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供应商准入管理实质上是加强对供应商的资格管理,这种资格范围很广,包括法人资格、注册资金大小、生产产品的能力、社会信誉、售后服务体系等.其中涉及资质的证书;涉及业绩情况的,供应商应当提供以前在相关领域地业绩,包括项目名称、效果及用户意见等.  相似文献   

技术岗位人员的技能水平是衡量一个技术人员工作能力的重要标准,定期对技术岗位人员进行考核,可以准确掌握技术人员的能力情况,对技术岗位工作的分配提供有效支持。本文所介绍的就是针对技术岗位考核笔试答卷部分研发的一个技术岗位考核系统,它能有效减少工作人员出卷、监考、阅卷、评估等步骤,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

文章所研究的是基于多层架构的任务跟踪与绩效考核,基本思想就是在个人工作过程中,根据项目的需要,会将项目细分成任务分派到个人,系统会实时跟踪任务完成情况,并且在特定时间内考核人对任务执行人进行考核,系统将所有任务完成人的情况进行汇总并算当月的均值,从而根据个人的工龄等信息算出任务完成人的月考核绩效。研究采用了现今主流之一的Java语言作为系统的服务器端开发语言,当前主流的并且使用广泛的SSH开源框架作为系统框架。文中通过对J2EE平台的的系统开发重点介绍了B/S开发模式、异步Ajax、Struts2、Hibernate、Spring等,并运用MYSQL数据库设计了系统的数据库表。通过对系统基于SSH框架的表示层、业务逻辑层和持久层分层设计的整合来达到系统需求。  相似文献   

2012年1月,智达康无线通信科技股份有限公司召开首届供应商大会。通过对各供应商的产品品质、交期、价格、服务等方面的综合考核,智达康最终评选出2011年度优秀供应商并给予表彰,同时,也从产品品质和销售前景的角度出发,对供应商们提出新的要求和期望。凭借优良的产品品质以及在通信领域近20年的技术支持服务经验,  相似文献   

按照供应商和用户协同保障的发展思路,构建具有复杂信息化装备保障特点的供应商和用户协同保障模式,明确供应商和用户双方保障工作业务分工及接口界面,建立供应商和用户协同保障机制,装备供应商和用户协同装备系统的维修保障性,系统的可靠性,模块维修性,协同保障设计,保障人力层次的研究和开发,协同计算系统中维修权重值,重点关注维修权重高的部分,实现供应商和用户双方保障资源和信息资源共享,探索供应商和用户深度融合、层次清晰、分工明确、过程规范、考核量化的综合保障模式和机制,开展专业化的综合服务保障工作,保障目标从“完好性”拓展到“完好性+效能实现”,实现军事效益和经济效益的双提升。  相似文献   

在电子商务环境下,供应商的评价和筛选对提高整个供应链的效率有重要意义,完善成熟的供应商评价指标体系的建立对实现供应商自动评价是至关重要的。本文主要阐述电子商务环境下供应商评价指标体系的构成,以及如何对供应商自动评价系统中的定性指标进行量化。  相似文献   

学生的德育考核是中职学校德育管理工作的一个重要环节。当前大部分学校的考核方式都以班主任的评分为主,而评分的依据来自于班主任日常记录。该方式带有较强的主观性,并且数据收集整理的工作量大。如果能建立一个基于互联网的德育量化考核系统,通过班主任、科任教师、学生干事、企业实习导师等多渠道进行信息录入,系统再根据特定的算法得到学生德育的考核结果。这样不仅实现了对每个学生的德育进行更为公平公证的量化考核,而且提高了德育考核工作的效率,同时为企业选拔人才提供了良好的参考数据。本文从四个方面对该系统的设计进行了分析:一、系统的需求分析。二、系统的功能模块设计。三、系统量化考核的算法设计。四、系统的数据库设计。  相似文献   

日前,金雅拓公司成功入围成为中国工商银行芯片卡集采项目的供应商。据悉,中国工商银行对遴选芯片卡供应商所提供的有关技术、生产及配置进行了全面、严格考核.金雅拓凭借在芯片支付卡领域多年的丰富经验,及成熟领先的安全技术顺利入围  相似文献   

该文介绍了管道SCADA维护业务管理系统的设计与实现,系统采用Oracle数据库,Visual Studio 2005集成开发环境进行开发,主要功能有备件管理、设备管理、维护结算等,能有效提高管道SCADA系统维护效率;加快基层和维护中心之间的数据交互,降低人工维护与测试过程中可能出现的数据缺失或者不一致,为管理部门和领导掌握维护计划的执行情况、工作量考核、备件申报、费用结算情况以及管道SCADA系统备件和设备的出入库情况提供科学有效的决策支持。  相似文献   

针对传统电路实验课程中教师需进行大量重复的检查工作、考核方式不科学的问题,应用工程中的自动测试技术,设计了基于STM32的电路实验辅助评价系统,在学生完成实验后对学生的完成情况进行自动评分与纠错,并对实验考核方式进行优化。实践表明辅助评价系统的引入有利于提高课堂效率和学生的学习自主性。  相似文献   

第二方审核促进供应商可靠性管理水平的提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了电网公司采用客观的标准,对供应商进行公平、公正、合理及有效的评估概况。供应商要成为广东电网的合格供应商,必须按照标准要求,进行可靠性管理体系、可靠性设计与工艺、可靠性试验及设备等方面的评估。实践证明,通过评估可以促进供应商自觉改进和提高其可靠性管理水平。  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at suggesting a methodology leading to effective supplier management processes utilizing information obtained from the supplier selection processes. For this methodology, we propose the supplier selection and management system (SSMS) that includes purchasing strategy system, supplier selection system, and supplier management system, and we explain how the SSMS is applied to a real supply chain. The methodology identifies the managerial criteria using information derived from supplier selection process and makes use of them in the supplier management process. These managerial criteria include key criteria that are major criteria required by the manufacturer for the best quality of parts from suppliers according to the character of each part, and weak criteria that show the shortcomings of selected suppliers as compared with alternative suppliers with regard to each criterion. The effectiveness of supplier management with managerial criteria was verified by a t-test and a correlation analysis with the example of a Korean air conditioner manufacturer  相似文献   

A reliability capability assessment process can assist OEMs and system integrators in assessing prospective suppliers for their ability to design and manufacture reliable products before they are delivered for use, and on an ongoing basis, help a company in identifying shortcomings in its reliability program, which can be rectified by subsequent improvement actions. The assessment can also help to establish reliability management practices for use by designers, suppliers, customers, and independent authorities. The assessment method may be used to evaluate the reliability capability of all types of electronics-related industries that perform activities influencing the reliability of a product. It can produce increased customer satisfaction, provide competitive opportunities, and shorten the product development cycle. In summary, a reliability capability assessment can be used for: 1) specifying or planning reliability practices if product development is implemented internally; 2) evaluating reliability practices to determine the extent to which a supplier is capable of providing a product that meets the reliability requirements/needs; and 3) improving reliability practices if the current reliability practices have been evaluated and improvement is desired or required.  相似文献   

Despite its risks, an increasing number of buyers share design work with their suppliers. However, the outsourcing of design work has been relatively neglected in the literature. Based on mail survey data from 174 US and 122 Japanese automotive component suppliers with product design capability, this study investigates the degree of supplier involvement in design and the factors leading to supplier involvement. The two strongest predictors of the degree of early supplier involvement in design in both Japan and the United States are the degree of technological uncertainty and supplier technical capabilities. Automotive companies are more likely to outsource designs of high uncertainty and select suppliers of high technical capability for design outsourcing. Technological uncertainty also has interaction effects-in the United States, high uncertainty makes customers want to give greater design responsibility to highly technically capable suppliers and those who are most dependent on them as a percent of supplier sales. Overall, the study supports notions of convergence between the US and Japanese supplier management practices in joint product development  相似文献   

A vital and large part of maintaining high national telecommunications standards is the success of telecommunications suppliers in providing quality products and services for the nation's telecommunications network. A supplier quality improvement program has been developed to address this objective. The program stresses long-term relationships between the telephone companies and their suppliers with an emphasis on customer-supplier teamwork. The goal of this teamwork is the evolution of suppliers who consistently bring quality products and services to the network and who continually strive to improve their operations. The responsibilities of both customers and suppliers is the initiation and implementation of a supplier quality improvement program are described  相似文献   

Risk management in supply chains is receiving increasing attention in both academia and industry. Firms are recognizing the importance of considering supply risk in evaluating and selecting suppliers for strategic partnerships. One of the critical issues faced by purchasing managers is in effectively defining, operationalizing, and incorporating supply risk measures in the supplier evaluation process. Due to the multidimensional nature of supply risk, analytical tools that can effectively integrate various risk measures into the decision process can prove useful for managers. To this end, the contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we consider extant research in supply risk in developing a framework for risk assessment based on various categories and types of risks. Second, we propose a combination of analytic hierarchy process and goal programming as a decision tool for supplier selection in the presence of risk measures and product life cycle considerations. The efficacy of the model is tested at a mid-sized automotive supplier and managerial implications are discussed.   相似文献   

The quality technologies developed by Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) and adopted by its owner/clients are described. At the core of the philosophy is the concept of supplier accountability for product and service quality. A brief history of quality in the former Bell System is presented. A supplier career path for today's telecommunications suppliers is shown, and the various characteristics that accompany each phase of the buyer/supplier relationship are described. Programs that enable buyers and suppliers to achieve a long-term cooperative relationship are presented chronologically according to the phases of the product life cycle. The customer/supplier quality process, which is the newest and most comprehensive of the quality technologies available in the telecommunications field, is summarized  相似文献   

供应商管理中的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滕青 《电子与封装》2010,10(5):36-40
微电子行业产业链中,原材料的稳定供应是一个企业稳定和高效运作的重要环节,已成为企业日益关注的重点,但出现的问题是企业虽然已经建立了供应商管理的程序,同时也耗费了大量的资源,却没有达到企业所期望的输出,即有效的管控供应商,继而达到原材料质量、数量、交期等各个方面的稳定。文章即针对上述问题展开,从认识供应商管理PDCA各环节中存在的问题开始,针对具体问题制订改善方案,最终使供应商管理系统成为一个真正创造效益的系统。  相似文献   

Many managers are trying to leverage the skills and resources of key component suppliers to develop high-quality new products faster and at a lower cost. In this exploratory study, we surveyed product-development engineers in 79 small- to medium-sized firms to determine if three techniques commonly used to integrate suppliers into product development increase the supplier's perceived contributions to product development in the eyes of its customer. The techniques studied are: (1) timing of a supplier's involvement; (2) supplier's design responsibility; and (3) communication frequency. Of these, only early supplier involvement was significantly related to the perception of an increased contribution by the supplier. In addition, we found that the supplier's contributions to product development had little practical influence on the overall project technical success. The findings suggest that more research is needed to understand how to use suppliers effectively to improve product-development outcomes  相似文献   

Bellcore has developed a model to support the periodic calculation and reporting of customer costs resulting from poor quality in telecommunications switching system software. This model is designed to provide, as a primary output, total switching system software cost of poor quality, along with a breakdown of this total by major cost component. The primary input to the model is software RQMS data, described in Bellcore's reliability and qualify measurements for telecommunications systems, TR-TSY-000929, and reported by switching system suppliers to the divested Bell operating companies (telcos) on systems operated by these companies. Telco and switching system supplier alike are expected to benefit from the ongoing application of the model, through which accumulated maintenance cost information will be made available to support telco switching system management functions and supplier quality improvement efforts  相似文献   

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