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This paper investigates the problem of feedback control design with vibration suppression for a flexible air-breathing hypersonic vehicle (FAHV). FAHV includes intricate coupling between the engine and flight dynamics, as well as complex interplay between flexible and rigid modes, which results in an intractable system for the control design. In this paper, a longitudinal model, which is described by a coupled system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs), is adopted. Firstly, a linearized ODE model for the rigid part is established around the trim condition, while vibration of the fuselage is described by PDEs. Secondly, based on the Lyapunov direct method, a control law via ODE state feedback and PDE boundary output feedback is designed for the system such that the closed-loop exponential stability is ensured. Finally, simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.  相似文献   

针对自适应滤波X最小均方差(FXLMS)和滤波U最小均方差(FULMS)振动主动控制算法收敛性较为缓慢的问题,给出一种基于递归最小二乘(RLS)方法的自适应滤波控制算法。该算法大致有无限长脉冲响应(IIR)滤波器结构和RLS算法两部分组成,IIR滤波器作为整个算法的主体框架,采用RLS算法针对滤波器的权值进行实时调整,实现了自适应滤波控制算法的功能。仿真对比分析表明,所提算法收敛速度较快。经过实验平台验证,被控对象的整体振动响应下降了65%左右,证明了算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

压电复合梁高阶有限元模型与主动振动控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大型柔性空间结构的振动控制问题引起了广泛的关注.压电材料以其低质量、宽频带和适应性强等特点,非常适合于柔性空间结构的振动控制.本文针对上下表面粘贴有分布式压电传感器和作动器的智能层梁结构,提出了一种考虑压电材料对结构质量、刚度影响的高阶有限元模型.考虑到空间结构可能承受较大的热载荷,在模型中计及了压电材料的热电耦合效应.采用常增益负反馈控制方法、常增益速度负反馈控制方法、Lyapunov反馈控制方法和线性二次型调节器方法(LQR)设计主动控制器,实现了智能层梁结构脉冲激励下的振动主动控制.仿真结果表明,LQR方法更能有效的实现结构振动控制,并且具有更低的作动器峰值电压,但不能消除热载荷引起的结构静变形.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to present a novel in‐wheel (IW) active vibration system for an IW motor (IWM)‐driven electric vehicle to overcome the negative effects of vertical vibration due to road roughness and the impact of rotary inertial forces from the IWM. First, the reason for the poor ride comfort of the general electric wheel structure is examined by theoretical derivation. Second, a 6 degree‐of‐freedom (DOF) vehicle model is established and the corresponding cost function based on 10 ride comfort indexes is proposed. Third, a fuzzy optimal sliding mode (FOSM) control method is presented and the IW active vibration system is designed by applying this proposed control theory. Then, normalization and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodologies are adopted to select reasonable weighted coefficients of performance indexes. Finally, the advantages of the electric vehicle with the IW active vibration system are illustrated by MATLAB/Simulink. Analysis results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A novel anti‐windup design of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is proposed for industrial sampled systems with input delay and saturation. By using a generalized predictor to estimate the delay‐free system output, a modified extended state observer is designed to simultaneously estimate the system state and disturbance, which could become an anti‐windup compensator when the input saturation occurs. Accordingly, a feedback controller is analytically designed for disturbance rejection. By proposing the desired closed‐loop transfer function for the set‐point tracking, a prefilter is designed to tune the tracking performance while guaranteeing no steady‐state output tracking error. A sufficient condition for the closed‐loop system stability is established with proof for practical application subject to the input delay variation. Illustrative examples from the literature are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and merit of the proposed control design.  相似文献   

Active vibration control is used to instead passive solutions in order to increase the performance at low frequencies, in a variety of different engineering systems. This method has improved the performance specifically. The paper will propose a proportional difference type iterative learning control algorithm to deal with the periodic sources and to investigate the active solution as the three degrees of freedom "mass spring damping" mount. Simulation shows that this method could get a better tracking performance, also the displacement could converge to zero with a fast speed.  相似文献   

桁架结构振动的主动模糊控制中主动杆数目与位置优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了采用自适应模糊控制器抑制桁架结构振动时的主动杆数目与位置优化问题.通过定义输入能量相关矩阵优化了主动杆的数目.基于主动杆的控制能量配置准则,给出了主动杆优化配置的模型.研究基于整数编码的遗传算法用于大型离散体中的作动器组合优化问题.最后针对挠性空间智能桁架结构的振动控制仿真,使用基于整数编码的遗传算法(GAs)优化主动杆位置.结果表明对于采用自适应模糊控制律的离散体结构振动控制是行之有效的.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel robust-constrained control methodology for discrete-time linear parameter-varying (DT-LPV) systems is proposed based on a synergetic control theory (SCT) approach. It is shown that in DT-LPV systems without uncertainty, and for any unmeasured bounded additive disturbance, the proposed controller accomplishes the goal of stabilising the system by asymptotically driving the error of the controlled variable to a bounded set containing the origin and then maintaining it there. Moreover, given an uncertain DT-LPV system jointly subject to unmeasured and constrained additive disturbances, and constraints in states, input commands and reference signals (set points), then invariant set theory is used to find an appropriate polyhedral robust invariant region in which the proposed control framework is guaranteed to robustly stabilise the closed-loop system. Furthermore, this is achieved even for the case of varying non-zero control set points in such uncertain DT-LPV systems. The controller is characterised to have a simple structure leading to an easy implementation, and a non-complex design process. The effectiveness of the proposed method and the implications of the controller design on feasibility and closed-loop performance are demonstrated through application examples on the temperature control on a continuous-stirred tank reactor plant, on the control of a real-coupled DC motor plant, and on an open-loop unstable system example.  相似文献   

In this paper, two approaches, namely active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and Lyapunov redesign, are utilised to stabilise the vibration of a boundary-controlled flexible rectangular plate in the presence of exogenous disturbances. Based on ADRC, an estimation/cancellation strategy is applied where disturbance is estimated online by an extended state observer (ESO) and cancelled by injecting the output of ESO into the feedback loop. By the Lyapunov redesign, on the other hand, the control law intended for a nominal system is redesigned by adding a (discontinuous) control component that makes the system robust to large uncertainties. Both control algorithms are designed directly based on partial differential equation model of the plate so that spillover instabilities that are a result of model truncation are avoided. The established control schemes are able to stabilise the plate vibration by actuating and sensing only along the plate boundary while accounting for the dynamical effects of Gaussian curvature integral, in-plane membrane force and actuator mass. The stability of each control approach is proven using Lyapunov analysis. The efficacy of each proposed control is illustrated by simulation results.  相似文献   

随着新的视频编码标准H.264/AVC的逐步推广应用,如何基于IP网络应用环境来实现H.264/AVC视频的实时传输,对于发展高质量视频传输具有重要意义,为此,提出了一种基于IP网络的H.264/AVC实时传输解决方案,并着重从H.264-FGS编码器和速率控制两方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to set a unified scene for various linear time-invariant (LTI) control system design schemes, by transforming the existing concept of "computer-aided control system design" (CACSD) to novel "computer-automated control system design" (CAutoCSD). The first step towards this goal is to accommodate, under practical constraints, various design objectives that are desirable in both time and frequency domains. Such performance-prioritised unification is aimed at relieving practising engineers from having to select a particular control scheme and from sacrificing certain performance goals resulting from pre-commitment to such schemes. With recent progress in evolutionary computing based extra-numeric, multi-criterion search and optimisation techniques, such unification of LTI control schemes becomes feasible, analytical and practical, and the resultant designs can be creative. The techniques developed are applied to, and illustrated by, three design problems. The unified approach automatically provides an integrator for zero-steady state error in velocity control of a DC motor, and meets multiple objectives in the design of an LTI controller for a non-minimum phase plant and offers a high-performance LTI controller network for a non-linear chemical process.  相似文献   

灰色预测PI主动队列管理拥塞控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种新颖的基于隐含类型的GM模型的预测PI算法。利用预测队列误差而非瞬时采样值来决定路由器的丢包率。该方法致力于在响应速度与增益两者之间取得一个最佳的折中。仿真结果验证了该灰色预测PI主动队列管理策略的有效性。  相似文献   

利用压电材料的正逆压电效应,实现了移动质量激励悬臂梁振动主动控制;建立了压电元传感方程和作动方程,进一步将其转化为状态空间模型中的状态方程和输出方程;设计了基于线性二次型最优控制(LQR)策略的振动主动控制器,以TMS320VC33 DSP芯片为核心组建了相应的硬件电路。实验结果表明:采用压电自感作动器可很好地抑制移动质量激励引起的悬臂梁振动。  相似文献   

Considering the randomness of physical parameters of structural material, geometric dimensions of active bars and passive bars, applied loads and control forces simultaneously, the optimization of active bar’s placement and feedback gains for the vibration control of intelligent truss structures are studied in this paper. Firstly, the performance function is developed based on the maximization of dissipation energy due to control action. Then, the optimal mathematical model with the reliability constraints on dynamic stress and displacement response is built. The numerical feature of dynamic response based on probability of intelligent structure is developed. Finally, a planar intelligent truss structure is used as an example to demonstrate the rationality and validity of the presented model and approach in structural active vibration control.  相似文献   

The problem of guaranteed cost active fault-tolerant controller (AFTC) design for networked control systems (NCSs) with both packet dropout and transmission delay is studied in this paper. Considering the packet dropout and transmission delay, a piecewise constant controller is adopted. With a guaranteed cost function, optimal controllers whose number is equal to the number of actuators are designed, and the design process is formulated as a convex optimal problem that can be solved by existing software. The control strategy is proposed as follows: when actuator failures appear, the fault detection and isolation unit sends out the information to the controller choosing strategy, and then the optimal stabilizing controller with the smallest guaranteed cost value is chosen. Two illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. By comparing with the existing methods, it can be seen that our method has a better performance.  相似文献   

离散型自抗扰控制器在四旋翼飞行姿态控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了自抗扰控制器的结构组成,包括跟踪微分器、扩张状态观测器以及非线性状态误差反馈律,及各部分的典型算法.针对四旋翼盘旋系统的姿态控制问题,设计了3种离散型自抗扰控制器,搭建了仿真结构图,并进行了参数整定,得到了优良的仿真结果.进而在实际装置上进行试验,调试出了令人满意的姿态实时控制结果.实时控制结果表明,文中所设计的自抗扰控制器可以满足控制精度及快速性的要求,并且具有抗干扰性能、稳定控制能力以及对非线性强耦合系统的解耦能力.最后,总结并分析了3种自抗扰控制器的优缺点及适用范围.  相似文献   

挠性航天器姿态机动的变结构主动振动抑制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对挠性航天器大角度姿态机动的振动抑制问题, 提出了一种双回路鲁棒主动振动控制方法. 首先, 对各低阶振动模态设计正位置反馈补偿器, 增加挠性模态的阻尼, 使其振动能够快速衰减; 然后, 基于变结构输出反馈控制理论, 给出控制器的设计方法. 最后, 将该方法应用于挠性航天器姿态机动控制, 仿真结果表明, 所提出的方法是可行而有效的.  相似文献   

The fault‐tolerant control and vibration suppression for flexible spacecraft without angular velocity measurement are investigated. External disturbances, actuator faults, unknown angular velocity, and flexible vibration are addressed simultaneously. Firstly, a model‐free adaptive supertwisting state observer and an angular velocity calculation algorithm in one step are developed by using attitude information only, which can estimate the angular velocity in finite time. Then, on the basis of angular velocity estimation, a novel continuous multivariable integral sliding mode (CMISM) is proposed for the first time, which is a combination of continuous nominal controller and a modified multivariable twisting controller to reject disturbances and faults. The CMISM can stabilize attitudes in finite time and attenuate chattering effectively. Furthermore, the input shaping technique is developed to achieve effective vibration suppression of the flexible appendages. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

黄茫茫  周晓军  魏燕定 《计算机应用》2011,31(10):2858-2860
在六自由度运动平台的测控系统中,既需要满足控制的实时性和较高的定时精度,又需要有较强的图形图像交互功能。针对现有测控系统采用的上下位机分开实现方式带来的缺点,设计了一种基于INtime的六自由度运动平台实时测控系统。该测控系统通过INtime进程对数据采集和控制板卡的直接操作实现实时性,同时在Windows进程中并行运行非实时任务,能够在一台工业控制计算机上实现测控系统的要求。实际运行测试结果显示,该系统具有高实时性能,满足实时控制的要求,图形渲染流畅,验证了该方案的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

以TI公司的电机、逆变器控制专用DSP芯片TMS320LF407A为基础,介绍了关于有源电力滤波器控制系统的硬件设计.包括DSP芯片的工作电路设计、外围信号采集电路的设计及IGBT智能功率模块IPM的设计.  相似文献   

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