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Reconstruction of the radiation situation in areas subjected to nuclear accidents was done with an example of the Chernobyl accident (1986) on the basis of the radionuclidic composition of soil samples. The radionuclidic composition of γ-emitters was determined 19 years after the accident in a pulverescent sandstone sample collected in July 1986 at a distance of 1.5 km from the 4th block. Using reference data and data from original papers, reconstruction of the radionuclidic composition of the sample is done on the first ten days after the accident, and possible variations of the γ-radiation dose rate were determined within the framework of the thin film model. Based on the results obtained, variations of the absorbed dose of γ-radiation in 10 days are estimated, which is necessary for making urgent decisions in the initial period after the accident. The results are well consistent with the published data on the dose rates, validating the decision on evacuation of the people from Pripyat town and from the 30-km exclusion zone.  相似文献   

The concentrations of total suspended particulate (TSP), fine particles PM(2.5) (with aerodynamic diameter <2.5 microm), coarse particles PM(2.5-10) (with aerodynamic diameter 2.5-10 microm,), and water-soluble inorganic ions were studied at two offshore sampling sites, Taichung Harbor (TH) and Wuci Traffic (WT), near Taiwan Strait in central Taiwan during March 2004 to January 2005. Statistical analyses were also carried out to estimate the possible sources of particulate pollution. Experimental results showed that the average mass concentrations of TSP, PM(2.5) and PM(2.5-10) at TH and WT sampling sites were 154.54 +/- 31.45 and 113.59 +/- 31.94 microg m(-3), 54.03 +/- 16.92 and 42.76 +/- 12.52 microg m(-3), and 30.31+/- 9.79 and 24.16 +/- 7.27 microg m(-3), respectively. The dominant inorganic ions at two sampling sites were SO(4)(2-), NO(3)(-), and NH(4)(+) for TSP and PM(2.5), but that were Ca(2+), Cl(-), and Na(+) for PM(2.5-10). The concentrations of most particulates and inorganic ions were higher in winter at both two sampling sites, and were higher at TH than WT sampling site in each season. From statistical analysis, air-slake of crust surface, sea-salt aerosols, agriculture activities, coal combustion, and mobile vehicles were the possible emission sources of particulate pollution at TH and WT sampling sites.  相似文献   

The dose ranges typical for radiation oncology and nuclear accident dosimetry are on the order of 2-70 Gy and 0.1-5 Gy, respectively. In terms of solid-state passive dosimetry, thermoluminescent (TL) materials historically have been used extensively for these two applications, with silver-halide, leuco-dye and BaFBr:Eu-based films being used on a more limited basis than TL for radiation oncology. This present work provides results on the performance of a film based on an aluminum oxide, Al(2)O(3):C, for these dosimetry applications, using the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readout method. There have been few investigations of Al(2)O(3):C performance at radiation oncology and nuclear accident dose levels, and these have included minimal dosimetric and environmental effects information. Based on investigations already published, the authors of this present study determined that overall improvements over film and TLDs for this Al(2)O(3):C OSL technology at radiation oncology and nuclear accident dose levels may include (1) a more tissue-equivalent response to photons compared to X-ray film, (2) higher sensitivity, (3) ability to reread dosemeters and (4) diagnostic capability using small-area imaging. The results of the present investigation indicate that additional favourable performance characteristics for the Al(2)O(3):C dosemeter are a wide dynamic range (0.001-100 Gy), a response insensitive to temperature and moisture over a wide range, negligible dose rate dependence, and minimal change in post-irradiation response. As a radiation detection medium, this OSL phosphor offers an assortment of dosimetry properties that will permit it to compete with current radiation detection technologies such as silver-halide, leuco-dye and photostimulable-phosphor-based films, as well as TLDs.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the progress that has been made particularly in the realization of the ampere by means of the method of nuclear magnetic resonance and in the determination of the gyromagnetic ratio ?'p at the ASMW in the past few years. In addition, it describes the latest results of the work aimed at realizing the ohm and the volt.  相似文献   

Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is widely used thanks to its excellent material properties. However, damages, especially delamination, can cause significant reduction in strength of CFRP structures. This article attempts to study the nondestructive testing of delamination using eddy current (EC) method. To this end, we design a novel probe consisting of dual coplanar rectangular coils placed perpendicular to sample surface, and make use of the vertical sections of the coils to induce vertical EC in the test sample. Perturbation of the vertical EC by delamination gives us a chance to detect delamination. Simulation results by the finite element method demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article describes and studies a new type of device for quantitative measurements of radiation energy. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 23, 23–29 (February 26, 1997)  相似文献   

Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷中添加成分的研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简要介绍了Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷的基本结构和组成,重点阐述了各种添加成分的加入方法和加入量对材料组织和性能的影响。  相似文献   


The variations of Young's modulus and temperature coefficient of resistance at room temperature of Co78?xMnxB22 (2 ≥ x ≥ 14) as functions of manganese content x have been studied. The Young's modulus and the temperature coefficient of resistance are found to show maxima at x ? 8.

MST/1518  相似文献   

Indoor radon levels in 20 dwellings of rural areas at the Kozak-Bergama (Pergamon) granodiorite area in Turkey were measured by the alpha track etch integrated method. These dwellings were monitored for eight successive months. Results show that the radon levels varied widely in the area ranging from 11±1 to 727±11 Bq m(-3) and the geometric mean was found to be 63 Bq m(-3) with a geometric standard deviation of 2 Bq m(-3). A log-normal distribution of the radon concentration was obtained for the studied area. Estimated annual effective doses due to the indoor radon ranged from 0.27 to 18.34 mSv y(-1) with a mean value of 1.95 mSv y(-1), which is lower than the effective dose values 3-10 mSv given as the range of action levels recommended by International Commission on Radiation Protection. All dosimetric calculations were performed based on the guidance of the UNSCEAR 2000 report.  相似文献   

The 10B(n, α) 7Li reaction was used to determine implanted boron profiles in silicon samples. Instead of a surface barrier detector plastic foils were used and a depth resolution of 230 Å was achieved by combining the method with anodic stripping. This technique allowed us to determine quite low energy boron profiles.  相似文献   



Drink driving among women is a growing problem in many motorised countries. While research has shown that male and female drink drivers differ on a number of characteristics, few studies have addressed the circumstances surrounding women's drink driving offences specifically.


To add to previous research by comparing apprehension characteristics among men and women and to extend the understanding of the female drink driving problem by investigating the drink driving characteristics that are unique to women.


The sample consisted of the 248,173 (21.5% women) drink drivers apprehended between 2000 and 2011 in Queensland, Australia. Gender comparisons showed that women were older, had lower levels of reoffending, and were more likely to be apprehended in Major Cities compared to men. Comparisons of age group and reoffending and non-reoffending among female drink drivers only revealed that higher BAC readings were more common among younger women. Moreover, a substantial minority (13.7%) of women aged 24 years or younger were apprehended with a BAC below0.05%, reflecting a breach of the zero tolerance BAC for provisional licence holders in Australia. Older women were more likely to be charged with a ‘failure to provide a test’ offence as a result of refusing to provide a breath or blood sample, indicating that drink driving is associated high levels of stigma for this group. Reoffending occurred among 16.2% of the female drink drivers and these drivers were more likely than non-reoffending drivers to record a mid to high range BAC, to be aged 30–39 or below 21years, and to be apprehended in Inner Regional or Remote locations.


Findings highlight the unique circumstances and divergent needs of female drink drivers compared to male drivers and for different groups of female drivers.  相似文献   

Through investigating and comparing microstructure and crystallographic texture of as-extruded Mg-14Li and Mg-14Li-6Zn-1Y(in wt%) alloys,the differences in their mechanical anisotropy were investigated.It revealed that the formation of I-phase(Mg_3Zn_6Y,icosahedral structure) can effectively refine grain size.Moreover,compared with Mg-14Li alloy,the texture type of Mg-14Li-6Zn-1Y alloy changed slightly,but its texture intensity decreased remarkably.As a result,the stronger texture contributed to the "normal" mechanical anisotropy of Mg-14Li alloy with higher tensile strength and a lower elongation ratio along transverse direction(TD) than those along extrusion direction(ED).However,for Mg-14Li-6Zn-1Y alloy,the zonal distribution of I-phase particles along ED caused "abnormal" mechanical anisotropy,i.e.higher tensile strength and better plasticity along ED.  相似文献   

A RILEM technical committee on Internal Sulfate Attack (TC 186-ISA) was established in 1996. In the ensuing years considerable research was carried out, which helped to clarify the scientific knowledge surrounding this form of degradation. A Seminar was organised in September 2002 to bring together the leading researchers in the field to debate the state of the advances made in this area. All known active researchers in the area were invited and most were able to attend. The workshop was organised with sessions designed to address the key questions related to Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF) and Internal Sulfate Attack. In each session one or more invited presentations and several shorter presentations were made by leading researchers to summarise experimental findings and present their views. These presentations were followed by extensive discussion, at the end of which a summary was made of the main points of agreement and of areas where questions remained open. This report gives these discussion summaries as the current consensus view on this subject.
Résumé Une commission technique de la RILEM sur l'attaque interne des sulfates (TC 186-ISA) fut créée en 1996. Au cours des années qui ont suivi, d'importants travaux de recherche sont été menés en vue d'aider à clarifier la connaissance scientifique entourant cette forme de dégradation. Un séminaire fut organisé en septembre 2002 afin que les principaux experts du domaine puissent discuter ensemble et faire état de l'avancée de leurs recherches sur ce sujet. Tous les grands chercheurs spécialistes du domaine furent invités et la plupart put assister au séminaire. Celui-ci fut divisé en sessions visant à aborder les questions liées à la formation retardée de l'ettringite (DEF) et à l'attaque interne des sulfates. Chaque session comportait une ou plusieurs présentations invitées et plusieurs interventions plus courtes, faites par les experts pour résumer leurs résultats expérimentaux et exposer leurs points de vue. Ces présentations étaient suivies par de longues discussions, à la fin desquelles était fait un compterendu, résumant les principaux points d'accord et les domaines où des questions restaient en suspens. Dans ce rapport sont regroupés les résumés de ces discussions, résultats du consensus actuel sur ce thème.

Editorial Note Created in 1996, the RILEM Technical Committee 186-ISA ‘Internal Sulfate Attack’ was chaired by Dr. Jan Skalny. The authors of this paper. Prof. Karen Scrivener, was the Secretary of RILEM TC 186-ISA. Following the Workshop in Villars, Switzerland, the RILEM TC 186-ISA was closed at the end of 2003. EPFL (Switzerland) is a RILEM Titular Member. Karen Scrivener is a RILEM Senior Member. She is the Convener of RILEM Cluster D, ‘Durability and Deterioration Mechanisms’ and she participates in RILEM TCs 197-NCM ‘Nanotechnology in construction materials’ and PAE ‘Performance of cement-based materials in aggressive aqueous environments’. Dr. Jan P. Skalny is a RILEM Senior Member.  相似文献   

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