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一直对缅甸有一种神秘的向往.那是怎样的一片神奇地土哟!在不足70万平方公里的土地上,居然汇集了如此之多的天地精华,真不知上苍为什么眷顾那一方热土,且不说安达曼湾硕大圆润的南洋珠,以鸽血红红宝石为代表,集中了多少珍贵宝石品种的抹谷,更有那缅北丛林密布的山区竟然蕴藏着世界上最具诱惑最具挑战的翡翠,而且是地球上的唯一产地,翡翠的神秘和美丽流传在云南边地老艺人  相似文献   

余勇 《中国纤检》2010,(12):56-58
据统计,到2015年,国内将新增各类住宿设施约20万家,其中星级酒店约1万家,五星级酒店将超过500家,对休闲度假酒店的需求也将成倍增长。这些对酒店纺织品行业来说,都是滚滚的商机。  相似文献   

雷方华 《中国食品》2006,(24):50-51
白色风波过后“,菜篮子”走进了千家万户,牵动着千家万户的“菜篮子工程”,也始终被各级政府列为重中之重。如今,我国食品供应越来越丰富,老百姓的菜篮子已装得满满当当,老百姓的生活水平得到了相当大的提高。然而,还有一些不尽人意的地方,老百姓渐渐丰富的“菜篮子”在装进喜悦的同时,也装进了担忧……因为,我们每天所能见到的绿油油的新鲜蔬菜,却有一些与“绿色”本质完全相反的东西,足以危害我们的健康。蔬菜的污染问题已严重的影响了人们的生活质量。例如近年来,癌症的发病率越来越高,且日趋年轻化,这很大程度上与食用受污染的蔬菜有关…  相似文献   

作为国内食品行业的一大盛会,2011春季全国糖酒会于2011年3月25日在成都新世纪会展中心开幕,这是糖酒会历史上的第84届大会,也是成都承办的第22届糖酒会。据统计.本届糖酒会实际展览面积13万平方米,中外参展企业达6000多家,糖及糖制品成交总额为5776亿元,酒类成交总额为120.87亿元,罐头类成交总额为16.22亿元.食品机械类成交总额为2.75亿元。  相似文献   

意大利和美国的研究人员称,葡萄的果肉和果皮同样含有对心脏有益的物质,这个结果可能对原先提出的红葡萄比白葡萄对心血管具有更好的保护作用的说法是一种挑战.  相似文献   

白色风波过后,“菜篮子”走进了千家万户,牵动着千家万户的“菜篮子工程”也始终被各级政府列为重中之重。如今,我国食品供应越来越丰富,老百姓的菜篮子已装得满满当当,老百姓的生活水平得到了相当大的提高。然而,还有一些不尽人意的地方,老百姓渐渐丰富的“菜篮子”在装进喜悦的同时,也装进了担忧……因为,我们每天所能见到的绿油油的新鲜蔬菜,却有一些与“绿色”本质完全相反的东西,足以危害我们的健康。  相似文献   

再生涤纶短纤的国内外市场需求情况,从德国之声报道的德国塑料瓶变成中国毛衣的事情上,可见一斑.德国市场上每年流动800多万个聚酯瓶子.垃圾回收公司收去这些瓶子,压成团或粉碎成片,然后以相对较高的价格出售给中国.在中国的工厂里,这些聚酯原料被按色分类,切成碎片熔化,然后纺丝制成再生涤纶.经过一系列加工后,聚酯瓶子以纺织品的形式返回德国,在德国销售.这里体现的价值创造是巨大的:一件合成粗呢毛衣价格在50~100欧元之间,而所用材料只相当于32欧分.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether selection using genotype information reduced the rate and level of true inbreeding, that is, identity by descent, at a selectively neutral locus as well as a locus under selection compared with traditional BLUP selection. In addition, the founder representation at these loci and the within-family selection at the nonneutral locus were studied. The study was carried out using stochastic simulation of a population resembling the breeding nucleus of a dairy cattle population for 25 yr. Each year, 10 proven bulls were selected across herds along with 100 dams from within each of 40 herds. Selection was performed using BLUP, marker-assisted, or gene-assisted selection for a trait with low heritability (h2 = 0.04) only expressed in females, mimicking a health trait. The simulated genome consisted of 2 chromosomes. One biallelic quantitative trait loci (QTL) with an initial frequency of the favorable allele of 0.1, and initially explaining 25% of the genetic variance as well as 4 markers were simulated in linkage disequilibrium, all positioned at chromosome 1. Chromosome 2 was selectively neutral, and consisted of a single neutral locus. The results showed that in addition to reducing pedigree-estimated inbreeding, the incorporation of genotype information in the selection criteria also reduced the level and rate of true inbreeding. In general, true inbreeding in the QTL was greater than pedigree-estimated inbreeding with respect to both the level and rate of inbreeding, as expected. Also as expected, true and pedigree-estimated inbreeding in the neutral locus were the same. Furthermore, after 25 yr, or approximately 5 generations, the pedigree-estimated level of inbreeding was reduced by 11 and 24% compared with BLUP in gene- and marker-assisted selection, respectively, and the level of true inbreeding in the QTL was reduced by 22 and 13%, respectively. The difference between selection scenarios was found to be caused by a larger number of founders being represented at the QTL when using genotype information in the selection criteria. This in turn was caused by an increased selection of individuals sharing the favorable QTL allele rather than individuals sharing genes on average, which was shown by a higher Mendelian selection differential in the QTL. Hence, even though the selection pressure was increased at the QTL, more variation was retained. The results suggest that marker-assisted selection is a useful selection strategy.  相似文献   

在印刷中,使用喷粉是为了防止产品背面蹭脏。现在许多先进的印刷设备,已淘汰了喷粉装置,而采用三组式烘干方式,即:两组红外、一组紫外。目前我们国内的印刷设备,大部分还都是红外加喷粉或只有喷粉装置。通常在生产中遇到墨层厚、暗调面积大的时候,印刷操作者总是希望把粉量放得大一些,这样产品就不会因为背面蹭脏而报废,但往往忽视粉量应尽可能小这个问题。其实,粉量过大也会带来很多危害。1.粉量过大,在正反印时,由于正面粉量过大,会直接影响印反面时的班产量。严重时每几百张就需要清洗一次橡皮布。产品还会因此出现墨色不稳…  相似文献   

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