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Based on the character of upward slicing backfilling mining and the condition of Gonggeyingzi coal mine in Inner Mongolia,this paper describes the studies of the strata behavior and the stress distribution in the process of backfilling mining in extra-thick coal seams.This was achieved by setting up and analyzing the elastic foundation beam model using the ABAQUS software.The results show that:(1) With the gradual mining of different slices,the roof appears to bend continuously but does not break.The vertical stress in the roof decreases and the decreasing amplitude reduces,while the tensile stress in the roof grows with the mining slices and the maximum tensile stress will not exceed the allowable tensile stress.(2) The front vertical stress at the working face exceeds the rear vertical stress and both show a trend of decrease with decreasing amplitude of decrease.(3) The slices mined early have more influence on the surrounding rock than the later ones.Similarly,the strata behavior experiences the same trend.The field measured data show that the roof does not break during the mining process,which is consistent with the conclusion.  相似文献   

A gas–solid coupling model involving coal seam deformation,gas diffusion and seepage,gas adsorption and desorption was built to study the gas transport rule under the effect of protective coal seam mining.The research results indicate:(1) The depressurization effect changes the stress state of an overlying coal seam and causes its permeability to increase,thus gas in the protected coal seam will be desorbed and transported under the effect of a gas pressure gradient,which will cause a decrease in gas pressure.(2) Gas pressure can be further decreased by setting out gas extraction boreholes in the overlying coal seam,which can effectively reduce the coal and gas outburst risk.The research is of important engineering significance for studying the gas transport rule in protected coal seam and providing important reference for controlling coal and gas outbursts in deep mining in China.  相似文献   

For studying the strata behavior due to multi-slicing top coal caving longwall mining along-the-strike direction in steeply dipping extra thick coal seams,the shield support pressures of the upper and lower slices of panel 37220 in Dongxia Coal Mine were monitored using the KJ513 dynamic monitoring system.The set up rooms adopted the horizontal line-arc segment-inclined line form and used different types of shield supports.The results show that the strata pressure of upper slice panel 37220-1 changed slightly along the strike direction,while along the dip direction it exhibited strong to weak pressure from bottom to top.The first weighting interval of lower slice panel 37220-2 was about 60.8 m,and the average periodic weighting interval were about 22.6 m.The strata behavior of panel 37220-2 exhibited a spatiotemporal characteristic in that periodic weighting occurred first in the middle-upper part,followed by the middle and upper parts,arc segment,and finally the lower part.During the periodic weighting,the weighting interval and intensity also exhibited strong space characteristics.The average dynamic load coefficient was 1.48 and the maximum lateral load of the side shield was 20-25 MPa.  相似文献   

针对高瓦斯突出矿井煤层群联合开采的特点,提出了动态编制矿井采掘接替计划的方法.通过对影响矿井采掘工程接替的安全因素和经济因素的分析,建立了影响采掘工程接替的因素指标体系,利用层次分析方法得出了因素的指标权重,采用模糊综合优选法确定备选工作面中的最优接替面,依次类推,直到安排所有的备选工作面.根据采煤工作面生产计划,综合考虑矿井瓦斯治理技术,采用时间反推方法,编制采煤工作面相关的掘进计划.应用研究结果表明,采掘动态接替法可以适时调整采掘接替计划,所得采掘工程接替方案科学合理、切实可行.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the behavior of a low thick and low depth coal seam and the overburden rock mass. The mining method is room and pillar in retreat and partial pillar recovery. The excavation method is conventional drill and blast because of the small production. The partial pillar recovery is about 30% of the previous pillar size, 7 m × 7 m. The roof displacement was monitored during retreat operation; the surface movement was also monitored. The effect of the blasting vibration on the final pillar strength had been considered. Due to blasting, the pillar reduced about 20%. The consequence is more pillar deformation and roof vertical displacement. The pillar retreat and ground movement were simulated in a three-dimensional numerical model. This model was created to predict the surface subsidence and compare to the subsidence measured. This study showed that the remaining pillar and low seam reduce the subsidence that was predicted with conventional methods.  相似文献   

偃龙矿区开采的山西组二.煤层属于“三软”极不稳定煤层,其突出特征为煤层松软、厚度和倾角变化大,顶板及底板松软、破碎,赋存条件复杂,开采极其困难.嵩山煤矿以多项支护技术专利为支撑,采用底板岩巷的“一巷三用”,合理选择高强度轻型放顶煤支掩式液压支架,以及综采防片帮和防冒顶等技术,实施综采机械化开采,实现了“三软”煤层的安全高效开采,取得了显著效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, a combination of field measurement, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation were used to study the main control factors of coal mine water inrush in a main aquifer coal seam and its control scheme. On the basis of revealing and analyzing the coal seam as the main aquifer in western coal mine of Xiao Jihan coal mine, the simulation software of PHASE-2D was applied to analyze the water inflow under different influencing factors. The results showed that water inflow increases logarithmically with the coal seam thickness, increases as a power function with the permeability coefficient of the coal seam, and increases linearly with the coal seam burial depth and the head pressure; The evaluation model for the factors of coal seam water inrush was gained by using nonlinear regression analysis with SPSS. The mine water inrush risk evaluation partition within the scope of the mining field was obtained,through the engineering application in Xiao Jihan coal mine. To ensure the safe and efficient production of the mine, we studied the coal mine water disaster prevention and control measures of a main aquifer coal seam in aspects of roadway driving and coal seam mining.  相似文献   

The height of fractured zone(HFZ) at the high-intensity longwall mining panel plays a vital role in the safety analysis of coal mining under bodies of water. This paper described definitions of the highintensity mining. The processes of overburden failure transfer(OFT) were analyzed, which were divided into the development stage and the termination stage. Through theoretical analysis, the limited suspension-distance and the limited overhanging distance were proposed to judge the damage of each stratum. Mechanical models of strata suspended integrity and overhanging stability were established.A theoretical method to predict the HFZ at the high-intensity longwall mining panel was put forward based on the processes of OFT. Taking a high-intensity longwall mining panel(No. 11915 panel) as an example, the theoretical method proposed, the engineering analogy and the empirical formulas in the Regulation were used to predict the HFZ. The results show that the theoretical result is consistent with the engineering analogies' result and empirical formulas' result. The rationality and reliability of the theoretical method proposed is verified.  相似文献   

It is important to study the mining technology under structures for raising the coal resources recovery ratio. Based on the geological and mining conditions, the top coal caving harmonic mining technique in thick coal seam beneath the earth dam was put forward and studied. The 5 factors such as the panel mining direction, panel size, panel location, panel mining sequence and panel advance velocity were taken into account in this technique. The dam movement and deformation were predicted after the thick coal seam mining and the effects of mining on the dam were studied. By setting up the surveying stations on the dam, the movement and deformation of the dam were observed during mining. By taking some protective measures on the dam, the top coal caving mining technique in thick coal seam beneath the earth dam was carried out successfully. The study demonstrates that harmonic mining in thick coal seam is feasible under the dam. The safety of the earth dam after mining was ensured and the coal resources recovery ratio was improved.  相似文献   

The study analyzes the characteristics of roof movement in mining top coal of inclined coal seam, and establishes the mechanical model of support and surrounding-rock stability in inclined coal seam. Besides, this study carries out the numerical calculation and field observation of roof movement and support stability, and provides the critical control measures. The results show that the fracture firstly appears in middle-upper roof and extends upwards in top coal caving in inclined coal seam; regular and irregular caving zones appear in middle-upper stress concentration region, and the asymmetric caving arch is finally formed. Support load of middle-upper working face is larger than that of the middle-lower face; dynamic load coefficient of upper support is large, and the load on the front of support is larger than that on the rear of it, which leads to poor support stability. Stability of support and surrounding-rock system depends mainly on upper-support stability.  相似文献   

Considering the danger of water inrush in mining very thick coal seam under water-rich roof in Majialiang Coal Mine, the universal discrete element (UDEC) software was used to simulate the overburden fracture evolution laws when mining 4# coal seam. Besides, this study researched on the influence of face advancing length, speed and mining height on the height of the water flowing fractured zones (HWFFZ), and analyzed the correlation of face advancing length and change rules of aquifer water levels and goaf water inflow. Based on those mentioned above, this research proposed the following water-controlling technologies: draining the roof water before mining, draining goaf water, reasonable advancing speed and mining thickness. These water-controlling technologies were successfully used in the field, thus ensured safely mining the very thick coal seam under water-rich roof.  相似文献   

淮南孔集煤矿山西组A1、A3煤层总厚6m,为第四系含水砂层下底板岩溶水上复合含水体威胁的急倾斜煤层。对于砂层水害防治,采用合理留设防水煤柱,沿用“小阶段、长走向、间歇开采”的方式方法;对于底板岩溶水患防治,采用“疏水降压、限压开采”的防治水方法;对于局部抽冒及流水钻孔涌砂造成地表抽冒漏斗及岩溶塌陷漏斗,采取了“按尺核产、严禁超限出煤”、“小流量、长历时、控砂疏水”的有力措施。实现了安全开采,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

煤矿开采沉陷有效控制的新途径   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
开采沉陷是造成矿区环境地质灾害的直接根源,有效控制和减轻地面沉陷程度是减轻或避免开采沉陷环境灾害的根本之路,针对这一问题,分析了充填开采、条带开采和覆岩离层注浆岩层控制技术的优缺点,根据荷载置换原理,提出了“条带开采一注浆充填固结采空区—剩余条带开采”的三步法(二次条带式)开采沉陷控制的新思路,进行了三步法开采沉陷控制的可行性研究,初步分析表明,采用三步法开采可以实现对岩层移动和地表沉陷的有效控制,地表下沉系数可控制在0.25左右,煤炭采出率可达到80%~90%,可基本实现地面建筑物不搬迁和大幅度减轻土地塌陷灾害。  相似文献   

With an increase of mining the upper limits under unconsolidated aquifers, dewatering of the bottom aquifer of the Quaternary system has become a major method to avoid water and sand inrushes. In the 8th District of the Taiping Coal Mine in south-western Shandong province, the bottom aquifer of the Quaternary system is moderate to excellent in water-yielding capacity. The base rock above the coal seam is very thin in the concealed coal field of the Carboniferous and Permian systems. Therefore, a comprehensive dewatering plan from both the ground surface and the panel was proposed to lower the groundwater level in order to ensure mining safety. According to the hydrogeologic conditions of the 8th District, we established a numerical model so that we could simulate the groundwater flow in the dewatering process. We obtained the simulation parameters from previous data using backward modeling, such as the average coefficient of permeability of 12 m/d and the elastic storage coefficient of 0.002. From the same model, we predicted the movement of groundwater and water level variables and obtained the visible effect of the dewatering project. Despite the overburden failure during mining, no water and/or sand inrush occurred because the groundwater level in the bottom aquifer was lowered to a safe water level.  相似文献   

We studied underground pressure and its mechanism during back-gully mining in a shallow coal seam under a bedrock gully slope, by means of physical simulation, numerical modeling and field monitoring.The results show that the intensity of underground pressure is related to its relative position at the coalface. The underground pressure is intensive and the support resistance reaches a maximum when the coalface is at the bottom of the gully, whereas the underground pressure is moderate and decreases gradually when the coalface passes the gully. The mechanism of these changes is analyzed when the slope rotated in a reversed direction to the slope dip during back-gully mining and form an unstable, multilateral block hinged structure, due to slipping. The subsidence of multilateral blocks is considerable when the block fragmentation is small, resulting in enormous changes in the underground pressure. With an increase in the mass of the block body, the block displacement will be reduced in conjunction with an increased clamp effect by both the unbroken rocks and broken rocks in the goaf, resulting in a decrease of the underground pressure.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to quantify the effect of backfilling on pillar strength in highwall mining using numerical modelling. Calibration against the new empirical strength formula for highwall mining was conducted to obtain the material parameters used in the numerical modelling. With the obtained coal strength parameters, three sets of backfill properties were investigated. The results reveal that the behavior of pillars varies with the type and amount of backfill as well as the pillar width to mining height ratio(w/h). In case of cohesive backfill, generally 75% backfill shows a significant increase in peak strength, and the increase in peak strength is more pronounced for the pillars having lower w/h ratios. In case of noncohesive backfill, the changes in both the peak and residual strengths with up to 92% backfill are negligible while the residual strength constantly increases after reaching the peak strength only when 100%backfill is placed. Based on the modelling results, different backfilling strategies should be considered on a case by case basis depending on the type of backfill available and desired pillar dimension.  相似文献   

洛阳常村煤矿开采煤层为"三软"特厚煤层,井田范围内村庄较多.为了合理回采村庄下煤柱、提高资源采出率,需要掌握该地质条件下的地表移动变形规律及参数.在该矿"三软"特厚煤层工作面建立了地表移动观测站,对地表沉陷进行现场观测,获得了大量的地表沉陷观测资料.通过对实测资料的分析,得出常村煤矿"三软"特厚煤层开采地表沉陷规律及其参数.研究结果表明:与一般地质采矿条件相比,"三软"特厚煤层放顶煤开采具有地表移动角量参数偏小、影响范围大、下沉系数大等特点,地表沉陷呈现塌陷坑及台阶裂缝形态.  相似文献   

巨厚煤层冲击地压的防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对义煤集团千秋煤矿有冲击倾向巨厚煤层冲击现象现状、特点及影响因素分析,结合该矿的生产实践,提出了适合该条件的冲击危险预测方法及相应解危措施,并进一步提出解危措施效果检验方法以及以上工作失败、冲击地压突发情况下的应急措施;在此基础上建立了适合义煤千秋矿巨厚煤层冲击地压防治的安全开采体系,成功地进行了巨厚煤层的综放开采,从而为有冲击倾向巨厚煤层的安全开采提供了成功范例.  相似文献   

While the fully-mechanized longwall mining technology was employed in a shallow seam under a room mining goaf and overlained by thin bedrock and thick loose sands, the roadway pillars in the abandoned room mining goaf were in a stress-concentrated state, which may cause abnormal roof weighting, violent ground pressure behaviours, even roof fall and hydraulic support crushed(HSC) accidents. In this case,longwall mining safety and efficiency were seriously challenged. Based on the HSC accidents occurred during the longwall mining of 3-1-2 seam, which locates under the intersection zone of roadway pillars in the room mining goaf of 3-1-1 seam, this paper employed ground rock mechanics to analyse the overlying strata structure movement rules and presented the main influence factors and determination methods for the hydraulic support working resistance. The FLAC3 D software was used to simulate the overlying strata stress and plastic zone distribution characteristics. Field observation was implemented to contrastively analyse the hydraulic support working resistance distribution rules under the roadway pillars in strike direction, normal room mining goaf, roadway pillars in dip direction and intersection zone of roadway pillars. The results indicate that the key strata break along with rotations and reactions of the coal pillars deliver a larger concentrated load to the hydraulic support under intersection zone of roadway pillars than other conditions. The ‘‘overburden strata-key strata-roadway pillars-immediate roof" integrated load has exceeded the yield load that leads to HSC accidents. Findings in HSC mechanism provide a reasonable basis for shallow seam mining, and have important significance for the implementation of safe and efficient mining.  相似文献   

高瓦斯煤层群保护层开采卸压效果数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为合理选择保护层,针对高瓦斯突出煤层群安全开采问题,分析了保护层开采的保护作用机理,即保护层开采可对被保护层起到卸压增透作用,改善被保护层的瓦斯抽放效果是解决煤与瓦斯突出问题及瓦斯灾害的重要技术手段;卸压对煤与瓦斯突出及瓦斯问题的解决具有决定作用.针对某矿高瓦斯突出煤层群生产地质条件,采用FLAC3D数值软件模拟2个非突出煤层作为保护层开采时的卸压效果,并对其进行了分析比较,研究结果可为保护层的合理选择提供参考依据.  相似文献   

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