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The Modular Accident Analysis Program version 5 (MAAP5) is a computer code that can simulate the response of light water reactor power plants during severe accident sequences. The present work aims to simulate the severe accident of a typical Chinese pressure water reactor (PWR) with MAAP5. The pressurizer safety valve stuck-open accident is essentially a small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA), which becomes one of the major concerns on core melt initiating events of the PWR. Six cases with different assumptions in the pressurizer (PZR) safety valves (SVs) stuck-open accident stuck open accident were analyzed for comparison. The results of first three cases show that the severe accident sequence is correlated with the number of the stuck open valve. The primary system depressurized faster in a more SVs stuck open case, and the consequences in which is hence slighter. The remaining 3 cases along with the case 2 were then analyzed to study the effect of operator intervention to the accident. The results show that the auxiliary feed water (AFW) is effective to delay the core degradation and hence delayed the finally system recovery. The high pressure injection (HPI) operation and manually opening the steam generator (SG) SVs are effective to mitigate this kind of severe accident. The results are meaningful and significant for comprehending the detailed process of PWR severe accident, which is the basic standard for establishing the severe accident management guidelines.  相似文献   

KAERI recently constructed a new thermal-hydraulic integral test facility for advanced pressurized water reactors (PWRs) – ATLAS. The ATLAS facility has the following characteristics: (a) 1/2-height&length, 1/288-volume, and full pressure simulation of APR1400, (b) maintaining a geometrical similarity with APR1400 including 2(hot legs) × 4(cold legs) reactor coolant loops, direct vessel injection (DVI) of emergency core cooling water, integrated annular downcomer, etc., (c) incorporation of specific design characteristics of OPR1000 such as cold leg injection and low-pressure safety injection pumps, (d) maximum 10% of the scaled nominal core power. The ATLAS will mainly be used to simulate various accident and transient scenarios for evolutionary PWRs, OPR1000 and APR1400: the simulation capability of broad scenarios including the reflood phase of a large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), small-break LOCA scenarios including DVI line breaks, a steam generator tube rupture, a main steam line break, a feed line break, a mid-loop operation, etc. The ATLAS is now in operation after an extensive series of commissioning tests in 2006.  相似文献   

The initiating event, which is the first step in the establishment of risk-based accident scenarios, was derived by master logic diagram (MLD) method based on the fault tree analysis (FTA), and then the risk-based accident scenarios were developed by the event tree analysis (ETA) through the derived initiating events. The main initiating events led to the arbitrary operational accident: the dropping of a drum and fire were derived from the MLD method. Consequently, based on two main initiating events, four heading events were derived, and then the 12 risk-based accident scenarios concerning the LILW management in the temporary storage facility were finally established by the ETA method.  相似文献   

Best estimate accident analysis with uncertainty evaluation is being encouraged in the present licensing scenarios of nuclear power plants. This paper deals with uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for station blackout in PSB VVER integral test facility under the framework of coordinated research project of IAEA. Nodalization was developed using best estimate system code RELAP5/MOD3.2 and its steady state and transient level qualifications are achieved. Sampling based approaches are used to carry out uncertainty and sensitivity/importance analysis. The objective of the analysis is to get confidence for uncertainty methodology by comparing with the experimental results and extend its applicability to NPPs. Uncertainty analysis is carried out by selecting nine important input parameters with specified ranges and its uniform distributions. A design matrix of 45 × 9 is generated for variations of input parameters with the Latin Hypercube Sampling and 45 code runs were taken. Linear regression was also carried out to quantify the effect of each individual input parameter on output parameters in terms of standard rank regression coefficients. Uncertainty band in output parameters is defined between 95th and 5th percentile value. It is observed that most of the experimental values and code calculated reference values are lying within the uncertainty band. For most of the parameters, width of uncertainty band increases with transient progression time.  相似文献   

In this paper, design and analysis of a thermal hydraulic integral test facility for Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is presented. The Bushehr Integral Test Facility (BITF) is a test facility designed to model the thermal-hydraulic behaviours of the Bushehr NPP (VVER-1000) pressurized water reactors currently in use in IRAN. These reactors have unique features that differ from other PWR designs. The BITF simulates the major components and systems of the reference NPP, making it possible to examine postulated small and medium break a loss of coolant accidents (LOCAs) and operational transients. The BITF is a volume-scaled model (1:1375). To ensure that gravitational forces remain equal to those in the reference reactor, the major components and systems in the BITF preserve 1:1 elevation equivalence to the reference reactor. The facility has four loops (each one consists of a hot leg, a steam generator, a loop seal, a main circulation pump and a cold leg), a pressurizer connected via two surge line to the hot leg of the loops 2, 4, the emergency-core-cooling system (ECCS) which is provided by an active pump simulating high and low pressure injection systems, and four hydro-accumulators. The report also contains a comparison between experimental data of PSB test facility and RELAP5 calculations of BITF facility under steady state condition of the reactor power 15% from the nominal.  相似文献   

An accelerator complex DÉLSI (Dubnen Electron Synchrotron) is planned for constuction as source of synchrotron radiation with high brightness in a wide spectral range – from far infrared (100 m) up to high-energy x-ray (50 keV). This will make it possible to perform a wide range of research at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. The DÉLSI complex includes a linear electron accelerator up to energy 800 MeV and a storage ring with a 136 m perimeter at 1.2 GeV, in which a 10 T wiggler and an undulator (0.75 T, 150 periods) are built-in. The linear electron accelerator of the DÉLSI complex will be used for injection and for producing free-electron lasers. The parameters of synchrotron radiation from the bending magnets and built-in devices of the DÉLSI complex, the magnetic structure of the storage ring with the wiggler and undulator switched off, the effect of built-in devices on the ring optics, and the effect of errors on the closed orbit are examined; the synchrotron radiation parameters are briefly described.  相似文献   

In 1995 at the integral test facility ISB-VVER in Elektrogorsk near Moscow natural circulation experiments were performed, which were scientifically accompanied by the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. These experiments were the first of this kind at a test facility, which models VVER-1000 thermalhydraulics. Using the code ATHLET which is being developed by ‘Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit’, pre- and post-test calculations were done to determine the thermalhydraulic events to be expected and to define and tune the boundary conditions of the test. The conditions found for natural circulation instabilities and cold leg loop seal clearing could be confirmed by the tests. Besides the thermalhydraulic standard measuring system, the facility was equipped with needle shaped conductivity probes for measuring the local void fractions.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2028-2032
After the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident, a need for assuring safety of fusion energy has grown in the Japanese (JA) fusion research community. DEMO safety research has been launched as a part of Broader Approach DEMO Design Activities (BA-DDA). This paper reports progress in the fusion DEMO safety research conducted under BA-DDA. Safety requirements and evaluation guidelines have been, first of all, established based on those established in the Japanese ITER site invitation activities. The radioactive source terms and energies that can mobilize such source terms have been assessed for a reference DEMO concept. This concept employs in-vessel components that are cooled by pressurized water and built of a low activation ferritic steel (F82H), contains solid pebble beds made of lithium-titanate (Li2TiO3) and beryllium–titanium (Be12Ti) for tritium breeding and neutron multiplication, respectively. It is shown that unlike the energies expected in ITER, the enthalpy in the first wall/blanket cooling loops is large compared to the other energies expected in the reference DEMO concept. Reference accident event sequences in the reference DEMO in this study have been analyzed based on the Master Logic Diagram and Functional Failure Mode and Effect Analysis techniques. Accident events of particular concern in the DEMO have been selected based on the event sequence analysis and the hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Three integral effects tests (IET-1, IET-3, and IET-6) were conducted to investigate the effects of high-pressure melt ejection on direct containment heating. A 1:10 linear scale model of the Zion reactor pressure vessel (RPV), cavity, instrument tunnel, and subcompartment structures were constructed in the Surtsey test facility at Sandia National Laboratories. The RPV was modeled with a melt generator that consisted of a steel pressure barrier, a cast MgO crucible, and a thin steel inner liner. The melt generator/crucible had a hemispherical bottom head containing a graphite limitor plate with a 4 cm exit hole to simulate the ablated hole in the RPV bottom head that would be formed by tube ejection in a severe nuclear power plant accident. The reactor cavity model contained 3.48 kg water with a depth of 0.9 cm that corresponded to condensate levels in the Zion plant. 43 kg iron oxide/aluminum/ chromium thermite was used to simulate molten core debris. The molten thermite in the three tests was driven into the scaled reactor cavity by slightly superheated steam at 7.1, 6.1, and 6.3 MPa for IET-1, IET-3, and IET-6 respectively. The IET-1 atmosphere was pre-inerted with nitrogen, while the IET-3 atmosphere was nitrogen with approximately 9.0 mol% O2. The IET-6 atmosphere was nitrogen with 9.79 mol% O2 and 2.59 mol% pre-existing hydrogen. In IET-1, approximately 233 g mol hydrogen were produced but almost none burned because oxygen was not available. In IET-3, approximately 227 g mol hydrogen were produced and 190 g mol burned. In IET-6, approximately 319 g mol hydrogen were produced and 345 g mol burned. The peak pressure increases in the IET-1, IET-3 and IET-6 experiments were 0.098, 0.246, and 0.279 MPa respectively. In IET-3 and IET-6 hydrogen burned as it was pushed out of the subcompartments into the upper region of the Surtsey vessel. In IET-6, although a substantial amount of pre-existing hydrogen burned, it apparently did not burn on a time scale that made a significant contribution to the peak pressure increase in the vessel.  相似文献   

This note evaluates the applicability range of Ishii's similarity parameters to integral system test facilities (IST) subjected to slow Small-Break Loss-Of-Coolant Accidents (SBLOCA). It is recognized that the development of Ishii's parameters is theoretically sound and rigorous. However, the range of applicability should be limited to conditions for which the original assumptions hold. For the IST facilities, the major out-of-range application is that Ishii's parameters, developed from the analysis of an open system, are applied to closed integral systems. An enthalpy transport analysis of a closed system demonstrates that such an extrapolation leads to erroneous conclusion. It is shown that two mechanisms which distinguish a closed system from an open system have significant effects on the scaling of system phenomena. One is the interaction/feedback mechanism, which is an inherent characteristics of an integral system. Another is the limited amount of available vapor space in closed systems.  相似文献   

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