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Total mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) levels were determined in the muscle of four commercialised exported fish species Thunnus albacares (yellowfin tuna), Xiphias gladius (swordfish), Makaira indica (black marlin) and Lutjanus sp (red snapper) collected from the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, during July 2009–March 2010 and measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results show that swordfish (n = 176) contained the highest total Hg (0.90 ± 0.51 mg/kg) and Cd (0.09 ± 0.13 mg/kg) levels, whereas yellowfin tuna (n = 140) contained the highest Pb levels (0.11 ± 0.16 mg/kg). The lowest total Hg (0.16 ± 0.11 mg/kg), Cd (0.01 ± 0.01 mg/kg) and Pb (0.04 ± 0.04 mg/kg) levels were found in red snapper (n = 28). Black marlin (n = 24) contained moderate levels of total Hg (0.49 ± 0.37), Cd (0.02 ± 0.02) and Pb (0.05 ± 0.05). Even though there are some concerns during certain months of the year, this study demonstrates the safety of main export fish varieties in terms of total Hg, Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

The aim was to estimate the adult exposure to cadmium, lead and mercury from daily household diets in Eastern Poland (Lublin city and province). A duplicate diet approach was used to top collect diet samples in 1990, 1993, 1998 and 2002. Cadmium and lead contents were measured by flame atomic absorption and the mercury content was measured by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. The intake of the three elements was calculated using FOOD computer software. The exposure to cadmium taken with daily diets was from 16.4 - 34.5 μg/person/day (27-58% PTWI). The lead exposure was 66.5 - 106 μg/person/day (31-49% PTWI), which posed a smaller risk, and the exposure risk to mercury of 4.08-6.65 μg/person/day (10-16% PTWI) was even lower.  相似文献   

目的调查南四湖水产品中铅、镉、砷、汞的污染,分析南四湖的污染状况。方法对南四湖7种主要经济鱼类及鸭、螺、藕、菱角等湖产品共2 5 0份进行铅、镉、砷、汞含量的检测;其中鱼、鸭以池养鱼、家鸭作为对照。结果铅、镉、汞含量均高于对照组,最高超出国家标准1 3.2倍;而砷只在鲫鱼、鳊鱼、鲂鱼中的含量高于对照组。结论通过对南四湖湖水及湖产品污染4种元素的检测分析表明,湖区受周围工业污染严重,应进一步加强综合治理。  相似文献   

目的研究福建省市售茶叶中金属元素含量情况,通过分析茶叶中重金属含量情况,评估其对人体的健康风险情况。方法在福建省市场随机抽取不同品种茶叶98份,用微波消解法处理茶叶,电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)检测茶叶中铝、铅、砷、汞、铬、镉的含量。结果98批市售茶叶中的铅、砷、汞、铬、镉5种重金属元素含量都在国家标准范围之内,目前暂无茶叶中铝含量相关限量标准,但其危害作用有限。98份市售茶叶中铅、砷、铬、铝检出率均为100%,铬、汞的检出率分别为95.9%、37.8%。各元素靶标危害系数(target hazard quotient,THQ)排名依次为铝>铬>砷>铅>镉>汞,危害指数(hazard Index,HI)为0.2589,铝对危害指数的贡献率为45.2%。按照不同茶叶种类进行分类,其危害指数排名依次为黑茶>乌龙茶>绿茶>红茶。按照茶叶产地进行分类,其危害指数排名依次为云南>福建>浙江。结论福建省市售茶叶中这6种金属元素存在一定程度的污染,但危害指数为0.2589,小于1,对人们的健康风险较低,但仍应持续监测茶叶中金属元素的含量情况。  相似文献   

目的 了解内蒙古地区食品中铅、镉、总汞的污染水平,为及时发现食品安全隐患和进行风险预警提供基础数据。方法 按照2012—2016年内蒙古自治区食品中化学污染物监测计划,结合内蒙古地区地产食品种类及分布特点,采集内蒙古地区12个盟市的本地产食品样品,采用国家食品安全标准方法对样品中铅、镉、总汞进行检测,按照食品污染物限量标准进行评价。结果 共采集8类食品,其中监测铅含量的有效样品为4 212份,检出率为32.72%(1 378/4 212),超标率为0.76%(32/4 212),超标的食品类别主要为食用菌(以鲜食用菌计),超标率为7.37%(14/190);监测镉含量的有效样品为4 173份,检出率为54.18%(2 261/4 173),超标率为0.58%(24/4 173),超标的食品类别主要为食用菌(以鲜食用菌计)、水产动物及其制品及肉与肉制品,超标率分别为3.68%(7/190)、2.06%(9/437)及1.15%(6/524);监测总汞含量的有效样品为4 217份,检出率为32.68%(1 378/4 217),超标率为0.50%(21/4 217),超标食品主要为食用菌(以鲜食用菌计)及蔬菜,超标率分别为3.68%(7/190)与1.01%(11/1 088)。结论 内蒙古地区生产的食用菌(以鲜食用菌计) 、水产动物及其制品、肉与肉制品、蔬菜中存在重金属污染情况,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

目的采用中国总膳食研究方法,运用广东省重金属污染监测工作所采集的各类居民日常食品中的铅、镉、砷、汞检测数据,评估广东省居民膳食中铅、镉、砷、汞的人群健康暴露情况。方法测定广东22市各类食品中的铅、镉、砷、汞含量,计算居民铅的暴露边界比,镉的每月摄入量,砷、汞的每周摄入量并以此作为评价标准。结果各类食品中铅、镉、砷、汞的总体均值分别为0.140、0.118、0.320、0.018 mg/kg,18岁以下未成年人群,铅的暴露边界比(MOE)值为0.35~13.76;18岁以上成年人群,铅的MOE值为1.83~89.57,镉的每月摄入量为0.02~20.28μg/kg.bw,占镉暂定每月可耐受摄人量的0.08%~81.1%。各人群大米中镉的EMI值为11.47~20.28μg/kg·bw,占镉暂定每月可耐受摄入量的45.9%~81.1%;砷的EWI值为0.2~10.4μg/kg·bw,占PTWI的1.3%~69%;汞的EWI值为0.01~1.29μg/kg·bw,占PTWI的0.25%~32.2%。结论广东省居民膳食中铅、镉、砷、汞污染的暴露情况对于各年龄段人群来说总体处于安全水平,但其中大米的镉、蔬菜中的铅暴露却存在一定的风险。  相似文献   

目的 调查日照市市售海带中常见污染物铅、镉、汞、砷、无机砷污染的含量,为市售海带的深加工与安全风险评价提供基础资料与科学依据。方法 在市直、县区各农贸市场、超市、食堂等进行随机采样,用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定市售海带中铅、镉、汞、砷的含量,以液相色谱-原子荧光光谱仪测定无机砷的含量,并按照湿、淡干、盐干等三种海带样品进行分类,对检测结果进行比较分析。 结果 2017~2019年日照市市售海带样品按照湿、淡干、盐干分类,三类样品中铅、镉、汞、砷及无机砷的含量在不同年度之间具有一致性。在同一年度中,铅、镉、砷含量的平均值:湿<盐干<淡干;汞含量平均值:湿<盐干、淡干,盐干、淡干样品中汞含量无显著差异;湿样品无机砷含量均合格,而淡干、盐干样品合格率偏低。结论 海带中铅、镉、汞、砷、无机砷污染普遍存在,而在湿、淡干与盐干海带中铅、镉、汞、砷、无机砷含量的差别应在监管与安全风险评估中给予重视。  相似文献   

目的建立快速测定霜状化妆品中铅、镉、铬、砷和汞的分析方法。方法通过微波消解进行样品前处理,用电感耦合等离子质谱法同时测定霜状化妆品中铅、镉、铬、砷和汞。优化了仪器条件,进行了检出限、精密度和准确性等方法学研究。结果经过与《化妆品卫生规范》指定方法的比对验证,相关系数均0.999,检出限在0.03μg/kg~0.12μg/kg之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)在3.5%~8.1%,回收率在96%~116%。结论用不同基质的有证标准物质进行验证,测定值均在标准值范围内,该方法适用于霜状化妆品中铅、镉、铬、砷和汞的快速测定,能够满足《化妆品卫生规范》要求。  相似文献   

目的建立石墨消解-微波消解法测定乳粉中的总砷、总汞、铅和镉含量的分析方法。方法样品经石墨加热预消解,采用微波消解法前处理,并采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)测定乳粉中的总砷、总汞、铅和镉含量。结果总砷、总汞、铅和镉的平均加标回收率为94.4%?108.3%,精密度的相对标准差(relative standard deviation,RSD)为1.1%?4.6%,方法检出限分别为4.4、4.8、4.9、0.6?g/kg。乳粉质控样和考核样中总砷、总汞、铅和镉的测定结果均在参考值范围内,结果均为满意。结论该方法操作简便,重现性良好,测定结果准确、可靠,适用于乳粉中总砷、总汞、铅和镉的含量测定。  相似文献   

目的 建立电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定莲藕中的铅、镉、铬、砷和汞含量的分析方法。方法样品经微波消解后,以209铋、115铟、72锗内标溶液消除非质谱干扰,以氦气为碰撞反应气消除质谱干扰。采用基准物质大米粉GBW(E)100348、菠菜GBW10015和加标回收率验证方法的准确度。对方法的线性范围、检出限、精密度和回收率等进行了考察。结果 铅、镉、铬、砷和汞5种元素的线性范围分别为0~50、0~50、0~50、0~50和0~2μg/L;相兲系数r分别为0.9996、0.9996、0.9991、0.9997和0.9990;平均加标回收率分别为97.3%、97.5%、95.7%、96.0%和97.4%;相对标准偏差分别为0.37%、0.89%、1.04%、1.03%、1.58%;检出限分别为0.001、0.002、0.002、0.001和0.0003mg/kg。结论 该方法操作简便,干扰较小,灵敏度高,同时检出限低、精密度高、准确度好,适用于同时检测莲藕中的铅、镉、铬、砷和汞。  相似文献   

目的了解昌吉地区食用菌中重金属汞和镉含量的情况,保障食用菌安全性。方法在昌吉地区的超市、农贸市场等地随机采集7种不同的食用菌,依据国标(GB5009.17食品中汞的检测第一法;GB5009.15食品中镉的检测第一法)测定其中汞和镉的含量,同时采用单因子污染指数法和综合因子污染指数法对食用菌的污染程度进行评价。结果 210种样品中汞超标率0.95%,镉超标率2.38%,且同种食用菌对不同重金属的富集能力有差异,黑平菇、鸡腿菇、平菇、金针菇、圆菇和杏鲍菇的富集趋势均为镉总汞;而香菇的富集趋势则为总汞镉。分级结果为金针菇、黑平菇、鸡腿菇、平菇、杏鲍菇为一级产品;圆菇为二级产品;香菇为三级产品。不同采样点中汞污染最高的是源自农贸市场的食用菌,平均值为0.054 mg/kg;镉污染最高的是市场,平均值为0.059 mg/kg。结论昌吉大部分地区重金属污染较为严重,可能是食用菌生长环境中重金属含量较高所致,因此需要从栽培源头加大控制防范力度。  相似文献   

Mercury and cadmium concentrations were measured in the flesh and liver (or hepatopancreas) of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and horned octopus (Eledone moschata) to establish whether the concentrations exceeded the maximum levels fixed by the European Commission. In both species, mercury and cadmium mean concentrations were higher in liver (albacore: mercury = 2.41 μg g-1 wet wt, cadmium = 9.22 μg g-1 wet wt; horned octopus: mercury = 0.76 μg g-1 wet wt, cadmium = 6.72 μg g-1 wet wt) than in flesh (albacore: mercury = 1.56 μg g-1 wet wt, cadmium = 0.05 μg g-1 wet wt; horned octopus: mercury = 0.36 μg g-1 wet wt, cadmium = 0.33 μg g-1). Mercury concentrations exceeding the prescribed legal limit of 1 μg g-1 wet wt were found in almost all albacore samples (flesh: 71.4%; liver: 85.7%). For horned octopus, concentrations above 0.5 μg g-1 wet wt were observed solely in hepatopancreas, while in flesh, the concentrations were below this limit in all the samples examined. Of the flesh samples of albacore, 42.8% exceeded the proposed tolerance for cadmium for human consumption, whilst for horned octopus, the established limit was not exceeded in any sample.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to assess heavy metal cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and organochlorine pesticide concentrations in tissues of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) from nine hunting areas and to evaluate related risk factors for the host animal. Over a period of 2 years, a total of 1055 and 210 masseters, 424 and 201 livers, 642 and 152 kidneys were collected from wild boar and red deer, respectively, and concentrations of Cd, Pb and organochlorine pesticides were determined. Comparing the two species, Cd concentration in the kidney (3.72 mg/kg), liver (0.67 mg/kg) and muscle (0.02 mg/kg) of wild boar was found to be significantly higher than in the organs of red deer (1.02 mg/kg in the kidneys, 0.07 mg/kg in the liver and 0.006 mg/kg in muscle). Mean Pb concentrations were found to be similar in both animals, with 0.39, 0.52 and 2.60 mg/kg detected in the wild boar kidney, liver and muscle, respectively, and 0.24, 0.21 and 2.04 mg/kg in the respective organs of the red deer. No difference in concentrations were found based on age class, location of tissue sample or contaminant in the case of wild boar. By contrast, a significantly lower Cd concentration was found in the kidney of the young red deer. The search for organochlorine pesticides in both red deer and wild boar produced negative results with values below the limits of detection. Due to the high levels of renal Cd and muscle Pb detected in wild boar and red deer, further research needs to be carried out in an effort to identify the source of contamination and preserve the health of animals and humans.  相似文献   

采用原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法分别对舟山本岛范围内农贸菜场和超市的菲律宾蛤仔中铅、镉、总汞、无机砷含量进行测定,并对其污染状况和食用安全性进行评价。结果显示:菲律宾蛤仔可食部分中铅、镉和总汞均符合GB 2762-2012《食品中污染物限量》要求,部分样品中无机砷含量超标,超标率在6%~10%之间,无机砷污染指数为0.71;菲律宾蛤仔中铅、镉、汞、无机砷含量小于世界卫生组织/联合国粮农组织制定的每周可耐受摄入量比例的10%。故舟山农贸菜场和超市中菲律宾蛤仔相对安全。  相似文献   


Seafood can be a source of contaminants, which may raise health concerns. The aim of this study was to analyse the levels of inorganic contaminants in commercially available seafood products and assess consumer exposure. Commercially available samples were collected from 2015–2018 and analysed as composite samples for mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium, using accredited methods. Levels of cadmium, lead, and arsenic were low and human exposure of these metals would be minimal from consumption of the analysed seafood products. Mercury levels were well below the EU maximum limit for mercury in fish. However, children, who are high consumers, might be at risk of exceeding the tolerable weekly intake for methyl mercury, when eating products with the highest mercury levels. The collected data can be used for future risk-benefit assessments as intake of processed seafood products represent a large proportion of the populations' seafood intake in Europe.  相似文献   

目的了解吉林省居民膳食中汞污染水平,对吉林省居民膳食摄入汞情况进行风险分析。方法采集并制备吉林省膳食样品,同时建立高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱测定膳食中汞形态的方法,并应用该方法对膳食中的汞形态进行检测。结果吉林省膳食仅水产品样本中检出汞,主要形态为甲基汞,膳食中来自水产品的甲基汞的暴露贡献率在42.23%,计算暴露安全值均小于1,检测结果小于国家标准限量。对水产品甲基汞暴露风险进行分析,周平均暴露量最大为0.19μg/(kg·bw)。结论目前吉林省居民通过水产品摄入甲基汞风险可以接受。为更好地保障吉林省居民膳食甲基汞暴露长期安全,建议有关部门建立长期的风险监测机制。  相似文献   

A large part of the population is exposed to metals and metalloids through the diet. Most of the in vivo studies on its toxicokinetics and toxicity are conducted by means of exposure through drinking water or by intragastric or intraperitoneal administration of aqueous standards, and therefore they do not consider the effect of the food matrix on the exposure. Numerous studies show that some components of the diet can modulate the toxicity of these food contaminants, reducing their effect on a systemic level. Part of this protective role may be due to a reduction of intestinal absorption and subsequent tissue accumulation of the toxic element, although it may also be a consequence of their ability to counteract the toxicity directly by their antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory activity, among other factors. The present review provides a compilation of existing information about the effect that certain components of the diet have on the toxicokinetics and toxicity of the metals and metalloids of greatest toxicological importance that are present in food (arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury), and of their most toxic chemical species.  相似文献   

研究了用四-(对甲基苯基)-卟啉柱前衍生,高效液相色谱法测定食品中痕量铅、镉、汞的方法。食品样品用湿法消化后,消化液中的铅、镉、汞用四-(对甲基苯基)-卟啉(T4MPP)柱前衍生,然后用甲醇(内含0.01mol/L四氢吡咯-醋酸缓冲盐)和四氢呋喃(内含0.01mol/L四氢吡咯-醋酸缓冲盐)为流动相梯度洗脱,WatersXterraTMRP18(3.9150mm,5μm)色谱柱为固定相分离铅、镉、汞的T4MPP络合物,用二极管矩阵检测器检测,铅、镉、汞含量在0.01~3mg/L范围内与峰面积成线性关系,根据信噪比(S/N=3),方法检测限为:铅2.3μg/L、镉1.8μg/L和汞2.5μg/L,方法相对标准偏差为2.1%~3.5%,标准回收率为93%~106%,该方法用于测定食品中的铅、镉、汞,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

皮革中铅镉含量的测定   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
俞旭峰 《中国皮革》2002,31(23):47-48
试样用硝酸镁助灰干法消解 ,火焰原子吸收法测定皮革中铅、镉含量。铅、镉相对标准偏差分别为 :8.3% ,11.6 % ;加标回收率分别为 :84 .2 % - 93.5 % ,88.2 % - 91.3%。  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) were quantified in fish, cephalopods and crustaceans from Italian supermarkets. Sample compliance with European dietary standards as well as human health risks according to provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) and the methodology of target hazard quotient (THQ) were evaluated. Both element levels were under European legal limits, except for some fish having Hg and Cd contents exceeding or equal to critical values. Estimated weekly intakes (Hg: fish = 0.07–1.44 µg kg?1 bw week–1; cephalopods = 0.05–0.15 µg kg?1 bw week–1; crustaceans = 0.04–0.08 µg kg?1 bw week–1; and Cd: fish = 0.04–0.32 µg kg?1 bw week–1; cephalopods = 0.07–0.27 µg kg?1 bw week–1; crustaceans = 0.05–0.11 µg kg?1 bw week–1) as well as THQ < 1 were within safe limits. Although there seems to be no important risks associated with seafood consumption, Hg exposure was in some cases close to safety margins and thus levels of this metal should be under frequent surveillance.  相似文献   

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