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The longitudinal course of cocaine dependence is characterized by alternating periods of abstinence and relapse. Although gender has emerged as an important predictor of relapse, previous studies have examined mean differences in use by gender. Focusing strictly on differences in averages between men and women does not address potential gender differences in transitions between use and abstinence. Transition rates for men and women were compared using data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study. Abstinence and nonabstinence for each of the 6 months of active treatment was determined by using a composite measure of use that incorporated information from weekly and monthly self-reports and urine toxicology screenings. Random effects were introduced to describe intersubject heterogeneity in transition rates. In this sample of 454 patients, rates of transition between abstinence and use were significantly different between men and women, with men showing twice the rate of transition between states despite similar average levels of use. These data may have important implications for both treatment planning and the types of outcomes considered in clinical practice and research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

134 female and 101 male undergraduates were asked to indicate their perceptions of their capabilities to successfully complete the educational requirements and job duties of each of 10 traditionally female and 10 traditionally male occupations. Ss also indicated their degree of interest in and extent of consideration of each occupation. Finally, American College Test Math and English subtest scores were obtained. Results indicate significant and consistent sex differences in self-efficacy with regard to traditional vs nontraditional (for females) occupations: males reported equivalent self-efficacy with regard to the 2 classes of occupations; females reported significantly higher levels of self-efficacy with regard to traditional occupations and significantly lower levels of self-efficacy with regard to nontraditional occupations. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the differential nature of relations between degree of identity development (Moratorium and Achieved identity statuses) and career and psychological separation variables for men (n?=?129) and women (n?=?118). Career development variables predicted degree of identity exploration (Moratorium identity status) and identity commitment (Achieved identity status) for both genders. For men, conflictual independence from parents predicted degree of identity exploration, and emotional independence predicted degree of identity commitment, negatively and incrementally. For women, attitudinal independence predicted degree of identity commitment, negatively and incrementally. Suggestions regarding counseling and career counseling are given. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Career researchers have focused on the mechanisms related to career progression. Although less studied, situations in which traumatic life events necessitate a discontinuous career transition are becoming increasingly prevalent. Employing a multiple case study method, we offer a deeper understanding of such transitions by studying an extreme case: soldiers and Marines disabled by wartime combat. Our study highlights obstacles to future employment that are counterintuitive and stem from the discontinuous and traumatic nature of job loss. Effective management of this type of transitioning appears to stem from efforts positioned to formulate a coherent narrative of the traumatic experience and thus to reconstruct foundational assumptions about the world, humanity, and self. These foundational assumptions form the basis for enacting future-orientated career strategies, such that progress toward establishing a new career path is greatest for those who can orientate themselves away from the past (trauma), away from the present (obstacles to a new career), and toward an envisioned future career positioned to confer meaning and purpose through work. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In addition to a low number of leukocytes, an impairment of leukocyte function can also contribute to the increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infection in marrow transplant recipients. Phagocytosis and oxidative burst activity were measured in patients at various stages after transplant by using assay systems that are based on the quantification of the immunofluorescence of ingested bacteria. Although phagocytosis was normal in most transplant recipents, the oxidative burst of granulocytes was significantly impaired in recipients early after autologous and allogeneic transplants. Patients who underwent tests in later stages after transplant had normal leukocyte function test results. These observations are compatible with the notion that recipients early after bone marrow transplant may be able to phagocytize bacteria readily but that their ability to inactivate them via the oxidative burst might be compromised.  相似文献   

Examined the employment status of doctoral recipients in psychology from 1960-1970. Data collected by the Office of Scientific Personnel of the National Academy of Sciences, provided the information for these analyses. The career status of academic female psychologists as compared to male psychologists is examined and discussed utilizing national data on faculty collected by the Carnegie Commission of Higher Education and the American Council on Education. This investigation of the career status of academic psychologists clearly documents the relatively low status of academic women in psychology in comparison to their male colleagues. Although it could be argued that the female psychologist's lower rank, lower salary, and lack of tenure are a consequence of merit consideration (e.g., degree held, publications), these analyses suggest strongly that such is not the case. Among new PhDs women have always had a somewhat harder time locating employment than have men, and these sex differences have been increasing in the recently tightening job market. Compared to sex differences in academic rank, salary, and tenure, however, the relative difficulty that the new woman PhD finds in securing initial employment appears to be minor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

61 career-decided and 60 career-undecided 30–68 yr old women reentering the job market were randomly assigned to a vocational card sort (VCS) treatment group, a VCS-plus-videotape treatment group, or a no-treatment control group to examine the relationship between career indecision and career exploration for reentry women. Career decidedness was measured by the My Vocational Situation scale. One-year follow-up questionnaires were collected from 102 Ss, and a variety of outcome measures were used, including a vocational needs questionnaire, a satisfaction opinionnaire, a satisfaction with career scale, and an occupational alternatives question. The percentage of Ss who were employed in their chosen occupations was examined. Results indicate that there were minimal treatment effects, supporting the salience of career indecision and its stability over time. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for career counseling. (56 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Expanded on R. E. Fassinger's (see record 1990-21225-001) model of career choice in college women by testing 2 causal models of career choice and orientation with high school women. Ss were 409 adolescent women enrolled in their last year of high school in an all-female private liberal arts high school in a large Midwestern city. Structural equation modeling analyses suggested that the career orientation and career choice of adolescent women were predicted by ability, agentic characteristics, gender role attitudes, and relationship with mother. Young women who possessed liberal gender role attitudes, were instrumental and efficacious with regard to math and careers, and exhibited moderate degrees of attachment and independence from their mothers tended to value their career pursuits. Adolescent women who selected nontraditional and prestigious careers showed high ability and strong agentic characteristics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the reliability and validity of 3 methods of measuring students' ability to articulate their career values, including a replication of the method used by L. Cochran (see record 1983-25423-001) and 2 others (idiosyncratic and standardized) developed in response to perceived problems with the Cochran method. Ss were 35 male and 48 female undergraduates. Test–retest reliabilities for the 3 methods were .33, .66, and .19, respectively. Findings, together with inconsistent relations between grid scores and other career development measures, suggest that the grid methodology may be ineffective for measuring this construct. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors tested the effectiveness of 2 group career interventions for 73 battered women who were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment conditions or a wait-list control group. Both interventions included the 5 most effective career intervention components identified by S. D. Brown and N. E. Krane (2000), and 1 of the interventions also was designed to enhance critical consciousness (i.e., empowerment for self-protection and awareness of domestic violence impact; P. Freire, 1970; I. Martín-Baró, 1994). Relative to controls, standard participants had higher career-search self-efficacy, and standard-plus participants had higher critical consciousness at posttest. At follow-up, standard-plus participants had higher critical consciousness scores and made more progress toward goal achievement than standard participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smokers have frequently been heard to defend their habit by recounting anecdotes about relatives or friends who have smoked heavily for many years without developing cancer. While individuals who have survived many years of repeated mutagen exposure are probably very rare, their existence suggests that some people are intrinsically resistant to the effects of carcinogens, probably because of their genetic background. This interpretation is supported by studies on mouse strains that are highly resistant to the development of tumours induced by treatment with exogenous carcinogens. In this review we discuss the advantages of the mouse as a model system for the isolation of cancer-resistance genes that have potentially important uses in diagnostics, prevention and tumour therapy.  相似文献   

The ability to negotiate plays a key role in one's professional and personal life. If men and women want to negotiate successfully, they must know the steps of negotiation plus the sex differences when approaching the negotiation process.  相似文献   

This article examined marital interactions in 50 couples with a depressed husband, 41 couples with a depressed wife, and 50 nondepressed control couples. As expected, couples with a depressed partner evidenced more disturbed marital interaction than control couples. Furthermore, couples with a depressed wife demonstrated less positive communication than couples with a depressed husband, notwithstanding the fact the depressed husbands exhibited greater depression severity than depressed wives. Findings are integrated with recent research on gender differences in affective expression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the relation between perceived equity of exchanges and friendship satisfaction for 58 female and 58 male 64–91 yr old individuals. Attempts were made to determine whether (a) older men and women differ in the extent to which they view themselves as being involved in equitable vs inequitable friendships, (b) the individuals who perceive themselves to be in equitable friendships report greater satisfaction with the relationship than older persons who perceive themselves to be in nonequitable friendships, and (c) there are gender differences in the relation between equity and friendship satisfaction. Ss were interviewed concerning their relationship with their best friend and 1 other friend in their support network. Perceived equity was a significant predictor of friendship satisfaction only in the case of the other friend. In addition, results show that men were involved in more equitable friendships than were women. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To document counselor bias toward females and identify some of its correlates 6 short case studies were devised that could describe either a male or a female. 300 randomly selected senior high school counselors were asked to select an appropriate occupation for each case study S. When the case study described a female, the counselors chose occupations that paid less, required less prerequisite education, and were more closely supervised than when the same case study described a male. Female counselors over 40 yrs of age exhibited the strongest tendency to do this. Counselors who worked in schools located in cities with a population greater than 25,000 tended to discriminate less than other counselors. Counselors whose mothers possessed an average amount of formal education had a stronger tendency to discriminate against females than other counselors. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Optometry has experienced a dramatic upward shift in the percentage of women entering the profession during the past 20 years. Our survey assessed the mechanisms for sustaining balance in professional and personal roles used by women optometrists and how these mechanisms may differ from those of their male colleagues. METHODS: A survey questionnaire was mailed to a large nationwide random sample of optometrists, composed of equal numbers of men and women. RESULTS: Data were analyzed from 353 men and 358 women; margin of error was +4%. Most of the respondents indicated they derived personal satisfaction from their career. A majority of both groups did not indicate that lack of time for their career was a source of frustration. However, significantly more women than men indicated some frustration in pursuing those activities that lead to career advancement. There were significant differences in response patterns of men and women about the effect of family, child care, and household work on their careers. CONCLUSIONS: Both men and women optometrists are satisfied with their careers and neither group feels compelled to choose between career and family. Optometrists do not fit into one pattern, but instead make individualized career choices on the basis of needs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC; EC is the first rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyamines. ODC protein has a characteristic amino acid sequence, the PEST sequence, which is related to the enzyme's rapid degradation. ODC cDNA prepared from human hepatoma tissues has been reported to show nonsense or missense mutations. METHODS: We examined somatic mutations of ODC cDNA by RT-PCR-SSCP analysis and mRNA expressions by RT-PCR in 50 colorectal cancer tissues to investigate the involvement of ODC gene alterations in colorectal cancers. RESULTS: Increased expression of the ODC gene was observed in 36 cases (86%) out of the 42 examined by RT-PCR. In one case, a missense mutation was found in the cancer tissue but not in normal mucosa. The missense mutation from Asp to Asn at codon 424, in the PEST region, possibly stabilizes the ODC protein. In colorectal cancer, replication error and a germline mutation in hMSH2 gene were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The missense mutation at codon 424 is speculated to be a cause of stabilization and a passenger mutation owing to the mutator phenotype. Since only one of 50 colorectal cancers exhibited a missense mutation of the ODC gene, mutations in ODC gene are not frequent in colorectal cancer. The increased expression of the ODC gene was noted in 86% of colorectal cancer tissues by RT-PCR, however, it was not due to point mutations in ODC coding exons.  相似文献   

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