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In sodium-cooled fast reactors, control rods are commonly used to compensate for the excess reactivity and shut down the reactor. The traditional sodium-cooled fast reactor design consists of the safety rod, shim rod and regulating rod. The 10B enrichment of the shim rods is relatively higher, which unavoidably increases the burnup, the heat generation and the power peak factor of the fuel assemblies around the shim rods. To solve this issue, the segment design of control rods was proposed. Compared with traditional design, the new design can significantly reduce the heat generation by about 30 percent and burnup of control rods by about 50 percent, as well as improve the power peak factor of the fuel assemblies around the shim rods. The replacement cycle of the control rods can be extended by time. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(8):588-595
This paper reports some irradiation effects and recovery behavior of neutron irradiated boron carbide pellets that were used as control rod elements in the Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor. Measurements were carried out on changes in lattice parameters, thermal expansion, helium release, elastic moduli and microstructure observations by annealing the irradiated pellets at elevated temperatures. The increase in unit cell volume of B4C upon irradiation was found to be 0.22%. The recovery in lattice parameter began at around 500°C and completed at 1,000°C. It was found that the pellet showed a sharp increase in a dimensional change at about 700 to 800°C with a large amount of helium release, and the pellet which showed larger swelling released smaller amount of helium. 相似文献
快堆一般采用以碳化硼(B4C)为吸收剂的控制棒进行反应性控制。小型模块化快堆中子泄漏率较大,增殖能力偏弱,单位燃耗反应性损失较大。模块化反应堆运行周期较长,且需要紧凑型堆芯设计,控制棒数量有限。因此,小型模块化快堆需要高10B富集度的B4C进行反应性控制。由于吸收剂燃耗深、功率密度高且导热能力受辐照削弱严重,B4C的安全使用寿命有限。本文通过对比硼化铪(HfB2)、氢化铪(HfH162)和传统B4C为吸收剂的控制棒的反应性价值、堆芯功率分布、堆芯反应性反馈系数、控制棒温度裕度与吸收剂燃耗深度,发现HfB2有更高的安全裕度和更长的安全使用寿命。HfH162控制棒略微改善了功率分布,但其高温氢气解离问题有待进一步研究。 相似文献
我国的快堆技术发展和实验快堆 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。本文介绍了我国在研究开发快堆技术方面的历史和实验快堆的设计原则、设计简介和安全特性。 相似文献
西安脉冲堆脉冲控制棒驱动机构是实现反应堆脉冲运行的关键设备。该机构采用滚珠丝杠副的传动方式,通过气压缸实现控制棒的脉冲发射。脉冲控制棒驱动机构具有全行程脉冲时间短、结构简单、维修方便的特点。试验表明:脉冲控制棒驱动机构最大负荷大于300N,全行程脉冲时间小于100ms,落棒时间小于1.2s,寿命大于4000次脉冲发射运行,平均无故障时间大于400次脉冲发现运行。该机构已成功应用于西安脉冲堆。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(12):1522-1529
In Korea, a nuclear hydrogen program has been established to develop and demonstrate mass production system for hydrogen generation. The objective of this study is to establish the evaluation procedure for predicting the tritium behavior in the 300 MWth Pebble type gas cooled reactor which is the one of the candidate reactors for nuclear hydrogen development and demonstration plant. The tritium generated by the fission reaction can be leaked to the helium coolant from the coated ceramic particles and fuel elements. The annual total release rate of the tritium is estimated as 0.47% from the fuel kernel to the helium coolant by the numerical method. Tritium attributed by 6Li existing as impurities in the reflector can be released to the helium coolant by the diffusion process and the total annual release rate of the tritium is estimated as 5.3% through the reflector to the helium coolant. Based on the Siverts' law, tritium permeation from the primary coolant to the hydrogen production system is also evaluated and the result is calculated as 76?0.23 Bq/g-H2 with respect to the PRF (Permeation Reduction Factor= 10?1000) in case of the normal operation of the 300 MWth Pebble type reactor. 相似文献
氚是氢的放射性同位素,影响环境和人体健康.目前,全球自然界中的氚主要来自人类的核活动.因此,需研究核反应堆中氚的来源及其影响.在高温气冷堆中,氚是一回路放射性的主要来源之一.由于高温气冷堆堆芯温度较高,不能忽视一回路中氚向外界和二回路渗透造成的污染问题.文章阐述了氚的物理和化学特性,高温气冷堆闭式布雷顿间接循环中氚的生成来源和释放途径,分析了氚对设备材料力学性能的影响,介绍了氚向环境释放的限值、控制措施及防止氚渗透的方法. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(6):525-536
The 1,000kWe metal fueled sodium-cooled fast reactor concept “RAPID” to achieve highly automated reactor operation has been demonstrated. RAPID (Refueling by All Pins Integrated Design) is designed for a terrestrial power system which enables quick and simplified refueling. It is one of the successors of the RAPID-L, the operator-free fast reactor concept designed for lunar base power system. The essential feature of the RAPID concept is that the reactor core consists of an integrated fuel assembly instead of conventional fuel subassemblies. In this small-size reactor core, 14,000 fuel pins are integrated and encased in a fuel cartridge. Refueling is conducted by replacing a fuel cartridge. The reactor can be operated without refueling for up to 10 years. Unique challenges in reactivity control systems design have been addressed in the RAPID concept. The reactor has no control rod but involves the following innovative reactivity control systems: lithium expansion modules (LEM) for inherent reactivity feedback, lithium injection modules (LIM) for inherent ultimate shutdown, and lithium release modules (LRM) for automated reactor startup. All these systems adopt 6Li as a liquid poison instead of B4C rods. In combination with LEMs, LIMs and LRMs, RAPID can be operated without an operator. In this paper, the RAPID reactor concept and its transient characteristics are presented. 相似文献
为了估计和预测钠火事故的后果,构建了以“有火焰薄层”为理论基础的燃烧模型和热传输模型,给出了程序计算结果与试验值的比较。比较结果证实,该计算结果可信、模型合理。程序可用来分析和预测钠池火事故。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(11):944-951
It has been pointed out by the present authors that it is essential to understand such mass transfer steps as diffusion of tritium in the grain of a breeder material, absorption of water vapor into bulk of the grain, adsorption of water on surface of the grain, and exchange capacity of tritium to be trapped to surface of the grain together with two types of isotope exchange reactions for evaluation of the tritium inventory in a solid breeder blanket under various conditions. The isotope exchange capacity on the Li4SiO4 surface is experimentally obtained in this study. Most of the properties required for evaluation of the tritium inventory for various blanket materials have been already quantified by the present authors. Then it has become possible to compare the tritium inventory in solid breeder blankets packed with either Li2O, LiAlO2, Li2ZrO3, Li2TiO3 or Li4SiO4 using the calculation model previously presented by the present authors. 相似文献
为满足偏远地区供电需求,提出了一种小型可运输长寿命铅铋冷却快堆(STLFR)堆芯设计方案,额定热功率为20 MW,在不换料条件下可运行18 EFPY(有效满功率年)。为减小堆芯体积,堆芯采用蜂窝煤型燃料组件,内设若干冷却剂管道,管外为燃料,实现了较高的堆芯燃料体积占比。为展平堆芯径向功率分布,将堆芯燃料区沿径向划分为三区,分别采用不同的冷却剂管道尺寸。为降低堆芯高度,设计使用含高富集度6Li的液态锂作为吸收体的液态吸收体控制系统。为降低初始剩余反应性,在堆芯控制组件与安全组件中布置两组固定式可替换吸收体,分别在堆芯燃耗1/3和2/3寿期时替换为固定式反射体。提出的堆芯设计方案在整个运行寿期内满足热工设计限值,控制系统和安全系统能独立满足堆芯控制和停堆要求。采用准静态反应性平衡方法对5种典型无保护事故工况进行分析,初步证明了堆芯具有固有安全特性。 相似文献
FMEA法评估反应堆控制棒驱动机构可靠性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
控制棒驱动机构是反应堆本体中唯一的能动设备,其运行的可靠性对反应堆的反应性控制具有重要的作用。本文在介绍失效模式及影响分析(FMEA)方法的基础上,以我国新设计的反应堆控制棒驱动机构为对象,使用该方法进行可靠性评价。评价结果明确了各设备部件的失效原因和失效模式,确定了各部件的严重性等级和风险等级,为今后控制棒驱动机构的可靠性管理提供支持。 相似文献
Masahide Takano Tsuyoshi Nishi Noriko Shirasu 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2014,51(7-8):859-875
To predict the fundamental phase relationships in the solidified core melt of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, solidified melt samples of the various core materials [B4C, stainless steel, Zr, ZrO2, (U,Zr)O2] were prepared by arc melting. Phases and compositions in the samples were determined by means of X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and elemental analysis. With various compositions, the only oxide phase formed was (U,Zr)O2. After annealing, the stable metallic phases were an Fe-Cr-Ni alloy and an Fe2Zr-type (Fe,Cr,Ni)2(Zr,U) intermetallic compound. The borides, ZrB2 and Fe2B-type (Fe,Cr,Ni)2B, were solidified in the metallic part. Annealing at 1773 K under an oxidizing atmosphere (Ar-0.1%O2) resulted in the oxidation of U and Zr in the alloy and in ZrB2, and consequently the (Fe,Cr,Ni)2B and Fe-Cr-Ni alloy became dominant in the metallic part. The experimental phase relationships in the metallic part agreed reasonably with the thermodynamic evaluation of equilibrium phases in a simplified B4C–Fe–Zr system. The metallic Zr content in the melt was found to be a key factor in determining the phase relationships. As a basic mechanical property, the microhardness of each phase was measured. The borides, especially ZrB2, showed notably higher hardness than any other oxide or metallic phases. 相似文献