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The purpose of this study was to investigate fluid flows in the blast furnace trough and furthermore extend the lifespan of the trough. For that purpose both physical and mathematical models were utilised. The effect of different flow controllers, both at the surface and at the bottom of the trough, on the flow behaviour in the trough was examined. Additionally, the effect of the height of the bath level on flow velocities was studied. Return flows, caused by the tapping stream, are responsible for the wear of the walls at the impact point. According to the model tests, the smaller the area of turbulent flow, the stronger the flow in the vicinity of the walls appears to be. Return flows can not totally be restrained by flow controllers. However, the turbulence can be diminished with longitudinal pads at the bottom of the trough. Bottom pads cause increasing bottom wear and reduction in the length of laminar area. Increasing the amount of consumable refractory mass in critical areas of the trough slightly increases flow velocity in the vicinity of the walls. According to the calculations, the amount of entrained slag can be reduced by reducing the height difference between the slag and iron ports, raising the height of the bath level and reducing the height of the opening under the skimmer.  相似文献   

八钢首座2500m^3高炉建成投产,给八钢高炉炉前带来一个新课题,即炉前主沟由以前小高炉于沟改为了大高炉贮铁式主沟,为了使贮铁式主沟发挥其优越性,我们通过不断摸索,目前已达到通铁量13万t的设计能力,为高炉生产节约了成本,更主要降低了炉前劳动量,改善了工作环境。  相似文献   

针对高炉槽上供料过程的工艺特点以及现有控制策略存在的不足,开发了一种基于接近开关定位方式的卸料车控制策略。通过对料仓料位信息的分析以及对卸料小车所在位置与目标位置的逻辑判断,给出一种复用性高的卸料车全自动多峰卸料策略,实现了料仓的全自动安全装料。该控制策略具有很强的故障诊断和故障处理能力,保证了原燃料供应的顺行和料仓的备料能力。  相似文献   

 插入件通常安装在高炉料罐中以延长设备使用寿命,而料罐中安装插入件对料罐和炉喉内炉料粒度分布有重要影响。基于泰钢1 780 m3高炉串罐式无钟炉顶系统,建立等比例三维几何模型,分别在改变插入件安装高度和直径的条件下,对炉料从皮带运动至炉喉全过程进行离散单元仿真计算。统计结果表明,安装插入件使大粒径颗粒分布趋于料罐中心,小粒径颗粒分布在料罐壁面附近;下料罐卸料过程中,安装插入件使颗粒流动模式由“漏斗流”转变为“活塞流”,缩小了炉喉径向平均粒径波动范围。当插入件安装在料罐下部锥形区域高度的1/2,且直径等于料罐出口直径时,炉喉中心区域平均粒径相对较大。对实际料罐插入件的设计与安装以及高炉生产具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

高炉主卷扬双料车变频控制系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合河南安阳永兴钢铁有限公司新建的450m^3高炉,介绍了高炉主卷扬上料变频控制系统的配置及控制系统的功能,并对主卷扬变频控制系统设计及系统运行过程中遇到的相关问题进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

介绍了陕西锌业有限公司铅回收系统的生产工艺、主要设备及实际运行情况。该系统采用大吨位大功率工频无心感应电炉进行粗铅除铜、熔铸铅锭及阴极板,一次开车成功,相关指标达到设计值,铅锭含铅99.994%。  相似文献   

高炉异常炉况诊断专家系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
易粟  徐用懋  马竹梧 《冶金自动化》2002,26(1):15-17,32
高炉异常炉况诊断专家系统是基于RExpert开发的,在推理机和知识库部分引进了对象的概念并进行了初步规划,知识表达采用基于产生式规则的方法,并采用可信度进行模糊推理。系统还包括数据处理部分、人机交互界面和输出显示等。该系统适用于不同型号的高炉。  相似文献   

The models of melting a semiproduct in an electric arc furnace (EAF) and metal mixing developed earlier are used to study the effect of the proportion of the bath sizes on the following main technicaleconomic characteristics of a heat: the expenditure of electric energy, the heat time, and the operating time under electric current. The range of the optimal values of the proportion of the EAF bath sizes is determined with allowance for bath stirring with CO bubbles during decarburization. It is useful to increase the bath depth of EAFs operating according to single-slag technology and to classify furnaces according to the type of charge and the method of its loading.  相似文献   

智能钢包精炼炉控制系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍一种钢包精炼炉智能控制系统。给出此系统的主要功能和系统结构,重点介绍基于复合人工智能技术的热平衡计算和钢水温度预报、能量输入动态优化和智能电极升降控制,最后给出现场应用结果。  相似文献   

With the application and popularization of blowing natural gas in blast furnace, it is necessary to study the thermodynamic behavior of natural gas and the variation of operating parameters in blast furnace. By the second law of thermodynamics, the reduction behavior of blowing natural gas in blast furnaces was analyzed. Based on the material balance and heat balance model, the influence of oxygen enrichment, blast temperature and humidity on the blast furnace bosh gas volume and the theoretical combustion temperature in the front of tuyere raceway after natural gas injection were discussed. The quantitative analysis of dynamic coupling effect was realized by linear regression on the effect of key parameters. The results show that natural gas first absorbs heat at high temperature and cracks into CO and H2, which helps to improve the volume fraction and reduction potential of CO and H2 in the gas and promote the indirect reduction reaction. Natural gas injection into blast furnace leads to the rapid increase in the bosh gas volume and the rapid decrease in the theoretical combustion temperature. The change of humidity has a great influence on the bosh gas volume and the theoretical combustion temperature, followed by the oxygen enrichment. However, the blast temperature has a mild influence due to the limited potential to change relatively.  相似文献   

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