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2017年7月18日,北京市人民政府办公厅印发了《北京市工业污染行业生产工艺调整退出及设备淘汰目录(2017年版)》的通知,《目录》中将传统晒版工艺定性为落后生产工艺,严禁在北京市行政区域内使用,从即日起对此工艺进行淘汰.  相似文献   

对重磅真丝绸压缩性能进行测试,探讨了影响压缩功,压缩弹性,压缩率,表观厚度有关因素。  相似文献   

按照美国农业与生物工程师协会ASAE S368.4DEC2000(R2006)标准,使用Brookfield质构仪测定了黑龙江大豆籽粒(2011年产)的表观弹性模量、最大破坏力、最大破坏力能、破坏时的变形量。试验选定压缩速度为:0.02、0.1、0.5、1.0 mm/s,选定压缩方位为长轴(X轴)、中轴(Y轴)、短轴(Z轴)。由质构仪软件,得到了加载载荷与对应变形量的关系曲线,运用spass软件对数据进行分析处理,得到大豆的表观弹性模量、最大破坏力、最大破坏能、破坏时的变形量。试验结果表明:随着压缩速度的增加,大豆籽粒沿长轴(X轴)、中轴(Y轴)、短轴(Z轴)压缩的最大破坏力增大,最大破坏能增加,压缩变形量增大,表观弹性模量减小。  相似文献   

介绍了压缩制冷系统的原理和发展现状.汇总了系统常见的各类故障,分析了故障原因并介绍了解决方法.总结了实际运转中故障应对的经验,并提出了压缩制冷系统运行优化控制的建议.  相似文献   

国外木质压缩燃料的生产及成型机利用锯末、树皮、枝桠材及各种木材加工和采伐剩余物加工压缩燃料,不仅直接缓解了森林保护和薪柴短缺的矛盾,还有效地解决了环境污染等一系列问题。因而,已引起了世界各国的普遍重视。尤其是一些主要依靠木材煮食和取暖的发展中国家(据...  相似文献   

1电子压缩强度试验仪的使用、保养和调校 1)对检测仪器的认识 ZSD-3型电子压缩强度试验仪是检测纸张、纸板和纸箱物理性能的主要检测仪器,正确了解和认识仪器性能、结构和使用知识,是提高检测质量的有效保证。该仪器由机座、传动机构、高精度压力传感器、电控箱和触摸式面板等组成,电控系统是以高档16位单片机888196为核心,组成智能化检测系统。  相似文献   

为研究羽绒服装压缩指数与羽绒服装其他品质指标间的关系,介绍了BS EN 13542:2001规定的羽绒服装压缩指数的测试方法,并按照标准规定的方法测试了样品。理论分析和实测结果表明:羽绒服装压缩指数与蓬松度和充绒量之积的相关程度较高;压缩指数作为羽绒服装的一个综合性指标,其值越高,填充料的品质、服装的保暖性越好。  相似文献   

以影响鱼松压缩成型的因素为研究对象,将影响因素分为原料的制备(打松时间、干燥时间),压缩模具形式(模具截面形状与大小),压缩工艺参数(加载速率、最终压力、保压时间)三个方面,以压缩损失率和成型块松弛比为试验指标,确定了各因素的影响趋势.为鱼松压缩成型设备的设计指明方向.  相似文献   

目的:减少玫瑰香橙在包装、运输过程中的损伤。方法:根据玫瑰香橙的基础几何数据及TPA试验、穿刺试验得出的最大压缩力、穿刺力,构建有限元模型对玫瑰香橙进行压缩仿真模拟。结果:玫瑰香橙直径范围为58.2~78.6 mm,平均质量为169.746 g,赤道部果皮平均厚度为3.1 mm,最大穿刺力为6.26 N,平均破裂力为126.802 N。结论:玫瑰香橙赤道部位的抗压能力相对较弱,应避免受到挤压、冲击;玫瑰香橙在采摘、运输过程中能承受的力不宜超过100 N。  相似文献   

Dry- and wet-milled corn germ flour at levels of 0, 2.5 and 5% were added to ground pork of three fat percentages. Raw patties were analyzed for fat, moisture and protein contents and for color. Selected patties, broiled to 77°C, were evaluated for proximate composition, total cooking loss, color and Instron compression. Dry- and wet-milled germ flour addition at the 5% level decreased cooking losses 9 and 7.5%, respectively, when compared with control patties. Instron compression values decreased as the amount of dry-milled germ flour increased. The yellow color (b-value) increased and lightness (L-value) decreased with addition of wet-milled corn germ flour.  相似文献   

针对报纸数据网络传输中存在的技术瓶颈和安全问题,提出并建立了一个具有SSL安全通道、无损压缩、数据库备案、图像预览、自动重连以及任务续传等功能的报纸网络数据传输系统.论文针对单客户端对单服务器、.多客户端对多服务器、自动重连、任务续传等4种模式进行了仿真实验.结果表明,应用本文提出的网络数据传输系统,CPU占用率不超过20%,系统内存占用一般不超过500K,网络带宽占用率不超过55%,且通信双方是在拥有有效证书的前提下进行数据交换,有效确保了通信安全.系统在数据库的支持下,能够适应报纸网络版的需求,为报纸网络版的发展提供技术保证.  相似文献   

<正>食食品品检检验验的的卫卫生生管管理理食品检验是研究和评定食品质量及其变化的一门学科,它依据物理、化学、生物化学的一些基本理论和各种技术,按照制定的技术标准,对食品原料、辅料、成品的质量进行检验。食品检验的内容包括食品营养成分分析、食品中污染物质分析、食品辅助材料及食品添加剂分析、食品感官鉴定等。  相似文献   

三维场景的计算机模拟关键是建立景象文件,即确定场景参数和物体参数。通过C语言的结构体,可实现三维场景中场景参数和物体参数的构造。实例表明,该方法生成的三维场景视觉效果形象、逼真。  相似文献   

以山东太阳纸业为例,针对制浆造纸企业生产中遇到的原料、水资源、电力资源以及其他方面制约的情况,提出了相应的应对措施,从而有效地实现节能降耗减污增效。  相似文献   

Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng or Gac fruits are rich in nutrients, including carotenoids, fatty acids, vitamin E, polyphenol compounds, and flavonoids. Medicinal compounds are also found in the seeds, but the benefits of traditional preparations from these need to be clarified. The plant has the potential to be a high-value crop, particularly as parts of the fruit can be processed into nutrient supplements and/or natural orange and yellow colorants. However, the plant remains underutilized. There is limited information on its requirements in production, and the processing of health products from the fruits is a relatively new area of endeavor. The versatility of the fruit is highlighted through processing options outlined for fruit aril, seeds, pulp, and skin into powders and/or encapsulated oil products. These Gac fruit products will have the potential to be utilized in a range of foods such as pasteurized juice and milk beverages, glutinous rice, yogurt, pasta, and sauces.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》1988,71(7):1955-1959
A wide range of ensiling conditions were simulated to test the capability of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to determine the chemical composition of undried silages. Fifty-seven different grass and legume silages were produced by adding varying amounts of water, sucrose, and formate to hays differing in species, maturity, cutting, or location. The material was ensiled for 21 d in airtight, evacuated plastic bags prior to analysis. Standard errors of calibration (as received basis) and coefficients of determination were, respectively: DM (1.80, .98); total N (.070, .98); insoluble N (.035, .98); acetate (.064, .78); butyrate (.078, .70); lactate (.328, .82); pH (.208, .77). The results indicate that near infrared reflectance has the potential to measure true DM, total N, and insoluble N in ensiled forages.  相似文献   

Strachitunt, a blue-veined Italian cheese, received the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label in 2014. Its unique technological feature is represented by the dual-curd method of production. Strachitunt is produced from raw bovine milk with or without the inoculation of natural starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria, and the addition of secondary cultures of mold spores is not permitted by the product specification. Physico-chemical properties, proteolysis, and volatile profile of Strachitunt were investigated in 10 cheese samples (ripened for 75 d) made throughout spring 2015 and provided by the main cheese maker. Overall, composition parameters showed a large variability among samples. Cheese was characterized by an acid paste (pH 5.46) and a lower extent of proteolysis compared with other blue-veined varieties. The main chemical groups of volatile organic compounds were alcohols and esters, whereas ketones represented only a minor component. The erratic adventitious contamination by mold spores of the cheese milk, the unique dual-curd method of cheese-making, and the large time variability between the piercing time and the end of ripening could be highlighted as the main causes of both the distinctive analytical fingerprint and the scarce standardization of this blue-veined cheese.  相似文献   

The effects of the type and concentration of two hydrocolloids—κ-carrageenan and gellan gum—and of the type and concentration of two sweeteners—sucrose and aspartame—on the gel resistance to compression, on the sweetener diffusion and on the intensity of the gel sweetness and the relationships between the gel physical properties and their perceived sweetness were studied. The gels true rupture stress increased with hydrocolloid concentration, this increase being higher for gellan gels. Gellan gels showed lower true rupture strain values, which in contrast with carrageenan gels, decreased on increasing hydrocolloid concentration. The addition of sucrose produced a bigger increase in gel strength at the higher hydrocolloid concentration. The main effect detected on the sweeteners’ diffusion constant was the higher value observed in low concentration (3 g L−1) κ-carrageenan gels. Gellan gels were perceived as sweeter than κ-carrageenan gels. The decrease in sweetness due to an increase in hydrocolloid concentration was greater in gellan than in carrageenan gels. Variations in sweetener concentration, true rupture strain, and deformability modulus values explained 93% of the variability in sweetness for gels with sucrose and 94% for gels with aspartame.  相似文献   

大米淀粉的结构、组成与应用   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
本文对大米淀粉的结构、组成和应用进行了综述。较全面地概述了大米淀粉颗粒结构、分子结构特点和大米淀粉中的非淀粉组分(蛋白质和脂质)的性质及其对淀粉性能的影响;分析了大米淀粉和大米变性淀粉的性质及其开发应用情况;探讨了大米淀粉的潜在用途,包括大米多孔淀粉、抗消化淀粉、模拟脂肪和明胶替代物等;同时展望了大米淀粉工业的发展前景。  相似文献   

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