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通过对某集中供热环境影响评价报告编制中一些问题的探讨,明确了企业在环境保护方面的具体责任和义务,同时指出建设项目环境评价工作要从实际出发,从而指导企业更好地遵守国家环境保护法律,提高环境保护意识,做好环境保护工作。  相似文献   

Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) have almost identical characteristics to high chlorinated PCBs: extremely stable, bioaccumulable and biomagnification through food webs might take place. PCT is especially used in investment casting waxes and as a substitute for PCB. In spite of the limited use until now, PCT has been detected in a great variety of environmental samples such as soil, water, shellfish, fish, seals, birds and terrestrial animals. Furthermore, it has been found in paper products and foodstuffs. PCT residues in human tissues--blood, liver, fat and milk--have been detected in some countries. Animal experiments have shown that long-term toxic effects of PCT are of most importance. PCT has a marked inductive effect on the microsomal enzymes in the liver in vertebrates and may cause liver-damage--including tumours. Disturbance of the hormonal--and immunological--systems have also been reported. The most important ecological hazard of PCT--as well as PCB--is the possible disturbance of the reproduction system of the organisms. Many countries do not regulate the use of PCT. In some countries the use of PCT is regulated to closed systems, but the expansion of usage is under consideration in the EEC.  相似文献   

A total of 16 543 artificial ponds were inventoried. Ninety‐one per cent of the ponds were classified as for farming use. Generally, the fraction of farm land converted to pond structures was close to that predicted from the average annual precipitation in the region. However, in several areas, this fraction was remarkably higher than the value predicted, probably due to excessive groundwater extraction. Overall, the naturalisation stage of ponds was poor. However, ponds sited on natural substrate basins had more structured‐marginal vegetation, compared with ponds of artificial substrate basins. Furthermore, other factors related to pond management might seriously limit their naturalisation stage. Despite the high abundance of ponds in Andalusia, our results suggest that, in order to improve the potential for biodiversity conservation in these environments, substantial structural and management changes are required.  相似文献   

Organotin (OT) compounds, namely butyl and phenyl, were measured in 38 recent sediments collected in harbours of the Western Mediterranean Sea (Northern: 4 and Southern: 9) and domestic and industrial sewage disposal sites (Northern: 9 and Southern: 1). Butyltins were the predominant tin species identified as being tributyltin (TBT) widespread in the whole area which suggests recent inputs of OTs. The highest levels of TBT were detected in commercial harbours associated with inputs from large vessels (average value: 5.0 microg TBT g(-1). Moreover, relatively high TBT values were also detected in fishing and recreational boating areas (average level ca. 1.0 microg TBTg(-1)). Phenyltin derivatives occurred at lower levels than butyltins being the monophenyltin the predominant compound (average values 45-945 ng g(-1)). The large predominance of the phenyltin degradation products (i.e. mono and diphenyltin) over the parent compound (i.e. triphenyltin) suggests that there are almost no recent inputs of these compounds. Furthermore, a comparative study of the OT occurrence in the sewage sludge disposal sites offshore Barcelona and Almeria (domestic) and into the Tarragona harbour (industrial) shows that domestic primary sewage sludge effluents can contribute to coastal OT pollution (244ng TBT g(-1)). Nevertheless, sewage sludge is a secondary source of OT contamination in the coastal environment in comparison to commercial harbours. In a comparative study with previous data collected in the late 1980s, the present study reveals that OT regulations established in the Mediterranean region in 1991 on the use of TBT-based antifouling paints have been effective in marinas, but reveals a significant TBT contamination in commercial and fishing harbours.  相似文献   

Concentrations of butyltin compounds were investigated in the bivalve Mytilus edulis (five sites) and marine sediments (three sites) near the largest town, Nuuk, in Greenland. In seven of the eight samples the extremely toxic compound tributyltin (TBT) was detected. The concentrations of tributyltin and degradation products in the bivalves were close to 1 microgram kg-1 wet weight (ww), calculated as Sn, which is lower than those found in Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. In sediments the concentration of TBT ranged from below the limit of detection of 1 microgram kg-1 to 171 micrograms kg-1 dry weight (dw), calculated as Sn, which is comparable to levels found in Europe.  相似文献   

By using the Grob closed loop stripping analysis technique a wide variety of disinfection by-products (DBPs) was determined, in finished drinking water of 15 important cities of Greece distributed in the southern, northern, west continental land and in the islands of Aegean and Ionian Seas. Trihalomethanes, haloacetonitriles, haloacetic acids, chloropicrin, halogenated ketons and chloral hydrate were the main DBPs determined. In chlorinated drinking water of coastal cities brominated DBPs were most abundant than their chlorinated homologues due to the higher bromide concentration in raw waters of these areas. Factor analysis with principal component extraction of the results demonstrated a clear differentiation between the examined drinking waters on the basis of their DBPs content and vicinity to the sea.  相似文献   

Because of the negative impact of buildings on the environment, building materials and, particularly, their production process are important factors. However, this impact differs from country to country and according to ecological applications in place at the production plants. Depending on the success rate of these applications, impact on environment during production of building materials is reduced. Turkey plays a major role in production of building materials, and consequently, the impacts of the global environmental problems are also experienced in this country. Therefore, reducing the environmental impact of any kind is a prominent issue, regionally and globally.  相似文献   

Ninety-Eight per cent of Norwegian low-rise housing construction is in timber frame, a technique which has reached a high level of perfection with regards to thermal efficiency, air tightness and speed of erection. This paper makes a comprehensive life cycle analysis of both timber-frame and log construction.  相似文献   

Specimens of the gastropod Nucella lapillus were transplanted from their natural habitat to sites affected by tributyltin (TBT) pollution to diverse degrees; individuals were held in cages that also included mussels as food. Subsamples were taken from the cages and the natural site at different time intervals (1, 2 and 5 months) to compare growth, imposex (a set of sexual anomalies caused by TBT) and butyltin concentrations accumulated in female tissues. Individuals in cages experienced negligible mortality and considerable growth. In addition, while the Relative Penis Size Index (RPSI, an index of imposex) remained consistent in the natural site through the experiment, it increased markedly at the implant sites; the same applies to the butyltin residues. These results are discussed to conclude that cage transplanting of N. lapillus is a suitable technique that can quickly (i.e. 1 month) detect differences in the level of TBT contamination among sites; however, extrapolation of experimental results to the field seems to require a longer exposure time (at least 5 months). Finally, the use of such an approach is deemed helpful to interpret the relationship between N. lapillus population dynamics and TBT pollution.  相似文献   

Zhao R  Novak JT  Goldsmith CD 《Water research》2012,46(12):3837-3848
A cost effective and widely applied approach for landfill leachate disposal is to discharge it to a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The recalcitrant nature of leachate organics and the impact on the downstream WWTPs were comprehensively investigated in this study. Size fractionation by ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) was employed in conjunction with various analyses (TOC, COD, nitrogen species and UV254 absorbance) on raw and biologically treated landfill leachates to provide insight into biological treatability. Overall, landfill leachate organics showed bio-refractory properties. Less than half of the organic matter, measured as total organic carbon (TOC), could be removed in the biological processes examined. Size distribution data showed that the <1 thousand Daltons (kDa) fraction is dominant in most untreated and treated landfill leachates, indicating difficulties for membrane treatment. Also, most removal occurred for the <1 kDa fraction in the biological processes, while the intermediate size fractions increased slightly. This may be caused by bio-flocculation and/or partial degradation of larger molecular weight fractions. Organic nitrogen was investigated in this study as one of the first explorations for landfill leachates. Organic nitrogen in landfill leachates was more bio-refractory than other organic matter. UV quenching by landfill leachates was also investigated since it interferes with the UV disinfection at WWTPs. The combination of activated carbon and activated sludge (PACT) showed some effectiveness for reducing UV quenching, indicating that carbon adsorption is a potential method for removal of UV quenching substances. Fourier transform Infrared (FT/IR) data showed that aromatic groups are responsible for the UV quenching phenomenon.  相似文献   

Human impact on rural landscapes in central and northern Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To analyse human influences on rural landscapes in present-day central and northern Europe and also to investigate sustainable landscape development concepts, an IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology) regional Conference on ‘Perspectives of Rural Landscapes in Europe' was held in Pärnu, Estonia on 20–27 June 1996. The conference was undertaken specifically to exchange information between planners, managers, decision makers and scientists in the region. In the last few years, rural landscapes in Europe have changed significantly. Due to restructuring of agriculture in the European Union (EU) countries and radical socio-economic changes in eastern and central Europe, landscape change will continue. This stimulates interest for landscape ecologists to study the processes connected with such rapid development and to analyse its socio-economic and ecological consequences. Different conference findings that resulted from six keynote speeches, 33 oral presentations, 21 posters and organised excursions (1-day conference excursion and 4-day post-conference excursion) are presented here. Thirteen papers published as part of this special issue of Landscape and Urban Planning, and summarised here, deal with general and methodological principles of the analysis of land use changes and related landscape evaluation, and also present case studies on land use changes from Estonia, Germany and Sweden.  相似文献   

An assessment of air quality in the Grenoble area was made using the index of atmospheric purity (IAP). The survey area was divided into 198 units (0.7 x 1 km), in which 345 average lichen relevés were analyzed according to the Braun-Blanquet method. Each relevé station was characterized in the field by a subjective index of human impact (IHI) calculated according to four local environmental parameters influencing the epiphytic lichen flora: urbanization (urban, suburban or rural area), road traffic (low or high), local developments (stations located within crop fields, green areas, housing sites or car parks), and exposure (trees isolated, in rows or grouped). Eighty-three epiphytic lichen species and two algae were recorded and grouped into three ecological categories defined according to bark type and nutrient needs: nitrophytic, neutrophytic and acidophytic species. IAP values, varying from 5.9 to 71.7, were clustered into five categories in order to produce an air-quality map. The geographical pattern of the IAP map showed no clear connection with local sources of pollution, such as the vicinity of a road or an industrial plant, and was not correlated with annual mean values of SO(2), NO(2) and NO for the years 1994-1997. IAP appeared to be influenced by environmental artificiality as shown by a polynomial trend observed between IAP and IHI, even if IAP values were broadly scattered. Multivariate analysis (canonical correspondence) showed that high IAP values could be observed in stations of "natural" environments at high elevations and in stations of "artificial" environments at low elevations. It was also shown that IAP varied in relation to the relative proportion of ecological groups of lichen relevés: although a majority of neutrophytic species (>50%) with a much lower percentage of nitrophytic species generally characterized high IAP, a predominance of acidophytic or nitrophytic species led to a decrease in the IAP. A correlation between nitrophytic species and artificiality of the environment was also shown. Furthermore, IAP, initially created to characterize atmospheric pollution or atmospheric purity by means of the lichen flora, is shown to be influenced by other parameters such as environmental and landscape factors.  相似文献   

杨黎  向颖异  李海 《云南建筑》2011,(6):100-102
污水处理厂的消毒方式既有物理消毒方法,也有化学消毒方法.通过介绍《室外排水设计规范》(GB50014—2006)中三种污水处理厂消毒方式,对这三种消毒方式所造成的环境影响进行了简要分析,并提出了相关的防治措施。  相似文献   

The study examined 15 sites in the Ovacik-Kargicak (Mersin, Turkey) open pit mines and obtained two quartzite samples from each. Gamma-ray spectrometric measurements were undertaken on the quartzite rocks and sands to quantify the concentrations of the natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K. In addition, the mean radioactivity concentrations of these natural nuclides were calculated to be 6.94, 7.34 and 140.05 Bqkg−1. Also the mean radioactivity concentrations of the natural nuclides in old Ovacik quartzite sands 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were calculated to be 9.85, 10.54, and 226.40 Bqkg−1, respectively.  相似文献   

We consider electricity generation industries where thermal operators imperfectly compete with hydro operators that manage a (scarce) water stock stored in reservoirs over a natural cycle. We explore how the exercise of intertemporal market power affects social welfare and environmental quality. We show that, as compared to the outcome of spot markets, long-term contracting either exacerbates or alleviates price distortions, depending upon the consumption pattern over the water cycle. Moreover, it induces a second-order environmental effect that, in the presence of a thermal competitive fringe, is critically related to the thermal market shares in the different periods of the cycle. We conclude by providing policy insights.  相似文献   

介绍了水利水电工程建设的意义及影响,结合在水利水电工程中的实际工作经验,对环境影响评价在水利水电工程中的应用做一定的分析,得出环评的主要作用,以期对以后的项目建设起到参考作用。  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated possible contamination by trace elements due to the oil slick caused by the shipwreck of the Prestige oil tanker, in two species of brown macroalgae (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus ceranoides) collected from the coastal area most severely affected by the spill (Galicia, NW Spain). The oil slick apparently did not cause significant increases in the concentrations of the trace elements studied, except vanadium. It appears that the magnitude of terrestrial inputs to coastal waters is sufficiently high to mask the inputs of trace elements from the fuel. The observed exception of V suggests that bioaccumulation of this element by the two species of Fucus may be used to indicate exposure to petrochemical products similar to the Prestige fuel. The findings of the study are another example of the importance of the existence of Environmental Specimen Banks for studies of this type.  相似文献   

吴鸣  林建松 《山西建筑》2008,34(1):345-346
在总结我国公路建设现状的基础上,详细探讨了公路建设对自然生态环境的影响,以此引出生态公路的概念,并分析了生态公路的内涵,以唤起公路建设中新的生态意识,同时将大大改变公路建设的传统理念。  相似文献   

Observations on the levels of DDTs and PCBs in the central mediterranean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In contrast with what seems to occur in the northwestern Mediterranean, pollution of the central Mediterranean by organochlorine compounds (mainly DDTs and PCBs), as can be assessed from their concentrations in five marine animals, did not undergo significant changes over a three-year period.  相似文献   

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