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冒泡排序连通圈网络BSCC(n)是一类重要的互连网络,它是3正则的.2010年师海忠提出了如下猜想:冒泡排序连通圈BSCC(n)(n≥4)可分解为边不交的一个Hamilton圈和一个完美对集的并.在本文中证明了当nn==5,4时猜想成立,另外,给出了BSCC(6)的一个圈分解.  相似文献   

竞赛图的共轭圈问题已经完全解决, 而关于多部有向图的共轭圈问题仍然是一个open问题。 Yeo于1999年提出正则多部竞赛图包含共轭圈的猜想。本文根据分量共轭圈(componentwise complementary cycles)的定义, 证明了:如果D是一个正则的n-部竞赛图 ( ),则D包含一对分量共轭圈C1和C2,除非它同构于T71。 这对于解决Yeo的猜想和多部有向图的共轭圈问题有一定的意义。  相似文献   

10月初获悉,华硕推出4款基于AMD SOCKETF新平台的服务器主板新品;同时还推出了一款基于AMD SOCKET F平台的服务器整机新品RS161-E4/PA2,展现了自身的强大的实力和技术优势。华硕RS161-E4/PA2作为首款采用双A M DOpteron2200系列处理器的服务器产品,基于两颗AMD Opteron2000系列处理器,支持D i r e c tC o n n e c t架构,采用n V I D I A n F o r c eProfessional2200芯片组、A M D64与A M DVirtualization(AMD-V)技术。RS161-E4/PA2拥有较强的扩展能力:两个全高的PCI-E x16(x8link)插槽极大地提升了I/O效能;一…  相似文献   

冒泡排序连通圈网络BSCC(n)是一类重要的互连网络。2010年师海忠提出了如下猜想:冒泡排序连通圈网络BSCC(n)(n≥4)可分解为边不交的Hamilton圈和完美对集的并。记BSCC(n)为BSCC(n,0),对BSCC(n,0)的每个顶点用一个三角形代替,得到新网络BSCC(n,1),对BSCC(n,1)的每个顶点用三角形代替得到BSCC(n,2),类似迭代k次得新网络BSCC(n,k)。师海忠进一步提出猜想2:BSCC(n,k)可分解为边不交的一个Hamilton圈和一个完美对集的并。证明了BSCC(4,k)可分解成边不交的一个Hamilton圈和一个完美对集的并。  相似文献   

一种新的关联规则挖掘的模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.引言 support-confidence模型是正关联规则挖掘普遍应用的模型,而如何度量关联规则的不确定性则是正关联规则挖掘中的重要问题之一。在该模型中,用supp(X∪Y)和conf(X→Y)来度量关联规则X→Y的不确定性。然而,用这一度量标准可能会得到诸如X→Y,但X与Y不相关(或独立)的规则。可见,用conf(X→Y)来度量关联规则是不够的. 实际应用中,我们不仅要挖掘正关联规则,而且还要挖掘负关联规则。正关联规则即形如X→Y的式子,负关联规则即形如X→Y的式子,其中X,YI,X∩Y=,I为数据库D中的所有项的集合,首先看一个例子,若p(c)=0.6,p(t)=0.4,p(t∪c)=0.05,p(t∪c)=0.35,minconf=0.52,有p(t∪c)/p(t)=0.05/0.4=0.125minconf。因此,t→c为一有效规则。  相似文献   

(1°)在实际和理论中,大量地遇到下列随机过程积分型泛函(参看[1-5])其中x(t),t≥0是可测随机过程,V(t,x)是两元可测函数,本文提供计算(1)的各阶矩的一种简单的Monte-Carlo方法,它在实用上最常遇见的场合——x(t),t≥0是正态过程时是特别方便的。同时,也举例说明了他的应用和优  相似文献   

一、 简介 2004年9月28日,MSC.Software发布了MSC.SimOffice - V2005产品系列,该产品系列将MSC.Software传统的主线产品 M S C . N a s t r a n 、M S C . P a t r a n 、M S C . A D A M S 、M S C . M a r c 、M S C . D y t r a n 及MSC.EASY5 等整合在一起,帮助众多用户从容应对多学科、多层面、集成化、跨平台等诸多新的挑战。现在,我们对其中的 MSC.ADAMS V2005 进行一下介绍。 MSC.ADAMS 软件,可对机械系统进行静力学、运动学和动力学分析。借助此软件,工程师可以建立复杂机械系统的“虚拟样机”模型…  相似文献   

Firefox的设置默认保存在系统盘,系统崩溃后恢复起来很不方便。其实,我们还能将Firefox的各种资源放入移动设备(移动硬盘等)随身携带。先打开“D o c u m e n t s a n d S e t t i n g s\用户名\A p p l i c a t i o nData\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles”文件夹,将文件夹中诸如“z  相似文献   

全球解决方案厂商赛门铁克宣布推出整合式解决方案——D a t aCenterFoundation,它可促使企业在各应用程序、数据库、服务器与存储的异构平台上进行标准化,以简化数据中心,并积极管理且最佳化其多样化的存储和服务器资产。SymantecDataCenterFoundation包含V E R I T A SN e t B a c k u p、VERITASStorageF o u n d a t i o n、V E R I T A S S e r v e rF o u n d a t i o n以及VERITASi3应用程序四个部分,并将四部分有效管理结合在一起,在跨产品系列中采用共享的整合平台。通过SymantecDataCenterFoundation,赛门铁克…  相似文献   

单滞后时变区间动力系统的指数稳定性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用矩阵测度和时滞微分不等式研究了单滞后时变区间动力系统 x(t) =N[P(t) ,Q(t) ]x(t) +N[C(t) ,D(t) ]x(t -τ) ,τ≥ 0 的指数稳定性 ,给出了其指数稳定的判别准则 ,推广和改进了文 [1~ 3]的工作  相似文献   

Given a body subject to quadratic drag forces so that the positiony(t)and the applied control thrustu(t)are related byddot{y}(t)+adot{y}(t)|dot{y}(t)| = u(t), |u(t)| leq 1, the controlu(t)is found which forces the body to a desired position, and stops it there, and which minimizes the costJ=intliminf{0} limsup{T}{k + |u(t)|}dt. The response timeTis not fixed,k > 0, and|u(t)|is proportional to the rate of flow of fuel. Repeated use of the necessary conditions provided by the Maximum Principle results in the optimum feedback system. It is shown that ifkleq 1, then singular controls exist and they are optimal; ifk > 1, then singular controls are not optimal. Techniques for the construction of the various switch curves are given, and extensions of the results to other nonlinear systems are discussed.  相似文献   

有中断时间代价的一致并行机抢先调度问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙广中  陈国良  许胤龙  顾钧 《软件学报》2002,13(8):1606-1611
提出了一种具有中断时间代价的抢先调度问题(P|ptmn(δ)|Cmax):在抢先调度中,一个任务发生一次中断,其总的执行时间会增加一个δ.该问题在工程任务分配、分布式计算和网络通信等实际问题中有着广泛的应用背景.证明了这是一个NP-hard问题,给出了一个时间复杂度为O(nlogn+m)的脱线近似算法LPT-Wrap,其近似比小于等于1.40825,并分析了P|ptmn(δ)|Cmax的在线特性,给出一个线性时间复杂度的在线近似算法,其竞争比为2.  相似文献   

Fuller's 1985 results on a class of optimal control problems for a double integrator system facilitate the solution of the following class (parametrized by μ ≥ 1) of optimal bilinear control problems: minimize ∫0 |y(t)|μ dt subject to ÿ = yv with prescribed initial condition and control constraint |v(t)| ≤ 1.  相似文献   

Construction for a class of smooth wavelet tight frames   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From the inequality |P(z)|2 + |P(-z)|2 ≤1, assuming that both of the low-pass filters and high-pass filters are unknown, we design compactly supported wavelet tight frames. The unknowing of low-pass filters allows the design more freedom, and both the low-pass filters and high-pass filters have symmetries or anti-symmetries. We give the algorithm for filters with odd and even lengths separately, some concrete examples of wavelet tight frames with the length 4, 5, 6, 7, and at last we give the result of decomposing Lena image with them.  相似文献   

The author addresses a statement in the above-titled paper by P.P. Khargonekar and R. Ortega (see ibid., vol.34, no.4, p.478, April (1989)) that the proofs in four earlier papers, including two of which he is a coauthor, failed to establish that the proposed adaptive controllers provide a nonvanishing robustness margin for the considered class of unmodeled dynamics. He shows that the results in those papers are correct and that the above statement and its implications are misleading. He also rebuts an incorrect statement that μ* is inversely proportional to the initial condition |η(0)| of the unmodeled dynamics, leading the reader to the conclusion that the results of the four papers cannot be global with respect to |η(0)|  相似文献   

A multivariable feedback system y(s)=G(s)x(s), x(s) = u(s)- F(s)y(s) is treated where G(s) ≜ (gkl(s)) is the transfer function matrix of a plant and F(s) ≜ diag(f1(s),...,fn(s)) is that of a controller. A new bound for the transfer function hj(s) that relates yj(s) to uj(s) when fj(s)≡ 0 is given. The main result reads |hj(s)- gjj(s)| < aj(s) if |fk(s)-1+ gkk(s)| > ak(s) for k = 1,... ,n; k≠j. Here, A ≜ diag(a1(s),...,an(s)) is a diagonal matrix which makes A-B a semi-M-matrix where B ≜ (bkl) is given by bkk=0, bkl= |gkl(s)| (k≠l). A similar result is also obtained for the inverse transfer function.  相似文献   

提出模糊数据[hij]化成Vague数据[hij]的转化公式:[Ki(hj)=hij=[tij,1-fij]=(hij)2,(hij)1/2],以及Vague集[H]和[G]之间的相似度量公式:[Mm(H,G)=1ni=1n3-f(m)hi-f(m)gi-c(m)hi-c(m)gi-d(m)hi-d(m)gi3+f(m)hi-f(m)gi+c(m)hi-c(m)gi+d(m)hi-d(m)gi]。应用Vague故障诊断方法,进行汽轮发电机组的振动故障诊断,其效果是理想的。  相似文献   

This note deals with a special type of asymptotic stability, namely componentwise asymptotic stability with respect to the vectorgamma(t)(CWASγ) of systemS: dot{x} = Ax + Bu, t geq 0, wheregamma(t) > 0(componentwise inequality) andgamma(t) rightarrow 0ast rightarrow + infty.Sis CWASγ if for eacht_{0} geq 0and for each|x(t_{0})| leq gamma (t_{0}) (|x (t_{0})|with the components|x_{i}(t_{0})|the free response ofSsatisfies|x(t)| leq gamma (t)for eacht geq t_{0}. Forgamma(t){underline { underline delta} } alphae^{-beta t}, t geq 0, withalpha > 0andbeta > 0(scalar), the CWEAS (E= exponential) may be defined.Sis CWAS γ (CWEAS) if and only ifdot{gamma}(t) geq bar{A}gamma(t), t geq 0 (bar{A}alpha < 0); A {underline { underline delta} } (a_{ij})andbar{A}has the elements aijand|a_{ij}|, i neq j. These results may be used in order to evaluate in a more detailed manner the dynamical behavior ofSas well as to stabilizeScomponentwise by a suitable linear state feedback.  相似文献   

We formulate a class of difference schemes for stiff initial-value problems, with a small parameter ε multiplying the first derivative. We derive necessary conditions for uniform convergence with respect to the small parameter ε, that is the solution of the difference scheme uih satisfies |uihu(xi)| Ch, where C is independent of h and ε. We also derive sufficient conditions for uniform convergence and show that a subclass of schemes is also optimal in the sense that |uihu(xi)| C min (h, ε). Finally, we show that this class contains higher-order schemes.  相似文献   

A sufficient condtion given for the asymptotic stability of a system having a single monotonic nonlinearity with slope confined to[0, k_{2}]and a transfer functionG(jomega), isRe(1 + X(jomega) + Y(jomega) + alphajomega)(G(jomega) + 1/k_{2}) geq 0wherealpha>0 , x(t)leq 0fort leq 0andx(t)=0fort>0 , y(t)leq0fort>0andy(t) = 0fort < 0, andintmin{-infty}max{infty}(| x(t)| + | y(t) | )dt < 1. The improvement consists of the addition of theX(jomega)term which corresponds to a nonzero time function fort<0, resulting inZ(jomega)multipliers whose phase angle is capable of varying from +90° to -90° any desired number of times. As is shown by examples, the new criterion gives better results than existing criteria. Also developed is an improved criterion for an odd monotonic nonlinearity.  相似文献   

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