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The present paper is the first part of the four-part work on Michell cantilevers transmitting a given point load to a given segment of a straight-line support, the feasible domain being a part of the half-plane contained between two fixed half-lines. The axial stress σ in the optimal cantilevers is assumed to be bounded by −σ C ≤σ≤σ T , where σ C and σ T represent the allowable compressive and tensile stresses, respectively. The work provides generalization of the results of the article of Lewiński et al. (Int J Mech Sci 36:375–398, 1994a) to the case of σ T ≠σ C . The present, first part of the work concerns the analytical formation of the Hencky nets or the lines of fibres filling up the interior of the optimal cantilevers corresponding to an arbitrary position of the point of application of the given concentrated force.  相似文献   

One of the main steps toward integration or exchange of data is to design the mappings that describe the (often complex) relationships between the source schemas or formats and the desired target schema. In this paper, we introduce a new operator, called MapMerge, that can be used to correlate multiple, independently designed schema mappings of smaller scope into larger schema mappings. This allows a more modular construction of complex mappings from various types of smaller mappings such as schema correspondences produced by a schema matcher or pre-existing mappings that were designed by either a human user or via mapping tools. In particular, the new operator also enables a new “divide-and-merge” paradigm for mapping creation, where the design is divided (on purpose) into smaller components that are easier to create and understand and where MapMerge is used to automatically generate a meaningful overall mapping. We describe our MapMerge algorithm and demonstrate the feasibility of our implementation on several real and synthetic mapping scenarios. In our experiments, we make use of a novel similarity measure between two database instances with different schemas that quantifies the preservation of data associations. We show experimentally that MapMerge improves the quality of the schema mappings, by significantly increasing the similarity between the input source instance and the generated target instance. Finally, we provide a new algorithm that combines MapMerge with schema mapping composition to correlate flows of schema mappings.  相似文献   

Interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology is an extension of classical fuzzy mathematical morphology, which is in turn one of the extensions of binary morphology to greyscale morphology. The uncertainty that may exist concerning the grey value of a pixel due to technical limitations or bad recording circumstances, is taken into account by mapping the pixels in the image domain onto an interval to which the pixel’s grey value is expected to belong instead of one specific value. Such image representation corresponds to the representation of an interval-valued fuzzy set and thus techniques from interval-valued fuzzy set theory can be applied to extend greyscale mathematical morphology. In this paper, we study the decomposition of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators. We investigate in which cases the [α 1,α 2]-cuts of these operators can be written or approximated in terms of the corresponding binary operators. Such conversion into binary operators results in a reduction of the computation time and is further also theoretically interesting since it provides us a link between interval-valued fuzzy and binary morphology.  相似文献   

Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Curve Mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a matching criterion for curves and integrate it into the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) scheme for computing an optimal transformation between two curves embedded in Euclidean space ℝ d . Curves are first represented as vector-valued measures, which incorporate both location and the first order geometric structure of the curves. Then, a Hilbert space structure is imposed on the measures to build the norm for quantifying the closeness between two curves. We describe a discretized version of this, in which discrete sequences of points along the curve are represented by vector-valued functionals. This gives a convenient and practical way to define a matching functional for curves. We derive and implement the curve matching in the large deformation framework and demonstrate mapping results of curves in ℝ2 and ℝ3. Behaviors of the curve mapping are discussed using 2D curves. The applications to shape classification is shown and experiments with 3D curves extracted from brain cortical surfaces are presented. J. Glaunès and A. Qiu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of listing combinations using a special class of operations, prefix shifts. Combinations are represented as bitstrings of O's and l's, and prefix shifts are the operations of rotating some prefix of a bitstring by one position to left or right. We give a negative answer to an open problem asked by F. Ruskey and A. Williams (Generating combinations by prefix shifts, In Proc. llth Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference 2005, LNCS 3595, Springer, 2005, pp.570-576), that is whether we can generate combinations by only using three very basic prefix shifts on bitstrings, which are transposition of the first two bits and the rotation of the entire bitstring by one position in either direction (i.e., applying the permutations σ2, σn and σn^-1 to the indices of the bitstrings).  相似文献   

 We study sequentially continuous measures on semisimple M V-algebras. Let A be a semisimple M V-algebra and let I be the interval [0,1] carrying the usual Łukasiewicz M V-algebra structure and the natural sequential convergence. Each separating set H of M V-algebra homomorphisms of A into I induces on A an initial sequential convergence. Semisimple M V-algebras carrying an initial sequential convergence induced by a separating set of M V-algebra homomorphisms into I are called I-sequential and, together with sequentially continuous M V-algebra homomorphisms, they form a category SM(I). We describe its epireflective subcategory ASM(I) consisting of absolutely sequentially closed objects and we prove that the epireflection sends A into its distinguished σ-completion σ H (A). The epireflection is the maximal object in SM(I) which contains A as a dense subobject and over which all sequentially continuous measures can be continuously extended. We discuss some properties of σ H (A) depending on the choice of H. We show that the coproducts in the category of D-posets [9] of suitable families of I-sequential M V-algebras yield a natural model of probability spaces having a quantum nature. The motivation comes from probability: H plays the role of elementary events, the embedding of A into σ H (A) generalizes the embedding of a field of events A into the generated σ-field σ(A), and it can be viewed as a fuzzyfication of the corresponding results for Boolean algebras in [8, 11, 14]. Sequentially continuous homomorphisms are dual to generalized measurable maps between the underlying sets of suitable bold algebras [13] and, unlike in the Loomis–Sikorski Theorem, objects in ASM(I) correspond to the generated tribes (no quotient is needed, no information about the elementary events is lost). Finally, D-poset coproducts lift fuzzy events, random functions and probability measures to events, random functions and probability measures of a quantum nature. Supported by VEGA Grant 2/7193/01  相似文献   

We present new Multiagent learning (MAL) algorithms with the general philosophy of policy convergence against some classes of opponents but otherwise ensuring high payoffs. We consider a 3-class breakdown of opponent types: (eventually) stationary, self-play and “other” (see Definition 4) agents. We start with ReDVaLeR that can satisfy policy convergence against the first two types and no-regret against the third, but it needs to know the type of the opponents. This serves as a baseline to delineate the difficulty of achieving these goals. We show that a simple modification on ReDVaLeR yields a new algorithm, RV σ(t), that achieves no-regret payoffs in all games, and convergence to Nash equilibria in self-play (and to best response against eventually stationary opponents—a corollary of no-regret) simultaneously, without knowing the opponent types, but in a smaller class of games than ReDVaLeR . RV σ(t) effectively ensures the performance of a learner during the process of learning, as opposed to the performance of a learned behavior. We show that the expression for regret of RV σ(t) can have a slightly better form than those of other comparable algorithms like GIGA and GIGA-WoLF though, contrastingly, our analysis is in continuous time. Moreover, experiments show that RV σ(t) can converge to an equilibrium in some cases where GIGA, GIGA-WoLF would fail, and to better equilibria where GIGA, GIGA-WoLF converge to undesirable equilibria (coordination games). This important class of coordination games also highlights the key desirability of policy convergence as a criterion for MAL in self-play instead of high average payoffs. To our knowledge, this is also the first successful (guaranteed) attempt at policy convergence of a no-regret algorithm in the Shapley game.  相似文献   

This work describes the architecture of Contorsion, a semantic XPath processor that acts over an RDF mapping of XML. It contributes to a recent research trend that defines an XML-to-RDF mapping allowing XML documents interoperate at the semantic level. We use a model-mapping approach to represent instances of XML and XML Schema in RDF. This representation retains the node order, in contrast with the usual structure-mapping approach. The processor can be fed with an unlimited set of XML schemas and/or RDFS/OWL ontologies. The queries are resolved taking in consideration the structural and semantic connections descrived in the schemas and ontologies. Such behaviour, schema-awareness and semantic integration, can be useful for exploiting schema and ontology hierarchies in XPath queries.  相似文献   

“There will always (I hope) be print books, but just as the advent of photography changed the role of painting or film changed the role of theater in our culture, electronic publishing is changing the world of print media. To look for a one-to-one transposition to the new medium is to miss the future until it has passed you by.”—Tim O’Reilly (2002). It is not hard to envisage that publishers will leverage subscribers’ information, interest groups’ shared knowledge and others sources to enhance their publications. While this enhances the value of the publication through more accurate and personalized content, it also brings a new set of challenges to the publisher. Content is now driven by web and in a truly automated system, that is, no designer “re-touch” intervention is envisaged. This paper introduces an exploratory mapping strategy to allocate web driven content in a highly graphical publication like a traditional magazine. Two major aspects of the mapping are covered, those enable different level of flexibility and address different content flowing strategies. The last contribution is an evaluation of existing standards, which potentially can leverage this work to incorporate flexible mapping, and subsequently, composition capabilities. The work published here is an extended version of the article presented at the Eight ACM Symposium on Document Engineering in fall 2008 (Giannetti 2008).  相似文献   

In a previous paper, Benaissa, Lescanne, and Rose, have extended the weak lambda-calculus of explicit substitution λ σ w with addresses, so that it gives an account of the sharing implemented by lazy functional language interpreters. We show in this paper that their calculus, called λ σ w a , fits well to the lazy Krivine machine, which describes the core of a lazy (call-by-need) functional programming language implementation. The lazy Krivine machine implements term evaluation sharing, that is essential for efficiency of such languages. The originality of our proof is that it gives a very detailed account of the implemented strategy.  相似文献   

The paper delivers the benchmark results for the Michell cantilevers constructed within a half strip, for selected values of the σ T /σ C ratio, σ T , σ C being the admissible stresses in tension and compression, respectively.  相似文献   

Most recent schema matching systems assemble multiple components, each employing a particular matching technique. The domain user mustthen tune the system: select the right component to be executed and correctly adjust their numerous “knobs” (e.g., thresholds, formula coefficients). Tuning is skill and time intensive, but (as we show) without it the matching accuracy is significantly inferior. We describe eTuner, an approach to automatically tune schema matching systems. Given a schema S, we match S against synthetic schemas, for which the ground truth mapping is known, and find a tuning that demonstrably improves the performance of matching S against real schemas. To efficiently search the huge space of tuning configurations, eTuner works sequentially, starting with tuning the lowest level components. To increase the applicability of eTuner, we develop methods to tune a broad range of matching components. While the tuning process is completely automatic, eTuner can also exploit user assistance (whenever available) to further improve the tuning quality. We employed eTuner to tune four recently developed matching systems on several real-world domains. The results show that eTuner produced tuned matching systems that achieve higher accuracy than using the systems with currently possible tuning methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we firstly present a conceptual data model for multimedia database applications based on ExIFO2 model. The ExIFO2 data model is chosen as the conceptual model since it handles complex objects along with their uncertain and imprecise properties. We enhanced this conceptual model in order to meet the multimedia data requirements. In addition to uncertain and imprecise information, we present a way of handling relationships among objects of multimedia database applications. Events that might be extracted from video or audio are also considered in this study. Secondly, the conceptual model is mapped to a logical model, which the fuzzy object-oriented data (FOOD) model is chosen, for storing and manipulating the multimedia objects. This mapping is done in a way that it preserves most of the information represented at the conceptual level. Finally, in this study videos of football (soccer) games is selected as the multimedia database application to show how we handle crisp and fuzzy querying and retrieval of fuzzy and crisp data from the database. A program has been developed to draw ExIFO2 schemas and to map the schema to FOOD code automatically.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider Steiner minimum trees (SMT) in the plane, where the connections can only be along a given set of fixed but arbitrary (not necessarily uniform) orientations. The orientations define a metric, called the general orientation metric, A σ, where σ is the number of orientations. We prove that in A σ metric, there exists an SMT whose Steiner points belong to an (n−2)-level grid. This result generalizes a result by Lee and Shen [11], and a result by Du and Hwang [5]. In the former case, the same result was obtained for the special case when all orientations are uniform, while in the latter case the same result was proven for the special case when there are only three arbitrary orientations. We then modify the proof used in the main result for the special case when σ=3, i.e., only three arbitrary orientations are considered, and obtain a better result, which states that there exists an SMT whose Steiner points belong to an -level grid. The result has also been obtained by Lin and Xue [9] using a different approach. Received September 27, 1999; revised August 14, 2000  相似文献   

A high-order feedforward neural architecture, called pi t -sigma (π t σ) neural network, is proposed for lossy digital image compression and reconstruction problems. The π t σ network architecture is composed of an input layer, a single hidden layer, and an output layer. The hidden layer is composed of classical additive neurons, whereas the output layer is composed of translated multiplicative neurons (π t -neurons). A two-stage learning algorithm is proposed to adjust the parameters of the π t σ network: first, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to avoid premature convergence to poor local minima; in the second stage, a conjugate gradient method is used to fine-tune the solution found by GA. Experiments using the Standard Image Database and infrared satellite images show that the proposed π t σ network performs better than classical multilayer perceptron, improving the reconstruction precision (measured by the mean squared error) in about 56%, on average.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics and micro-flow visualization (μ-FV) have been complementarily performed to study the evolution of a single droplet ejected from a bend-mode piezoelectric inkjet printhead. The numerical simulation is characterized by the coupled piezoelectric-structural-fluid solution procedure and verified by the μ-FV results. The in-house numerical code is subsequently applied to investigate the influences of electric voltage φ pp, pulse shape, ink property, and nozzle diameter D n on the droplet volume, velocity, and configurations. φ pp studied ranges from 14 to 26 V and pulse shape is explored by varying the key time intervals with fixed voltage slopes. The influence of ink property is examined by investigating the dynamic viscosity μ and surface tension σ separately. Investigation on the effects of nozzle diameter is also conducted by decreasing D n from 26 to 11 at 3 μm interval. The computed results are found in good agreement with the experimental ones. New findings are to discover the critical ranges of electric waveform parameters, μ, and σ outside which the phenomena of satellite droplets and puddle formation at the nozzle opening are absent. In addition, the imbedded physical rationales for these critical ranges are provided. The results are also new in terms of the identifications of the critical σ and D n for the reference of improving the droplet quality.  相似文献   

We deal with categorical aspects of the extensions of generalized probability measures. In particular, we study various domains of fuzzy sets, describe the relationships between σ-fields of crisp sets and generated Łukasiewicz tribes of measurable functions, and mention some probabilistic aspects. D-posets and sequential continuity play an important role. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-0071-06, Protocol for Scientific and Technological Collaboration between the Republic of Italy and Slovak Republic, Project No. 15: Algebraic and Logical Systems of Soft Computing, and VEGA 2/6088/26.  相似文献   

In this paper, the bulge test is used to determine the mechanical properties of very thin dielectric membranes. Commonly, this experimental method permits to determine the residual stress (σ0) and biaxial Young’s modulus (E/(1 − υ)). Associating square and rectangular membranes with different length to width ratios, the Poisson’s ratio (υ) can also be determined. LPCVD Si3N4 monolayer and Si3N4/SiO2 bilayer membranes, with thicknesses down to 100 nm, have been characterized giving results in agreement with literature for Si3N4, E = 212 ± 14 GPa, σ0 = 420 ± 8 MPa and υ = 0.29.  相似文献   

Summary Via new perspectives, for the time dimension, the present exposition overviews new and recent advances describing a standardized formal theory towards the evolution, classification, characterization and generic design of time discretized operators for transient/dynamic applications. Of fundamental importance in the present exposition are the developments encompassing the evolution of time discretized operators leading to the theoretical design of computational algorithms and their subsequent classification and characterization. And, the overall developments are new and significantly different from the way traditional modal type and a wide variety of step-by-step time marching approaches which we are mostly familiar with have been developed and described in the research literature and in standard text books over the years. The theoretical ideas and basis towards the evolution of a generalized methodology and formulations emanate under the umbrella and framework and are explained via a generalized time weighted philosophy encompassing the semi-discretized equations pertinent to transient/dynamic systems. It is herein hypothesized that integral operators and the associated representations and a wide variety of the so-called integration operators pertain to and emanate from the same family, with the burden which is being carried by a virtual field or weighted time field specifically introduced for the time discretization is strictly enacted in a mathematically consistent manner so as to first permit obtaining the adjoint operator of the original semi-discretized equation system. Subsequently, the selection or burden carried by the virtual or weighted time fields originally introduced to facilitate the time discretization process determines the formal development and outcome of “exact integral operators”, “approximate integral operators”, including providing avenues leading to the design of new computational algorithms which have not been exploited and/or explored to-date and the recovery of most of the existing algorithms, and also bridging the relationships systematically leading to the evolution of a wide variety of “integration operators”. Thus, the overall developments not only serve as a prelude towards the formal developments for “exact integral operators”, but also demonstrate that the resulting “approximate integral operators” and a wide variety of “new and existing integration operators and known methods” are simply subsets of the generalizations of a standardizedW p -Family, and emanate from the principles presented herein. The developments first leading to integral operators in time, and the resulting consequences then systematically leading to not only providing new avenues but additionally also explaining a wide variety of generalized integration operators in time of which single-step time integration operators and various widely recognized algorithms which we are familiar are simply subsets, the associated multi-step time integration operators, and a class of finite element in time integration operators, and their relationships are particularly addressed. The theoretical design developments encompass and explain a variety of time discretized operators, the recovery of various original methods of algorithmic development, and the development of new computational algorithms which have not been exploited and/or explored to-date, and furthermore, permit time discretized operators to be uniquely classified and characterized by algorithmic markers. The resulting and so-called discrete numerically assigned [DNA] algorithmic markers not only serve as a prelude towards providing a standardized formal theory of development of time discretized operators and forum for selecting and identifying time discretized operators, but also permit lucid communication when referring to various time discretized operators. That which constitutes characterization of time discretized operators are the so-called DNA algorithmic markers which essentially comprise of both: (i) the weighted time fields introduced for enacting the time discretization process, and (ii) the corresponding conditions (if any) these weighted time fields impose (dictate) upon the approximations for the dependent field variables and updates in the theoretical development of time discretized operators. As such, recent advances encompassing the theoretical design and development of computational algorithms for transient/dynamic analysis of time dependent phenomenon encountered in engineering, mathematical and physical sciences are overviewed.  相似文献   

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