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To obtain fundamental data for research on the transmutation of nuclear wastes, the thermal neutron cross section and the resonance integral of the 129I(n, γ)130I reaction have been measured using an activation method. The neutron cross sections for the formation of the ground (5+) state and the isomeric (2+) state of 130I were measured separately.

Six 129I targets were irradiated for 10 min with thermal reactor neutrons; three of them containing 2.55- 2.61 kBq of 129I were irradiated within a Cd capsule, and the other three targets containing 259–261 Bq of 129I were irradiated without it. The Co/Al and Au/Al alloy wires were used to monitor the neutron flux and the fraction of the epithermal part (Westcott's epithermal index). The gamma-ray spectra from the irradiated samples were measured with a Ge detector.

The thermal neutron capture cross section (the 2,200 m/s neutron cross section) and the resonance integral of the 129I(n, 7)130I reaction were determined to be 12.5±0.5b and 15.6±0.7b for the formation of the ground state 130gI(5+), 17.8±0.7b and 18.2±0.8b for the formation of the isomeric state 130mI(2+), and 30.3±1.2b and 33.8±1.4b for the formation of 130I (the sum of the 2+ and the 5+ states), respectively. The sum of the thermal neutron capture cross sections forming the 2+ and the 5+ states was 12% larger than the evaluated values of JENDL-3.2 and ENDF/B-VI and that reported by Roy et al. This discrepancy is explained by the population of the isomeric level.  相似文献   

The thermal neutron capture cross section (σ0) and the resonance integral (I 0)of 237Np have been measured by an activation method to supply basic data for the study of transmutation of nuclear waste. The neutron irradiation of 237Np samples have been done at the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University (KUR). Samples of 237Np were irradiated between two Cd sheets or without a Cd sheet. Since 237Np has a strong resonance at the energy of 0.49 eV, the Cd cutoff energy was adjusted at 0.358 eV (thickness of the Cd sheets: 0.125 mm). A high purity Ge detector was employed for activity measurement. The reaction rate to produce 238Np from 237Np was analyzed by the Westcott's convention. Results obtained were 141.7±5.4 barns for σ0 and 862±51 barns for I 0 above 0.358 eV of 273Np. By setting the Cd cut-off energy at 0.358 eV considering the resonance at 0.49 eV, a smaller value of σ0 was obtained in this work than the values reported by the previous authors.  相似文献   

A calculational model for a modified diffusion coefficient has been developed to incorporate the neutron streaming effect in heterogeneous low-density channels accurately into diffusion theory calculations. The model uses a supercell, and the axial and radial diffusion coefficients of the heterogeneous inner cell are so defined that they can reproduce Benoist's axial and radial diffusion coefficients of the supercell when the diffusion coefficient of the outer cell is given as 1/3 Σtr . In the case of the axial diffusion coefficient, the axial buckling effect is taken into account by modifying the neutron path length within the streaming channel in calculating the collision probabilities. This model has been applied to an RZ fast reactor Core model with a gas expansion module (GEM). By using the axial diffusion coefficient obtained with the presented model, calculational error of GEM worth was reduced to less than 1/7 compared to the formula of Rowlands and Eaton.  相似文献   

Making use of a standard neutron spectrum field with a pure Maxwellian distribution, the thermal neutron cross section for the 237Np(n, γ)238Np reaction was measured at a neutron energy of 0.0253 eV by the activation method. The result is 158±3 b, which is obtained relative to the reference value of 98.65±0.09 b for the 197Au(n, γ)198Au reaction. Although the data in JENDL-3 is larger by about 15% than the present value, the recently revised data in JENDL-3.2 is close to the present. The ENDF/B-V, ENDF/B-VI, JEF-2 and Mughabghab's data are also larger by 7–15%. Old measurements are larger by 7–18% than the present data.

The resonance integral for the 237Np(n, γ)238Np reaction was also measured relative to the reference value of 1,550±28 b for the 197Au(n, γ)198Au reaction with a 1/E standard neutron spectrum field. By defining the Cd cut-off energy as 0.5 eV for the 237Np(n, γ)238Np reaction, the present resonance integral is 652 ± 24 b, which is in good agreement with the JENDL-3, -3.2, ENDF/B-V, -VI, JEF-2 and Mughabghab's data. However, most of the old experimental data are, in general, larger by 24–38% than the present measurement.  相似文献   

The thermal neutron cross sections of the long-lived fission products are important for the study of nuclei structure,partitioning-transmutation of radioactive waste,neutron activation analysis,and so on. 135Cs emits pure β ray,and it has a half-life of …  相似文献   

350keV高压倍加器辐照装置的真空系统自2005年1月安装完成后,到目前已运行12个月,其运行状况正常。  相似文献   

In order to obtain precise data of the neutron capture cross section of the reaction 137Cs(n, γ)138Cs, the production probability of isomer state 138mCs was measured in this work. Targets of about 0.37MBq 137Cs were irradiated for 3 min in. the pneumatic tube facility (Pn-3) of Kyoto University Reactor (KUR). The 1,436 keV gamma;-ray emitted from both of 138gCs and 138mCs was measured. A ratio of the production probability between 138gCs and 138mCs was deduced from time dependence of peak counts of 1,436 keV γ-ray by making use of difference of half-lives of 138gCs (33.41 min) and 138mCs (2.91 min). The production probability of 138mCs was obtained as 0.75plusmn;0.18 and this value revised the effective cross section upwards by 9plusmn;2percnt;. The effective cross section ô and the thermal neutron capture cross section σo were obtained as ô=0.29±0.02 b and σ=0.27±0.03b with taking into account the production of 138mCs.  相似文献   

In recent years,neutron capture cross sections of Ag,Hf and W relative to that of Au in the energy range from 10 to 100 keV have been measured withtime-of-flight method.Kinematically collimated neutrons were produced by ~7Li(p,n)~7Be reaction with the pulsed 2.5MV Van de Graaff accelerator.Captureevents were detected by two Moxon-Rae detectors.The resolution time of thewhole system,that is,the full-width at half-maximum(FWHM)of the promptgamma-ray peak was 1.60 ns.The total uncertainty is about 7% for most of thedata points.  相似文献   

The excitation curve for ~(71)Ga(n,γ)~(72)Ga reaction has been measured from 0.2 to 2.0 MeV by different authors. All of these measured cross sections are not in very good agreement with each other. To clarify the discrepancy it is necessary to measure the cross sections for ~(71)Ga(n,γ)~(72)Ga reaction again.  相似文献   

The measurement of the ~(107)Ag(n,2n)~(106m)Ag reaction cross sections in theneutron energy range 13.50~14.73 MeV were done by the activation method with  相似文献   

Introduction Molybdenum is an important component of structural material for fission and future fusion reactors. It consists of seven isotopes. Therefore, fast neutrons can lead to many nuclear reactions. One of them is ~(92)Mo(n,p)~(92m)Nb reaction. Several authors published their data for this reaction, while most of the cross section determinations were  相似文献   

Fission product 135Cs emits pure β rays, it has a half life of 2.3×106 a and a yield of 6.53% in 235U fission. It’s one of the most important nuclides for high-level waste disposal.  相似文献   

The study of D(d, γ)^4He radioactive capture reactions at low energy is very important in the fusion diagnose, but it is hard to measure for small yield and serious background. In the present work, several measures were adapted. 1) A big NaI plastic anti Compton spectrometer for low yield of high energy γ-ray was used; 2) The method of the time of flight was employed for rejecting background neutrons and cosmic rays;  相似文献   

For the measurement of the thermal neutron cross section of the FP nuclide, the thermal neutron across sections of some long-lived nuclides, whose half-lives are more than 20 a and fission yields are little more than 0.01%, are not fully measured hitherto…  相似文献   

“天光一号”系统采用诱导空间非相干(FEISI)和像传递技术实现了对靶平面的均匀辐照,但该技术并不能确保光束在激光传输路径上的近场分布均匀。虽然MOPA系统中大多数光学元件表面平均光通量不大于 1J/cm^2,  相似文献   

The fast neutron flux in the central thimble of a TRIGA-II reactor was estimated by using the 238U(n,2n)237U reaction as flux monitor. The thermal neutron flux also was estimated by 238U(n,γ)→ 239Np and 232Th(n,γ)→ 233Pa reactions. The latter flux was further measured at the same time by γ-ray spectrometry of the product nuclides and by chemical separation and β counting with αemitting isotopes as tracer. The values of flux thus obtained were compared with those estimated from the amounts of 28Al, 27Mg and 24Na respectively produced by the (n,γ), (n,p) and (n,α) reactions on 27Al. Furthermore, for the first time, the effective cross section for the 238U(n,2n)237U reaction was estimated to be 2.8 b from a comparison with that for the 27Al(n,α)24Na reaction.  相似文献   

The cross sections for ~(151)Eu(n,γ)~(152m)Eu, ~(151)Eu(n,γ)(152g)Eu and ~(153)Eu(n,γ)~(154)Eu reactions have been measured relatively to that of ~(197)Au for neutron energy from 22 to 1100 keV, using the activation technique. Neutrons were generated via the ~7Li(p,n)~7Be and T(p,n)~3He reaction with a 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at Peking University. The activities after irradiation were measured with two calibrated high resolution HPGe detectors. The accuracy of the measurement is 6~7%. The experiment results were compared with existing data.  相似文献   

The study of D(d,γ)4He radioactive capture reactions at low energy is very important in the fusion diagnose[1], but it is hard to measure for small yield and serious background. In the present work, several  相似文献   

Introduction The ~(175)Lu(n,2n)~(174m,g)Lu reaction is an important indicator. There are 10 sets of measured data since 1960 (total 58 experimental values). Most of the data are finished at 14 MeV with 20%~30% discrepancy. So we measured the cross section by activation method in neutron energies of 14 MeV and 10~12 MeV.  相似文献   

The differential cross sections and integrated cross sections of the 6Li(n,t)4He reaction were measured at 1.85 and 2.67 MeV by using a gridded ionization chamber. Neutrons were produced through the T(p,n)3He reaction. The absolute neutron flux was determined through the 238U(n,f) reaction. Present results are compared with existing data.  相似文献   

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