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With the rapid development of mobile internet and Internet of Things applications, the conventional centralized cloud computing is encountering severe challenges, such as high latency, low Spectral Efficiency (SE), and non-adaptive machine type of communication. Motivated to solve these challenges, a new technology is driving a trend that shifts the function of centralized cloud computing to edge devices of networks. Several edge computing technologies originating from different backgrounds to decrease latency, improve SE, and support the massive machine type of communication have been emerging. This paper comprehensively presents a tutorial on three typical edge computing technologies, namely mobile edge computing, cloudlets, and fog computing. In particular, the standardization efforts, principles, architectures, and applications of these three technologies are summarized and compared. From the viewpoint of radio access network, the differences between mobile edge computing and fog computing are highlighted, and the characteristics of fog computing-based radio access network are discussed. Finally, open issues and future research directions are identified as well.  相似文献   

The massive number of sensors deployed in the Internet of Things (IoT) produce gigantic amounts of data for facilitating a wide range of applications. Deep Learning (DL) would undoubtedly play a role in generating valuable inferences from this massive volume of data and hence will assist in creating smarter IoT. In this regard, exploring the potential of DL for IoT data analytics becomes highly crucial. This paper begins with a concise discussion on the Deep Neural Network (DNN) and its different architectures. The potential benefits that DL will bring to the IoT are also discussed. Then, a detailed review of DL-driven IoT use-cases is presented. Moreover, this paper formulates a DL-based model for Human Activity Recognition (HAR). It carries out a performance comparison of the proposed model with other machine learning techniques to delineate the superiority of the DL model over other techniques. Apart from enlightening the potential of DL in IoT applications, this paper will serve as an impetus to encourage advanced research in the realm of DL-driven IoT applications.  相似文献   

Rapid developments in hardware, software, and communication technologies have facilitated the emergence of Internet-connected sensory devices that provide observations and data measurements from the physical world. By 2020, it is estimated that the total number of Internet-connected devices being used will be between 25 and 50 billion. As these numbers grow and technologies become more mature, the volume of data being published will increase. The technology of Internet-connected devices, referred to as Internet of Things (IoT), continues to extend the current Internet by providing connectivity and interactions between the physical and cyber worlds. In addition to an increased volume, the IoT generates big data characterized by its velocity in terms of time and location dependency, with a variety of multiple modalities and varying data quality. Intelligent processing and analysis of this big data are the key to developing smart IoT applications. This article assesses the various machine learning methods that deal with the challenges presented by IoT data by considering smart cities as the main use case. The key contribution of this study is the presentation of a taxonomy of machine learning algorithms explaining how different techniques are applied to the data in order to extract higher level information. The potential and challenges of machine learning for IoT data analytics will also be discussed. A use case of applying a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to Aarhus smart city traffic data is presented for a more detailed exploration.  相似文献   

Internet of Things (IoT) as an important and ubiquitous service paradigm is one of the most important issues in IoT applications to provide terminal users with effective and efficient services based on service community. This paper presents a semantic-based similarity algorithm to build the IoT service community. Firstly, the algorithm reflects that the nodes of IoT contain a wealth of semantic information and makes them to build into the concept tree. Then tap the similarity of the semantic information based on the concept tree. Finally, we achieve the optimization of the service community through greedy algorithm and control the size of the service community by adjusting the threshold. Simulation results show the effectiveness and feasibility of this algorithm.  相似文献   

基于深度学习的信道估计方法中,训练网络模型需要大量的数据运算,且所有用户数据都需要集中上传至服务器上,存在隐私泄漏的隐患.针对上述问题,提出了一种基于联邦学习的LTE-V2X(Long Term Evolution-Vehicle to Everything)信道估计算法,采用CNN-LSTM-DNN(Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory-Deep Neural Network)模型对时变的信道进行估计,并将学习网络模型所需要的计算分配到车载用户中,在降低道旁基站负载的同时也保护了车载用户数据的隐私.仿真结果表明,基于联邦学习的信道估计算法在车载用户高速移动的场景下,较传统的信道估计算法平均有10 dB以上的归一化均方误差(Normalized Mean Square Error,NMSE)增益以及3 dB以上的误码率(Bit Error Rate,BER)增益,且较集中式学习算法相比,NMSE性能差距在3 dB以内;BER性能差距在1 dB以内,所提算法能够有效追踪时变的信道,且与集中式学习算法相比仅损失了极少的性能.  相似文献   

为了应对日益增长的城市供暖节能压力,解决由供暖引起的废气排放问题,本文设计并实现了一种基于物联网的温湿度与风速信息采集系统。介绍了系统的总体结构,设计完成了以ARM微处理器为核心、以EC20模块为通信媒介、外接多路温湿度传感器和风速传感器的硬件电路和嵌入式软件程序。通过真实场景测试,系统实现了通过3G网络实时、定时发送当地温湿度和风速数据至中心服务器的功能,控制中心根据设定的环境标准控制供暖锅炉调节供暖量,完全满足供暖调节的实际需求。同时,系统经过一定改进还可以应用到气象监测、档案管理、食品药品储存、工农业和交通等其它方面。尤其在物联网领域,本系统有着非常广泛的应用前景。实验结果证明了该系统的通用性和实用性。  相似文献   

物联网(IoT)设备资源存在高度异构性,严重影响联邦学习(FL)的训练时间和精度。已有研究未充分考虑物联网设备资源的异构性,且缺乏异构设备间协同训练机制的设计,导致训练效果有限且设备的资源利用率较低。为此,该文提出资源高效的分层协同联邦学习方法(HCFL),设计了端边云分层混合聚合机制,考虑边缘服务器的差异化参数聚合频率,提出自适应异步加权聚合方法,提高模型参数聚合效率。提出资源重均衡的客户端选择算法,考虑模型精度与数据分布特征动态选取客户端,缓解资源异构性对联邦学习性能的影响。设计自组织联邦协同训练算法,充分利用空闲物联网设备资源加速联邦学习训练进程。仿真结果表明,在不同资源异构状态下,与基线方法相比,模型训练时间平均降低15%,模型精度平均提高6%,设备平均资源利用率提高52%。  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected smart objects having capabilities that collectively form an ecosystem and enable the delivery of smart services to users. The IoT is providing several benefits into people's lives through the environment. The various applications that are run in the IoT environment offer facilities and services. The most crucial services provided by IoT applications are quick decision for efficient management. Recently, machine learning (ML) techniques have been successfully used to maximize the potential of IoT systems. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the integration of ML methods in the IoT. The challenges of IoT systems are split into two categories: fundamental operation and performance. We also look at how ML is assisting in the resolution of fundamental system operation challenges such as security, big data, clustering, routing, and data aggregation.  相似文献   

Mobile devices are the primary communication tool in day to day life of the people. Nowadays, the enhancement of the mobile applications namely IoTApps and their exploitation in various domains like healthcare monitoring, home automation, smart farming, smart grid, and smart city are crucial. Though mobile devices are providing seamless user experience anywhere, anytime, and anyplace, their restricted resources such as limited battery capacity, constrained processor speed, inadequate storage, and memory are hindering the development of resource‐intensive mobile applications and internet of things (IoT)‐based mobile applications. To solve this resource constraint problem, a web service‐based IoT framework is proposed by exploiting fuzzy logic methodologies. This framework augments the resources of mobile devices by offloading the resource‐intensive subtasks from mobile devices to the service providing entities like Arduino, Raspberry PI controller, edge cloud, and distant cloud. Based on the recommended framework, an online Repository of Instructional Talk (RIoTalk) is successfully implemented to store and analyze the classroom lectures given by faculty in our study site. Simulation results show that there is a significant reduction in energy consumption, execution time, bandwidth utilization, and latency. The proposed research work significantly increases the resources of mobile devices by offloading the resource‐intensive subtasks from the mobile device to the service provider computing entities thereby providing Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) to mobile users.  相似文献   

随着物联网(IoT)规模的不断发展,其业务需求呈现出多样化、全球化的趋势。针对地面物联网无法覆盖全球的缺点,卫星物联网尤其是低轨卫星星座(LEOSC)物联网可以有效地为地面物联网提供覆盖性能上的补充和延伸。由于低轨卫星星座物联网系统广覆盖、高动态的特点,其业务量统计特性需要考虑到环境因素造成的影响,这导致其业务量分布与...  相似文献   

The cloud computing systems, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), are usually introduced with a three-layer architecture (IoT-Fog-Cloud) for the task offloading that is a solution to compensate for resource constraints in these systems. Offloading at the right location is the most significant challenge in this field. It is more appropriate to offload tasks to fog than to cloud based on power and performance metrics, but its resources are more limited than the resources of the cloud. This paper tries to optimize these factors in the fog by specifying the number of usable servers in the fog. For this purpose, we model a fog computing system using the queueing theory. Furthermore, binary search and reinforcement learning algorithms are proposed to determine the minimum number of servers with the lowest power consumption. We evaluate the cost of the fog in different scenarios. By solving the model, we find that the proposed dispatching policy is very flexible and outperformed the known policies by up to 31% and in no case is it worse than either of them, and the overall offloading cost increases when fog rejects tasks with a high probability. Our offloading method is more effective than running all fog servers simultaneously, based on simulation results. It is evident from the similarities between the simulation results and those derived from the analytical method that the model and results are valid.  相似文献   

The classification of network traffic, which involves classifying and identifying the type of network traffic, is the most fundamental step to network service improvement and modern network management. Classic machine learning and deep learning methods have widely adopted in the field of network traffic classification. However, there are two major challenges in practice. One is the user privacy concern in cross-domain traffic data sharing for the purpose of training a global classification model, and the other is the difficulty to obtain large amount of labeled data for training. In this paper, we propose a novel approach using federated semi-supervised learning for network traffic classification, in which the federated server and clients from different domains work together to train a global classification model. Among them, unlabeled data are used on the client side, and labeled data are used on the server side. The experimental results derived from a public dataset show that the accuracy of the proposed approach can reach 97.81%, and the accuracy gap between the federated learning approach and the centralized training method is minimal.  相似文献   

Federated learning (FL) is widely used in internet of things (IoT) scenarios such as health research, automotive autopilot, and smart home systems. In the process of model training of FL, each round of model training requires rigorous decryption training and encryption uploading steps. The efficiency of FL is seriously affected by frequent encryption and decryption operations. A scheme of key computation and key management with high efficiency is urgently needed. Therefore, we propose a group key agreement technique to keep private information and confidential data from being leaked, which is used to encrypt and decrypt the transmitted data among IoT terminals. The key agreement scheme includes hidden attribute authentication, multipolicy access, and ciphertext storage. Key agreement is designed with edge-cloud collaborative network architecture. Firstly, the terminal generates its own public and private keys through the key algorithm then confirms the authenticity and mapping relationship of its private and public keys to the cloud server. Secondly, IoT terminals can confirm their cryptographic attributes to the cloud and obtain the permissions corresponding to each attribute by encrypting the attributes. The terminal uses these permissions to encrypt the FL model parameters and uploads the secret parameters to the edge server. Through the storage of the edge server, these ciphertext decryption parameters are shared with the other terminal models of FL. Finally, other terminal models are trained by downloading and decrypting the shared model parameters for the purpose of FL. The performance analysis shows that this model has a better performance in computational complexity and computational time compared with the cited literature.  相似文献   

殷耀文 《信息技术》2021,(1):121-125
针对传统的物联网边缘计算方法存在计算成本过高,计算时间过长等问题,文中引入了深度强化学习技术,对物联网边缘计算方法进行优化.通过物联网拓扑结构设定物联网边缘计算周期,获取数据上传速度.设计边缘计算执行过程,提升边缘计算资源分配效率.引入深度强化学习技术中的CNN模型实现卷积计算,完成物联网边缘计算的资源分配.至此,实现...  相似文献   

设计了一种高隔离度双频多输入多输出(MIMO)天线,该天线覆盖2.4 GHz和5 GHz无线局域网频带,可以应用于移动物联网之中。天线包含两个相同的辐射单元天线,采用微带馈电的方式进行馈电。单元天线使用单极子天线作为基本辐射器,其包含一根长的和短的单极子天线,分别谐振在低频和高频频段。通过在两个单元天线中间加载T型隔离器提高了单元天线之间的隔离度。天线的辐射振子、馈电以及T型隔离器都印刷在同一块微波板材上,从而方便了天线的制作和加工。仿真结果表明,该天线在1.9~2.8 GHz以及4.7~6.2 GHz频带范围内能实现良好的双频工作特性,天线隔离度近20 dB,可以广泛应用于物联网系统中。  相似文献   

陈勇  高尚  曹玉保 《电子设计工程》2012,20(18):107-109
为了实现对矿井温、湿度检测,提出了一种基于物联网的矿井温、湿度检测系统,并完成了系统的软硬件测试。硬件包括由分布在矿井中的测量节点组成的无线传感网络,由基站节点和监控终端设备相连接形成的监控装置,软件采用MSP430进行编程,并实现了温湿度信号检测。实际应用表明,该系统具有体积小,部署方便,成本低廉等优点。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,社会的进步,人类意识的提高,食品安全越来越被大众所密切关.人们的观念已经从如何吃得饱向如何吃得好、吃得安全转变.在日渐发达的信息社会下,食品安全形势更为严峻,食品安全问题成为人们心中重重的担忧,如何快速有效地解决食品安全问题是摆在所有人面前的重大问题之一.文章设计了一种物联网引领的食品安全监测系统,有效确保了食品供应链安全.  相似文献   

联邦学习允许数据不出本地的情况下实现数据价值的有效流动,被认为是物联网(IoT)场景下兼顾数据共享与隐私保护的有效方法。然而,联邦学习系统易受拜占庭攻击和推理攻击的影响,导致系统的鲁棒性和数据的隐私性受损。物联网设备的数据异构性和资源瓶颈,也为带有隐私保护的鲁棒聚合算法设计带来巨大挑战。该文提出面向异构物联网的带有数据重采样的鲁棒聚合方法Re-Sim,通过测量方向相似性和标准化更新幅度实现模型的鲁棒聚合,并采用数据重采样技术增强数据异构环境下模型的鲁棒性。同时构建轻量安全聚合协议(LSA),在保证数据隐私性的同时兼顾模型鲁棒性、准确性和计算开销,并从理论上对协议的隐私性进行了分析。仿真结果表明,该方案能在数据异构情况下有效抵抗拜占庭攻击和推理攻击,与基线方法相比,该文所提方案精度提高1%~3%,同时减轻客户端侧计算开销79%。  相似文献   

Federated Learning (FL) with mobile computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) is an effective cooperative learning approach. However, several technical challenges still need to be addressed. For instance, dividing the training process among several devices may impact the performance of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, often significantly degrading prediction accuracy compared to centralized learning. One of the primary reasons for such performance degradation is that each device can access only a small fraction of data (that it generates), which limits the efficacy of the local ML model constructed on that device. The performance degradation could be exacerbated when the participating devices produce different classes of events, which is known as the class balance problem. Moreover, if the participating devices are of different types, each device may never observe the same types of events, which leads to the device heterogeneity problem. In this study, we investigate how data augmentation can be applied to address these challenges and improving detection performance in an anomaly detection task using IoT datasets. Our extensive experimental results with three publicly accessible IoT datasets show the performance improvement of up to 22.9% with the approach of data augmentation, compared to the baseline (without relying on data augmentation). In particular, stratified random sampling and uniform random sampling show the best improvement in detection performance with only a modest increase in computation time, whereas the data augmentation scheme using Generative Adversarial Networks is the most time-consuming with limited performance benefits.  相似文献   




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