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电子电器废弃物(WEEE)存在对环境和人体健康的危害,有效对其进行回收能避免此类危害和提高资源的利用率。WEEE逆向物流回收网络的设计为实现这一目标起到了关键的作用。考虑WEEE逆向物流网络运作的不确定性,引入风险偏好系数和约束背离惩罚系数,建立了WEEE逆向物流网络的鲁棒优化模型。该模型能允许决策者对系统运作的鲁棒水平进行调节,同时能允许决策者对风险偏好进行调节。仿真结果表明建立的模型能有效抑制逆向物流系统运作的不确定性,使系统具有更低的风险。  相似文献   

分布式决策闭环供应链协调运作研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析闭环供应链中存在的分布式决策问题及其产生原因的基础上,说明了分布式决策闭环供应链协调运作策略设计的重要性和研究意义,对闭环供应链的协调、运作以及运作过程中的不确定性和鲁棒性等问题的研究现状进行了综述,探讨了分布式决策闭环供应链协调运作研究的若干前瞻性问题.  相似文献   

高莹  黄小原 《控制与决策》2007,22(10):1147-1150
研究了银行卡网络在实时高效运营的条件下,各成员银行的资金运作问题.在分析国内银联网络资金需求情况的基础上,运用随机模拟方法生成不确定需求情景,建立了以网络系统成本最小为目标的鲁棒模型.数值仿真结果表明,模型的解相对保守,能有效地保证银行卡网络运作的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

为解决双重竞争闭环供应链中回收产品数量不确定对财政干预政策及定价决策影响的问题,运用博弈论和Matlab数值仿真的方法,构建回收产品数量不确定的双重竞争闭环供应链定价决策模型,从4个维度剖析并验证回收产品数量不确定对闭环供应链竞争强度、销售及回收价格、供应链节点企业利润及社会福利、回收率的影响规律,研究结果表明:当回收产品数量波动较大,回收商和再制造商的回收价格及回购价格呈现增加的趋势;闭环供链中回收商利润、销售商利润以及社会福利呈现增加的趋势,但是制造商利润下降,即回收数量不确定直接影响闭环供链中起主导作用的制造商执行再制造的积极性。  相似文献   

由于回收的废旧物资和再处理"新产品"在回收数量、质量和供求等方面的不确定性,给逆向物流网络设施选址造成了一定程度的困难。该文以多周期内的逆向物流网络总成本最小化为优化目标,对多决策周期内逆向物流网络的动态选址进行了优化设计,并通过具体的算例分析,验证了不确定性条件下模型的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

提出了一种带有不确定性环节非线性时滞系统的传感器鲁棒故障诊断方案,非线性与系统输入和状态有关,不确定性包括系统状态和输出环节;通过设计观测器对系统状态和输出进行估计,得到鲁棒阈值产生方法;构建自适应跟踪器,若系统实际和估计输出偏差等于或大于阈值,开始跟踪故障;同时对该方案鲁棒性、灵敏度和稳定性进行详细分析;最后通过仿真实验验证了有效性。  相似文献   

针对生鲜闭环供应链网络设计问题,建立了一种基于生鲜闭环供应链网络的鲁棒优化模型,以解决供应链网络中的不确定性问题。首先,针对涵盖五个节点的生鲜供应链网络结构建立了多周期、多产品,以最小化成本、最小环境影响为目标的混合整数规划模型,采用模糊折中规划与区间数据鲁棒优化方法进行处理;其次,在原有蜜獾算法的基础上引入差分进化原则,增强算法的全局搜索能力与收敛速度;最后,通过MATLAB数值分析与仿真实例表明,所提鲁棒优化模型与蜜獾算法在求解生鲜闭环供应链网络设计问题中具有明显优势。  相似文献   

李进 《控制与决策》2018,33(2):293-300
针对低碳环境下多级闭环供应链网络设计的战略定位和配置问题,综合考虑网络参数的模糊性以及多产品流,以供应链网络的总成本和总碳排放最小为目标,建立多目标鲁棒模糊优化模型.该模型将机会约束的最低置信水平作为决策变量,实现目标函数期望值、最优鲁棒性和可行鲁棒性之间的有效平衡.最后,设计一种基于必要性测度的交互式$\varepsilon$约束模糊求解方法,并通过算例验证所提模型和算法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

This paper deals a closed-loop supply chain with two dual channels – forward dual-channel where a manufacturer sells a product to customers through traditional retail channel and e-tail (internet) channel, and reverse dual-channel where the used items are collected for remanufacturing through the traditional third party logistics and e-tail channel. We derive analytically the pricing and return product collection decisions for the supply chain under five different scenarios viz. centralized, decentralized (Nash game), and manufacturer-led, retailer-led and third party-led decentralized scenarios. We also demonstrate the proposed model through a series of data sets. It is observed from the numerical study that the retailer-led decentralized scenario provides more profit than other decentralized scenarios.  相似文献   

基于第三方物流服务商在供应链管理中的重要性,构造了以第三方物流服务商为主导企业的供应链模型.运用博弈论思想,对制造商回收和零售商回收的两类闭环供应链模型进行求解比较,提出了制造商实施物流外包和废旧品回收的临界条件.最后通过数值算例,分析了动态时域上服务成本和回收成本与制造商决策的关系.  相似文献   

This paper studies the competition between two closed-loop supply chains including manufacturers, retailers and recyclers in an uncertain environment. The competition factors are the retail prices of new products and incentives paid to consumers for taking back the used products. Market demands are price sensitive and also the amount of returned products is sensitive to incentives. The primary goal of this paper is to investigate the impact of simultaneous and Stackelberg competitions between two closed-loop supply chains on their profits, demands and returns. A game theoretic approach which is empowered by possibility theory is applied to obtain the optimal solutions under uncertain condition. Finally the theoretical results are analyzed using sample data inspired by a real industrial case.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm based mixed-integer; non-linear programming model proposed by Min et al. [Min, H., Ko, C. S., & Ko, H. J. (2006). The spatial and temporal consolidation of returned products in a closed-loop supply chain network. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 51, 309–320] was recently published in Computers & Industrial Engineering journal to solve the reverse logistics problem involving both spatial and temporal consolidation of returned products. In this work, comments and suggestions are given to the recently published model of Min et al. (2006). The comments like centralized return center location, maximum allowable distance between customers and the initial collection point, calculation of transportation cost and finally, the modification of the objective function are suggested in this work.  相似文献   

考虑市场细分的闭环供应链生产与定价策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于市场细分建立闭环供应链模型,分析了决策变量随外生变量的变化规律,并比较了闭环供应链与不回收再制造情形的决策.结果表明:新制造和再制造产品的批发价随回购价的增加而增加,随回收价的增加而减少,零售价随回收价和回收努力程度的增加而增加;产品总量随消费者偏好系数的增加而增加,随再制造成本、回收努力程度及回收价的增加而减少;闭环供应链的新制造产品批发价和零售价均比不回收再制造时高;消费者偏好系数高于临界值时,回收再制造对于闭环供应链有利.  相似文献   

Reverse logistics consists of all operations related to the reuse of products. External suppliers are one of the important members of reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain (CLSC) networks. However in CLSC network configuration models, suppliers are assessed based on purchasing cost and other factors such as on-time delivery are ignored. In this research, a general closed loop supply chain network is examined that includes manufacturer, disassembly, refurbishing, and disposal sites. Meanwhile, it is managed by the manufacturer. We propose an integrated model which has two phases. In the first phase, a framework for supplier selection criteria in RL is proposed. Besides, a fuzzy method is designed to evaluate suppliers based on qualitative criteria. The output of this stage is the weight of each supplier according to each part. In the second phase, we propose a multi objective mixed-integer linear programming model to determine which suppliers and refurbishing sites should be selected (strategic decisions), and find out the optimal number of parts and products in CLSC network (tactical decisions). The objective functions maximize profit and weights of suppliers, and one of them minimizes defect rates. To our knowledge, this model is the first effort to consider supplier selection, order allocation, and CLSC network configuration, simultaneously. The mathematical programming model is validated through numerical analysis.  相似文献   

针对MRCRM模式下的闭环供应链,在考虑随机性基础上,分析了价格折扣契约对闭环供应链的协调作用,对于突发事件可能造成闭环供应链协调被打破的问题,提出了具有抗突发事件性的价格折扣契约,使之能实现对突发事件的协调应对,最后应用一个算例对比加以说明。  相似文献   

Most cities, notably major and agricultural ones, are faced with environmental and waste problems. Distribution and collection of agricultural crops can be challenging duties as world demand and production are substantially increased. Accordingly, resource depletion, environmental concern, and the importance of the circular economy have convinced this research group to focus on a Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) network design. In this study, a new mixed linear mathematical model for a CLSC was developed which minimizes the CLSC’s total costs and which tackles and controls air pollution. Contrary to previous works about supply chain network design, we firstly consider citrus fruits’ crates in our model. To solve the model, two leading algorithms, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing, are employed and a third recently successful method, Keshtel Algorithm, is utilized. Further, two hybridization algorithms stemmed from mentioned ones are applied. Finally, the results are assessed by different criteria and compared, and then the two best algorithms are chosen in this case. Consequently, in order to achieve the most effective result, a real case study of crates was conducted. The results obviously presented applicability and efficiency of the proposed model. Thus, the most suitable network for CLSC of citrus fruits’ crates was designed in which the costs and emissions were reduced.  相似文献   

The paper considers a closed-loop serial supply chain consisting of a raw material supplier, a manufacturer, a retailer and a collector who collects the used product from consumers. The retailer's demand is met up by both manufacturing and remanufacturing. The manufacturing process is assumed to be imperfect as it can produce some defectives which are reworked in the same cycle itself. The remanufacturing of used items solely depends on the quality level of collected items. Two mathematical models are developed. The first model considers a single manufacturing–remanufacturing cycle, while the second model considers multiple manufacturing and remanufacturing cycles. Both the models are solved using algorithms developed for sequential and global optimizations. Numerical studies show that (i) the acceptance quality level of returned items and the length of the replenishment cycle for the retailer are lower in case of sequential optimization than those in global optimization, (ii) integration among supply chain members results in less number of shipments from the manufacturer to the retailer, and (iii) the joint total profit is higher when the integrated approach is adopted. The percentage increase in joint total profit with the integrated policy is 1.24% in the first model while it is 0.544% in the second model.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of work has recently been applied to the development of processes to reduce negative environmental impacts of disposal products. Different waste reduction options such as direct reuse, repair, refurbishing, cannibalization, and remanufacturing were introduced to overcome these shortages. This paper studies an integrated system of manufacturing and remanufacturing using a capacitated facility in the aerospace industry, where products are returned after certain flight hours or cycles for overhaul. A mixed integer linear programming model is developed to maximize profit considering manufacturing, remanufacturing set-up, refurbishing, and inventory carrying costs. The model was tested through a set of experimental data. Further sensitivity analysis was conducted aiming at revealing the effects of certain factors on inventory carrying cost, profit, amount of scrap, and inventory turnover ratio.  相似文献   

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