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The influence of undercooling and noise magnitude on dendritic sidebranching during crystal growth was investigated by simulation of a phase-field model which incorporates thermal noise. It is shown that, the sidebranching is not influenced with inclusion of the nonconserved noise, therefore, in order to save the computational costs it is often neglected; while conserved noise drives the morphological instability and is dominant origin of sidebranching. The dependence of temperature field on magnitude of thermal noise is apparent, when Fu gets an appropriate value, noise can induce sidebranching but not influence the dendritic tip operating state. In the small undercooled melt, the thermal diffusion layer collected around the dendrite is thick, which suppresses the growth of its sidebranching and makes the dendrite take on the morphology of no sidebranching, but when the undercooling is great, the thermal diffusion layer is thin, which is advantageous to the growth of the sidebranching and the dendrite presents the morphology of the developed sidebranching.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of facet dendrite growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical simulation based on phase field method was performed to describe the solidification of silicon. The effect of anisotropy, undercooling and coupling parameter on dendrite growth shape was investigated. It is indicated that the entire facet dendrite shapes are obtained by using regularized phase field model. Steady state tip velocity of dendrite drives to a fixed value when γ≤0.13. With further increasing the anisotropy value, steady state tip velocity decreases and the size is smaller. With the increase in the undercooling and coupling parameter, crystal grows from facet to facet dendrite. In addition, with increasing coupling parameter, the facet part of facet dendrite decreases gradually, which is in good agreement with Wulfftheory.  相似文献   

相场参数对强制流动下枝晶生长影响的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于相场方法对强制流动下的纯物质凝固过程进行数值模拟,研究流速、过冷度、耦合参数、各向异性参数对枝晶生长的影响.结果表明:强制流动下的晶核生长为非对称的枝晶,迎流方向的枝晶臂尖端生长得到促进、逆流方向的受到抑制、垂直流方向则影响很小;随着过冷度、耦合参数、各向异性值的增大,3个方向的枝晶臂生长速度均增加.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation based on phase field method was developed to describe the solidification of two-dimensional isothermal binary alloys. The evolution of the interface morphology was shown and the effects of phase field parameters were formulated for succinonitrile-acetone alloy. The results indicate that an anti-trapping current(ATC) can suppress many trapped molten packets, which is caused by the thickened interface. With increasing the anisotropy value from 0 to 0.05, a small circular seed grows to develope secondary dendritic, dendritic tip velocity increases monotonically, and the solute accumulation of solid/liquid interface is diminished distinctly. Furthermore, with the increase of the coupling parameter value, the interface becomes unstable and the side branches of crystals appear and grow gradually.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation based on a regularized phase field model is developed to describe faceted dendrite growth morphology. The effects of mesh grid, anisotropy, supersaturation and fold symmetry on dendrite growth morphology were investigated, respectively. These results indicate that the nucleus grows into a hexagonal symmetry faceted dendrite. When the mesh grid is above 640×640, the size has no much effect on the shape. With the increase in the anisotropy value, the tip velocities of faceted dendrite increase and reach a balance value, and then decrease gradually. With the increase in the supersaturation value, crystal evolves from circle to the developed faceted dendrite morphology. Based on the Wulff theory and faceted symmetry morphology diagram, the proposed model was proved to be effective, and it can be generalized to arbitrary crystal symmetries.  相似文献   

用相场方法模拟铝合金枝晶生长形貌   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用相场方法对枝品的生长形貌进行了模拟计算,数学模型中包含了相场控制方程、溶质守恒方程以及能量守恒方程,其中枝晶的形貌由相场变量控制。模拟结果与实验结果基本吻合,同时由于相场方法更符合枝晶生长的物理机制,因而相场的模拟结果比CA模拟结果更接近实验结果。  相似文献   

TC17钛合金自表面纳米化机制及组织演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用二元合金晶体相场模型,耦合原子密度场和浓度场,在扩散时间尺度上模拟过冷熔体的形核,生长及粗化过程.研究表明:增加冷却速率,模拟区域内晶核富集,快速长大;一定范围内,随着冷却速率增大,晶粒尺寸减小,组织细化;晶粒长大过程中,晶界主要依靠位错的迁移或攀移进行运动.二元合金模拟还可以应用到枝晶凝固、外延生长,调幅分解中,前景广阔.  相似文献   

动压反馈技术应用于喷嘴挡板伺服阀中可以显著改善其响应特性。在伺服阀中实现动压反馈最可靠的方法是在其中增加一个动压反馈装置。但根据传统设计方法,加工出的动压反馈伺服阀中的关键变量时间常数通常与设计值相差很大,主要是因为传统设计方法错误地将动压反馈装置中喷嘴出口处的油液认为是紊流。根据理论推导和实验研究,证实了喷嘴出油其实为层流;进而对动压反馈伺服阀时间常数的计算方法重新进行了梳理,该方法对于动压反馈伺服阀的设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The process and methods of calculating the conditions of pressure welding of hemispherical shells in local deformation are proposed. It is assumed that the material is viscoplastic. An energy method for calculating the parameters of the process is proposed. The results are presented and components and spherical containers made of a titanium alloy are described.  相似文献   

External hydrogen gas atmospheres enhanced dislocation motion, multiplication of dislocations, and dis-location source activation under applied loading during in situ high-voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) observations of A533B pressure vessel steel. However, in both vacuum and hydrogen atmos-pheres, fracture occurred in a ductile manner in specimen areas transparent in the 1000-keV HVEM. The principal effect of the hydrogen atmosphere was to decrease the stress required for deformation near the crack tip and for crack propagation. Deformation at the crack tip was highly localized in both atmos-pheres, and a yielding strip plastic zone, analogous to the Dugdale-Barenblatt model for crack growth, formed ahead of the crack tip. The crack tip plasticity was confined to this strip. Inside the yielding strip, final cracking occurred through a sliding-off mechanism in the thin areas of the HVEM specimen. In the thicker areas of the specimen, where the yielding strip ahead of the crack was no longer transparent, crack tip blunting and void/microcrack formation ahead of the main crack tip could be observed directly. Crack tip blunting occurred by a two-corner mechanism, and further crack growth initiated by strain lo-calization at one of the crack tip vertices. Also void/microcrack formation ahead of the main crack tip was operative and resulted in coalescence into the main crack tip along the anticipated shear bands. Frac-tography of the thicker areas showed a ductile, dimpled fracture mechanism both in vacuum and hydro-gen atmospheres. Technical Research Centre of Finland, Metals Labo-ratory, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland  相似文献   

采用透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)仪和显微硬度计研究了高压扭转(HPT)变形Mg-Zn-Y合金的微观组织演变和时效行为.结果表明,在HPT变形前后,合金中的第二相颗粒是W相和Mg24Y5相,且在HPT处理后没有观察到任何新沉淀物的形成,说明HPT变形并未导致合金发生相变.同时,发现HPT变...  相似文献   

The research presented analyzes the effect of low pressure on the amount and reduction of impurity elements in upgraded metallurgical grade silicon. The achieved pressure was 5 kPa in the commercial electro-resistance furnace in the magnesia and mullite refractory material. The chemical composition was determined by ICP-MS method. Elements such as Al, Fe, Mn, Cu or Zn had the highest evaporation rates where higher evaporation was achieved at higher melt temperatures. The overall rate constant was deduced for four melt temperatures indicating high values even for low melt temperatures. The interfacial boundary between Si and mullite refractory showed no dissolution of Al into the liquid Si.  相似文献   

镍红土矿高压酸浸过程的金属元素浸出行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以镍、钴的提取为目的,研究褐铁矿型镍红土矿高压酸浸过程中各金属元素的浸出行为,探讨硫酸加入量、浸出温度、浸出时间及液固比对各金属元素浸出率的影响.实验结果表明,在优化条件下Ni、Co、Mn和Mg的浸出率分别达到97%、96%、93%和95%以上,则Fe的浸出率小于1%.对高压浸出渣的分析表明,渣中的铁和硫主要分别以赤铁...  相似文献   

通过三个不同层面对合成金刚石晶体的叶蜡石组装块进行X射线衍射与Raman光谱的检测分析,清晰地表明了叶蜡石晶体在高温高压条件下逐渐相变成硬水铝石、柯石英、蓝晶石的过程.进而得出选择适当的白云石套管壁厚,阻止过多,高硬度蓝晶石新相的形成,以构成合成腔体内压力、温度的合理匹配对合成高质量金刚石有着重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

The dendrite growth process was simulated with the phase field model coupling with the fluctuation.The effect of fluctuation intensity on the dendrite morphology and that of the thermal fluctuation together with the phase field fluctuation on the forming of side branches were investigated.The results indicate that with the decrease of thermal fluctuation amplitude,the furcation of dendrite tip also decreases,transverse dendrites become stronger,longitudinal dendrites become degenerated,Doublon structure ...  相似文献   

Fe-C-S系金刚石单晶的高温高压合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Fe-C体系中加入单质硫(S)作为添加剂,采用高温高压法合成金刚石单晶.研究表明:S在高温高压下与Fe发生了相互作用,影响了Fe的催化性能,进而对金刚石的自发成核产生抑制作用.S的添加能使纯Fe触媒合成六八面体晶体的温度区间变宽,从而提高合成六八面体的可控性;在显微镜下观察金刚石晶体形貌颜色为深黄,晶体完整,包裹体较...  相似文献   

PLC及变频器在恒压变量供水系统中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
卢建勤 《机床电器》2005,32(4):58-62
以某学校供水系统为例,研究了PLC及变频调速技术在电气控制中的应用。采用西门子PLC及变频器为主控单元,配合接触器、继电器实现恒压变量供水系统的智能控制。本设计在学校供水系统的改造中得到了成功的应用,不仅供水压力稳定,满足学校用水需要,而且具有很好的节能节水效果,极具推广价值。  相似文献   

陈新恩 《机床电器》2007,34(4):52-54
本文对PID功能及PID参数整定等相关知识作了讲解,并以变频调速恒压供水系统为例,讲述了PLC内置PID功能在系统中的实际应用。  相似文献   

超声复合焊接系统声场模拟及焊接电弧压力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
提出了超声复合焊接空间中声场参数的分析方法,根据超声复合焊接特性构建了分析模型,利用COMSOL有限元分析软件模拟分析了声场参数随着发射端半径的变化情况,同时模拟分析了声场参数在不同电弧空间高度的变化规律.采用静态小孔法对不同焊接参数下稳定燃烧的直流U-TIG焊和普通TIG焊的电弧压力分布进行了测量.结果表明,U-TIG焊电弧压力峰值明显高于普通TIG焊,复合电弧能够提高焊接时熔池表面上方的电弧压力水平,但是随着电流增加,U-TIG焊和普通TIG焊电弧压力峰值的差值减小.分析认为大电流时,弧柱中心区域温度很高,电流密度很大,使TIG焊电弧压力峰值明显升高,而U-TIG焊电弧等离子流力受到气体流量的限制,电弧压力峰值增幅减小.  相似文献   

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