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Conclusions By calcining Lis'egorsk dolomite in a rotary furnace by the dry method (0–25 mm fraction) with 3–3.5%clinker we obtained high-grade dolomite powder with an apparent density of 3.3 g/cm3.Industrial tests of the burned dolomite showed that it is suitable as a fettling material for open-hearth furnaces.  相似文献   

环境保护问题已成为世界各国的头等大事,镁铬砖作为水泥窑烧成带的主要耐火材料,其对环境的危害性也日益明显地暴露出来。详细分析了在国外已得到普遍使用的白云石砖在烧成带使用的性能优势,在此基础上就该砖的使用疑虑及其应对措施进行了分析介绍。  相似文献   

介绍了冶金石灰回转窑的结构及密封设计,指出了回转窑生产的石灰具有活性度高、粒度小、质量高的特点。通过对石灰回转窑结构的改进,提高了生产效率,延长了使用寿命。  相似文献   

我国为数众多的中、小水泥厂基本以立窑为主。在面临的行业结构调整中,由于产品受市场的严格挑选,立窑水泥的市场份额日渐缩小,竞争力越来越差。在这种情势下,立窑水泥厂顺应“上大改小”的政策的引导,纷纷改建或新建粉磨系统,采用大旋窑的熟料磨制水泥,改变自己的...  相似文献   

Conclusions The injection coefficient of injector devices of a typical high-temperature tunnel kiln designed by the All-Union Institute of Refractories changes from 4 to 9, depending on the working conditions. The main factor affecting the injection coefficient is the pressure behind the injector mixer.Control of the injection coefficient by the thermal balance method gives completely satisfactory results. The thermal loss of the injector device is determined with the coefficient being approximately equal to 1.15.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 5, pp. 11–15, May, 1967.  相似文献   

Conclusions The best type of stacking has been ascertained for lightweight dinas on tunnel-type kiln cars.The dinas can be fired in tunnel-type kilns together with ordinary dinas without altering the firing conditions.The lightweight dinas fired in the tunnel-type kilns included the larger types PM-17 and PM-20, so there is no doubt that standard size lightweight dinas can also be fired in these kilns.The satisfactory results of the experiments have enabled the plant to begin firing this dinas in tunnel-type kilns.  相似文献   

徐子芳 《水泥》2002,(11):60-61
0引言天石集团淮南水泥厂HFC-5SP窑系统由五级预热器改造而成,最早为一立筒预热器窑,由于中途停产一段时间,使得原改造工程没有顺利完成。自2001年投产以来边生产边进行技术改造,取得明显的效果,为工厂获得了一定的经济效益。本文就该厂改造情况做一介绍。1改造内容1.1窑尾喂料系统的改造本项改造为从生料储存库库底至生料入预热器的全过程,另加窑灰均匀喂入的系统。该厂生料喂料楼距生料储存库较远,而且原设计也不合理,从投资、工期等方面考虑在工艺过程基本理顺的前提下,采取了必要的电气控制措施加以弥补、完善,…  相似文献   

Refractories and Industrial Ceramics - Calcination of Dankov dolomites in a rotary furnace by the dry method is possible without the use of fluxing additions. Samples of dolomite from the top and...  相似文献   

Conclusions It was shown to be possible to fire heavy dinas products weighing up to 25 kg for coking ovens and weighing up to 45 kg for glass tank furnaces in a tunnel kiln. Firing cycles and setting arrangements were developed.It is necessary on the basis of experimental data and experience that was gathered to design and build a new tunnel kiln for firing heavy silica products.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 6 pp.10–19, June, 1968.  相似文献   

An experimental study of convective heat transfer from hot air to the solid charge and walls in a non-fired rotary kiln is reported. Ottawa sand was heated by passing it counter-current to a flow of preheated air in a 2.5 m × 0.19 m I.D. rotary kiln. Axial temperature profiles of gas, wall and solids were measured. Local and average convective heat transfer coefficients from gas to solids and from gas to wall were determined assuming plug flow of gas and solids. Solid feed rates to 1750 kg/m2 h and air rates to 3300 kg/m2 h were investigated at rotational speeds to 6 r/min, holdup ratios to 17% and gas temperatures from 350–590 K. The gas/solids convective coefficient was found to depend on the gas through-put and to a lesser extent on solids holdup and rotational speed. Over the range tested, the angle of kiln inclination, solids throughput and particle size showed no significant effect on heat transfer. Gas/wall coefficients were about a factor of ten below gas/solid coefficients. Heat transfer results are compared to the limited data available in the literature, and to commonly used equations. Correlations of the experimental data on gas/solids, and gas/wall coefficients are presented; data from the literature on the wall/solids heat transfer coefficient are summarized.  相似文献   

Conclusions Experimental data on the distribution of velocities in the stream in the flow of air from models of a burner with a normal annular Laval nozzle and a burner with an increase in the angle of opening of the stream under supersonic conditions was obtained. The results of the work may be used in the design of burners for rotary kilns. According to the experimental data the coefficient of turbulent diffusion reaches a value of 0.0071 m2/sec for a pure flow and is reduced by 30% with an increase in the dust content from 0 to 1 kg/kg. It is desirable to use the data obtained in calculations of the flame processes and selection of means of intensification of the process of mixing of the fuel with the oxidizer in the presence of dust.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 1, pp. 46–49, January, 1986.  相似文献   

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