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The exchange reactions of n-octyl(pheny1)-N, N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) in La(III), Nd(III), and U(VI) nitrate complexes with CMPO (La(III)-, Nd(III)-, and U(VI)-CMPO complexes) have been studied in CD3COCD3 by means of 31P NMR method. The number of CMPO coordinated to the first coordination sphere of La(III) ion was directly determined to be 3 by the area integrations of 31P NMR signals of free and coordinated CMPO molecules. The same coordination number of 3 was also obtained for the U(VI)-CMPO complex. The coordination number was not determined for the Nd(III)-CMPO complex, because of its paramagnetic behavior. The exchange rate constants of CMPO in La(III)- and U(VI)- CMPO complexes were obtained by the two-site exchange model. Paramagnetic line broadening was observed in the Nd(III)-CMPO complex and the rate constant for the exchange of CMPO was determined by the line-broadening method. The exchange rates of CMPO in La(III)- and Nd(III)-CMPO complexes depend on the free CMPO concentration ([CMPO]), while that in U(VI)-CMPO complex is independent of [CMPO]. The dissociative (D) and dissociative interchange (Id ) mechanisms were proposed for the exchange reactions in the La(III)- and Nd(III)-CMPO complexes, and dissociative (D) or Id mechanism was proposed for the U(VI)-CMPO complex. The dissociative rate constants (s?1) at 25°C and activation parameters ΔH# (kJ·mol?1) and ΔS# (J·K?1·mol?1) are 4.76x103, 28.7±0.1, ?78.4±0.2 for La(III)-CMPO complex, 4.72x103, 42.6±0.4, ?31.7±1.3 for Nd(III)-CMPO complex, and 3.20x103, 46.9±0.6, ?20.5±2.2 for U(VI)-CMPO complex, respectively.  相似文献   

The Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) concept has recently been considered as one of the candidates for the generation IV nuclear power systems. MSRs have many advantages such as improved safety, proliferation resistance, resource sustainability and waste reduction. But MSR developmental activities have lagged and there are few data available to support detailed analyses. However, the authors believe that additional investigations are merited for future study. From this point of view, the authors have analyzed the depressurization accident of the MSR “Fuji-12” using a newly developed MSR transient analysis code. In Fuji-12, a small amount of helium gas bubbles are circulated in the primary loop for stripping out gaseous fission products. A depressurization of the primary system would cause these bubbles to expand, resulting in a positive reactivity insertion. We have attempted to determine the severity of such an accident. Although the analysis is still preliminary and the assumptions are crude, it can be expected that the depressurization would not result in a severe accident in Fuji-12.  相似文献   

We examined electrochemical redox reactions of UO2 2+ in perchlorate and organic acid (oxalic, malonic, succinic, adipic, L-malic, and L-tartaric acids) solutions using cyclic voltammetry to reveal the effects of complex formation with organic acids on the redox behavior. In the perchlorate and organic acid solutions, a redox reaction of UO2 2+/UO2 + and an oxidation reaction of U(IV) produced by a disproportionation of UO2 + were observed. The peak potentials of the UO2 2+ reduction showed a good linear relationship with the stability constants of 1:1 UO2 2+-organic complexes. In the presence of malonic acid, the redox potential for UO2 2+/UO2 + was constant at pH 1-2 and 5-6 while it decreased with an increase in pH from 2 to 5. Additionally, it was independent of malonate concentration at 0.1–0.5 M while it decreased with an increase in the concentration from 0.005 to 0.1 M. Based on the experimental and the speciation calculation results, we determined the redox reactions of UO2 2+-malonate complexes as a function of pH and malonate concentration. We also determined the redox reactions of UO2 2+-oxalate complexes in the same way.  相似文献   

The precipitations of thorium and uranium(VI) sulfito complex ions with hexammine cobalt(III) chloride as the precipitant have been studied.

The orange-colored uranium(VI) precipitate obtained is [Co(NH3)6]4[UO2(SO3)3]322H2O, which is in the form of square bipyramid, about 4 μm across in a cubic symmetry of the diamond type with a=10.40Å It decomposes to an oxide mixture of Co3O4 and U3O8 above 850°C in the air through a sulfate mixture of CoSo4 and UO2SO4.

Composition of the thorium precipitate varies with the precipitation conditions. Therefore, it is considered that the thorium precipitate contains thorium hydroxide and basic thorium sulfite.  相似文献   

The precipitation of uranium(VI) peroxo complex ion with both tris (ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) and tris(trimethylenediamine) cobalt(III) salts has been studied.

The precipitates obtained immediately are, respectively, [Co(en)3]4 [(UO2)2 (O2)4]3nH2O and [Co(tn) 3]4 [(UO2)2 (O2)3]3nH2O, which change to [CO(en) 3]4 [(UO2)2 (O2)2 (OH) 4]3nH2O and [CO(tn) 3]4 [(UO3)2 (O2)2 (OH) 4]3nH2O with time.

Carbonate ion affects the precipitation reactions by forming stable outer-sphere complex ion with cobalt (III) complex cation.  相似文献   


Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and optical spectra of uranium(V) species were observed in both processes of photo- and electrolytic reduction of UO2(NO3)2-2tributylphosphate (TBP) in 80%TBP-n-dodecane solution. The formation of U(V) species was detected by an optical spectrum (λmax: 770, 970 and 1,420 nm). EPR signal with the value of ff-factor –2.3 and a linewidth of approximately 1,100 Gs was observed during the electrolytic reduction. On the other hand, during the photoreduction the signal with the value of fil-factor –1.94 was observed and there was found a superhyperfine structure with the intensity ratio of 1:2:1, that is caused by the superhyperfine coupling with nuclear spin, I=1/2, of the strongly coordinated 31P to the central uranium through oxygen atom. The superhyperfine coupling constant was estimated to be 27 Gs. Moreover, the signal with the value of g-factor –2.00 due to an organic radical was observed. The residue after the thermo-gravimetric analysis of UO2(NO3)2-2TBP was identified as α-UP2O7 by the powder X-ray diffraction analysis, indicating the strong coordination of TBP to the central uranium atom.  相似文献   

Using molecular dynamics simulations (MD), this contribution compares the interaction of three energetic clusters (Au3, Au400 and C60) with a hybrid surface of crystalline polyethylene (PE) covered by a layer of gold nanoparticles. This model system mimics the situation encountered in metal-assisted secondary ion mass spectrometry. The chosen impact points are representative of the PE surface, the metal particles and the frontier between the metal and the polymer. The simulations show the differences between the impact over the Au nanoparticle and the polymer surface, in terms of projectile penetration, crater formation and sputtering yield of PE and gold species. For C60 and Au3 projectiles, a simple correlation is found between the quantity of energy deposited in the top polymeric layers and the quantity of sputtered polymer material, including all the impact points. The results obtained with Au400 do not fit on this line, indicating that other physical parameters are prevalent. The mechanistic view of the interaction provided by the MD helps explain the differences. In short, while C60 and Au3 quickly break apart, creating energetic recoils and severing many bonds in the surface, Au400, with the largest total momentum by far (∼10 times larger than the others) and the lowest energy per atom (25 eV), tends to act and implant in the solid as a single entity, pushing the polymeric material downwards and breaking few bonds in the surface.  相似文献   

For the recovery of fuel materials from spent nuclear fuel, a novel reprocessing process based on the selective sulfurization of fission products (FP) has been proposed, where FP and minor actinides (MA) are first sulfurized by CS2 gas, and then, dissolved by a dilute nitric acid solution. Consequently, the fuel elements are recovered as UO2 and PuO2. As a basic research of this new concept, the sulfurization and dissolution behaviors of U, Pu, Np, Am, Eu, Cs, and Sr were investigated by γ-ray and α spectrometries in this paper using 236Pu-, 237Np-, 241Am-, 152Eu-, 137Cs-, and 85Sr-doped U3O8 samples. The dependence of the dissolution ratio of each element on the sulfurization temperature was studied and reasonably explained by combining the information of the sulfide phase analysis and the chemical thermodynamics of the dissolution reaction. The sulfurization temperature ranging from 350 to 450°C seems to be promising for the separation of FP and MA from U and Pu, since a clear difference in the dissolution ratio between FP and U was derived by the sulfurization treatment in this temperature range.  相似文献   

Continuous counter-current extraction using N,N-di(2-ethylhexyl)butanamide (DEHBA) as an extractant was performed with mixer-settler type extractors consisting of U–Pu extraction, scrub, U recovery, Pu back-extraction, and U back-extraction steps. The feed solution used in the continuous counter-current extraction was 3 mol/dm3 (M) nitric acid containing U, Pu, and simulated fission products of Sr, Ba, Zr, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, and Nd. More than 99.9% of U and Pu in the feed was extracted by 1.9 M DEHBA at the U–Pu extraction step with negligible extraction of Sr, Ba, Mo, Ru, Rh, and Nd. The extracted Pu was back-extracted via contact with 0.3 M nitric acid in the Pu back-extraction step, and the ratio of Pu distributed to the Pu fraction stream was ~ 82%. It was confirmed that 1.9 M DEHBA effectively recovered U in the U recovery step, and the ratio of U in the Pu fraction stream was less than 1%. The extracted U was back-extracted in the U back-extraction step, and more than 98% of U was recovered in the U fraction stream.  相似文献   

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