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本文采用模块化特征线跟踪的方法,借鉴矩形几何的处理方式,针对六角形几何开发了几何预处理算法,得到的几何信息为特征线计算提供前端输入。实际编程发现该方法耗时在ms级别,效率很高。同时扩展了对六角形阵列和组件的几何描述,针对该几何预处理方法,研究了对应的边界条件描述方法,为特征线计算程序的编写奠定了基础。  相似文献   

汤春桃 《原子能科学技术》2011,45(12):1414-1420
基于非结构网格的中子输运方程特征线解法已成为堆芯设计程序中组件输运计算的标准方法之一。但现有的大部分特征线法程序均是基于平源近似的步特征线法模型开发的,平源近似是特征线法中除角度变量直接离散外又一基本假定。本工作提出一种基于线性源近似的中子输运方程特征线解法,并提出相关负中子源分布的修正方法。采用自行研制的数值计算软件PEACH,对OECD/NEAC5G7-MOX2D基准问题和自定义沸水堆小堆芯问题进行检验。数值计算结果表明,本工作提出的线性源近似特征线法模型在相同计算精度的前提下,占用更少的系统内存和运行时间。  相似文献   

子群法与特征线法结合的中子共振计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄世恩  王侃  姚栋 《原子能科学技术》2010,44(10):1201-1206
传统的中子共振自屏计算方法采用了有理近似,局限于处理简单的共振模型,在处理复杂燃料栅元/组件时会引入较大误差。为提高复杂情况下共振计算的精度,将子群法共振模型与特征线方法结合,推导了子群法-特征线法方程。基于WIMSD格式的69群数据库,编制了可用于任意二维几何中子共振计算的SGMOC程序。通过数值验证表明,该程序计算结果与MCNP程序计算结果吻合良好,具有较高的计算精度与几何通用性。  相似文献   

基于各向同性散射的中子输运方程特征线方法,计算实际组件能谱时经输运修正后,散射矩阵中P0自散射截面可能出现一定量的负值,影响数值稳定性。本文开发了P1各向异性散射特征线方法,并研制了计算程序PEACH-A。压水堆栅元基准问题的验证结果表明,PEACH-A程序具有较高的计算精度。对典型富集度的UO_2、MOX燃料栅元及其组合问题进行了敏感性分析,结果表明,针对MOX燃料及富集度差异较大的UO_2燃料栅元组合问题有必要采用P1各向异性散射。  相似文献   

特征线方法通过在计算区域密置特征线来计算角通量,对于计算区域的材料分布和几何结构没有要求,因此特征线方法的几何处理能力受制于几何描述模块对于各种几何区域的描述能力。基于体素构造(CSG)方法,开发了三维特征线程序MOCP的几何描述模块。该几何描述模块可描述随机分布的球床。针对球形燃料的网格划分方式进行了研究,临界球的计算结果表明,当径向网格超过30层时,keff的相对误差小于0.1%。通过对几何描述方式的改进大幅提高了三维特征线追踪的效率,并且实现了在各种形状边界上的特征线布置。  相似文献   

The absorbed-dose to water of heavy ion beam is a fundamental quantity for heavy ion therapy. It is necessary to perform the relevant work with in-direct measurement prior to the study of the reproduction for the absorbed-dose to water of heavy ion beam. The absorbed-dose to water of a carbon ion beam, whose incident energy was 400 MeV/u and spread-out Bragg peak was 6 cm, was studied with conventional ionization method. The correction factors of polarity and ion recombination for the ionization chambers were evaluated with the incident heavy ion beam. The uncertainty components for the measurement of the absorbed-dose to water of heavy ion beam are significantly larger than that of the 60Co γ radiation, in terms of the corrections for the polarity and ion recombination of the ionization chambers. The absorbed-dose to water of heavy ion beam deduced from different ionization chambers is consistent within the acceptance of uncertainty. Based on the measurement with ionization chambers, it is crucial to conduct more intensive research activities of radiation dosimetry including the absolute measurement with calorimetric facility, with the purpose of further optimizing the uncertainty in the measurement for the absorbed-dose to water of heavy ion beam.  相似文献   

特征线方法(MOC)在求解堆芯规模中子输运方程时面临计算时间长的问题,加速和并行算法是目前研究的热点。基于MOC在特征线和能群层面的并行特性,采用统一计算设备构架(CUDA)编程规范,实现了基于图形处理器(GPU)的并行二维MOC算法。测试了菱形差分和步特征线法分别在双精度、混合精度及单精度浮点运算下的计算精度、效率及GPU加速效果。采用性能分析工具对GPU程序性能进行了分析,识别了程序性能瓶颈。结果表明:菱形差分和步特征线法在不同浮点运算精度下均表现出良好的计算精度;相比于CPU单线程计算,GPU加速效果在双精度和单精度情况下分别达到35倍和100倍以上。  相似文献   

Extended bias factor methods are proposed with two new concepts, the LC method and the PE method, in order to effectively use critical experiments and to enhance the applicability of the bias factor method for the improvement of the prediction accuracy of neutronic characteristics of a target core. Both methods utilize a number of critical experimental results and produce a semifictitious experimental value with them. The LC and PE methods define the semifictitious experimental values by a linear combination of experimental values and the product of exponentiated experimental values, respectively, and the corresponding semifictitious calculation values by those of calculation values. A bias factor is defined by the ratio of the semifictitious experimental value to the semifictitious calculation value in both methods. We formulate how to determine weights for the LC method and exponents for the PE method in order to minimize the variance of the design prediction value obtained by multiplying the design calculation value by the bias factor. From a theoretical comparison of these new methods with the conventional method which utilizes a single experimental result and the generalized bias factor method which was previously proposed to utilize a number of experimental results, it is concluded that the PE method is the most useful method for improving the prediction accuracy. The main advantages of the PE method are summarized as follows. The prediction accuracy is necessarily improved compared with the design calculation value even when experimental results include large experimental errors. This is a special feature that the other methods do not have. The prediction accuracy is most effectively improved by utilizing all the experimental results. From these facts, it can be said that the PE method effectively utilizes all the experimental results and has a possibility to make a full-scale-mockup experiment unnecessary with the use of existing and future benchmark experiments.  相似文献   

A new efficient approach for evaluating the background cross section, which is based on Tone's method, is presented. Though the collision probability method is used in the conventional Tone's method, the method of characteristics (MOC) is used in the present method. Since the computation time of MOC is shorter than that of the collision probability method in a large and complicated geometry, the present method will be useful not only for lattice physics calculation, but also for analyses of advanced reactors with complicated geometry. Verification calculations are carried out in two configurations, i.e., a PWR fuel assembly geometry and a multiassembly geometry adjacent to the baffle-reflector region. The validity of the present method has been confirmed through the results of verification calculations.  相似文献   

A numerical method for solving the steady-state one-velocity neutron transport equation in x-y geometry is presented. It is based on the concept of combining the spherical harmonics theory with the discrete-ordinate method. The validity of the method is illustrated by several numerical computations using the TWOTRAN-PLXY code, formulated by modifying the ordinary discrete-ordinate code TWOTRAN-(x, y).

Through numerical studies, it is shown that the present method is effective for obtaining solutions of high accuracy, as well as for eliminating the ray effects present in the ordinary discrete-ordinate method. As for the techniques for accelerating the convergence of the iterative solutions, it is proved that the Chebyshev device works well for the present method, while whole-system rebalancing is found to be less effective.  相似文献   

In this paper, the diamond-difference (DD) scheme, which is commonly used in discrete-ordinate codes, is applied to the method of characteristics (MOC) to reduce the spatial discretization error of the flat flux approximation. Smaller spatial discretization error allows coarser background mesh division, which leads to smaller computational burden. Some theoretical considerations on the DD scheme are discussed to clarify the strength of this method. An absorption cross section weighted DD scheme (AWDD), which utilizes macroscopic absorption cross section to set the weight, is also discussed. The DD and AWDD schemes are implemented to AEGIS, which is a lattice physics code based on MOC. Then the AEGIS code is applied to two different benchmark problems whose spatial discretization errors are large. The calculation results indicate that from the viewpoint of spatial discretization error, the AWDD scheme is superior to the conventional MOC in which the step characteristics approximation is commonly used. Since incorporation of the AWDD scheme to current MOC codes is very simple, it will be a good candidate of spatial discretization method for MOC codes.  相似文献   

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