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The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration has been an important process parameter in the biological wastewater treatment process (WWTP). In this paper, we propose a nonlinear control scheme to maintain the dissolved oxygen level of an activated sludge system. Without any linearization or model reduction, it can directly incorporate the nonlinear DO process model with on-line estimation of the respiration rate (R) and the oxygen transfer rate (KLa). Simulation results show that it outperforms a control performance of the PID controller. Since it incorporates the process disturbance and nonlinearity in the controller design, the suggested method can efficiently deal with the operating condition changes that occur frequently in the wastewater treatment process.  相似文献   

Conventional product and process models have focused on static features. That means product models are mainly based on structural decomposition of products, and process models are also often described by activity decomposition such as work breakdown structure. From the view of design process management, it is difficult to describe dynamic features of design processes appropriately through conventional methodologies. In this paper, a multidimensional approach for design process management was explored to manifest characteristics of design processes for chemical plant design. Parallelized design process for concurrent process engineering should be managed by twodimensional design activity flows. The process management makes it possible to guide progress of design processes in a helix structure by horizontal and vertical activity control simultaneously. They stand for teleological and causal relation between design activities, respectively. That can be achieved based on an extended product model, which represents various design perspectives explicitly from a conventional design activity model. The extended product model is composed of product data, design activities, and activity drivers. Dynamic features of the extended product model are expressed by an activity chain model. These concepts will support the realization of concurrent process engineering for chemical plant design in the sense that they provide design process management strategies.  相似文献   

过程控制工程课程以控制系统分析、设计和应用为主要内容,具有很强的应用性和实践性。为了激发学生的学习热情,加深对教学内容的理解,任课教师在教学中会提出若干个典型的过程控制工程问题,由学生建立对象的仿真模型、自主设计相应的控制方案、完成控制系统的综合仿真与研究报告,最后在教师主导下进行课堂研讨。实践证明这种方式有效地提高了学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,取得了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

卓越工程师培养计划是由中国工程院发起,联合教育部等众多部委实施的人才培养模式,是面向未来国民经济发展对人才需求的趋势而推出的新举措,也是我国高等工程教育发展的一种新尝试。依据过程装备与控制工程专业特点,我院研究制订了该专业卓越工程师培养方案,并建立了过程装备制造和检测检验两个实践基地,拓展了实践性教学的内涵,创新了实施的载体,培养模式上采取灵活而可操作的方法,积累了一些经验。  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse plays a key role in this vital cycle of water because it is able to reduce the wastewater spilled. Simultaneously, the supply of water for specific uses is increased. A new regulation (Royal Decree 1620/2007) came into force in Spain in December 2007 and regulates the basic conditions for the wastewater reuse and establishes the required criteria of quality to waters according to use.In the present paper, different kinds of tertiary treatments in reuse of wastewater are described. We focused on the applied tertiary treatments in most wastewater treatment plants of Gran Canaria Island. Particularly, we analysed Hoya del Pozo wastewater treatment plant due to its wide number of technologies and processes.Finally, we reviewed the quality criteria used in the regenerated waters, in agreement with the new regulations.  相似文献   

本文以过程装备与控制工程本科专业课程体系的研究与实践为例,提出了“跨学科构建专业基础平台,灵活设置专业方向但保持专业特色”的主张,构建多学科背景本科专业课程体系的理论与方法。经过实践,获得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Complex reaction kinetics and mechanisms, physical changes and transport effects, non-ideal mixing, and strong process nonlinearity characterize polymerization processes. Polymer reaction engineering is a discipline that deals with various problems concerning the fundamental nature of chemical and physical phenomena in polymerization processes. Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool for the development of process understanding and advanced reactor technology in the polymer industry. This review discusses recent developments in modeling techniques for the calculation of polymer properties including molecular weight distribution, copolymer composition distribution, sequence length distribution and long chain branching. The application of process models to the design of model-based reactor optimizations and controls is also discussed with some examples. This paper is dedicated to Professor Hyun-Ku Rhee on the occasion of his retirement from Seoul National University.  相似文献   

朱涛  王君明 《化工科技》2004,12(3):37-39
对吉林石化公司合成树脂厂废水处理系统存在问题进行了分析,通过点源治理、工艺调优等方法使废水COD达标。  相似文献   

郭福平  刘雁 《化工高等教育》2011,28(2):17-18,40
本文以大学生创新精神心理测量学研究为依据,对过程装备与控制工程专业学生从测量评价大学生创新精神的七个维度出发,对本专业如何围绕七个维度来培养学生创新精神进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文从师资队伍建设、人才培养方案、实践教学、质量工程等方面阐述了安徽理工大学过程装备与控制工程专业建设的具体措施和特色。只有不断加强专业建设,深化教育改革,才能培养出适应行业发展需求的合格人才。  相似文献   

Teaching chemical engineering has always been faced with a dilemma: either keep in touch with industry needs or incorporate new scientific concepts into the curriculum. In this paper, a short historical analysis of the evolution of chemical engineering teaching is presented and the recent trends of the two previous facets (industry and science) are briefly reviewed. The process vs product engineering concept is proposed as one of the means to achieve a better alignment between the curriculum and industry needs. A chemical engineering teaching framework, based in part on a product and a process oriented component, which has been in place in our department 5 years ago, is described and discussed. The concept of sustainable chemistry, including process and product considerations, which can be seen as the next frontier in chemical engineering education, is finally analysed from the education point of view.  相似文献   

Silicon wafers are manufactured by cutting an ingot into the same thickness. The Czochralski process is a representative method for making an ingot. During manufacture, the ingot diameter is affected by the pull speed and heat transfer amount. Therefore, controlling the ingot manufacturing process involves controlling the ingot diameter related to pull speed and controlling the heater power supply to maintain the pull speed within the allowable range. The modeling of ingot diameter can be established by the ingot pull speed change based on an understanding of the mechanism of heat transfer, and the calculation of the heat transfer amount between all the parties of the crystal growth furnace according to the energy balance equations. Comparing the simulation results with real process results, the step change of the heater showed 1st or 2nd process dynamics at all points with a time delay of 18 minutes, which was similar to that of the real process. Furthermore, the pull speed step change exhibited a 5 min time delay from the test spot, which confirmed the relation between the integral and process properties. This result is similar to the real process, too. With a specific ingot length, the temperature in each point of the furnace in the real process was similar to these simulation results.  相似文献   

本文针对华东理工大学过程控制工程国家精品课程建设中的主要特色,从教学内容、师资队伍、培养方案、实践教学和产学研结合等方面探讨了过程控制工程课程创新教学改革与实践,并详述了教学改革的基本思路、具体的教学措施和经验体会。  相似文献   

大众化教育背景下,应用型人才培养模式的探索和实践是普通本科院校发展的关键问题。本文分析和思考了实践教学环节中的问题,介绍了本院过程装备与控制工程专业在实验教学、课程设计、实习基地及实习方式、毕业设计等方面取得的教学改革成果,提出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

We applied a nonlinear fuzzy partial least squares (FPLS) algorithm for modeling a biological wastewater treatment plant. FPLS embeds the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy model into the regression framework of the partial least squares (PLS) method, in which FPLS utilizes a TSK fuzzy model for nonlinear characteristics of the PLS inner regression. Using this approach, the interpretability of the TSK fuzzy model overcomes some of the handicaps of previous nonlinear PLS (NLPLS) algorithms. As a result, the FPLS model gives a more favorable modeling environment in which the knowledge of experts can be easily applied. Results from applications show that FPLS has the ability to model the nonlinear process and multiple operating conditions and is able to identify various operating regions in a simulation benchmark of biological process as well as in a full-scale wastewater treatment process. The result shows that it has the ability to model the nonlinear process and handle multiple operating conditions and is able to predict the key components of nonlinear biological processes.  相似文献   

高凯  徐海平  任树怀 《耐火材料》2000,34(2):115-117
“通用工程数据处理系统”是一套智能化的工程数据处理系统,在Windows下用C++Builder 开发而成。系统设计中引入了专家系统的设计思想,实现了数据处理的智能化,具有知识获取、数据存储、知识推理、统计分析、检索排序、数据转换等功能,全部操作可视化,简便快捷,为各类工程数据处理提供了安全、通用、简便的集成环境,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文就国内外毕业实践教学环节在培养本科生中的地位及国内外现行毕业设计所起的作用与存在问题,提出了过程装备与控制工程专业毕业实践环节的改革思路和三种改革方案,以供商榷.  相似文献   

创新能力的培养是大学生素质教育的重要目标.我们把握学生科研创新活动的特点,开展师生合作科研,使得大学生在研究过程中自觉培养创新意识、独立解决问题和持续学习的能力,促进创新能力快速提高,以适应目前企业对大学生综合素质的要求.  相似文献   

介绍了流程工业中CIMS发展的历史、现状,以及流程工业与离散加工工业的异同。讨论了流程工业中MES(Manufacturing Execution System)作用、功能,给出了当前CIM用于流程工业的一些技术,并集中探讨在线优化、专家系统,指出了流程工业企业应有选择、有步骤地逐渐实现CIMS。  相似文献   

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