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国际上的MOX燃料技术目前已较为成熟,且已有在压水堆中运行的工程经验。本文对MOX燃料组件的中子学性能进行了分析,对其在我国现役M310堆芯应用的可行性进行了研究,得到了M310堆芯由全部使用UO2燃料组件向使用30%的MOX燃料组件过渡的堆芯燃料管理方案,并对使用MOX燃料组件的堆芯的部分中子学参数进行了初步分析。结果表明:使用30%的MOX燃料组件的堆芯可达到与全UO2堆芯相当的循环长度;堆芯反应性控制能力可满足要求;慢化剂温度系数、Doppler温度系数、Doppler功率系数、氙和钐的动态特性均趋向使堆芯运行更加安全和稳定。本文的研究结果可为MOX燃料在M310堆芯中应用的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Validation tests were made for the accuracy of cell calculation methods used in analyses of tight lattices of a mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel core in a high conversion light water reactor (HCLWR). A series of cell calculations was carried out for the lattices referred from an international HCLWR benchmark comparison, with emphasis placed on the resonance calculation methods; the NR, IR approximations, the collision probability method with ultra-fine energy group. Verification was also performed for the geometrical modelling; a hexagonal/cylindrical cell, and the boundary condition; mirror/white reflection. In the calculations, important reactor physics parameters, such as the neutron multiplication factor, the conversion ratio and the void coefficient, were evaluated using the above methods for various HCLWR lattices with different moderator to fuel volume ratios, fuel materials and fissile plutonium enrichments.

The calculated results were compared with each other, and the accuracy and applicability of each method were clarified by comparison with continuous energy Monte Carlo calculations. It was verified that the accuracy of the IR approximation became worse when the neutron spectrum became harder. It was also concluded that the cylindrical cell model with the white boundary condition was not so suitable for MOX fuelled lattices, as for UO2 fuelled lattices.  相似文献   

The performances of a light water cooled thorium breeder reactor have been investigated. A feasible region of fresh fuel enrichment and moderator to fuel ratio (MFR) is found to satisfy the constrains of criticality, breeding, and negative void coefficient for several burnups of discharged fuel. The equilibrium fuel cycle burnup calculation has been performed which is coupled with the cell calculation. The MFR is changed to investigate its effect to the breeding capability and void reactivity coefficient profile for different average discharged burnups. For moderated cases, the conversion ratio (CR) decreases with increasing burnup and MFR. The ratio of fissile inventory in equilibrium core to the initial fissile loading (FIR) has the maximum value at certain burnups depending on the MFR and its value increases with the decreasing MFR. Considering to the breeding capability of the reactor, for burnups of equal to 30 GWd/t or higher, the MFR ≤ 0.3 is needed. For the larger MFR and lower burnups, the void reactivity coefficient becomes more negative with an increasing void fraction. The most negative value of the void reactivity coefficient is obtained at MFR = 0:3.  相似文献   

Experimental study on reactivity worth for absorber material in HCLWR core has been carried out in a series of experiments using the Fast Critical Assembly (FCA) in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The central reactivity worth as well as the simulated control rod worth of B4C with different 10B content and of Hf was measured in FCA-HCLWR core fueled with enriched uranium. Both reactivity worths of B4C increase with 10B content. These increasing trends do not saturate to 90% enriched B4C. The Hf has the smaller reactivity worth than the 20% B4C. The experimental values are compared with the calculated ones which obtained from JENDL-2 data and the SRAC system. The calculation predicts well the dependence of reactivity worth on 10B content and underestimates the reactivity worth ratios of the Hf to the 20% B4C.  相似文献   

A series of cell calculations for the Chernobyl reactor was performed using the SRAC code system to provide its fundamental neutronic characteristics for the accident analysis at JAERI. The calculations are based on a two-step cell modelling. The primary cell is supposed on a unit square graphite block of 25cm × 25cm which contains a fuel assembly or a control channel. The secondary cell IS supposed on a unit of 16 channels where 14 fuel and 2 control channels are located so as to simulate the whole core.

Detailed Investigation on fractional change of reaction rates for each nuclide along with increase of void fraction was carried out. The analysis clarified the mechanism to induce the positive void coefficient, together with its burn-up dependence and the increase due to withdrawal of control rod.

A comparison of the effect of void fraction on the reaction rates in the primary cell between a Monte Carlo code VIM and SRAC shows consistent results within the statistical error.

The calculated results for the composition of discharged fuel, void and other reactivity coefficients, kinetic parameters and their burn-up dependence show satisfactorily good agreement with those reported by the Soviet Union and some institutions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a benchmark problem suite for studying the physics of next-generation fuels of light water reactors. The target discharge burnup of the next-generation fuel was set to 70GWd/t considering the increasing trend in discharge burnup of light water reactor fuels. The UO2 and MOX fuels are included in the benchmark specifications. The benchmark problem consists of three different geometries: fuel pin cell, PWR fuel assembly and BWR fuel assembly. In the pin cell problem, detailed nuclear characteristics such as burnup dependence of nuclide-wise reactivity were included in the required calculation results to facilitate the study of reactor physics. In the assembly benchmark problems, important parameters for in-core fuel management such as local peaking factors and reactivity coefficients were included in the required results. The benchmark problems provide comprehensive test problems for next-generation light water reactor fuels with extended high burnup. Furthermore, since the pin cell, the PWR assembly and the BWR assembly problems are independent, analyses of the entire benchmark suite is not necessary: e.g., the set of pin cell and PWR fuel assembly problems will be suitable for those in charge of PWR in-core fuel management, and the set of pin cell and BWR fuel assembly problems for those in charge of BWR in-core fuel management.  相似文献   

The effect of the moderator density distribution of annular flow on the fuel assembly neutronic characteristics in a boiling water nuclear reactor was investigated using the SRAC95 code system. For the investigation, a model of annular flow for fuel assembly calculation was utilized. The results of the assembly calculation with the model (Method 1) and those of the fuel assembly calculation with the uniform void fraction distribution (Method 2) were compared. It was found that Method 2 underestimates the infinite multiplication factor in the fuel assembly including the gadolinia rod (type 1 assembly). This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the capture rate in the thermal energy region in gadolinia fuel is estimated to be smaller when the liquid film of annular flow at the fuel rod surface is considered. A burnup calculation was performed under the condition of a void fraction of 65% and a volumetric fraction of the liquid film in liquid phase of 1. It is found that Method 2 underestimates the infinite multiplication factor in comparison to Method 1 in the early stage of burnup, and that Method 2 becomes to overestimate the factor after a certain degree of burnup. This is because Method 2 overestimates the depletion rate of the gadolinia.  相似文献   

—A series of reactor physics experiments have been carried out at the FCA to examine the availability of the nuclear data and computational method currently employed to evaluate the nuclear characteristics of the High Conversion Light Water Reactor. Experimental results of the effective and infinite multiplication factors keff and k are compared with the calculated ones for three zone-type FCA-HCLWR cores fueled with enriched uranium. The calculated keff and k values with use of the SRAC system and the cross section set based on the JENDL-2 data file show a good agreement with the measured ones. The calculated-to-experimental (C/E) values for keff and k do not depend on the cell parameters such as the fuel enrichment, the moderator voidage state and the moderator-to-fuel volume ratio, and these values are similar with each other There is also no inconsistency between the C/E values for keff and k : The average C/E values are 989 and 0 988 for keff and k respectively  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to studies on the influence of the sodium void reactivity effect (SVRE) on the safety and technical and economical characteristics of the BN-1200-type reactor. Different core options are considered for application to this reactor. These core options differ in design, dimensions, and, hence, SVRE value. It is shown by the analysis that the most flattened core with sodium plenum at the top assures reactor self-protection under beyond-design-basis accident conditions. Sodium plenum abandonment and core height increase causing an SVRE value increase deteriorate reactor self-protection, but at the same time, improve some technical and economical characteristics of the reactor. Self-protection means the possibility to avoid rapid core meltdown under conditions of the above-listed beyond-design accidents. The possibility of controlling beyond-design accidents (for instance, by restoring the power supply of the main pumps in a rather short time) is taken into account. Issues of choosing the optimal core design under these conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of reaction rates have been performed in three uranium-fueled zone-type cores of the FCA constructed for a series of experiments on a high conversion light water reactor (HCLWR). These cores possess central test zones of different fuel enrichments and moderator to fuel volume ratios. Radial and axial fission rates of 236U, 239Pu, 238U and 23,Np were measured in each test zone by means of the micro-fission counter traverse. A region where the fundamental mode spectrum is established in the test zone were determined by utilizing these fission rate distributions. Central reaction rate ratios relative to the 235U fission rate were obtained from the measurements by the micro-fission counters and metallic uranium foils to examine changes in the reaction rate ratios among the three cores.

The measured data were analyzed by the SRAC code system on the basis of the nuclear data file JENDL-2. The calculated fission rate distributions agree well with the experimental results for the all cases. The results of reaction rate ratios show that the calculations over- predict the experimental values of the 238U capture/235U fission and 238U fission/235U fission rate ratios in the three cores.  相似文献   

Design and safety aspects of long-life small safe fast reactors using liquid lead or lead-bismuth coolant with metallic or nitride fuel are discussed. Neutronic analyses are performed to investigate the effect of core height to diameter ratio (H/D) on design performance of the proposed reactors. All reactors are subjected to the constraint of 12 years operation without refueling and shuffling with constant 150 MWt reactor power and also to the requirement of maximum excess reactivity during burnup to be less than 0.1%Δk. The results show that the pancake design with H/D of ?2/3 gives the most negative coolant void coefficient under the requirements for excess reactivity. Modified designs with the central region axially fulfilled with fertile material are proposed to improve the coolant void coefficient. Thermal-hydraulic analysis results show the possibility to operate the reactors up to the end of life without changing their orifice pattern, necessary pumping power for the proposed design smaller than the conventional large sodium cooled FBR, and the natural circulation contribution of 25–40% at the normal operating condition. The reactivity feedback coefficients are also estimated and appeared to be negative for all the components including the coolant density coefficient.  相似文献   

By using the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA), a series of critical experiments was performed to measure the temperature coefficient of reactivity in a light-water-moderated and heavy-water-reflected cylindrical core loaded with highly-enriched-uranium (HEU) or medium- enriched-uranium (MEU) fuel. The measurement was performed for the approximately 20 to 70°C range to examine the effects of the size of light-water region in a heterogeneous multi- region type core, the reduced 235U enrichment, and the existence of boron burnable poison (BP) on this quantity by using six types of core configurations. In all the six types of cores, there were large light-water regions at the center of core and between the outer fuel region and the heavy-water reflector region, and it was found that these light-water regions caused a remarkably positive effect on the temperature coefficient of reactivity. In the present study, the temperature coefficients of the MEU core and the core without BP were more positive than those of the HEU core and the core with BP, respectively. The size of light-water region had a larger effect on the temperature coefficient rather than the reduced 235U enrichment and the existence of BP. The negative temperature coefficient would be realized by reducing the thickness of light-water layer existed in the core.  相似文献   

This paper presents about conceptual designs of Advanced Recycling Reactor (ARR) focusing on enhancement in transuranics (TRU) burning and americium (Am) transmutation. The design has been conducted in the context of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) seeking to close nuclear fuel cycle in ways that reduce proliferation risks, reduce the nuclear waste in the US and further improve global energy security. This study strives to enhance the TRU burning and the Am transmutation, assuming the development of related technologies in this study, while the ARR based on mature technologies was designed in the previous study. It has followed that the provided TRU burning core is designed to burn TRU at 28 kg/TWthh, by adding moderator pins of B4C (Enriched B-11) and the Am transmutation core will be able to transmute Am at 34 kg/TWthh, by locating Am blanket of AmN around the TRU burning core. It indicates that these concepts improve TRU burning by 40-50% than the previous core and can transmute Am effectively, keeping the void reactivity acceptable.  相似文献   

This work developed an advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) feedwater pump and controller model, which was incorporated into Personal Computer Transient Analyzer (PCTran)-ABWR, a nuclear power plant simulation code. The feedwater pump model includes three turbine-driven feedwater pumps and one motor-driven feedwater pump. The feedwater controller includes a one-element/three-element water level controller and a specific feedwater speed controller for each feedwater pump. The performance tests, including step change of dome pressure, feedwater pumps transfer, inadvertent closure of all turbine control valves, and one feedwater pump trip at 100% power, demonstrate the feasibility of dynamic response of stand-alone model and incorporated model. Furthermore, a diversity and defense-in-depth analysis is performed to demonstrate the feasibility for motor-driven feedwater pump as an emergency core cooling system (ECCS) automatic diverse back-up. In Lungmen nuclear power plant (NPP), a diverse manual initiation means for the high pressure core flooder (HPCF) loop C is designed as the back-up of digitalized engineered safety features actuation system (ESFAS). If the motor-driven feedwater pump (MDFWP) can be an automatic digital diverse back-up for ESFAS, Lungmen NPP would be more robust to defend against software common-cause failure (CCF).  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) type nuclear power plant (NPP) in Korea. Yonggwang unit 3, which was constructed as a basis model for a Korea standard nuclear power plant (KSNP), is selected as an example for the presentation. This overview is derived from analyzing the I&C systems based on a top-down approach. The I&C systems consist of 30 systems. The 183 I&C cabinets are also analyzed and mapped to the systems. The overview is focused on an interface between the systems and the cabinets. This information will be used to understand the implementation of the I&C systems and to group the systems for an upgrade.  相似文献   

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