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Second-order statistics of the received signal can be used to equalize a communication channel without knowledge of the transmitted sequence. Blind zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) equalization can be achieved with linear prediction error filtering. The equivalence with the equalizers derived by Giannakis and Halford (see ibid., vol.45, p.2277-92, 1997) is shown, and adaptive predictors that result in a lattice filtering structure are applied. The required channel coefficient vector is obtained with adaptive eigen-pair tracking. Either forward or backward prediction errors can be used. The performance of the blind equalizer is examined by simulations. The MMSE of the optimum FSE is approached, and the algorithm exhibits robustness to channels with common subchannel zeros  相似文献   

We consider the blind equalization and estimation of single-user, multichannel models from the second-order statistics of the channel output when the channel input statistics are colored but known. By exploiting certain results from linear prediction theory, we generalize the algorithm of Tong et al. (1994), which was derived under the assumption of a white transmitted sequence. In particular, we show that all one needs to estimate the channel to within an unitary scaling constant, and thus to find its equalizers, is (a) that a standard channel matrix have full column rank, and (b) a vector of the input signal and its delays have positive definite lag zero autocorrelation. An algorithm is provided to determine the equalizer under these conditions. We argue that because this algorithm makes explicit use of the input statistics, the equalizers thus obtained should outperform those obtained by other methods that neither require, nor exploit, the knowledge of the input statistics. Simulation results are provided to verify this fact  相似文献   

A new blind equalization algorithm for complex valued signals was proposed based on the framework of complex support vector regression(CSVR).In the proposed algorithm,the error function of multi-modulus algorithm (MMA) was substituted into CSVR to construct the cost function,and the regression relationship was established by widely linear estimation,and the equalizer coefficients were determined by the iterative re-weighted least square (IRWLS) method.Different from spliting the complex valued signals into real valued signals used in support vector regression,the Wirtinger’s calculus was used in complex support vector regression to analyze the complex signals directly in the complex regenerative kernel Hilbert space.Simulation experiments show that for QPSK modulated signals,compared with the blind equalization algorithm based on support vector regression,the equalization performance of the proposed algorithm is significantly improved in linear channel and nonlinear channel by choosing appropriate kernel function and iterative optimization method.  相似文献   

A new blind channel identification and equalization method is proposed that exploits the cyclostationarity of oversampled communication signals to achieve identification and equalization of possibly nonminimum phase (multipath) channels without using training signals. Unlike most adaptive blind equalization methods for which the convergence properties are often problematic, the channel estimation algorithm proposed here is asymptotically ex-set. Moreover, since it is based on second-order statistics, the new approach may achieve equalization with fewer symbols than most techniques based only on higher-order statistics. Simulations have demonstrated promising performance of the proposed algorithm for the blind equalization of a three-ray multipath channel  相似文献   

针对前馈神经网络(FNN)盲均衡算法收敛速度慢、均方误差大的缺点,在分析FNN盲均衡算法和正交小波变换(OWT)理论的基础上,提出了基于正交小波变换的FNN盲均衡算法。该算法利用正交小波变换良好的去相关性,对FNN均衡器输入信号进行预处理后,降低了输入信号的自相关性,从而加快了收敛速度和减小了均方误差。水声信道盲均衡的仿真结果表明,该算法在收敛速度与均方误差方面的性能比FNN盲均衡算法优越。  相似文献   

This paper investigates adaptive blind source separation and equalization for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. To effectively recover input signals, remove Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) and suppress Inter-User Interference (IUI), the array input is first transformed into the signal subspace, then with the derived orthogonality between weight vectors of different input signals, a new orthogonal Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) is proposed. Computer simulation results illustrate the promising performance of the proposed method. Without channel identification, the proposed method can recover all the system inputs simultaneously and can be adaptive to channel changes without prior knowledge about signals.  相似文献   

基于盲源分离的水声信道盲均衡处理方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种基于盲源分离的水声信道讯均衡处理方法,通过对接收信号过采样构成源信号,采用了基于信息最大化原理(Infomax)在线分离算法进行了水声信道的盲均衡,并研究了时变水声信道条件下算法的均衡情况,仿真实验结果表明,该处理方法对多径水声信道具有较好的均衡效果,同时不受最小相位的条件限制。  相似文献   

冗余滤波器组构成的传送多路复用器可以用来对FIR信道进行估计和均衡.本文提出一种在FIR滤波器组框架结构下,首先利用信号的相关矩阵对信道进行估计,然后在此基础上用MMSE准则下设计的FIR均衡器对数据进行均衡的盲算法.该均衡算法的性能要明显好于基于ZF准则的方法,并且在消除ISI的同时可以抑制噪声的影响,从而使系统的输出信噪比达到最优,而增加的复杂度很有限.文中最后在两种典型信道下对所提出的盲信道均衡算法进行了仿真,结果验证了上述性能.  相似文献   

针对散射通信系统多径效应严重,常用的频域非线性均衡算法复杂度过高的情况,提出了一种基于噪声预测的低复杂度判决反馈均衡方法。根据常用散射通信多径信道模型,在时延功率谱呈指数衰减的情况下,通过曲线拟合的方法预测非线性判决反馈均衡器的部分系数,从而达到降低算法复杂度的目的。仿真结果表明,所提方法不仅具有较低的复杂度,也具备良好的误码性能,在合适的阈值下,与原有算法的性能损失可控制在0.1 dB以内。  相似文献   

We address the problem of synthesizing blind channel identification and equalization methods for digital communications systems, aimed at counteracting the presence of cochannel or adjacent-channel interference. Owing to the presence of the interfering signal, the minimum mean-square error equalizer turns out to be linear periodically time-varying, which is implemented by resorting to its Fourier series representation. Moreover, by exploiting the cyclic conjugate second-order statistics of the channel output, we propose a new weighted subspace-based channel identification method, which is asymptotically immune to the presence of high-level interference. Computer simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed identification/equalization technique.  相似文献   

差异进化算法初始化的小波神经网络盲均衡   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用小波神经网络实现盲均衡最大的难题之一就是网络参数的初始化问题,文中提出了一种采用差异进化算法进行网络参数初始化方法.结合常数模盲均衡算法设置适应度函数,并将尺度因子和平移因子以及网络连接权值进行实数编码,以接收数据对网络进行优化设计,获得一组渐近最优的网络初始化参数,在此基础上以传统梯度下降算法对信号进行均衡接收.计算机仿真证明基于差异进化算法初始化的小波神经网络盲均衡有效提高了均衡性能.  相似文献   

Blind equalization for broadband access   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article discusses the general principles of blind equalization and its use in emerging broadband access applications such as FTTC and xDSL. New results obtained for these applications are also presented  相似文献   

定时同步是单通道盲信号接收端处理的难点,提出了一种无需定时同步基于Turbo均衡的单通道盲信号恢复算法。该算法将定时同步偏差等效为符号间干扰(ISI,inter-symbol interference)信道,通过信道估计和Turbo均衡相互反馈软信息来改善源信号信息恢复性能。重点研究了初始盲均衡算法、信道估计算法、混合信号的MMSE均衡算法以及三者间的软信息交互。算法复杂度低、计算量小,适用于高阶调制信号。仿真结果表明,对BPSK、QPSK和8PSK信号,该算法都能得到较好的性能,且对等功率和不等功率信号同样适用。  相似文献   

In densely deployed wireless sensor networks, signals of adjacent sensors can be highly cross-correlated. This paper proposes to utilize such a property to develop efficient and robust blind channel identification and equalization algorithms. Blind equalization can be performed with complexity as low as O(N/spl tilde/), where N/spl tilde/ is the length of equalizers. Transmissions can be more power and bandwidth efficient in multipath propagation environment, which is especially important for wideband sensor networks such as those for acoustic location or video surveillance. The cross-correlation property of sensor signals and the finite sample effect are analyzed quantitatively to guide the design of low duty-cycle sensor networks. Simulations demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Equalization can compensate channel distortion caused by channel multipath effects, and effectively improve convergent of modulation constellation diagram in optical wireless system. In this paper, the subspace blind equalization algorithm is used to preprocess M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) subcarrier modulation signal in receiver. Mountain clustering is adopted to get the clustering centers of MPSK modulation constellation diagram, and the modulation order is automatically identified through the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier. The experiment has been done under four different weather conditions. Experimental results show that the convergent of constellation diagram is improved effectively after using the subspace blind equalization algorithm, which means that the accuracy of modulation recognition is increased. The correct recognition rate of 16PSK can be up to 85% in any kind of weather condition which is mentioned in paper. Meanwhile, the correct recognition rate is the highest in cloudy and the lowest in heavy rain condition. This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61671375), and the Industrial Research of Science and Technology Plan of Shaanxi Province (No.2016GY-082). E-mail:chdh@xaut.edu.cn   相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of blind recovery of multiple OFDM data streams in a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system. We propose an equalization algorithm which is based on a combined criterion designed to cancel both inter-symbol interference (ISI) and co-channel interference (CCI). ISI is minimized by using a modified Vector Constant Modulus criterion while CCI is minimized by a decorrelation criterion. We establish conditions for the existence of the stable minima corresponding to the zero forcing receiver which performs the joint blind equalization and the co-channel signal cancellation. The local convergence properties of the algorithm are proved under the assumption that the balance parameter weighting the two criteria is set appropriately. We also provide the optimal value for this parameter. Reliable performance is achieved with relatively fast convergence and small steady-state error. The implementation of the blind equalizer requires low-computational cost, without any matrix inversions or other expensive operations.  相似文献   

Higher order cumulant analysis is applied to the blind equalization of linear time-invariant (LTI) nonminimum-phase channels. The channel model is moving-average based. To identify the moving average parameters of channels, a higher-order cumulant fitting approach is adopted in which a novel relay algorithm is proposed to obtain the global solution. In addition, the technique incorporates model order determination. The transmitted data are considered as independently identically distributed random variables over some discrete finite set (e.g., set {±1, ±3}). A transformation scheme is suggested so that third-order cumulant analysis can be applied to this type of data. Simulation examples verify the feasibility and potential of the algorithm. Performance is compared with that of the noncumulant-based Sato scheme in terms of the steady state MSE and convergence rate  相似文献   

文中基于Gamma-Gamma光强起伏分布大气湍流信道模型,对无线光副载波相移键控调制系统进行了子空间盲均衡算法的研究。对比分析了经过大气湍流信道盲均衡前后的副载波调制信号星座图聚敛性,给出了均衡后不同光强起伏方差下的误码率曲线,当R2=0.1,信噪比为20 dB时,误码率从4.710-1降低到1.5610-3,均衡后误码率明显改善。同时采用两种典型实测天气数据(阴、中雨)模拟大气信道进行了子空间盲均衡实验,均衡后调制信号星座图聚敛性与相位可识别性明显优于均衡前。仿真结果表明,子空间盲均衡算法对大气湍流信道下的副载波调制信号有良好的均衡效果。  相似文献   

Recent results have pointed out the importance of inducing cyclostationarity at the transmitter for blind identification and equalization of communication channels. This paper addresses blind channel identification and equalization relying on the modulation-induced cyclostationarity, without introducing redundancy at the transmitter. It is shown that single-input single-output channels can be identified uniquely from output second-order cyclic statistics, irrespective of the location of channel zeros, color of additive stationary noise, or channel order overestimation errors, provided that the period of modulation-induced cyclostationarity is greater than half the channel length. Linear, closed-form, nonlinear correlation matching, and subspace-based approaches are developed for channel estimation and are tested using simulations. Necessary and sufficient blind channel identifiability conditions are presented. A Wiener cyclic equalizer is also proposed  相似文献   

An adaptive blind equalization method is introduced for nonminimum phase communication channels. The method estimates the inverse channel impulse response, by using the complex cepstrum of the fourth-order cumulants (tricepstrum) of the synchronously sampled received signal. As such, the proposed adaptive method depends only on the statistics of the received sequence, and is capable of reconstructing separately both the minimum and maximum phase response of the channel. It is demonstrated, by means of extensive simulations, that the proposed tricepstrum-based equalization scheme performs well and outperforms other existing blind equalizers, at the expense of higher computational complexity  相似文献   

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