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现有软件过程度量的标准模型一般只提出如何进行软件过程管理以及应该达到什么样的标准,但没有对客户怎样做,使用哪些方法可以达到这些标准进行具体的阐述。而六西格玛改进提供了一套持续改进现有过程的流程、方法和工具;六西格玛设计是控制产品设计质量突破“五西格玛墙”的有力工具,它更接近于企业的底层经营流程。因而,针对软件企业的自身特点,结合六西格玛,解决软件质量的控制问题,生产出高质量的产品,获得竞争优势,具有十分重要的意义。为此进行了相关文献的综述研究。  相似文献   

用好六西格玛,服务和制造业务都将从中获得有益的成效,这对于管理者和企业领导者无疑是个福音。  相似文献   

科研试飞中,为真实反映飞机各项技术指标的实际状态,机载测试系统需提供精确的数据,而测试的中间环节较多,所测的各种参数结果势必会有误差;为满足试飞任务的精确需求,本文通过从测试系统误差的来源入手,来分析机载测试参数产生误差的各个环节,以压力参数为例,运用“六西格玛” 方法中的测量参数误差的定义、测量、分析、改进及控制五项流程,以三架机的压力传感器的校准历史数据为样本,对精度结果作了详细分析,得出了事先确认参数具体压力变化区间,根据测试系统精度分布特点选用更合适范围的传感器来保证精度要求,将6西格玛”方法用于压力参数误差分析可行的结论;并提出,将其推广到其它各类测试参数的误差分析,将有利于在现有条件下更合理地配套测试仪器设备,更好地满足参数测试精度需求。  相似文献   

分析了数据挖掘技术和六西格玛模式的特点,以数据挖掘的输出作为六西格玛项目管理正馈和反馈数据的输入,建立改进产品或服务的过程循环,提出了"数据挖掘与六西格玛模式在软件过程改进中应用模型",为软件企业的过程能力提供一个阶梯式的改进框架.  相似文献   

1.全面的产品研制开发环境 六西格玛设计是基于易于定义、测量、分析、优化和验证的面向客户属性的标准.把产品和过程属性结果直接融入到产品研制开发流程中,才能够实现与拟定生产质量限制的对接.在产品设计中嵌入特定的设计理念,也就使得满足客户对性能的要求成为可能.  相似文献   

针对舰艇装备技术保障中保障资源配置不精确和对新装备形成维修能力周期较长等问题,应用精益六西格玛的“定义-测量-分析-改进-控制”流程,对技术保障流程进行分析和改进来减少维修过程中的浪费,提高维修质量和效率,满足精确化保障要求.  相似文献   

本文给出了时间Petri网对企业经营过程中的生产流水线进行建模,并将之与工作流管理系统相结合以进行仿真分析的一种方案;结合实例说明方案的实施过程,其中关键在于约束条件的充定;通过消除“瓶颈”优化生产流水线,实现企业经营过程的有效重组。  相似文献   

Ramirez算法是一种对过程方程组进行分解的算法。此算法将过程方程组分解后,可以使求解计算更快速可靠。本文指出,选择输出变量顺序不同,过程方程组分解过程中所形成的平台变量也不同,从而影响决策变量的选择。在确定决策变量时,应优先选取平台变量为决策变量。将Ramirez算法用于催化裂化反应再生模型的分解,找出了合适的求解策略,验证了提出的观点。  相似文献   

过程优化策略的研究及在流程管理系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在BPR思想的冲击和带动下,企业过程建模和过程优化越来越得到企事业单位的重视,但大多数应用都把“建模基础上的系统开发”和“业务过程(生产过程)的优化”分开进行。文章首先提出了现阶段流程管理系统开发中存在的问题,分析企业过程建模与优化的特点,在应用实例中给出了如何用过程优化来指导PMIS系统的设计,最后通过该系统的各项统计结果来证明该设计方案的优化效果。  相似文献   

从产品质量角度出发,以顾客需求为核心,提出基于六西格玛设计的软件需求工程过程模型,对模型各个阶段的功能进行了详细说明.该方法可以有效解决软件需求分析存在的问题,为需求工程的展开提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper presents a global methodology for designing product for Six Sigma. First, we combine a feasibility-modeling technique with an interactive multiobjective algorithm taking into account the decision maker’s preferences (IMOP) to generate several Pareto-optimal solutions that maintain a probability of constraint satisfaction. These solutions are called reliable Pareto-optimal solutions.The solutions found by the algorithm fulfill as much as possible the decision makers’ requirements. Second, we develop a procedure for choosing a solution for implementation from among the reliable Pareto-optimal solutions generated by the algorithm. This procedure is based on the robust design and philosophy of Six Sigma. Finally, the critical characteristics are identified to help the managers develop the manufacturing system and its related control plans in order to achieve quality products. The proposed methodology is applied to vehicle crash-worthiness design optimization for side impact with structural weight and front door velocity under side impact as objectives.  相似文献   

Nowadays, Six Sigma has been widely adopted in a variety of industries in the world and it has become one of the most important subjects of debate in quality management. Six Sigma is a well-structured methodology that can help a company achieve expected goal through continuous project improvement. Some challenges, however, have emerged with the execution of the Six Sigma. For examples, how are feasible projects generated? How are critical Six Sigma projects selected given the finite resources of the organization? This study aims to develop a novel approach to create critical Six Sigma projects and identify the priority of these projects. Firstly, the projects are created from two aspects, namely, organization’s business strategic policies and voice of customer. Secondly, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model is implemented to evaluate the benefits of each project and; a hierarchical failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) is also developed to evaluate the risk of each project; and from which the priority of Six Sigma projects can be determined. Finally, based on the project benefits and risk, projects can be defined as Green Belt, Black Belt, or others types of projects. An empirical case study of semiconductor foundry will be utilized to explore the effectiveness of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

Knowledge retrieval is a decisive part of the performance of a knowledge management system. In order to enhance retrieval accuracy, an effective performance evaluation mechanism is necessary. Nowadays, there is not a standard evaluation framework for knowledge retrieval evaluation, because the evaluation set up is still technology-dependent, focusing on specific elements of the search context. The laboratory-based evaluation is not suitable to evaluate the knowledge retrieval process, since knowledge is dynamic, constantly changing and evolving. Besides, ambiguous query is also an important factor for the performance of knowledge retrieval systems. In order to improve the performance of knowledge retrieval, this paper proposes an evaluation mechanism using Six Sigma methodology to help developers continuously control the knowledge retrieval process. Specifically, this study involves the following tasks: (i) proposes a general knowledge retrieval framework based on the analysis result of knowledge retrieval, (ii) designs the knowledge retrieval evaluation framework using Six Sigma's Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) process and (iii) develops the related technologies to implement the knowledge retrieval evaluation mechanism. The knowledge retrieval evaluation mechanism allows system developers to maintain the knowledge retrieval system with ease and meanwhile enhance the accuracy.  相似文献   

基于6 Sigma的流程自优化系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,国内外的企业都非常流行业务流程重组(BPR)。刚时,作为买现业务流程集成的有效途径之一的工作流技术(Wfm)也扩大到了多个领域。但是,现有的WfM技术和BPR并没有很好的结合起来。为了通过工作流系统的实施来有效的实现企业的BPR,有必要开发基于企业业务流程的工作流系统。通过引入最新的质量管理思想——6 Sigma理论,对业务流程数据进行分析和统计,并且根据工作流系统的特点,设计出具有智能报警功能和流程优化决策方案的流程自优化系统。  相似文献   

徐琳  陈荔  杨丽 《计算机系统应用》2011,20(6):85-88,20
6 Sigma是过程量化与控制、过程改进的有力工具和有效方法,针对敏捷软件开发方法现阶段在质量管理和过程控制上可能存在的问题,分析了6Sigma在敏捷软件开发方法中应用的可行性和价值,提出了基于6Sigma的敏捷软件开发方法的YfX黑盒模型和白盒模型,并进行DMAIC分析,实现敏捷开发方法的持续改进。  相似文献   

A relative degree matrix-based design method is proposed in this article by using graph theoretical methods for optimal control structure design consisting of single input–single output control loops. This approach enables us to use an efficient algorithm for finding a maximum weighted matching to solve the controller structure selection problem. The resulting optimal structures have been refined by analysing the zero dynamics of the input–output pairs. A novel method for decentralised controller structure retrofit is also proposed in this article. A graph theoretic algorithm is developed, which is based on finding the closest weighted maximum matching. Possible changes in efficiency in the controller structure, which may arise after retrofit, are illustrated using a heat exchanger network retrofit case study.  相似文献   

芳烃抽提装置换热网络节能改造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用夹点技术对某芳烃厂芳烃抽提装置换热网络进行分析,根据夹点技术设计原则找出了其用能不合理的环节和原因,在完全依照夹点技术设计原则情况下,提出最大热回收换热网络改造方案,该方案可使整个芳烃抽提系统节约加热和冷却公用工程分别达到17.11%和19.08%,但改造投资费用较高。在参考夹点技术设计准则的同时考虑到现行的换热网络结构,提出了最小换热网络改动方案,该换热网络方案可节约加热和冷却公用工程分别为12.32%和10.26%,改造投资费用较低。两种方案的投资回收期都比较短。  相似文献   

软件开发过程持续改进的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着软件的规模和复杂度的不断增大,软件开发过程越来越难以度量和保持持续改进。通过对软件开发过程中软件度量计划、度量实施、度量分析的研究,提出了一种软件开发过程持续改进的螺旋式模型,用于促使软件开发过程的持续改进和软件组织能力的有效提升。  相似文献   

The design of computational artifacts involves many communication acts occurring through different channels; usability tests, for example, have been used as a main communication channel between designers and users. Other channels used during the design process include requirement analysis, scenario construction, prototyping, etc. This work takes the Westley and MacLehan communication model and projects it into the context of interactive artifact design, resulting in a model of fractal nature. Some channels already present during the design process fit in well with the model we are proposing. It also reveals that other channels have not been explored in the global process of communication. Thus, we show how a semiotic-based analysis can unify techniques, methods and tools that support design, as well as make explicit the necessary interactions among designers, users and computers through different channels.  相似文献   

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