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A computer code RANNS was developed to analyze fuel rod behaviors in the reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) conditions. RANNS performs thermal and finite-element mechanical calculation for a single rod in axis-symmetric geometry, where fuel pellet consists of 36 equal-volume ring elements and cladding metallic wall consists of eight equal-thickness ring elements and one outer oxide element. The code can calculate temperature profile inside the rod, contact pressure generated by pellet–clad mechanical interaction (PCMI), stress–strain distribution and their interactions elaborately. An experimental analysis by RANNS begins with pre-test conditions of irradiated rod which are given by the fuel performance code FEMAXI-6.In the present study, analysis was performed on the simulated RIA experiments in the “nuclear safety research reactor” (NSRR), FK-10 and FK-12, with high burnup BWR rods in a cold-start up condition, and stress–strain evolution in the PCMI process was calculated extensively. In the analysis, the pellet–clad bonding was assumed both in the heat conduction and in mechanical restraint. The calculated hoop strain increase was compared with the measured strain gauge data, and satisfactory agreement was obtained. Simulation calculations with broader power pulses anticipated in RIA of commercial BWR were carried out and the resulted cladding hoop stress was compared with the failure stress estimated by comparison of analysis with experimental data.  相似文献   

For RIA-simulated experiments in the NSRR with high-burnup PWR fuel and BWR fuel, numerical analyses were performed to evaluate the temporal changes of profiles of temperature and thermal stress in pellet induced by pulse power, using the RANNS code. The pre-pulse states of rods were calculated using the fuel performance code FEMAXI-6 along the irradiation histories in commercial reactors and the results were fed to the RANNS analysis as initial conditions of the rod. One-dimensional FEM was applied to the mechanical analysis of the fuel rod, and the calculated cladding permanent strain was compared with the measured value to confirm the validity of the PCMI calculation. The calculated changes in the profiles of temperature and stress in the pellet during an early transient phase were compared with the measured data such as the internal gas pressure rise, cracks and grain structure in the post-test pellet, anddiscussed in terms of PCMI and grain separation. The analyses indicate that the pellet cracking appearances coincided with the calculated tensile stress state and that the compressive thermal stress suppresses the fission gas bubble expansion leading to grain separation.  相似文献   

Mechanical load on cladding induced by fuel swelling in a high burn-up BWR type rod was analyzed by a fuel performance code FEMAXI-6. The code was developed for the analysis of LWR fuel rod behaviors in normal operation and transient conditions using finite element method (FEM).During a power ramp for the high burn-up rod, instantaneous pellet swelling can significantly exceed the level that is predicted by a “steady-rate” swelling model, causing a large circumferential strain in cladding. This phenomenon was simulated by a new swelling model to take into account the fission gas bubble growth. As a result it was found that the new model can give reasonable predictions on cladding diameter expansion in comparison with PIE data. The bubble growth model assumes that the equilibrium state equation holds for a bubble under external pressure, and simultaneous solution is obtained with both bubble size determination equation and diffusion equation of fission gas atoms. In addition, a pellet-clad bonding model which has been incorporated in the code to assume solid mechanical coupling between pellet outer surface and cladding inner surface predicted the generation of bi-axial stress state in the cladding during ramp.  相似文献   

A continuum damage mechanics model using FEM calculations was proposed to be applied to an analysis of the fuel failure due to pellet cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) under reactivity-initiated accident conditions. The model expressed ductile fracture via two processes: damage nucleation related to void nucleation and damage evolution related to void growth and linkage. The boundary conditions for the simulations were input from the fuel performance codes FEMAXI-7 and RANNS. The simulation made reasonable predictions for the cladding hoop strain at failure and reproduced the typical fracture behavior of the fuel cladding under the PCMI loading, characterized by a ductile shear zone in the inner region of the cladding wall. It was shown that occurrence of a through-wall crack is determined at an early stage of crack propagation, and the rest of the through-wall penetration process is achieved with a negligible increment in strain. The effect of a local temperature rise in the cladding inner region on the failure strain was found to be less than 5% for the conditions investigated. Failure strains predicted under a plane strain loading were smaller by 20%–30% than those predicted under equibiaxial tensions between the hoop and the axial directions.  相似文献   

A physical model is proposed for local massive hydriding of the cladding of an initially sealed fuel element with fuel containing excess moisture. The growth of massive hydride in the cladding is described in a two-dimensional geometry taking account of hydrogen diffusion in zirconium and thermal diffusion. Incorporating the model developed into the RTOP code makes it possible to perform self-consistent calculations of various scenarios of unsealing of the fuel elements as a result of massive hydriding of the cladding under prescribed operating conditions. The results of test calculations are compared with existing data. It is shown that there exists a critical content of moisture inside a sealed fuel element for which through growth of hydride and unsealing of the fuel element occur. This threshold value depends on the state of the oxide film on the inner surface of the cladding, the power density distribution per unit length over the height of a fuel element, the geometry of the fuel element, the temperature distrubution in the cladding, and the coefficient of hydrogen transfer in the cladding and hydride.  相似文献   

RIA-simulating experiments for high-burnup PWR fuels have been performed in the NSRR, and the stress intensity factor K I at the tip of cladding incipient crack has been evaluated in order to investigate its validity as a PCMI failure threshold under RIA conditions. An incipient crack depth was determined by observation of metallographs. The maximum hydride-rim thickness in the cladding of the test fuel rod was regarded as the incipient crack depth in each test case. Hoop stress in the cladding periphery during the pulse power transient was calculated by the RANNS code. K I was calculated based on crack depth and hoop stress. According to the RANNS calculation, PCMI failure cases can be divided into two groups: failure in the elastic phase and failure in the plastic phase. In the former case, elastic deformation was predominant around the incipient crack at failure time. K I is available onlyin this case. In the latter, plastic deformation was predominant around the incipient crack at failure time. Failure in the elastic phase never occurred when K I was less than 17 MPam1/2. For failure in the plastic phase, the plastic hoop strain of the cladding periphery at failure time clearly showed a tendency to decrease with incipient crack depth. The combination of K I, for failure in theelastic phase, and plastic hoop strain at failure, for failure in the plastic phase, can be an effective index of PCMI failure under RIA conditions.  相似文献   

The FRED fuel rod code is being developed for thermal and mechanical simulation of fast breeder reactor (FBR) and light-water reactor (LWR) fuel behaviour under base-irradiation and accident conditions. The current version of the code calculates temperature distribution in fuel rods, stress-strain condition of cladding, fuel deformation, fuel-cladding gap conductance, and fuel rod inner pressure. The code was previously evaluated in the frame of two OECD mixed plutonium-uranium oxide (MOX) fuel performance benchmarks and then integrated into PSI's FAST code system to provide the fuel rod temperatures necessary for the neutron kinetics and thermal-hydraulic modules in transient calculations. This paper briefly overviews basic models and material property database of the FRED code used to assess the fuel behaviour under steady-state conditions. In addition, the code was used to simulate the IFA-503.2 tests, performed at the Halden reactor for two PWR and twelve VVER fuel samples under base-irradiation conditions. This paper presents the results of this simulation for two cases using a code-to-data comparison of fuel centreline temperatures, internal gas pressures, and fuel elongations. This comparison has demonstrated that the code adequately describes the important physical mechanisms of the uranium oxide (UOX) fuel rod thermal performance under steady-state conditions. Future activity should be concentrated on improving the model and extending the validation range, especially to the MOX fuel steady-state and transient behaviour.  相似文献   

FARST, a computer code for the evaluation of fuel rod thermal and mechanical behavior under steady-state/transient conditions has been developed. The code characteristics are summarized as follows:
1. (i) FARST evaluates the fuel rod behavior under the transient conditions. The code analyzes thermal and mechanical phenomena within a fuel rod, taking into account the temperature change in coolant surrounding the fuel rod.
2. (ii) Permanent strains such as plastic, creep and swelling strains as well as thermoelastic deformations can be analyzed by using the strain increment method.
3. (iii) Axial force and contact pressure which act on the fuel stack and cladding are analyzed based on the stick/slip conditions.
4. (iv) FARST used a pellet swelling model which depends on the contact pressure between pellet and cladding, and an empirical pellet relocation model, designated as “jump relocation model”.
The code was successfully applied to analyses of the fuel rod irradiation data from pulse reactor for nuclear safety research in Cadarache (CABRI) and pulse reactor for nuclear safety research in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (NSRR).The code was further applied to stress analysis of a 1000 MW class large FBR plant fuel rod during transient conditions. The steady-state model which was used so far gave the conservative results for cladding stress during overpower transient, but underestimated the results for cladding stress during a rapid temperature decrease of coolant.  相似文献   

A precise calculation of the stress distribution within the Zircaloy cladding of a water-cooled reactor fuel rod subjected to a power increase is a complex problem which, in general, requires a computer code to integrate the behaviour of both the fuel and cladding. This paper develops a simplified model which decouples the clad and fuel pellet analyses, by considering two extremes of fuel pellet mechanical behaviour, which lead to two widely different boundary conditions at the pellet-clad interface. An axisymmetric fuel rod code can be used to give the mean cladding hoop strain imposed by the thermal expansion of the pellet, and when the interfacial friction coefficient is 0.5, this information along with the frictional boundary condition can be used to determine the stress distribution within the cladding near a fuel pellet crack. Results from this simplified approach, which does not involve an integrated code, are used to study the growth of stress corrosion cracks within the cladding.  相似文献   

During reactor operation, many complex changes occur in fuel rod which affects its thermal, mechanical and material properties. These changes also affect the reactor response to the transient and accident situations. Realistic simulation of fuel rod behavior under transients such as reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) is of great significance. In this study, thermal hydraulic analysis code THEATRe (Thermal Hydraulic Engineering Analysis Tool in Real-time) has been modified by addition of fuel rod behavior models for dynamic simulation of nuclear reactor. Transient changes in gas-gap parameters were taken into account by modeling the gas-gap behavior. Thermo-mechanical behavior of fuel rod is modeled to take into account the thermal, elastic and plastic deformation. To simulate RIA, point reactor kinetics model is also incorporated in the THEATRe code. To demonstrate the transient fuel rod behavior, AP1000 reactor is modeled and three hypothetical RIA cases are simulated. The RIA is considered at three different reactor power levels, i.e. 100, 50 and 1% of nominal power. The investigated parameters are fuel temperature, cladding stress and strain, fuel and cladding thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient in gas-gap. Modified code calculates the fuel rod temperatures according to updated fuel, clad and gas-gap parameters at the onset of steady-state operation and during the transient. The modified code provides lower steady-state fuel temperature as compared to the original code. Stress and strain analyses indicate that the hoop and radial strain is higher at high power locations of the fuel rod; therefore, gap closure process will initially occur in the central portion of the fuel rod and it should be given more emphasis in the safety analysis of the fuel rod and nuclear reactor during accidents and transients.  相似文献   

In the scope of the PHEBUS experimental program to be performed in Cadarache on the behaviour of PWR's fuel assemblies under loss of coolant accidental conditions, a computer code has been developed to help designing the experimental rods and to contribute to the definition of the test runs.This code, dubbed CUPIDON, deals only with the thermal and mechanical behaviour of the rods as well as the oxidation of the cladding outside surface; it does not include any thermohydraulic subroutine. Rather, it is coupled with the RELAP code for providing necessary input data such as coolant temperatures and pressures and cladding-to-coolant heat transfer coefficients. It is restricted to a single, non irradiated, rod of short length as representing the PHEBUS experimental conditions.It is a two dimensional code, using a finite difference resolving technique. It calculates the radial thermal profile across each section of the rod, the stress and creep rate to which the cladding is submitted and the rate of formation of the oxide layer on the surface of the cladding under steady state and transient conditions. As cladding plastic strain input data, it is using the EDGAR-ZY experimental results.  相似文献   

Waterlogged fuel rod experiments performed at the NSRR are analyzed using the computer code WTRLGD, which was devised for the analyses of thermo-dynamical behavior of a waterlogged fuel rod. The numerical results are compared with the data from the experiments in order to assess the validity of the computer code. Parameters in the analyses are volumetric fraction of water, reactor period, gap width, a pin hole and the end peaks. Thus the analyses cover almost all the waterlogged fuel rod experiments at the NSRR.

The comparison shows good agreement between the experimental results and numerical ones on the transient thermo-dynamical behaviors of fuel, such as, rod internal pressure, cladding surface temperature and cladding strain. The numerical results also quantitatively agree with the experimental data concerning the effects of the above parameters on failure threshold energy. From the above findings, the computer code is assessed to be valid enough for the analyses of the failure behavior of the waterlogged fuel rod under a reactivity initiated accident condition.  相似文献   

A computer code ‘CIDER’ was developed which analyzes radiant heat transfer in a BWR fuel rod bundle under loss of coolant conditions. In the code, (1) a channel box and fuel rods are considered to be gray bodies, (2) reflection and absorption of radiation beams in the atmosphere is neglected, (3) a fuel rod is approximated by a regular polygonal rod, and (4) radiant heat flux is calculated considering circumferential temperature distribution on each fuel rod surface, which is determined from radial and circumferential heat conduction calculations in a fuel rod. It was found that the conventional model with uniform cladding temperature overestimated heat flux about 30% in a typical situation, or correspondingly underestimated the temperature rises.  相似文献   

A computer code WTRLGD has been developed to describe the transient internal pressure of a waterlogged fuel rod during power burst and also to predict the possibility of the rod failure in the mode of cladding rupture. The code predicts transient thermal behavior of the fuel rod on the basis of an assumption of axisymmetry, and thermal-hydraulic transients of the internal water on the basis of a homogeneous volume-junction model modified so as to involve the cladding deformation. Calculated transients of the rod pressure are in fairly good agreement with those measured in the NSRR experiments, simulating the fuel rod behavior under an RIA condition. The comparison between calculation and experiment verifies that the code is an effective tool for the prediction of the failure of a waterlogged fuel rod.  相似文献   

包壳肿胀和破损是严重事故早期阶段的重要现象。包壳形变不仅会造成局部流动堵塞,同时,水蒸气会从破裂处进入包壳气隙,增加包壳被蒸汽氧化的表面积。广泛使用的一体化严重事故分析程序不能分析早期事故过程中燃料棒的热力学行为,判断包壳破裂也只是基于简单的参数模型。本文开发了分析燃料棒热力学行为的FRTMB模块,并集成在严重事故分析程序ISAA中。使用开发的耦合系统ISAA FRTMB分析了CAP1400反应堆直接注射(DVI)管线小破口事故过程中燃料棒的热力学行为,并预计了包壳破裂时间及相应的失效温度。计算结果整体验证了ISAA FRTMB分析瞬态事故过程中燃料棒热力学行为以及判断包壳破裂的适用性和可靠性。  相似文献   

In-pile experiments of fresh fuel rods under reactivity initiated accident (RIA) conditions have been performed in the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute in order to understand the basic pellet cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) behavior. Rapid fuel pellet expansion due to a power excursion would cause radial and longitudinal deformation of the cladding. This PCMI could be one of the possible incipient failure modes of an embrittled cladding of a high burnup fuel under the RIA conditions.

Basic PCMI behavior was studied by measuring cladding deformation of a fresh fuel rod without complicated irradiation effects. The transient elongation measurements of the fuel with two kinds of gap width indicated not only PCMI-induced cladding elongation, but also reduction of the pellet stack displacement by the cladding constraint. In the tests under a high-pressure and high-temperature condition simulating an operation condition of BWRs, additional ridge-type cladding deformation was generated due to the axial collapse of the cladding. A preliminary analysis for interpretation of the tests was made using a computer code for the transient analysis of fuel rods, FRAP-T6.  相似文献   

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