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文章对中国汽车工业发展道路存在的重大分歧和争论——“合作与自主问题”进行了分析和阐述,提出了中国汽车工业发展的出路,并阐明通过主动争取双赢平等的国内外合作,创造自有知识的自主品牌,形成自己的核心技术;中国完全有能力也有条件走自主开发之路。  相似文献   

奇瑞这匹中国汽车黑马,自从发力以来,一发而不可收,一路飞奔,跨过了一个又一个以前国产车不可能跨越的标杆,让吉利和夏利这样的老资格望其项背,与大众和丰田这样的世界巨头在中国市场齐头并进。奇瑞汽车自2007年8月第一百万辆车下线后,即进入了以打造自主国际名牌为目标的第二发展阶段,并制定了“蓄势2008”-”布局2009”-“精耕2010”-”成长2011”-“发展2012”-“突破2013“的中期发展战略。作为中国自主品牌汽车企业的代表,奇瑞汽车一直致力于提升设计研发的实力并取得了数干项专利成果。奇瑞公司多年来坚持自主创新.坚持通过正向开发而获得强大技术实力,在自主研发、工业设计原创已经获得国家相关部门和汽车行业的高度认可,成为我国汽车设计领域的排头兵。  相似文献   

中国私用轿车发展的现状与问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前国内对中国应不应该发展私用轿车,中国应着重发展什么样的轿车,中国应不应该发展自己的轿车工业,中国轿车工业的出路在哪里,以及应如何发展中国的轿车工业,……等等,讨论颇多,已经成为社会上普遍关心的问题。文章试图分析目前提出的有代表性的各种观点,并对有关问题提出笔者自己的见解,以供参考。笔者认为解决"汽车灾难"问题的根本出路不在抑制私用轿车的发展,而在于发展汽车高新技术,加强城市规划与交通管理。文章在肯定引进合资对提高我国汽车制造技术和管理水平的重要作用的同时,指出它的负面影响是逐渐丧失产品开发的主动权;提出中国汽车工业的总战略应是:"自强不息加国际合作",其中包括:高新技术战略、自主双赢战略、内联自强战略、自主品牌战略和跨越赶超战略。  相似文献   

<正>作为奇瑞汽车进入发展第二阶段的代表作品,ARRIZO 7是自主品牌中完整运用与国际汽车行业通行做法接轨的正向开发模式打造出的首款产品,它不仅是奇瑞研发体系能力整体提升的体现,也是中国汽车工业历经60年发展,自主品牌逐级走向成熟的印证,具有"里程碑"的意义。汽车车身装配的典型特征之一就是柔性薄板冲压件多工位焊接,冲压件偏差和焊装夹具偏差是影响车身尺寸质量最主要的因素。在焊接过程中,由于薄板件刚性差易变形,为了保证零部件之间正确的相  相似文献   

<正>9月8日,腾讯汽车《中国新实力——腾讯汽车2015 TTA自主品牌盛典》在北京正式拉开帷幕。本届盛典由腾讯汽车主办,中国品牌汽车联盟、寰球汽车传媒、汽车人传媒协办。在此次盛典上,奇瑞汽车凭借在创新发展和探索中国品牌发展路径等领域的突出表现,获得了评委会一致好评,获得本届盛典"最值得尊敬自主品牌"大奖。评委会在给奇瑞的颁奖词中写道:"在企业转型的过程中,奇瑞克服种种困难,历经四年磨砺,如今的奇瑞收获颇丰,不仅  相似文献   

由汽车造型设计看我国工业设计的现状及发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郑泽锋  叶振合  李鑫 《包装工程》2008,29(3):167-168,186
造型是工业设计永恒的主题.汽车作为对人类生活影响极大的所谓"第一商品".其造型也必然受到各方面因素的影响,并且反过来影响人类的各个层面,特别是其他种类商品的造型风格和趋势.经济的迅速发展和汽车工业的突飞猛进为工业设计带来了前所未有的发展机遇,文章试图通过分析汽车造型设计的特点,回顾20多年来我国工业设计所走的道路,进而分析我国工业设计的发展及现状.  相似文献   

提倡中国汽车自主开发,自主品牌是中国汽车产业发展中的一个热门话题。紧紧抓住“十一五”这个自主创新的战略机遇期,已成为我国汽车企业界的共识。从我国汽车出口曾与国际市场掩击,我国汽车自主创新的“后发优势”的品牌背后的中国汽车文化一个方面考虑,结论是:中国汽车自主品牌任重道远。  相似文献   

文章全面介绍了我国大型模拟型靶机、实体型靶机及某型无人机的研制、发展历程,阐述了各型靶机(或无人机)的主要技术难点和关键技术。通过对各型无人机发展历程的阐述,说明了一个道理:我国无人机的发展,走的是一条自力更生、独立自主的道路;只有走自己的路,道路才越走越宽广。同时,对未来我国无人作战飞机的作用、地位与发展进行了预测、分析和规划。  相似文献   

一种新型的汽车安全带紧急锁止测试台张永年,陈允昌(中国计量科学研究院)随着我国汽车工业的迅速发展,汽车安全行驶非常重要,早在八八年八月我国就颁布了《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》对汽车在道路上安全行驶作了具体规定,九二年十二月一日,中国汽车工业总公...  相似文献   

发展自主品牌汽车是我国培育自主品牌的一大亮点,从近年来舆论呼吁关注自主品牌汽车,从去年开始政府部门陆续出台相关改策支持汽车工业自主创新,再从今年上半年我国自主品牌汽车受到市场和  相似文献   

熊中楷  晏伟  梁喜 《工业工程》2009,12(5):17-21
研究由单个制造商和单个租赁商构成的汽车租赁闭环供应链的回购合同设置问题。发现在汽车租赁商的维护成本与旧车返回率具有相关性的前提下,单纯的回购合同无法实现供应链协调。提出了奖惩策略,结果表明,在回购合同中引入该策略后,占主导地位的制造商可以对租赁商的订购数量和旧车返回率实施控制和引导,从而实现汽车租赁闭环供应链的协调。  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the possibility that driver responses to potential front-to-rear-end collision situations could be facilitated by implementing vibrotactile warning signals that indicate the likely direction of the potential collision. In a car following scenario in a driving simulator, participants drove along a rural road while trying to maintain a safe headway distance to the lead car using a visual distance display. Participants had to respond as quickly as possible to the sudden deceleration of the lead car which had its brake lights disabled, either with or without vibrotactile cues (presented in different experimental blocks). The results demonstrated significantly faster braking responses and larger safety margins when the vibrotactile warning signal was presented than when it was not. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of vibrotactile cues in helping drivers to orient their spatial attention in the appropriate direction. Our results add to a growing body of empirical evidence highlighting the potential benefits of using "intuitive" vibrotactile in-car displays, in this case, to alert drivers to potential collisions and to provide time-critical directional information.  相似文献   

针对汽车上安装的前照灯具有固定照射范围,当汽车夜间转弯时前照灯无法调节照明角度,常在弯道内侧出现盲区等情况,首先建立了线性二自由度汽车模型、前照灯光轴水平方向调节模型和前照灯步进电机模型,然后提出了基于-维云模型控制的自适应前照灯系统控制算法,建立了汽车弯道行驶自适应前照灯控制系统模型并利用MATLAB进行了仿真.仿真...  相似文献   

The wheel-drive system of a car has a major influence on the safety of car’s occupants. By turning the steering wheel, centrifugal forces are developed and these forces cause a bending moment on the rack steering gear. To avoid plastic deformation of the rack steering gear, sufficient strength and spring/stiffness properties are necessary for the material. In the case under investigation, the vehicle was traveling with 60 km/h on a slippery road. While negotiating a turn along the road, the driver was not able to bring the car back on the road. The car stopped without any crash, and the technical inspection which followed showed that the rack steering gear was deformed plastically at the right arm. The occupants were in great danger during this incident. Metallurgical failure analysis was conducted, revealing that plastic deformation by bending occurred because the mechanical properties of the steel were not adequate because of insufficient deoxidation practices and a defective hard coating. The lack of deoxidation and defects in the hard coating should not be allowed occur, and to avoid such failures, the quality control measures for acceptance of such parts should be modified. The new practices should include better control over the non-metallic inclusions, and measurement of the hard coating’s thickness over the whole length of the bar.  相似文献   

在车辆主动避撞技术中,路径跟随是一项必不可少的技术.以TMS320F28335 DSP为核心控制模块,以多传感器系统为路径识别模块,搭建了10∶1的主动避撞智能小车模型.通过获取实时路径信息和小车的状态信息得到前方道路的曲率.根据分段式控制方法,使小车能够自动根据路径的曲率调整预瞄距离和行驶速度.通过建立合适的预瞄跟随驾驶员模型,使小车能够跟随道路行驶.通过PWM波驱动舵机和电机,以及PID控制,实验结果表明,小车能够按照规划的路径稳定行驶,且跟随误差小.这证明所建立的预瞄跟随驾驶员模型是正确的,且能实现路径跟随的功能.  相似文献   

For a long time, motorcycles were the only vehicles with daytime running lights (DRLs), but this conspicuity advantage has been questioned due to the rapidly increasing introduction of DRLs on cars as well. The present experiment was designed to assess effects of car DRLs on motorcycle perception in a situation that specifically brought attentional conspicuity to bear. Photographs representing complex urban traffic scenes were displayed briefly (250 ms) to 24 participants who had to detect vulnerable road users (motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians) appearing at different locations and distances. Car DRLs hampered motorcycle perception compared to conditions where car lights were not on, especially when the motorcycle was at a greater distance from the observer and when it was located in the central part of the visual scene. Car DRLs also hampered the perception of cyclists and pedestrians. Although the globally positive safety effect of car DRLs is generally acknowledged, our study suggests that more attention should be paid to motorcyclists and other vulnerable road users when introducing car DRLs. Several means of improving motorcycle conspicuity in car DRL environments are discussed.  相似文献   

通过试验分析分别得到汽车顶棚约束模态和工作模态,其中约束模态试验采用激振器激励,工作模态试验采用室内转鼓激励;对比驾驶员右耳处噪声自功率谱密度函数,发现通过工作模态分析得到的频率更加贴近噪声峰值频率;将驾驶员右耳处噪声自功率谱和所有测点振动加速度自功率谱平均值相比较,发现100 Hz到400 Hz内顶棚振动对车内噪声起主要作用。最后,通过调整顶棚结构实现车内噪声的降低。  相似文献   

Overtaking was temporarily prohibited on a 1.2km long stretch of two-lane road and the time headway for every car, passing the site in a certain direction, was measured at two points between which the prohibition sign was posted. Additionally, the lateral position of every car was recorded. Due to the prohibition, some favorable effects on safety margins were found. When passing the prohibition sign the drivers following another car very closely increased their following distance; no such change was found in the control condition. Furthermore, when overtaking prohibited, the closely following drivers reserved a bit greater safety margin with respect to the oncoming vehicles. The results suggest that waiting for an opportunity of overtaking increases the accident risk by inducing very short following distances and driving near the center line. This implies that the total accident loss due to overtaking is not wholly included in the category “overtaking acidents” but, in fact, a part of rear-end accidents should be counted on overtaking, too. This should be taken into account when estimating the pay-off of overtaking on two-lane roads.  相似文献   

Both the UN (2007) and World Health Organizations (2004) have declared the enormous social and economic burden imposed on society by injuries due to road collisions as a major global problem. While the road safety problem is not new, this prominent global declaration sends an important signal of frustration regarding progress to date on reducing road collisions. It is clear that governments, communities, businesses and the public must discover ways of reducing this burden, especially as it relates to vulnerable road users (VRUs), typically meaning pedestrian and bicyclist road users. Recent comparisons of global VRU collisions statistics suggest that, in addition to mixed land use density, the layout of neighbourhood roads plays a vital role in the encouragement of walkable, safe and quiet, yet accessible and sustainable communities. The purpose of this paper was to: The Dutch Sustainable Road Safety (SRS) Program has produced a number of innovative land use and transportation initiatives for vehicular road users as well as non-vehicular VRUs. Following from the Dutch initiatives, these new 3-way offset, and fused grid neighbourhood patterns appear to not only have positive effects in encouraging mode split (i.e. increasing walking and bicycling, and transit), slowing traffic, and reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions; but also, to hold potential to improve road safety. To test the road safety hypothesis, UBCO researchers evaluated the level of road safety relative to five neighbourhood patterns - grid, culs-de-sac, and Dutch Sustainable Road Safety (SRS) (or limited access), 3-way offset, and fused grid networks. Analysis using standard transportation planning methodology revealed that they would maintain both mobility and accessibility. Analysis using standard road safety analysis methodology further revealed that these 3-way offset, and fused grid patterns would significantly improve road safety levels by as much as 60% compared to prevalent patterns (i.e. grid and culs-de-sac). It is important to note that these results ignore the road safety effects of providing convenient off-road trails along trip desire lines to shift mode choice from auto to non-auto VRU modes. Subject to further research, it is intuitive that shifting trips from auto to pedestrian/bike modes will lead to reduced auto collisions. Hence, these initial results should be considered as conservative estimates, subject to further research. In before and after studies to date, researchers have shown that increasing bicycle use does not lead to a commensurate increase in bicycle collisions, but no predictive relationship has been found in the literature. Therefore, the next steps in this research are to develop collision prediction models that provide insight on VRU mode split and overall road safety.  相似文献   

The effect of road tunnel environment on car following behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to overcome urban space constraints, underground road systems are becoming popular options for cities. Existing literature suggests that accident rates in road tunnels are lower than those in open roads. However, there is a lack of understanding in how the road tunnel environment affects inter-vehicle interactions. In this study, car following data are obtained from traffic video footages of open and tunnel expressways in Singapore. A total of 15,325 car following headways (with car as the follower) are analysed and significant factors affecting headways are found to be speed, and lane. Significant effect of leading vehicle type is only found for tunnel expressway. Headways are generally longer in the tunnel environment. Assessment of collision time measures and safety margins also reveal safer car following behaviour and lower rear–end collision risks in the tunnel expressway. The results are discussed from a behavioural perspective. Overall, the findings show that road tunnels are superior in terms of safety but at reduced traffic capacity .  相似文献   

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