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剪胀对岩样全部变形特征的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用FLAC内嵌语言FISH编制了计算平面应变压缩岩样轴向、侧向、体积应变及泊松比的FISH函数,研究了剪切扩容对剪切带图案及岩样全部变形特征的影响。在峰值强度之前及之后,岩石的本构模型分别取为线弹性及莫尔库仑剪破坏与拉破坏复合的应变软化模型。分析表明,增加剪胀角使岩样由单一向共轭剪切破坏转变,并使接近Arthur倾角的剪切带倾角增加。剪切带宽度随剪胀角增加,可由基于梯度塑性理论且考虑剪胀后的剪切带宽度公式进行解释。剪胀角增加导致峰值强度及对应的轴向、侧向及体积应变增加。在峰后,由于剪胀引起剪切带条数及宽度增加,因而,轴向应力-轴向及侧向应变曲线软化段都变平缓。剪胀角较高时,岩样可获得更大的侧向变形量及泊松比,甚至是负的体积应变;岩样失稳破坏的前兆更加明显。  相似文献   

孔隙压力对岩样全部变形特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究了孔隙压力对剪切带图案及岩样全部变形特征的影响.方法 利用FLAC内嵌语言编制的FISH函数计算平面应变压缩岩样轴向、侧向、体积应变及泊松比.在峰前及峰后,岩石的本构模型分别取为线弹性模型及莫尔库仑剪破坏与拉破坏复合的应变软化模型.结果 随着孔隙压力的增加,岩样的破坏区域越来越广泛;剪切带倾角都接近于Arthur倾角;峰值强度及所对应的轴向、体积应变及侧向应变的大小均降低.当孔隙压力较低时,峰后应力-轴向应变曲线及应力-侧向应变曲线软化段斜率基本保持不变,根据单轴压缩条件下的解析解,这是由于岩样的破坏模式不随孔隙压力的增加而改变.结论当孔隙压力较高时,大量的单元发生破坏将消耗较多的能量,这使应力-轴向应变及侧向应变曲线软化段变平缓;岩样在轴向应变较低时就可获得较高的侧向变形量及泊松比,甚至负的体积应变.岩样失稳破坏的前兆的明显程度不随孔隙压力的改变而改变.  相似文献   

节理倾角对单节理岩样变形破坏影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用FLAC模拟了节理倾角对各向异性岩样峰值强度、力学行为及剪切带图案的影响。节理由实体单元模拟。对于节理之外的岩石,采用莫尔库仑与拉破坏复合的破坏准则,峰后本构关系选择线性应变软化模型;对于节理,采用理想弹塑性的莫尔库仑准则。结果表明,无节理密实岩石的峰值强度最高。节理岩样的剪切应变或集中在节理上,或集中在新剪切带上,峰值强度随节理倾角而改变。新剪切带启动于节理的端部,然后沿其固有方向传播。当节理倾角适中时,节理岩样的峰值强度较低,岩样的行为受控于节理。当节理倾角较高或较低时,可观测到应变软化行为。若节理倾角较低,新剪切带的长度随节理倾角的降低而增加,这导致了陡峭的峰后应力-应变曲线。若节理倾角较高,由于节理倾角对新剪切带的厚度和倾角几乎没有影响,因此,峰后斜率不依赖于节理倾角。  相似文献   

三维岩样单轴压缩端面效应及破坏数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用三维拉格朗日元法,对三维岩样在单轴压缩及不同端面约束条件下,试样端面上压应力的分布及演化规律、试样的破坏过程及空间局部化区域的形态进行数值模拟研究。在峰值强度之前及之后,岩石的本构模型分别取为线弹性及莫尔库仑剪破坏与拉破坏复合的应变软化模型。数值结果表明,对于粗糙端面,由于强烈的端面约束,试样的弹性区是以两端面为底面的锥体;锥体一旦形成,随着时间步的增加,其体积基本保持不变;压应力集中于端面的四个边上。对于光滑端面,弹性区被塑性区所包围,随着时间步的增加,弹性区逐渐缩小,直到消失;压应力集中于端面的中心。在平面应力状态下,未观测到明显的局部化剪切带图案。无论粗糙还是光滑端面,三维岩样都发生了明显的剪切破坏。三维岩样内部的剪切应变局部化带有主有次,占主导地位的剪切带尺寸较大,应变率集中程度较大。  相似文献   

平面应变岩样在单方向施加栽荷条件下,采用拉格朗日元法(FLAC)模拟了端面约束对具有初始随机材料缺陷的岩样破坏过程及应力-应变曲线的影响.对于粗糙端面试样,可在试样中部观测到剪切带;靠近试样两端面的弹性区域的形状类似三角形,其高度随着轴向应变的增加而降低,直到达到常数.对于光滑端面情形,未观测到剪切带的停滞及折射现象,而反射现象较常见.对于粗糙端面试样,剪切带不能贯穿试样的两端面;很少观测到反射现象;可见到剪切带的停滞现象;剪切带的折射现象较常见;通常,一条较长的剪切带可以贯通试样;剪切带发生折射之后,其倾角有所降低.粗糙端面时的应力峰值比光滑端面时高.端面约束不同时的峰后刚度及应力峰值所对应的轴向应变没有明确的规律.不同端面条件下,试样中部剪切带花样既有一定的类似性(由于微弱的端面约束与相同的初始随机材料缺陷分布),又有不同的一面(端面约束的不同及两端面附近的剪切带传播至试样中部).  相似文献   

本文根据血管力学及生理特点,提出具有初发始应力,有限变形的血管力学模型。  相似文献   

初始残余应力和切削残余应力对薄壁件加工变形的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究毛坯件的初始残余应力和切削加工过程中产生的切削(残余)应力对薄壁件变形的影响,对铸造铝合金锥形体毛坯薄壁件进行钻孔法残余应力测试,根据测试结果分别建立包含初始残余应力的有限元切削模型、没有初始残余应力的有限元切削模型及采用有限元生死单元法的模型,并进行分析.3种模型的对比结果表明:初始残余应力与切削(残余)应力均对加工结束后工件的变形产生显著的影响,其中切削(残余)应力对于变形的影响最大.  相似文献   

土体的静止侧压力系数K0是其重要的力学参数之一,合理地确定土体的K0系数对土工结构应力变形的准确计算有重要的理论意义与实用价值。然而,土体的K0系数的准确测量并不容易,对粗颗粒土则更加困难。目前为止,能研究粗颗粒土K0的试验仪器极少,对K0系数的研究成果相应地也很少,而对粗颗粒土在不同初始孔隙比下K0系数的变化规律的研究几乎空白。为研究粗颗粒土的静止侧压力系数在不同初始孔隙比下的变化规律,研制了一种新型K0试验仪。该仪器既能用于测定粗颗粒土的K0系数,也可用于一般黏土或砂土K0的测定,而且可用于高应力条件。对某级配粗粒料进行了不同初始孔隙比状态下的K0压缩试验。试验粗颗粒土的母岩为似斑花岗岩,其颗粒粒径范围<20mm。试样高度8cm、直径10cm,初始孔隙比为0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6,试验最大竖向压力为3.7MPa。试验结果表明:对所试验的粗粒料在K0状态下加载时,侧向应力与竖向应力之间呈较好的线性关系,K0为常数。初始孔隙比为0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6时K0范围大致0.3~0.45,孔隙比对K0系数的影响显著;粗粒料的静止侧压力系数随着初始孔隙比的增加而增加,且两者之间近似呈直线关系;不同初始孔隙比条件下,试样的体积应变与平均正应力(或竖向应力)之间可用幂函数拟合,提出了能够反映不同初始孔隙比的粗粒料K0条件下应力应变关系的经验公式。  相似文献   

为评价应变软化模型中内聚力对模拟结果的影响,利用FLAC 3 D软件建立标准尺寸的圆柱体模型,采用单向加载方式开展数值模拟研究.结果表明:采用摩尔库伦模型时,内聚力大小与峰值强度呈线性相关.在应变软化模型中,仅改变应变软化参数,峰前特性与摩尔库伦模型表现一致;其他条件相同时,峰后塑性应变的标志点越小,或峰后应变软化参数...  相似文献   

Shear band (SB), axial, lateral and volumetric strains as well as Poisson's ratio of anisotropic jointed rock specimen (JRS) were modeled by Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC). Failure criterion of rock was a composited Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut-off. An inclined joint was treated as square elements of ideal plastic material beyond the peak strength. Several FISH functions were written to automatically find the addresses of elements in the joint and to calculate the entire deformational characteristics of plane strain JRS. The results show that for moderate joint inclination (JI) , strain is only concentrated into the joint governing the behavior of JRS, leading to ideal plastic responses in axial and lateral directions. For higher JI, the post-peak stress-axial and lateral strain curves become steeper as JI increases owing to the increase of new SB's length. Lateral expansion and precursor to the unstable failure are the most apparent, resulting in the highest Poisson's ratio and even negative volumetric strain. For lower JI, the entire post-peak deformational characteristics are independent of JI. The lowest lateral expansion occurs, leading to the lowest Poisson's ratio and positive volumetric strain all along. The present prediction on anisotropic strength in plane strain compression qualitatively agrees with the results in triaxial tests of rocks. The JI calculated by Jaeger's formula overestimates that related to the minimum strength. Advantages of the present numerical model over the Jaeger's model are pointed out.  相似文献   

The influence of heterogeneity on mechanical and acoustic emission characteristics of rock specimen under uniaxial compress was studied with numerical simulation methods. Weibull distribution function was adopted to describe the mesoscopic heterogeneity of rocks. The failure process of heterogeneous rock specimen under uniaxial loading was simulated using FLAC3D software. Five schemes were adopted to investigate the influence of heterogeneity. The results demonstrate that as the homogeneity increases, the peak strength and brittleness of rocks increase, and the macro elastic modulus improves as well. Heterogeneity has great influence on macro elastic modulus and strength when the homogeneity coefficient is less than 20.0. The volume expansion is not so obvious when the homogeneity increases. As the homogeneity coefficient increases the acoustic emissions modes change from swarm shock to main shock. When the homogeneity coefficient is high, the cumulative acoustic emission events-axial strain curve is gentle before the rock failure. The numerical results agree with the previously numerical results and earlier experimental measurements.  相似文献   

不同倾角节理岩体损伤演化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究节理倾角对岩体损伤的影响规律,运用损伤力学理论建立考虑节理与荷载共同作用的岩体损伤演化模型及损伤本构模型;通过单弱面理论对模型试验进行验证,同时探讨节理岩体损伤演化特征.结果表明:单弱面理论结果与试验结果较为吻合,模型试验能较好地表征含单一结构面的岩体在荷载作用下的力学特征及损伤演化规律;当节理倾角从0增大到90°过程中,初始节理损伤先增后减,在倾角为60°时至最大值,总体呈倒"U"型分布规律;不同倾角节理岩体总损伤演化规律基本一致,均呈"S"型分布规律,先缓慢增加,而后快速增加,最后再缓慢增加其值趋于1;节理倾角只影响总损伤率数值大小不影响其演化规律,总损伤率随应变增加呈正态分布;总损伤率受控于节理面分布规律,当节理倾角从0增大至90°的过程中,总损伤率先减小后增大.  相似文献   

Yin  Tu-bing  Wang  Pin  Li  Xi-bing  Shu  Rong-hua  Ye  Zhou-yuan 《中南大学学报(英文版)》2016,23(9):2336-2345
To study the physical and mechanical properties of coal rock after treatment at different temperatures under impact loading, dynamic compression experiments were conducted by using a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB). The stress–strain curves of specimens under impact loading were obtained, and then four indexes affected by temperature were analyzed in the experiment: the longitudinal wave velocity, elastic modulus, peak stress and peak strain. Among these indexes, the elastic modulus was utilized to express the specimens' damage characteristics. The results show that the stress–strain curves under impact loading lack the stage of micro-fissure closure and the slope of the elastic deformation stage is higher than that under static loading. Due to the dynamic loading effect, the peak stress increases while peak strain decreases. The dynamic mechanical properties of coal rock show obvious temperature effects. The longitudinal wave velocity, elastic modulus and peak stress all decrease to different extents with increasing temperature, while the peak strain increases continuously. During the whole heating process, the thermal damage value continues to increase linearly, which indicates that the internal structure of coal rock is gradually damaged by high temperature.  相似文献   

对橡胶黏弹性进行了简化计算,建立了结合路面分形特性和胎面橡胶特性的滑动摩擦因数改进模型。与修正的Savkoor滑动摩擦因数进行对比,验证了改进模型的有效性。利用改进模型对不同路况、不同胎面橡胶对滑动摩擦因数随速度变化的影响规律进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明:改进模型能够将道路特性和胎面橡胶特性有机结合,在避免使用较难获得参数的情况下还能够准确地分析不同滑动速度下不同路面和不同橡胶特性对滑动摩擦系数的影响,为系统分析印迹的显隐特性提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Anti-symmetric four-point bending specimens with different thickness, without and with guiding grooves, were used to conduct Mode II fracture test and study the effect of specimen thickness on Mode II fracture toughness of rock. Numerical calculations show that the occurrence of Mode II fracture in the specimens without guiding grooves (when the inner and outer loading points are moved close to the notch plane) and with guiding grooves is attributed to a favorable stress condition created for Mode II fracture, i.e. tensile stress at the notch tip is depressed to be lower than the tensile strength or to be compressive stress, and the ratio of shear stress to tensile stress at notch tip is very high. The measured value of Mode II fracture toughness K II C decreases with the increase of the specimen thickness or the net thickness of specimen. This is because a thick specimen promotes a plane strain state and thus results in a relatively small fracture toughness. Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No: 49672164) Biography of the first author: RAO Qiu-hua, doctor of engineering, born in 1965, majoring in rock fracture mechanics.  相似文献   

为了揭示模具深宽比、膜厚对抗蚀剂填充特性的影响规律,采用计算流体动力学方法对紫外纳米压印过程进行计算.计算模型考虑了表面张力、接触角等因素,计算分析不同模具凹槽深宽比、抗蚀剂初始膜厚时对应的抗蚀剂填充形貌.通过分析发现,在抗蚀剂初始膜厚一定的条件下,随着模具凹槽深宽比的减小,抗蚀剂倾向以双峰模式填充凹槽,填充廓线峰值点沿水平方向呈阶梯形迁移,深宽比越小,阶梯效应越明显.当抗蚀剂初始膜厚减小时,抗蚀剂填充方式将由单峰模式向双峰模式转换,在双峰模式下抗蚀剂填充率随填充时间的变化率呈明显的非线性特征.通过分析厚宽比TWR发现,单、双峰转换的临界范围为5∶8<TWR<2∶3.  相似文献   

采用数值方法对岩体结构影响下覆岩冒落及地表岩移特征进行了研究.采矿过程中,覆岩冒落呈现缓慢-快速周期性发展;地表岩移发展主要由急倾斜节理控制,总体上以横向扩展为主;开采区域内岩移发展受断层的影响大于节理的影响,断层倾角的减小将增加其上盘岩体的弱化效应,可能导致岩体发生倾倒破坏,增加地表岩移范围.  相似文献   

This paper is to study the influence of composition, microstructure and pore characteristics on the rock mechanical properties. Five kinds of sandstone compositions were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction instrument. And the microstructure was observed by using scanning electron microscope. Then the pore distribution characteristic was investigated by using the low field nuclear magnetic resonance equipment. Finally, the uniaxial compression test was carried out to investigate the mechanical characteristics by using RMT150C mechanics experimental system and the uniaxial compressive strength, Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus were obtained. Compared to the analysis of the composition, structure and pore distribution and mechanical properties of the five kinds of sandstones, the relationship among composition,structure, pore distribution and mechanical properties was obtained. The results show that the composition, microstructure, pore distribution and mechanical properties of sandstone are closely related.With the decrease of feldspar and quartz particles, the compressive strength and elastic modulus increase, while the porosity decreases.  相似文献   

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