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Ibrahim   《Computers & Security》2009,28(7):698-709
Unauthorized changes to databases can result in significant losses for organizations as well as individuals. Watermarking can be used to protect the integrity of databases against unauthorized alterations. Prior work focused on watermarking database tables or relations. Malicious alteration cannot be detected in all cases. In this paper we argue that watermarking database indexes in addition to the database tables would improve the detection of unauthorized alterations. Usually, each database table in commercial applications has more than one index attached to it. Thus, watermarking the database table and all its indexes improve the likelihood of detecting malicious attacks. In general, watermarking different indexes like R-trees, B-trees, Hashes, require different watermarking techniques and exploit different redundancies in the underlying data structure. This diversity in watermarking techniques contributes to the overall integrity of the databases.Traditional relational watermarks introduce some error to the watermarked values and thus cannot be applied to all attributes. This paper proposes a novel watermarking scheme for R-tree data structures that does not change the values of the attributes. Moreover, the watermark does not change the size of the R-tree. The proposed technique takes advantage of the fact that R-trees do not put conditions on the order of entries inside the node. In the proposed scheme, entries inside R-tree nodes are rearranged, relative to a “secret” initial order (a secret key), in a way that corresponds to the value of the watermark.To achieve that, we propose a one-to-one mapping between all possible permutations of entries in the R-tree node and all possible values of the watermark. Without loss of generality, watermarks are assumed to be numeric values. The proposed mapping employs a numbering system that uses variable base with factorial value.The detection rate of the malicious attacks depends on the nature of the attack, distribution of the data, and the size of the R-tree node. Our extensive analysis and experimental results showed that the proposed technique detects data alteration with high probability (that reaches up to 99%) on real datasets using reasonable node sizes and attack model. The watermark insertion and extraction are mainly main memory operations, and thus, have minimal effect on the cost of R-tree operations.  相似文献   

目的 基于数字水印技术的音乐作品版权保护是学术界的研究热点之一,多数数字音频水印方案仅仅能够对抗简单的常规信号处理,无法有效抵抗破坏性较强的一般性去同步攻击。为此,提出了一种基于稳健局部特征的非下采样小波域数字水印算法。方法 利用非下采样小波域平滑梯度检测算子从载体音频中提取稳定的音频特征点,结合数字音频样本响应确定局部特征音频段,采用量化调制策略将数字水印信号重复嵌入局部特征音频段中。结果 选取4段典型的采样频率为44.1 kHz、量化精度为16 bit、长度为15 s的单声道数字音频信号作为原始载体进行测试,并与经典算法在不可感知性和鲁棒性两方面进行对比。结果表明,本文算法在含水印音频与原始载体音频间的信噪比平均提升了5.7 dB,同时常规攻击和去同步攻击下的平均检测率分别保持在0.925和0.913,高于大多数传统算法,表明了本文算法具有较好的不可感知性。在常规信号处理(MP3压缩、重新量化、重新采样等)和去同步攻击(幅度缩放、随机剪切、音调伸缩、DA/AD转换、抖动等)方面均具有较好的鲁棒性。结论 本文利用描述能力强且性能稳定的平滑梯度刻画局部数字音频性质,提出一种基于平滑梯度的非下采样小波域音频特征点提取方法,有效解决了音频特征点稳定性差且分布极不均匀的缺点,提高了数字音频水印对音调伸缩、随机剪切、抖动等攻击的抵抗能力。  相似文献   

一种基于m序列的关系数据库鲁棒水印算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种关系数据库水印算法,适用于数值型数据的版权保护.以连接多项式数组为密钥生成m序列,分别作为水印信号和水印嵌入策略控制信号;根据密钥和元组主键连接值的散列运算确定水印嵌入位置;通过修改数值属性低位数值的奇偶性嵌入水印,克服了常用的最低有效位重置算法易产生病态结果的缺点.水印的嵌入满足数据库动态更新的同步要求,水印的检测无需原始数据库参与.理论分析和实验表明,该算法运算开销合理,具有良好的隐蔽性和安全性,对常见的水印攻击具有良好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

目的 在栅格地理数据的使用过程中,为防止数据被破坏或被篡改,需要加强对数据完整性的检验;为防止数据被恶意传播,需要加强对数据版权信息的保护。双重水印技术可以同时完成这两项任务。方法 利用基于异或的(2,2)-视觉密码方案VCS(visual cryptography scheme)和离散小波变换DWT(discrete wavelet transform),对数字栅格地理数据嵌入双重水印,使用半脆弱性水印作为第1重水印进行完整性检验,水印信息依据DWT变换后高频系数中水平分量之间的大小关系嵌入;使用零水印作为第2重水印进行版权保护,提取DWT变换后经低频子带奇异值分解的特征值生成特征份,利用基于异或的(2,2)-VCS,根据特征份和水印信息生成版权份。结果 为验证算法的有效性,对具体的栅格地理数据进行实验分析。结果表明,本文算法中第1重水印能够正确区分偶然攻击和恶意破坏,对含水印的栅格地理数据进行质量因子为90、80、70、60、50的JPEG压缩后,提取出完整性水印的归一化相关系数NC(normalized correlation)值分别是1、0.996、0.987、0.9513、0.949,在定位裁剪攻击时,能准确地定位到篡改的位置,对于定位替换攻击时,能定位到篡改的大致位置;第2重水印具有良好的视觉效果和较强的鲁棒性,对含水印的栅格地理数据进行滤波攻击、JPEG压缩、裁剪攻击、缩放攻击等性能测试,提取出版权水印的NC值优于其他方案。结论 论文基于异或的(2,2)-VCS和DWT提出的栅格地理数据双重水印算法,在实现数据完整性检验的同时达到了版权保护的目的。  相似文献   

Recently, watermarking based data transmission techniques using terrestrial digital TV signal have been proposed since they are also cost-free and can overcome the limitations of GPS. However, in the previous watermarking based methods, the detection accuracy is low and additional data rate is too low. Thus, we propose the throughput enhancement method by employing the TZCD-MBOK watermarking technique in T-DMB system. By applying the proposed scheme to T-DMB, it allows additional data transmission for disaster broadcasting and improves efficiency of data transmission in shadow region and indoor to mobile environment through watermarking spread code. From the simulation results, we confirm the proposed watermarking scheme affected on the existing T-DMB signal. Moreover, it was also confirmed that the system capacity increases as the power of additional watermarking signal rose. The results of the paper can be applied to wireless multimedia digital broadcasting systems.  相似文献   

目的 现有水印算法大多是基于明文域的,很容易被入侵、窃取。为了保护用户隐私、提高安全性,本文提出了一种用于盗版追踪的基于格雷码加密域的可逆水印方法,该方法支持对密文直接操作。方法 首先提出了基于格雷码的同态加密系统(HESGC),并以此加密载体图像;然后依据整数小波变换(IWT)和人类视觉系统(HVS)特性,将图像分区并合理分类;再依据新提出的算法完成嵌入、可逆恢复及提取工作;最后利用首次提出的水印追踪联合策略(JWT)来进行盗版追踪。结果 为了验证本文方法,选取USC-SIPI图像库中的6幅经典图像作为标准测试图像,与其他可逆水印算法相比,本文方法具有更高的PSNR值,PSNR高达50 dB,而且SSIM值均为1,实现了可逆功能;本文新提出的HESGC将使原始载体图像膨胀为原来的8倍,故容量较大。理论上,本文最大容量为3.75 bit/像素,目前大多可逆水印算法的最大容量不足1 bit/像素;本文方法不仅实现了盗版追踪功能,而且能够抵抗一些常见的攻击,如随机噪声、中值滤波、图像平滑和JPEG编码、LZW编码和卷积模糊等。通过比较原始追踪证明与攻击后图像的追踪证明可知,相似度在1左右的即为盗版,其他非盗版的相似度都远远低于1,大部分在0.6左右。结论 本文提出了一种基于密文域的可逆水印方案,首次提出了HESGC和JWT,实现了密文域可逆水印技术和盗版追踪功能。该方案直接采用灰度图像作为水印图像,解除了以往以二值图像作为水印图像,或者将灰度图像二值化后作为水印图像的限制,而且采用基于级联混沌技术提高了灰度水印图像的安全性。此外,本文成功消除了图像分区分类中纹理/平滑区域中的平滑/纹理孤岛,使分类结果更加准确、合理。实验结果表明,本方案不仅能够抵抗一些常见攻击,而且容量大、安全性高,很好地保护了用户隐私。本文实现了密文域可逆水印技术,适用于隐私保护要求高的医学、军事等领域。  相似文献   


In this paper we propose a novel region based hybrid medical image watermarking (MIW) scheme to ensure authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of medical images. In this scheme a digital medical image is partitioned into region of interest (ROI) and the region of non interest (RONI). To detect and localize ROI tampering with high accuracy pixel wise positional and relational bits are calculated. Positional bit is calculated with respect to MSBs, row and column of the pixel. Relational bit shows the relation between MSBs. Two original LSBs of each ROI pixel are replace by their corresponding positional and relational bits. Original LSBs of ROI pixels are concatenated and embedded in RONI for ROI recovery in the case of tampering. Multiple watermarks i.e. electronic patient record (EPR), hospitals logo and LSBs of ROI are embedded simultaneously as a robust watermark in RONI using IWT-SVD hybrid transform. The proposed scheme is blind and free from false positive detection. Various experiments have been carried out on different medical imaging modalities to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of imperceptibility, robustness, tamper detection, localization, recovery and computation time. ROI tampering is detected and recovered with high accuracy. Thus, the proposed scheme is effective in telemedicine applications.



The vulnerability of digital audio signals for different types of risks requires an imperceptible and robust digital audio watermarking scheme. In this research, we propose creating one such imperceptible and robust hybrid watermarking scheme based on a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Schur decomposition hybrid method. The proposed scheme embeds the foreground bits of the watermarking image into the least significant bit of the diagonal coefficients of the triangular matrix S generated from Schur decomposition. Schur decomposition is applied on the second sub-band HL2 generated from applying a second-level 2D-Haar DWT on the first channel of the original audio signal. We analyze the proposed digital audio watermarking scheme’s performance in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR), objective difference grades (ODG), and subjective difference grades (SDG) that resulting 81.43, 4.78 and 0.184, respectively. The resulting of payload capacity, NC, and BER are as high as 319.29 bps, 0.9911, and 0.0135, respectively. Experimental results confirm that the proposed scheme is inaudible and robust against common types of attacks such as Gaussian noise, re-quantization, re-sampling, low-pass filter, high-pass filter, echo, MP3 compression, and cropping. In comparison with state-of-the-art audio watermarking schemes, the proposed scheme’s performance is superior in term of imperceptibility, robustness, and data payload size.



Perceptual watermarking should always take full advantage of the results from human visual system (HVS) studies. Based upon visual saliency's modulation effect which incorporates visual attention's influence on visual sensitivity, this paper proposes an integrated visual saliency modulated HVS model guided least significant bit (LSB) watermarking approach for copyright protection. The proposed algorithm can embed more information into visually non-belligerent areas within the host image, determined by the visual attention model. The region of uninterested (ROU) indicates the most unimportant visible aspects of an image, so distortion within these areas will be less noticeable to any viewer. To resist common signal processing attacks, for each ROU, an improved quantization method is employed to embed the copyright information. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is more robust to various image impairments while minimum effect on the image quality as verified by objective evaluations while compared with the state-of-the-art watermarking schemes. Moreover, we have evaluated the theory of Kurtosis testing to the steganalysis of the host image.  相似文献   


Watermarking techniques are used in biometric systems for the purpose of protecting and authenticating biometric data. This paper presents an efficient scheme to protect and authenticate fingerprint images by watermarking with their corresponding facial images in the wavelet domain using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The key idea is to use PSO to find the best discrete wavelet transform (DWT) coefficients where the facial image data can be embedded. The objective function for PSO is based on the fingerprint image quality with respect to the Structural Similarity index (SSIM) and Orientation Certainty Level index (OCL). As a result, embedding the facial image data in the selected coefficients generated by the proposed method not only results in minimum distortion of the host image but also retains the feature set of the original fingerprint to be used in fingerprint recognition. The robustness of the watermark extracted using the proposed technique has been tested against various image processing attacks. This concept of watermarking a biometric image with another biometric image finds application in multimodal biometric authentication for a more secure system of personal recognition at the receiver's end.  相似文献   


Detection of abnormal trajectories in a traffic scene is an important problem in Video Traffic Surveillance (VTS). Recently, General Potential Data Field (GPDf)-based trajectory clustering scheme has been adopted for detecting abnormal events such as illegal U-turn, wrong side and unusual driving behaviors and it uses spatial and temporal attributes explicitly. The concept of data field is used to discover the relation between the spatial points in data-space and grouping them into clusters based on their mutual interaction. Existing methodologies related to potential data field-based clustering have certain limitations such as pre-defined cluster size, non-effective cluster center identification, and limitation in range estimation using isotropic impact factor (h) which leads to inaccurate results. In order to address the above-mentioned issues, this paper proposes an efficient anomaly detection scheme based on General Potential Data field with Spectral Clustering (GPDfSC). The proposed GPDfSC scheme utilizes potential data field technique along with spectral clustering for effective identification of abnormalities. The Limitation in impact factor(h) is overcome by using anisotropic impact parameter Bmat. Further, Bayesian Decision theory is used to classify the events as normal or abnormal. The proposed scheme is implemented in real time using GPU and from the results it is found that it gives 12% better accuracy in detecting abnormalities than the state of art technique.


In this paper, a novel semi-fragile watermarking scheme for authenticating an audio signal based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed. Specifically, the watermark data are efficiently inserted into the coefficients of the low-frequency sub-band of DT-CWT taking advantages of both DCT and quantization index modulation (QIM). First, the original digital audio signal is segmented and then performed with DT-CWT. Second, based on the energy compression property, the low-frequency sub-band coefficients of the DT-CWT domain are performed with DCT, and the DC component is utilized to embed one distorted watermark bit by the QIM technique. Finally, inverse DCT and DT-CWT are orderly implemented on the watermarked coefficients of each audio segment to get a watermarked audio signal. Simulation results show that the hybrid embedding domain constructed by DT-CWT and DCT is effective, and the proposed watermarking scheme is not only inaudible, but also robust against content persistent non-malicious audio signal processing operations, such as MP3 compression, noise addition, re-sampling, re-quantization, etc. Furthermore, the proposed scheme can effectively authenticate the veracity and integrity of audio content and greatly expands the applicability of the audio watermarking scheme.  相似文献   

矢量数据中水印系统的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
给出了一种在矢量数据中水印方案的设计与实现。利用了统计分类和双重水印的思想,将实际水印的相关信息和嵌入方法作为特殊信息嵌入到数据的更重要位,而实际水印则嵌入到次重要位。试验表明,该方法可以抵抗一定程度的数据增减和失真攻击,以及数据融合。  相似文献   

Copyright protection of digital media has become an important issue in the creation and distribution of digital content. As a solution to this problem, digital watermarking techniques have been developed for embedding specific information identifying the owner in the host data imperceptibly. Most watermarking methods developed to date mainly focused on digital media such as images, video, audio, and text. Relatively few watermarking methods have been presented for 3D graphical models. In this paper we propose a robust 3D graphical model watermarking scheme for triangle meshes. Our approach embeds watermark information by perturbing the distance between the vertices of the model to the center of the model. More importantly, to make our watermarking scheme robust against various forms of attack while preserving the visual quality of the models our approach distributes information corresponds to a bit of the watermark over the entire model, and the strength of the embedded watermark signal is adaptive with respect to the local geometry of the model. We also introduce a weighting scheme in the watermark extraction process that makes watermark detection more robust against attacks. Experiments show that this watermarking scheme is able to withstand common attacks on 3D models such as mesh simplification, addition of noise, model cropping as well as a combination of these attacks.  相似文献   


In the proposed technique we have merged two layers of security, namely, the watermarking layer and the secure channel management layer used in the framework of a real time multimedia security system. The joint layer embeds watermark to the host signal and deploys encryption simultaneously to protect multimedia data, thereby reducing the processing delay. The scheme supports G.729 codec bit-stream. Encryption is done using Data Encryption Standard (DES) protocol. The computation time and watermark-embedding rate is evaluated for the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Digital watermarking evaluation and benchmarking are challenging tasks because of multiple evaluation and conflicting criteria. A few approaches have been presented to implement digital watermarking evaluation and benchmarking frameworks. However, these approaches still possess a number of limitations, such as fixing several attributes on the account of other attributes. Well‐known benchmarking approaches are limited to robust watermarking. Therefore, this paper presents a new methodology for digital watermarking evaluation and benchmarking based on large‐scale data by using external evaluators and a group decision making context. Two experiments are performed. In the first experiment, a noise gate‐based digital watermarking approach is developed, and the scheme for the noise gate digital watermarking approach is enhanced. Sixty audio samples from different audio styles are tested with two algorithms. A total of 120 samples were evaluated according to three different metrics, namely, quality, payload, and complexity, to generate a set of digital watermarking samples. In the second experiment, the situation in which digital watermarking evaluators have different preferences is discussed. Weight measurement with a decision making solution is required to solve this issue. The analytic hierarchy process is used to measure evaluator preference. In the decision making solution, the technique for order of preference by similarity to the ideal solution with different contexts (e.g., individual and group) is utilized. Therefore, selecting the proper context with different aggregation operators to benchmark the results of experiment 1 (i.e., digital watermarking approaches) is recommended. The findings of this research are as follows: (1) group and individual decision making provide the same result in this case study. However, in the case of selection where the priority weights are generated from the evaluators, group decision making is the recommended solution to solve the trade‐off reflected in the benchmarking process for digital watermarking approaches. (2) Internal and external aggregations show that the enhanced watermarking approach demonstrates better performance than the original watermarking approach. © 2016 The Authors. Software: Practice and Experience published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

目的 为进一步提高变换域水印的鲁棒性,解决多分辨率小波变换对三角形网格形状的限制,提出一种基于局部特征点的变换域水印算法。方法 首先根据经度角和纬度角对模型分区,并求出局部特征点;其次由局部特征点的模长与非局部特征点模长的均值构成的比值组成2维矩阵,对2维矩阵进行离散小波变换,并修改小波系数中的各分辨率层的中高频系数来嵌入水印;最后通过逆向离散小波变换得到空域信号,修改3维模型局部特征点的模长以得到含水印的3维网格模型。结果 本文方法能够不受平移、旋转、均匀缩放和顶点重排序的影响,并能有效抵抗噪声、简化、剪切、细分、量化和联合攻击等一系列的常见攻击。结论 实验结果表明,该算法具有很好的鲁棒性和不可见性,对模型的网格形状无严格要求。  相似文献   

王海龙  田有亮  尹鑫 《计算机科学》2018,45(2):15-19, 24
数据确权一直是大数据交易面临的挑战性之一。传统的确权手段采用提交权属证明和专家评审的模式,但是缺乏技术可信度,且存在潜在的篡改等不可控因素。为解决这些问题,迫切需要操作性强的确权方案。基于区块链技术和数字水印技术,提出了一种新的大数据确权方案。首先,引入审计中心和水印中心,以分离大数据完整性审计和水印生成的职责。其次,基于数据持有性证明技术和抽样技术,实现对大数据完整性的轻量级审计。再次,利用数字水印技术的特殊安全性质,实现对大数据起源的确认。最后,针对整个确权过程中涉及到的证据的完整性和持久性,利用区块链的原生特点实现确权结果与相关证据的强一致性。正确性和安全性分析结果表明,该方案能够为大数据的所有权界定提供新的技术思路和方法。  相似文献   

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