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Diabetic neuropathy has been associated with a decrease in nerve conduction velocity, Na,K-ATPase activity and characteristic histological damage of the sciatic nerve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential effect of a dietary supplementation with fish oil [(n-3) fatty acids] on the sciatic nerve of diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by intravenous streptozotocin injection. Diabetic animals (n = 20) were fed a nonpurified diet supplemented with either olive oil (DO) or fish oil (DM), and control animals (n = 10) were fed a nonpurified diet supplemented with olive oil at a daily dose of 0.5 g/kg by gavage for 8 wk. Nerves were characterized by their conduction velocity, morphometric analysis and membrane Na, K-ATPase activity. Nerve conduction velocity, as well as Na,K-ATPase activity, was improved by fish oil treatment. A correlation was found between these two variables (R = 0.999, P < 0.05). Moreover, a preventive effect of fish oil was observed on nerve histological damage [endoneurial edema, axonal degeneration (by 10-15%) with demyelination]. Moreover, the normal bimodal distribution of the internal diameter of myelinated fibers was absent in the DO group and was restored in the DM group. These data suggest that fish oil therapy may be effective in the prevention of diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

Nerve root conduction velocity (NRCV) and cauda equina action potential (CEAP) have been measured to assess the severity of lumbosacral radiculopathy, the level-specific diagnosis of the symptomatic roots, and to predict the outcome. This study included 71 patients (40 males, 31 females, average age of 54 years at the time of surgery) who underwent decompressive surgery for lumbar radiculopathy. The NRCV and CEAP were directly measured during the operation. The NRCV decreased significantly with progression of radicular symptoms. The NRCV showed a marked reduction in the nerve roots of the patients with a two years or longer history of radicular symptoms; or those with compression of the nerve roots on the imaging examinations; or nerve roots that were considered to have been subjected to persistent compression over a prolonged period with severe inflammation and adhesions. Multivariative analyses suggested that the NRCV correlated closely to the postoperative neurologic recovery, and the outcome of the lumbosacral radiculopathy could be predicted to some extent by measurements of NRCV. The level-specific diagnosis of the radiculopathy could be determined when the CEAP showed a more than 30% left-right potentials difference.  相似文献   

1. L4 and L5 dorsal root ganglia of rats aged 4-5 wk were isolated in vitro with their dorsal roots and sciatic nerves intact. With the use of intracellular microelectrodes, conduction velocity (CV) was determined along both peripheral and central axons and active and passive membrane properties were investigated with the use of a single-electrode switching clamp. 2. Neurons were classified into one of the three subgroups, A alpha/beta, A delta, and C, on the basis of a combination of axonal CV and action potential duration. Soma diameters overlapped between these groups. 3. Action potentials elicited by nerve stimulation in all cells and by a somatic current step in A alpha/beta-cells were always blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX) 0.1-1 microM), whereas somatic action potentials in a proportion of A delta-cells and all C cells were TTX-resistant. 4. Passive electrical properties differed significantly between A alpha/beta-, A delta-, and C cells. The contribution of the additional membrane of the axons to the recorded electrical properties was analyzed with the use of a compartmental model of the neurons (see APPENDIX). 5. Most neurons discharged only a single action potential at the onset of a depolarizing current step, but 33% of A alpha/beta-cells fired repetitively throughout the step. This was associated with a lower threshold for action potential initiation by depolarizing current and a shorter afterhyperpolarization than in other A alpha/beta-cells. 6. Afterhyperpolarizations varied in size and duration between neurons and most were either not or only slightly affected by replacing Ca2+ in the bathing solution with Co2+ or Ba2+ or by adding tetraethylammonium (1 and 10 mM). Outward tail currents following an active response could be fitted with one fast exponential (time constant = 13 +/- 1 ms, mean +/- SE) and, in 65% of cells, one to three slower time course currents (to which exponentials with time constants of approximately 50, 300, or 1,500 ms could be fitted). A very slow late-onset current (detected in 33% of C cells) resembled a Ca(2+)-dependent K+ conductance described in several other neurons. 7. Voltage transients showed "sag" during maintained hyperpolarizing current steps in 90% of A alpha/beta-cells and 70% of A delta-cells but only 13% of C cells. Time-dependent inward currents were recorded when membrane potential was hyperpolarized. These currents had mean activation time constants of approximately 40 ms at -120 mV and were Cs+ sensitive and Ba2+ insensitive. 8. The proportion of neurons with a transient outward current, IA, increased as CV decreased (36% of A alpha/beta-cells, 56% of A delta-cells, 63% of C cells). Outward currents in cells of all subgroups had either one or two of three inactivation time constants (means approximately 22, 120, and 800 ms). 9. This study shows that many of the electrical characteristics of isolated dorsal root ganglion neurons can be demonstrated in intact ganglia in which the neurons can be better identified functionally. The currents underlying the afterhyperpolarization in these cells are diverse across all subgroups and require further investigation. The electrical effects of retaining the axonal projections of the cells and the use of microelectrodes filled with 0.5 M KC1 are discussed in relation to the differences from data recorded in dissociated neurons.  相似文献   

X-ray scattering and electrophysiological experiments were performed on toad sciatic nerves in the presence of local anesthetics. In vitro experiments were performed on dissected nerves superfused with Ringer's solutions containing procaine, lidocaine, tetracaine, or dibucaine. In vivo experiments were performed on nerves dissected from animals anesthesized by targeted injections of tetracaine-containing solutions. In all cases the anesthetics were found to have the same effects on the x-ray scattering spectra: the intensity ratio of the even-order to the odd-order reflections increases and the lattice parameter increases. These changes are reversible upon removal of the anesthetic. The magnitude of the structural changes varies with the duration of the superfusion and with the nature and concentration of the anesthetic molecule. A striking quantitative correlation was observed between the structural effects and the potency of the anesthetic. Electron density profiles, which hardly showed any structural alteration of the unit membrane, clearly indicated that the anesthetics have the effect of moving the pairs of membranes apart by increasing the thickness of the cytoplasmic space. Electrophysiological measurements performed on the very samples used in the x-ray scattering experiments showed that the amplitude of the compound action potential is affected earlier than the structure of myelin (as revealed by the x-ray scattering experiments), whereas conduction velocity closely follows the structural alterations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acute ventricular dilatation has important electrophysiological effects: Dilatation shortens action potential duration and refractoriness without an apparent effect on conduction velocity. These effects have been implicated as a potential mechanism of arrhythmias in patients with congestive failure. Because the influence of cycle length on these phenomena has not been studied, we examined the effects of dilatation during ventricular pacing at cycle lengths from 1000 to 150 ms. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thin epicardial layers were created in isolated, perfused rabbit left ventricles (n=7). A fluid filled latex balloon was secured in the left ventricle to dilate the left ventricle. Mapping was performed with 248 epicardial electrodes. Longitudinal conduction velocity (76+/-1 cm/s; mean+/-SEM) and transverse conduction velocity (26+/-1 cm/s) were not influenced by dilatation at any cycle length. In contrast, the effects of dilatation in decreasing left ventricular effective refractory period (ERP) were significantly greater at shorter drive cycle lengths: The decrease in ERP was 2+/-2 ms (a 1% change) at a drive cycle length of 1000 ms and 18+/-4 ms (a 20% change) at a drive cycle length of 150 ms. In 10 additional intact, isolated perfused rabbit hearts, dilatation decreased ERP to a greater degree during 250 ms drive cycle length pacing than during pacing at 400 ms (25+/-4 versus 16+/-3 ms; P=.01). CONCLUSIONS: Acute dilatation exaggerates the normal rate-dependent shortening of refractoriness but does not influence transverse or longitudinal conduction velocity. This observation suggests that the electrophysiological effects of acute dilatation may be greater during tachycardia than at slower cycle lengths. This may have implications for arrhythmias in patients with congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

On the basis of sequence comparison with the M subunit of the reaction center of purple bacteria, no residues in photosystem II can be clearly identified that may be predicted to correspond to the His residue that binds one of the accessory bacteriochlorophylls in the purple bacterial reaction center. However, the Arg180 residue of the D2 protein is close to where this residue is predicted to be and could conceivably serve as a chlorophyll ligand. To analyze the function of Arg180, it was changed to nine different amino acids in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Except for the Arg180-->Gln (R180Q) mutant, the resulting strains were no longer photoautotrophic. The properties of photosystem II upon mutation of Arg180 were probed in strains from which photosystem I had been deleted genetically. Mutations at the Arg180 residue affected oxygen evolution capacity and the amount of photosystem II that was present in thylakoids. Surprisingly, in the Arg180 mutants, EPR signals that may originate from the oxidized redoxactive Tyr160 of the D2 protein (Y(D)ox) were small and generally did not resemble the usual signal IIs, signifying an effect of the Arg180 mutations on the environment surrounding Tyr160. In addition, in most mutants, the charge recombination kinetics between the primary electron-accepting quinone in photosystem II (Q(A)-) and oxidized species on the donor side were faster upon introducing mutations at Arg180 suggesting an increased steady-state concentration of P680+ in the mutants. However, Arg180 mutations also affected Q(A)- oxidation by the secondary electron-accepting quinone (Q(B)). HPLC analysis showed that, in the Arg180 mutants that were assayed, the pheophytin/chlorophyll ratio of photosystem II had not changed, indicating that the mutations did not lead to a pheophytinization of one of the chlorophyll molecules. Even though the results presented do not provide positive evidence that Arg180 of the D2 protein corresponds in function to the ligand to the central Mg in an accessory bacteriochlorophyll in reaction centers of purple bacteria, it is clear that changes in Arg180 greatly affect Tyr160 and P680. Various scenarios are discussed that are compatible with the data presented, and include an apparently close interaction between Arg180, His189, and Tyr160, and the possibility of the involvement of multiple chlorophylls to together form P680.  相似文献   

To develop a symptomatic treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, we compared the effects of ultrahigh-dose and low-dose (25 and 0.5 mg/day, intramuscularly, for 14 days) methylcobalamin on averaged compound muscle action potential amplitudes (CMAPs) in a double-blind trial. No significant changes in CMAP amplitude were found in 12 patients who had the low-dose treatment at either 2 or 4 weeks after start of treatment. By contrast, 12 patients assigned to the ultrahigh-dose group demonstrated a significant increase at 4 weeks. This method may provide a clinically useful measure to improve or retard muscle wasting, if a larger extended trial fulfills its promise.  相似文献   

The meander tail (mea) gene results in a stereotypic pattern of cerebellar abnormalities, most notably the virtual depletion of granule cells in the anterior lobe of the cerebellum. The causal basis of this mutation is unknown. In this paper we have taken a three-part approach to the analysis of mea gene action. First, we quantitatively determined the effect of the mea gene on granule cell and Purkinje cell number. We found, in addition to the marked depletion of anterior lobe granule cells ( > 90%), there were also significantly fewer granule cells in the posterior lobe (20-30%) without a concomitant loss of Purkinje cells. Second, we explored the relationship between granule cell depletion caused by the mea gene and by the mitotic poison, 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdU). Prenatal and postnatal ICR mice were treated with FdU to ascertain the regimen that best produces a meander tail-like cerebellar phenotype. The similarity of the effects of the mea gene and injections of FdU at E17 and PO suggests the hypothesis that the mea gene acts to disrupt the cell cycle of cerebellar granule cell precursors. Thus, the third part of this study was to test this hypothesis by using injections of either BrdU (5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine) or 3H-thymidine into homozygous and heterozygous meander tail littermates at E17 or PO. After processing the tissue for BrdU immunocytochemistry or 3H-thymidine autoradiography, counts were made of the number of labeled and unlabeled external granule layer (EGL) cells to determine the percentage that had incorporated the mitotic label (labeling index). No difference in the labeling index was found between homozygous meander tail mice and normal, heterozygous littermate controls. Therefore, the mitotic activity of the EGL neuroblasts is not disrupted by the mea gene. Furthermore, while a mitotic poison can produce a phenotype similar to the action of the mea gene, mea is phenomenologically different from FdU treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to simulate the effects of lasing dentine on pulpal nerve function. METHODS: Rat spinal nerve roots were threaded through the prepared pulp canal of a 10 mm long tooth root segment which was mounted in a perspex bath. The protruding ends of the nerve were placed on platinum wire electrodes used to elicit and to record compound nerve action potentials (CAPs). Laser energy (average power = 0.3-3.0 W) was applied to the surface of the root segment using a pulsed Nd:YAG dental laser (dLase 300). RESULTS: With the laser probe tip placed in static contact with the tooth surface, the nerve CAP was irreversibly abolished within 60 s of lasing at 1.0-3.0 W power. When the laser tip was moved to and fro over the root surface in a scanning mode, similar levels of radiation produced less marked effects. In the latter mode, CAP attenuation increased with increasing power and duration of lasing. After 60 s lasing at 0.3 W, the CAP size was 95% (+/- 5, S.D.) of the prelasing controls value; with 2.0 W the CAP was reduced to 54% (+/- 33). The CAP recovered to 90% of control levels after lasing at powers up to 1.5 W, but reached only 72% of control values after lasing at 2.0 W power. CONCLUSIONS: Laser radiation applied to dentine caused a dose-dependent block of action potential conduction in nerve fibres in the underlying pulp chamber.  相似文献   

Conduction velocities of compound action potentials of sensory axons of alteral superficial radial (LSR) and dorsal ulnar nerves (DUN) of the dog were determined by averaging potentials evoked and recorded through subcutaneous needle electrodes. Suitable locations for electrodes were identified and specificities of sites for LSR and DUN were verified by recording before and after cutting the nerves. Stimulus rates of 4/second to 20/second did not markedly affect conduction velocities. Increasing stimulus intensity in steps from threshold to 8 X threshold recruited more axons into the compound action potentials but resulted in interference from movement and muscle potentials at 4 X or 8 X threshold. Mean conduction velocities at 2 X threshold were: LSR = 61.7 +/- 0.76 SEM; DUN = 68.1 +/- 2.71 SEM.  相似文献   

Insufficient metabolic control in diabetes mellitus is associated with a reversible reduction in nerve conduction velocity, but the mechanism behind this phenomenon is unknown. To examine the effect of acute hyperglycaemia on nerve conduction eight non-diabetic men (20-49 years of age) with no signs of peripheral neuropathy were studied before and after 3 h of hyperglycaemic clamping (plasma glucose approximately 15 mmol/l), while insulin secretion was suppressed by somatostatin [Study 1]. Nerve conduction velocity, as determined in the proximal part of the median nerve, fell by 2.8 +/- 3.0 m/s (2p-value: 0.033). However, during euglycaemic clamping (plasma glucose approximately 5 mmol/l) in five non-diabetic men (19-38 years of age) infused solely with somatostatin [Study 2], a comparable decrement in nerve conduction velocity was found (1.7 +/- 1.3 m/s, 2p-value: 0.043). In both studies relative hypoinsulinaemia was present. Serum-sodium decreased significantly (143 +/- 1 mmol/l vs 137 +/- 1 mmol/l [Study 1] and 143 +/- 1 mmol/l vs 142 +/- 2 mmol/l [Study 2]), while serum-potassium increased. In conclusion, the slight but significant reduction in nerve conduction velocity observed in both studies appears to be correlated to electrolyte changes. However, an effect of hypersomatostatinaemia or the hormonal changes associated with this cannot be excluded, while short-term hyperglycaemia per se seems to be without effect on nerve conduction velocity.  相似文献   

We examined the pharmacodynamics of valproate (VPA) and three structural analogues, octanoic acid (OA), cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (CCA), and 1-methyl-1-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (MCCA) in rats. A pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) infusion seizure model was used to determine threshold convulsive doses of PTZ; the increase in PTZ threshold dose after administration of test compound was taken as an index of anticonvulsant activity. Each of the compounds investigated antagonized PTZ-induced seizures, with MCCA evidencing the highest potency. Both CCA and MCCA appeared to have an approximate twofold advantage relative to VPA in protective index (i.e., the ratio of concentrations that produce toxicity to concentrations that produce anticonvulsant effect), based on a rotorod assay of neurotoxicity. Examination of the time course of PTZ antagonism indicated that there was significant dissociation between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of VPA, with a marked delay in production of maximal anticonvulsant activity. In contrast, only a slight delay in production of maximal protection against PTZ-induced seizures was observed for MCCA, and no delay was evident for CCA. The data indicate that the dynamics of anticonvulsant action differ between these low-molecular-weight carboxylic acids despite their similar chemical structures.  相似文献   

1. Electrical properties of four functional classes [inactivating bursting (ib), noninactivating bursting (nib), fast spiking (fsp), and regular spiking (rsp)] of neurons in the motor cortex of conscious cats were studied with the use of intracellular voltage recording and single-electrode voltage-clamp (SEVC) techniques. Evaluations were made of action potentials and afterpotentials, current-voltage (I-V) relationships, and passive cable properties. Values of membrane potential (Vm), input resistance (RN), membrane time constant (T0), and firing threshold (T50) were also measured. The data were used to extend the electrophysiological classifications of neurons described in the companion paper. 2. Average values of Vm (from -63 to -66 mV), action-potential amplitudes (from 72 to 77 mV), and firing threshold (-54 mV) were not statistically different in different types of neurons. However, the magnitude of intracellularly injected depolarizing current required to induce spike discharge at 50% probability varied significantly (from 0.6 to 1.1 nA) among cell types. The mean RN and T0 measured at Vm varied between 8.3 and 19.8 M omega, and 7.2 and 15.1 ms, respectively, in the cell classes. 3. Action potentials were overshooting. Their mean duration at half amplitude varied from 0.25 to 0.73 ms among different cell types. Three types of action-potential configurations were distinguished. Type I action potentials found in nib and rsp neurons were relatively fast and had a depolarizing afterpotential (DAP) as well as fast and slow after hyperpolarizations (fAHPs, sAHPs). Type II action potentials found in ib and rsp cells had relatively slow rise and decay phases, DAPs, and sAHPs. Their fAHPs were small or absent. Type III action potentials were found exclusively in fsp cells, had very short durations, prominent fAHPs, but no sAHPs. 4. Steady-state I-V relationships were determined by measuring voltage responses to 0.2- to 1.0-nA hyperpolarizing, rectangular current pulses at different membrane potentials. Both RN and T0 exhibited nonlinear behavior over wide ranges of membrane potential; however, between -65 and -75 mV, the I-V relationships varied little, and they appeared constant in most cells. The steady-state values of RN increased with decreasing, and decreased with increasing the membrane potential in all but fsp cells. The I-V relationships were virtually linear in fsp neurons. 5. Transient I-V relationships were studied by measuring voltage responses to depolarizing and hyperpolarizing, rectangular current pulses of increasing amplitude from a preset membrane potential of -70 mV.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Severe impairment of the kyphotic nursing posture in lactating rats found previously after prepartum lesions of the caudal intercollicular periaqueductal gray (cPAG-x) was confirmed and was extended to a continuous 24-hr period. Litters of cPAG-x dams gained –10% less weight postnatally than controls, which was in part related to their dams' compensatory prone nursing posture that was ineffective for milk letdown. Sexual proceptivity and receptivity (lordosis) during the postpartum estrus were virtually eliminated in subjects with relatively large bilateral cPAG lesions. The doubling of maternal attacks toward a male intruder after lesioning was also confirmed and was related to reduced fearfulness in an elevated plus-maze. Thus, the cPAG plays a multifaceted role in parturient rats; it is involved in the mediation of nursing, sexual, aggressive, and fear behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Peripheral motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities were studied prospectively in 54 chronic haemodialysis patients. The most sensitive parameters for the detection of polyneuropathy were the deep peroneal nerve motor conduction velocity, the sural nerve sensory conduction velocity and the H-reflex latency and H-index of the S1 roots. All patients examined were found to present at least one abnormal nerve conduction parameter. In the present study the side of the arteriovenous shunt had no statistically significant effect on the sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities in the upper extremities. There was a significant correlation between H-reflex latency and H-reflex index, and between H-reflex latency and sural nerve sensory conduction velocity.  相似文献   

Inescapable shock (IS) enhances analgesia to systemic morphine (MOR) 24 hr later. IS activates serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), rendering them hyperexcitable. These studies tested whether IS potentiates the analgesic effect of MOR microinjected in the DRN, as predicted by this hypothesis. To test site specificity, the effect of previous IS was examined on MOR microinjected lateral to the DRN and into 2 other sites that support MOR analgesia, the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and spinal cord. Twenty-four hours after IS, potentiated analgesia was observed after 0.5 μg MOR microinjected into, but not lateral to, the DRN. Potentiated analgesia was also observed after NRM (1.0 μg) and spinal cord (3.0 μg) MOR microinjections. These data suggest that IS-induced excitability changes within the DRN synergize with opiates microinjected in other analgesia areas and that this potentiates the responses to opiates 24 hr after IS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Multiple-unit activity in the central nucleus of the amygdala was continuously recorded during 4 hr of restraint stress in rats. Five different activity profiles were found. Two types were associated with stress ulceration: one with increased stomach pathology, and the other with decreased stomach pathology. The same unit profiles were also differentially related to the emotionality characteristics of Wistar-derived rats, as well as to those of the genetically selected lines of Roman high- and low-avoidance rats. The type of profile that had been associated with increased pathology was generally seen in the Roman low-avoidance rats and in the Wistar rats that had been judged to be more emotional, that is, defecated before five "rearings" had occurred in an open-field test. The other unit profile was significantly more frequent in the Roman high-avoidance animals and the less emotional Wistar rats. Low-level electrical stimulation of both types of units produced stomach erosions in all cases. It was concluded that the unit activity in the central nucleus of the amygdala reflects certain emotionality characteristics of rats and also their susceptibility to stress ulcers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The experimental results obtained for ionic and electronic conductivity of ‘FeO’-CaO-SiO2 melts have been analyzed considering the mechanism of each conduction process. The Nernst-Einstein equation was employed to calculate diffusion coefficients of Fe2+ and Ca2+ cations from ionic conductance. A “diffusion-assisted charge transfer” model was developed to explain the dependence of the electronic conductivity on the oxidation state of iron in the slag. The model considers the electronic conduction as a two-step process: in one step, ferrous ions diffuse from their initial position to a proper distance from ferric ions; in the next step, an electron is transferred between Fe2+ and Fe3+. The optimum distance of the iron ions for electron hopping was found to be approximately 4 Å, in great consistency with the values reported for electron transfer between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in aqueous solutions and solid glasses.  相似文献   

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