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The Advanced Correlated Sampling (ACS) method, which can greatly enhance the calculation efficiency of Monte Carlo (MC) methods using a perturbation technique and a pseudo-scattering technique, is improved so as to be able to handle multi-assembly analysis. Two boundary connection methods—the neutron path connection and neutron current connection methods—are developed, and their accuracies for a 2×2 multi-assembly system are confirmed. The speedup factor against the corresponding direct MC calculation is a maximum of about 100. These boundary connection methods are also applied in pin-wise 2-D quarter core calculations as an example of a large-scale system. A newly developed perturbed neutron source iteration technique allows for very smooth source convergence. Furthermore, by incorporating the Direct Response Matrix (DRM) method as the acceleration means for the source convergence, the number of source iteration cycles is significantly shortened. The results confirm that this improved ACS method has the ability to perform pin-wise whole core calculations very accurately and efficiently.  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗方法进行燃耗计算时,随着燃耗加深,燃耗的计算误差逐渐增大。本文针对蒙特卡罗方法的燃耗计算误差进行研究,并采取修正措施改善燃耗计算的精度。结果表明:采用无偏差最小方差(UMV)修正可改善统计误差的传递效应,采用密度修正可保证蒙特卡罗输运计算的准确性,在此基础上局部优化燃耗截面库,进一步改善了燃耗计算的精度,为其工程应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于抽样基本原理研究了应用于燃耗计算的不确定度分析方法,并开发了燃耗计算不确定度分析程序。基于评价核数据库ENDF/B-Ⅷ.0的裂变产额标准差和衰变常量标准差计算得到了衰变常量协方差矩阵和带相关性的裂变产额协方差矩阵,并结合SCALE6.2程序包的56群反应截面协方差数据库,对Takahama-3压水堆组件基准题中SF95-4样品进行不确定度分析。计算了反应截面、衰变常量和裂变产额不确定度引起的核素积存量的不确定度。计算结果表明,反应截面的不确定度是锕系核素积存量不确定度的主要来源,裂变产额和衰变常量的不确定度对部分裂变产物的积存量会引入较大的不确定度。但考虑裂变产额相关性后,裂变产额引起的不确定度显著降低。  相似文献   

Two correlated Monte Carlo methods, the similar flight path and the identical flight path methods, have been improved to evaluate up to the second order change of the reactivity perturbation. Secondary fission neutrons produced by neutrons having passed through perturbed regions in both unperturbed and perturbed systems are followed in a way to have a strong correlation between secondary neutrons in both the systems. These techniques are incorporated into the general purpose Monte Carlo code MORSE, so as to be able to estimate also the statistical error of the calculated reactivity change.

The control rod worths measured in the FCA V-3 assembly are analyzed with the present techniques, which are shown to predict the measured values within the standard deviations. The identical flight path method has revealed itself more useful than the similar flight path method for the analysis of the control rod worth.  相似文献   

堆用蒙卡程序燃耗计算功能开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佘顶  王侃  余纲林 《核动力工程》2012,33(3):1-5,11
堆用蒙卡程序(RMC)是由清华大学工程物理系REAL实验室自主开发的用于反应堆物理分析的中子输运蒙卡程序,本文主要介绍其燃耗计算功能的开发与验证。RMC的燃耗计算功能具有的特点:内部耦合ORIGEN,相比于外耦合方式,更加灵活和高效;使用基于能谱的单群截面统计方法,可在保证精度的前提下,显著提高计算效率;采取预估修正和中点近似等多种燃耗步策略,减小大燃耗步长时的计算误差。通过计算压水堆栅元、沸水堆组件、快堆等一系列基准题和算例,验证了RMC燃耗计算的正确性和速度优势。  相似文献   

The fusion-fission (FF) hybrid reactor is a promising energy source that is thought to act as a bridge between the existing fission reactor and the genuine fusion reactor in the future. The burnup calculation system that aims at precise burnup calculations of a subcritical system was developed for the detailed design of the FF hybrid reactor, and the system consists of MCNP, ORIGEN, and postprocess codes. In the present study, the calculation system was substantially modified to improve the calculation accuracy and at the same time the calculation speed as well. The reaction rate estimation can be carried out accurately with the present system that uses track-length (TL) data in the continuous-energy treatment. As for the speed-up of the reaction rate calculation, a new TL data bunching scheme was developed so that only necessary TL data are used as long as the accuracy of the point-wise nuclear data is conserved. With the present system, an example analysis result for our proposed FF hybrid reactor is described, showing that the computation time could really be saved with the same accuracy as before.  相似文献   

利用碲锌镉(CZT)探测器组成的γ谱探测系统是一种测量乏燃料组件燃耗的较有效的方法。本文利用蒙特卡罗方法,借助于Geant4软件包计算在两种测量方式、多个准直高度条件下组件中137Cs和134Cs的全能峰探测效率,对测量结果的正确评价分析具有一定意义。另外,采用偏倚抽样方法确定源粒子发射方向,极大提高了CZT探测器全能峰探测效率。  相似文献   

To increase the accuracy of Monte Carlo perturbation calculations, the main issue is to estimate the variations of fission source distribution in perturbed systems. For estimating the difference between effective multiplication factors in unperturbed and perturbed systems, this study proposes combining the fission matrix method and the correlated sampling method, and applying the weight window technique for stabilizing the weight fluctuation of fission sources in perturbed systems. By applying the proposed method to the Smart and User-frIendly Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code (SUIT) Monte Carlo code, perturbation calculations are carried out for GODIVA and for simplified STACY problems. The results thus estimated show good agreement compared with those of reference calculations, demonstrating that the proposed method can effectively estimate variations of fission source distribution in perturbed systems for improving the accuracy of Monte Carlo correlated sampling method, especially for large variations.  相似文献   

压水堆燃料组件输运燃耗耦合计算通常采用的是传统的预估-校正(PC)燃耗方法。然而,该方法本身的假设导致其存在一定的计算误差。为进一步提高燃耗计算的精度,本文针对传统的预估-校正燃耗方法的缺陷研究了改进的预估-校正燃耗方法,改进了对核反应率进行修正的高阶预估-校正燃耗方法,并在Bamboo-Lattice程序中进行了程序实现,对该方法进行了验证分析。结果表明:改进的预估-校正燃耗方法和高阶预估-校正燃耗方法在保证计算效率的前提下提高了燃耗计算的精度。  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗算法并行计算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用蒙特卡罗(MC)计算方法,进行核反应粒子输运计算,是业内近十几年发展起来的一种有相对优势的计算方法.本文针对并行计算过程中数据初始化、计算任务分配、计算结果归约、计算结果一致性、程序功能一致性等关键问题进行了多种算法优劣的比较以及程序实现过程中的难点进行了分析,最终给出了测试结果和研究结论.结果表明,MC算法在粒子输运计算过程中有着相当好的计算效率.  相似文献   

基于广义微扰理论推导了裂变产额和半衰期的燃耗灵敏度系数理论模型,该模型考虑了原子核密度和中子通量的相互影响,并开发了燃耗计算中有效增殖因数和原子核密度等响应参数对核数据的灵敏度和不确定度分析程序。基于评价核数据中裂变产物独立产额的标准差数据,产生了针对压缩燃耗数据库的裂变产额协方差矩阵,以提高不确定度的计算精度。基于ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1数据库量化了UAM基准题TMI-1栅元无限增殖因数及重要裂变产物和重核的原子核密度由裂变产额和半衰期引入的不确定度。数值结果表明,对于栅元无限增殖因数,裂变产额和半衰期引入的不确定度很小;对于部分裂变产物的原子核密度,裂变产额和半衰期会引入较大的不确定度。  相似文献   

本文采用RMC模拟计算了西安脉冲堆(XAPR)稳态堆芯第1循环燃料元件的精细燃耗分布情况,根据XAPR运行温度制备了多温度点氢化锆的热化截面,计算了零燃耗下XAPR冷态和热态实验的keff。分别考虑燃料棒径向和轴向空间离散化下温度反馈的结果,确定了首循环脉冲堆三维燃耗最深的位置。结果表明,采用燃料棒径向燃耗分区的15 EFPD下D5和G14燃料棒燃耗计算结果较径向不分区的结果更接近实验值,RMC应用于XAPR精细燃耗计算具有较高可靠性,可用于脉冲堆物理计算与安全分析工作。  相似文献   

弥散型燃料广泛应用于高温气冷堆、事故容忍燃料、实验研究堆及核动力舰船等,是重要的燃料类型之一。弦长抽样(CLS)方法可简化弥散燃料几何建模,提高计算效率,然而传统CLS方法只能描述单种颗粒的填充,同时在高体积填充率时误差较大。针对CLS方法的两大问题,本文在自主化堆用蒙特卡罗程序RMC中开发了改进CLS方法,并应用于全陶瓷微胶囊封装燃料棒算例及含毒物颗粒的高温堆燃料球算例。计算结果表明,改进CLS方法可解决多种颗粒混合填充的问题,并且可保证体积填充率的准确性,为弥散燃料的临界及燃耗计算提供了高效、精确的方法。  相似文献   

介绍缓发中子有效份额(βeff)、有效中子代时间(Λeff)和本征值的概念及其蒙特卡罗程序计算方法。采用Prompt Method方法计算得到βeff;微扰法得到Λeff;采用瞬发中子密度衰减直接拟合法和间接求解法得到本征值;将各种反应性状态下的拟合得到临界c本征值,并与实验测量的c值进行比对,结果符合很好;并对动态参数蒙特卡罗程序计算的各种方法进行不确定度分析。  相似文献   

Dispersion fuel is widely used in high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), accident tolerant fuel, experimental research reactor, naval nuclear power plant and so on. The chord-length sampling (CLS) method can simplify the geometry modeling of dispersion fuel, which can improve the efficiency. However, traditional CLS can only handle the packing of single particle, and has large error when the packing fraction is high. Aiming to solve these two problems, the improve CLS method was developed in reactor Monte Carlo code RMC, and applied to the fully ceramic micro-encapsulated fuel pin case and HTGR fuel pebble with mixed fuel and poison particles. Results show that the proposed method can handle mixed particles with multiple types, and preserve the accuracy of packing fraction, which provide precise and high efficiency for the critical and burnup calculations.  相似文献   

The calculation model of sensitivity coefficient for decay half-life and fission product yield in burnup calculation was derived based on generalized perturbation theory, which considered the interaction between nuclear concentration and neutron flux. A code was developed to calculate sensitivity and uncertainty of effective neutron multiplication factors and nuclide concentration caused by nuclear data. Covariance matrix of fission yield for a simplified burnup library was generated based on standard deviation data of independent fission yield in evaluated nuclear data library to improve the accuracy of uncertainty quantification. Uncertainties induced by decay half-life and fission yield on infinite neutron multiplication factors and nuclide concentration for TMI-1 pin-cell in the UAM burnup benchmark were quantified based on ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1. The numerical results show that the uncertainty of infinite neutron multiplication factors induced by decay half-lives and fission yields is low, while the uncertainty of concentration of some fission product nuclide is high.  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗方法在ADS屏蔽计算中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖义香 《核动力工程》2004,25(2):106-108,132
利用蒙特卡罗方法计算了新一代核能系统加速器驱动系统(ADS)中质子束管内的中子归一化注量率分布以及通过质子束管入口和其它外表面逸出的归一化中子注量率,得出了一些对ADS系统的设计有重要意义的结论。  相似文献   

本文探索并研究了一种新的地震易损度算法,基于蒙特卡罗(MC)抽样和最大-最小法计算了单个设备和多个设备组合的最小割集的易损度。最小割集包括3种类型:纯地震失效最小割集、包含非事件的最小割集、地震失效和随机失效混合割集。对于仅包含地震失效的事故序列,可直接采用基于蒙特卡罗抽样和最大 最小法的易损度算法进行计算。涉及地震失效和随机失效混合的事故序列,可采用极限近似方法(MCUB)或其他割集定量化算法进行计算。经对比,基于蒙特卡罗抽样和最大 最小法的地震易损度算法计算结果与理论值一致,为工程应用中的地震易损度计算提供了另一种可行的算法。  相似文献   

核截面数据不确定性是现阶段造成核装置的keff计算不确定度的重要因素,本文采用直接蒙特卡罗方法分析核截面数据引起的keff不确定度。直接蒙特卡罗方法首先根据核截面协方差矩阵直接模拟产生多套随机核截面数据,然后利用现有堆芯计算程序计算核装置的keff,最后对keff计算结果进行统计,得出由核截面数据引起的keff计算不确定度。通过对Jezebel-239Pu基准装置和中国实验快堆首炉堆芯进行计算和分析,验证了方法的合理性与可行性。  相似文献   

本文应用多种减方差技巧提出了强迫指向自动重要抽样(FPAIS)方法,并在MCNP5程序平台实现了该方法。采用该方法对1个多折迷宫算例进行了模拟计算,计算结果与MCNP5程序的直接模拟、DXTRAN球、点通量3种方法的结果进行了比对。基于此算例对FPAIS方法进行了引导面设置和粒子数敏感性分析。结果表明,FPAIS方法在保证一定计算精度的前提下,比其他3种方法的FOM提高2~3个量级,且该方法对引导面设置不敏感、可用性强,对于迷宫屏蔽计算是一种准确、高效的解决方案。  相似文献   

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