefits and stakeholder satisfaction. The findings of this paper have interesting implications for both research and practice in IT and DW infusion, as well as in the organization-level impact of the infusion of enterprise-wide infrastructural and decision support technologies such as DW.  相似文献   

随着信息时代的发展,信息技术不断创新着工程项目建设中的管理模式,让项目管理更加便捷和高效。移动管理软件在工程建设监理的应用是在移动平台上实现处理监理业务管理中与现场部分紧密相关的重要工作,拓展监理业务管理信息的数据采集及填报方式,提高工程项目过程管控能力及现场办公效率,实现基建工程监理业务管理信息由项目部驻地向施工现场的管理延伸。现场监理人员可使用该软件对项目中产生的监理业务数据进行记录,如上传现场拍摄的安全、质量数码照片,对现场发现的问题进行记录,填写监理日志等。通过互联网技术与智能终端设备实现监理业务的移动办理,提高监理人员的办公效率与服务水平。  相似文献   

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