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竖直平面上的传热传质复合自然对流   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用数值方法研究了竖直平面上因热及物质扩散引起的传热传质复合自然对流,得到了速度、压力、温度和浓度的分布及传热传质速率随浮力比的变化规律。研究结果表明:Nu与Sh在随浮力比B的变化过程中出现最小值,此时的浮力比Bmin仅是Pr/Sc的函数;流型取决于浮力比和Pr/Sc,根据流型不同可在B-Pr/Sc坐标系中将流场划为4个区域。  相似文献   

瓷质砖湿坯对流干燥过程的传热传质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引用建立于Whitaker的体积平均方程和Darcy定律基础止的多孔介质内部热质传递的等效耦合扩散模型,寻出一组关于液体饱和度、温度和气相压力的新支配方程,应用该方程组对瓷质砖坯体干燥过程进行了数值分析和实验测定。在平均含湿饱和度的变化方面,数值解与实验结果十分吻合。还改变影响坯体干燥过程的一些因素进行计算机模拟计算,通过改变这些因素的大小来考察计算结果,以期获得某些定性或定量的结论,从而用以指导实际生产过程。  相似文献   

黄碧波  王煤  余徽 《化工学报》2003,54(7):1004-1008
引 言动量、能量及质量的边界层方程是Naveir Stokes完整方程的简化形式 ,自上世纪初提出以来 ,应用极广 .传热传质复合自然对流是自然界和工业过程中常见的现象 ,由于存在热与物质扩散两种浮力相对大小及方向的差异以及Prandtl数和Schmit数的影响 ,使该问题颇为复杂 .Bottema  相似文献   

本文研究了加压条件下空气水系统在湿壁塔内同向流动时传递行为。分析中考虑了界面处气相混和物非理想行为及剪切应力的影响,忽略传质对气体运动影响。提出了计算加压条件下气侧局部传热传质系数关系式,并对两相加压下传递行为进行系统地分析。分析结果表明,采用常压计算方法进行加压传热传质计算,将产生较大的偏差。  相似文献   

干燥是大多数农副产品、食品等加工过程中必不可少的环节,干燥即加热去湿过程,伴随着热质的传递与交换。在烟草行业,烟丝干燥是制丝工艺中的一道关键工序,最常使用的设备是滚筒烘丝机。由于传热传质问题本身的复杂性,以及干燥过程受温度、风速等众多因素的影响,关于滚筒内烟丝传热传质特性的认知还不够深入。为了研究烟丝与气流在顺流流动情况下,滚筒烘丝机内烟丝的传热传质特性,本文基于传热传质学、多相流动等相关理论,建立起滚筒内的传热传质数学模型,通过计算机数值模拟方法,分别研究了不同加料量、壁温、气流流速条件下烟丝的干燥过程。研究结果表明:加料量对烟丝含水率、温度的影响比较明显;壁温是影响烟丝传热传质特性的关键因素,壁温大小直接决定着烟丝含水率及温度的高低;气流流速对烟丝传热传质特性也有一定的影响,且流速在0.2~0.6m/s范围内存在一极值点,使得烟丝最终含水率随流速的增加先下降后略有上升。  相似文献   

许多强放热反应,若温度控制不当,易引发物质分解产生气体,进而恶化相关反应过程,甚至引发事故,因此对浸没在含气液两相搅拌釜内的盘管外侧对流传热系数进行研究尤为重要。以空气和水分别作为气相和液相,在直径D=0.300m的标准椭圆形底搅拌釜内进行非稳态传热实验,研究了桨型、桨径、转速和表观气速对盘管外侧对流传热的影响。结果表明,在低转速下,通入气体能够显著增加釜内的湍动程度,使管外对流传热系数明显增大,在高转速下,对于大搅拌桨,其气体的表观气速过小时,通入气体会使对流传热系数减小。通气量一定时,在较高通气速率和高搅拌转速下,随着转速增大,对流传热系数反而减小。引入通气数对实验数据进行拟合关联。研究结果对反应釜的优化设计及反应过程的控制具有参考价值。  相似文献   

采用化学吸收法实验考察了鼓泡塔内部的阻尼内构件对气液传质速率的影响.结果表明.在流速最高的塔中心区域设置阻尼内构件不但可以改善流速分布.而且还能显著地促进气液传质.在合适的阻尼面积密度范围内,安装内构件后气液传质速率可提高10%~30%,其机理是内构件的存在强化了流体的局部湍动.将鼓泡塔内大尺度的平均流动动能转化为小尺度的局部湍动动能.  相似文献   

强制对流冷凝传热强化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了强制对流条件下,非共沸混合工质R11/R113在三排水平直列光滑管及花瓣形翅片管束外的冷凝传热。实验结果表明:花瓣形翅片管由于具有特殊的三维翅片结构,既能激发流动的蒸气产生强烈地湍流,减小其气膜热阻,又能充分发挥冷凝液表面张力的作用,减少其液膜热阻,从而显著地强化了非共沸混合工质在管束外的冷凝传热。在相同热流率下,其管束平均冷凝传热系数是光滑管管束的3~5倍。  相似文献   


A finite difference scheme for solving the problem of natural transport of heat, mass, momentum and species concentration along vertical porous plates is presented. Several drying related problems are numerically solved, by including a gas-injection boundary condition directly into the governing equations. The effect of variable physical properties is investigated by means of direct comparison against experimental data obtained through holographic interferometry. The relative importance of wall diffusive and convective fluxes is examined. Sherwood and Nusselt numbers can be accurately obtained by means of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

A finite difference scheme for solving the problem of natural transport of heat, mass, momentum and species concentration along vertical porous plates is presented. Several drying related problems are numerically solved, by including a gas-injection boundary condition directly into the governing equations. The effect of variable physical properties is investigated by means of direct comparison against experimental data obtained through holographic interferometry. The relative importance of wall diffusive and convective fluxes is examined. Sherwood and Nusselt numbers can be accurately obtained by means of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

Six surfaces were prepared with defferent surface division patterns for the experimental investigationof steam condensation heat transfer characteristics for dropwise and filmwise coexisting(DFC)condensationsurfaces under atmospheric pressure Dropwise condensation(DWC)was promoted with an ultrathin polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)film,which was prepared by the dynamic ion-beam mixed implantation(DIMI)method.The results showed that the condensation phenomena at the intersection between the dropwise andfilmwise condensation regios were quite different for different relative positions of the dropwise and filmwisecondensation regions.The experimental results revealed that the condensation heat transfer characteristics werehighly influenced by the surface division number and the relative area ratio of the dropwise and filmwise conden-sation regions.The impact of thesc findings on heat transfer enhancement mechanism for condensation heattransfer is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The plasma polymerization method and dynamic ion-beam mixed implantation method were employed to coat ultra-thin polymer films on copper plates. Experiments indicated that steady dropwise condensation of steam at atmospheric pressure occurred. The condensation heat transfer coefficients increased by approximately 3 and 5---7 times for the polytrimethylvinylsilane film and polytetrafiuoroethylene film respectively, compaxed with the value for film condensation under the same experimental conditions. The temperatures on the condensing surface and inside the test block were found to be rapidly and randomly fluctuated. The properties of the coated films and advantages of the methods used in this investigation were discussed briefly.  相似文献   

平板上凝华过程传热传质分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导了苯酐(邻苯二甲酸酐)混合气在平板表面的传热传质过程。并对平板表面的传热传质机理进行了研究,根据凝华特性研究了平板表面凝华固体苯酐层厚度,密度以及导热系数随着凝华时间而变化的关系,对不同的苯酐混合气进气浓度和流速进行了平板凝华实验,实验还观察了结酐厚度和密度随时间的变化情况,以探讨强化凝华传热传质的途径。  相似文献   

针对强制气流作用下溶液的蒸发过程,在分析气液相间力学特性的基础上,根据Levich涡流衰减理论和边界层理论,将气流流动状态与相间传质结合,研究了湍流气流横掠液面过程中气液相间的传质变化规律,分析了雷诺数、气流流道结构及普朗特混合长度对传质的影响,得到了气液相间的湍流质扩散系数的变化规律,湍流气流横掠液面条件下的对流传质准则数Sh=0.221Sc1/3Rex1/2. 结果表明,湍流扩散系数、传质系数与气流的流动状态密切相关,气流流道结构对气液相间的传质有重要影响.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal asymmetry on laminar forced convection heat transfer in an annular porous channel with a Darcy dissipation of fluid kinetic energy was investigated numerically. The cylindrical surfaces making the channel boundaries were kept at constant but different temperatures. The thermal asymmetry thus imposed on the system results in an asymmetric temperature field and different heat fluxes across the channel boundaries. Depending on the Darcy, Péclet and Reynolds numbers, the thermal asymmetry may lead to a reversal of the heat flux along the channel at least at one of the channel walls. The corresponding Nusselt number becomes zero and subsequently experiences a discontinuity, thereby jumping from infinite negative to infinite positive, or vice versa. This feature is observed in the region of thermal development. In the fully developed heat transfer region, the Nusselt numbers can be positive or negative for the same inlet conditions, depending on the heat source strength. In the case of a plug flow, the analytical expressions for the Nusselt numbers have been obtained.  相似文献   

研究在不同倾角下回流冷凝器中的传热 ,建立了冷凝传热模型。模型的计算值和实验值吻合较好 ,实验数据和理论计算都表明 ,倾斜式回流冷凝器中冷凝传热系数随倾斜度变化 ,在倾角大约为10°时达到最大值  相似文献   

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