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The onset of action and behavioural effects following intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration of 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg of midazolam were studied for 2 h in 20 awake, healthy cats. All cats, except one that received 0.05 mg/kg i.m., showed effects of the drug, whereas no effects were observed in cats administered only the vehicle in which midazolam was dissolved. The onset of action was rapid following both i.v. and i.m. administration, some cats became ataxic, while others assumed positions of sternal or lateral recumbency. Even after administration of the highest dose (5.0 mg/kg), anaesthesia was not induced, with swallowing reflexes and conscious perception of a clamp placed on the tail still present in all cats. An abnormal arousal state was observed in many cats after administration of midazolam. During the first hour, restlessness was more commonly observed, while from 1 to 2 h, sedation was more prominent in cats that received the highest dose. Ataxia occurred in all but one cat, was short-lived in cats that received the lower doses, but still present at 2 h in all cats that received 2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg. Midazolam caused some of the cats to behave differently when approached and restrained compared with behavioural patterns identified prior to administration of the drug. The cats were more likely to behave abnormally following i.v. administration rather than i.m. administration and, for the most part, abnormal behaviour was equally distributed between the two extremes; cats being easier to approach and restrain and cats being more difficult to approach and restrain. Food consumption increased significantly, during the 2 h period, following all i.m. doses and all but the highest (5.0 mg/kg) i.v. dose, with most of the food being consumed in the first hour after administration.  相似文献   

Nine volunteer subjects were tested with intravenously administered cocaine hydrochloride in doses ranging from 4 to 32 mg, as well as 10 mg of dextroamphetamine sulfate. Measures of cardiovascular and subjective effects were made. Generally parallel dose-effect functions were obtained for heart rate, blood pressure, Addiction Research Center Inventory scores, Profile of Mood Scales, and subject ratings. A substantial effect on each of these variables was recorded after 8 mg of cocaine. The increase continued and peaked at approximately 16 mg after which it usually leveled off. Ten milligrams of dextroamphetamine generally had an effect comparable to 8 to 16 mg of cocaine.  相似文献   

Performance in rats (Rattus norvegicus) was measured on a differential reinforcement of low-rate schedule (DRL 45-s) in 1.5-hr sessions after 2 mg/kg intravenous (IV) or 10–20 mg/kg intraperitoneal (IP) cocaine administration, with each dose given twice and separated by 3–5 days. For successive IV doses, cocaine effects were similar, with minimal within-subject variability. For IP cocaine, the effects were not always similar; performance was variable and sometimes remained at baseline level. These diminished effects occurred following either the 1st or 2nd IP injection. A parallel pharmacokinetic study of cocaine confirmed that within-subject variability existed in cocaine concentration-time profiles after IP cocaine, and that a low serum cocaine concentration-time profile could account for the diminished effects. The IP route for cocaine administration should be used with caution. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 26-year-old female, presenting for dental surgery, developed anaphylactic shock immediately after intravenous administration of lignocaine without preservative added to the propofol to alleviate pain during intravenous injection. We describe the clinical circumstances, the management and the investigations carried out to detect the cause.  相似文献   

Acute abstinence symptomatology following multiple deliveries of smoked cocaine was examined. Twelve crack cocaine users (male and female) participated in an inpatient study. Participants smoked 7 deliveries of cocaine on each of 4 experimental days, with each participant being exposed twice to 2 dose sizes of cocaine (0.40 vs. 0.07 mg/kg "placebo"). Symptoms of cocaine abstinence were measured for 6 hr following cocaine administration and again the following morning. Participants reported feeling increased craving, anxiety, and uncertainty 30 min after the 7th delivery of 0.40 mg/kg cocaine, when cocaine plasma levels were still on the descending curve. It is not clear whether these were true abstinence effects or were due to residual effects of cocaine. No significant differences were found at subsequent abstinence-assessment points. These data indicate that acute abstinence effects from smoked cocaine in a laboratory setting may be minimal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ethanol alters the hepatic biotransformation of cocaine, resulting in transesterification to a novel active metabolite, cocaethylene. Because of first pass metabolism, oral drug administration might be expected to produce relatively larger concentrations of cocaethylene than would intravenous or smoked administration. We, therefore, compared the effects of route of cocaine administration on the formation and elimination of cocaethylene. Six experienced cocaine users were tested in 6 sessions, approximately 1 week apart. Deuterium-labeled cocaine (d?) was administered in all conditions. Oral cocaine-d? 2.0 mg/kg, intravenous cocaine-d? 1.0 mg/kg, and smoked cocaine-d? (200 mg) were administered after oral ethanol 1.0g/kg or placebo. A small, intravenous dose of deuterated cocaethylene (d?) also was administered with all conditions for determination of cocaethylene formation. Physiologic and subjective effects were recorded and plasma cocaine-d?, cocaethylene-d?, cocaethylene-d?, and benzoylecgonine-d? were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. About 24% (± 11) of intravenous cocaine was converted to cocaethylene. The oral route (34% ± 20) was significantly greater than from the smoked route (18% ± 11) and showed a trend toward significance for greater formation of cocaethylene compared to the intravenous route. Within each route, the cocaine-ethanol combination produced greater increases in heart rate and rate-pressure product than cocaine alone. Global intoxication effects across time after smoking or intravenous administration were significantly greater when cocaine and ethanol were both given. Administration of cocaine by different routes alters the amount of cocaethylene formed through hepatic first-pass effects. Increased cardiovascular and subjective effects might explain the toxicity and popularity of the combined drugs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have cloned a full length cDNA coding for the activin type IIB receptor (GactRIIB) from the goldfish ovary. GactRIIB shares 73 and 70% amino acid identity in the extracellular domain, and 78 and 80% identity in the intracellular domain with the type IIB receptors of the mouse and Xenopus respectively. The intracellular domain of GactRIIB contains two serine kinase consensus sequences, DFKSRN and GTRRYMAPE, in agreement with the reports in other vertebrates that serine/threonine phosphorylation is involved in activin signal transduction. The identity of GactRIIB was confirmed by transient expression in the COS cells followed by activin binding. Iodinated human activin A bound to the GactRIIB-transfected cells and the binding could be completely inhibited by unlabeled activin. Affinity labeling revealed a band of about 85 kDa, which is in agreement with the reported type II receptors in other vertebrates. Together with the fact that activin is expressed in the goldfish ovary, the cloning of activin receptors from the ovary suggests paracrine and autocrine roles for activin in the goldfish ovarian functions.  相似文献   

The microscopical and immunohistochemical features of a rare cutaneous leiomyoma in a cat are described. The principal characteristics of this tumour were multiple bundles of smooth muscle, either discrete or conjoined, with numerous collagen fibres between the muscle cells, and osteoid metaplasia. The tumour was designated a piloleiomyoma as it was considered to have arisen from the arrector pili muscles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In our previous studies, chronic treatment of rats with a new beta 3-adrenoceptor agonist, CL 316,243, retarded diet-induced obesity and promoted thermogenesis in young animals and reversed established diet-induced obesity in older animals that continued to eat a high fat diet. Reversal of obesity was associated with shrinking of enlarged white adipocytes but the number of mature white adipocytes, which had not been increased by the diet, was not reduced. Drug-treatment induced appearance of abundant brown adipocytes in white adipose tissue (WAT) depots as well as hypertrophy of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in both lean and diet-induced obese rats. OBJECTIVES: To find out whether the known hyperplasia of white adipocytes in the obese fa/fa rat could be reversed by CL 316,243-treatment and whether the grossly enlarged WAT depots of the obese fa/fa rat contain precursors to brown adipocytes. RESULTS: CL 316,243 infusion (1 mg/kg/d) reduced abdominal fat. The loss of fat was due to a decrease in white adipocyte size, with no loss of the markedly elevated number of adipocytes in the fa/fa rats. Resting metabolic rate increased by 40% in lean rats, by 70% in fa/fa rats. Food intake decreased in the hyperphagic fa/fa rats but did not change in lean rats, in both lean and fa/fa rats, a marked increase in protein content of retroperitoneal WAT was associated with appearance of abundant densely-stained brown adipocytes expressing uncoupling protein (UCP) but total number of cells (from DNA content) actually decreased. Hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia of fa/fa rats were reduced by treatment, indicating improved sensitivity to insulin. CONCLUSIONS: Abundant precursors to brown adipocytes are present in WAT depots of fa/fa rats and much of the exaggerated increase in resting metabolic rate induced by CL 316,243 occurs in these cells. This beta 3-adrenoceptor agonist is an effective anti-obesity and anti-diabetic agent in fa/fa rats. It does not bring about disappearance of mature white adipocytes but does bring about a remodelling of WAT, with a marked change in cell composition.  相似文献   

We examined whether excitation and inhibition are balanced in hippocampal cortical networks. Extracellular field and single-unit activity were recorded by multiple tetrodes and multisite silicon probes to reveal the timing of the activity of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells and classes of interneurons during theta waves and sharp wave burst (SPW)-associated field ripples. The somatic and dendritic inhibition of pyramidal cells was deduced from the activity of interneurons in the pyramidal layer [int(p)] and in the alveus and st. oriens [int(a/o)], respectively. Int(p) and int(a/o) discharged an average of 60 and 20 degrees before the population discharge of pyramidal cells during the theta cycle, respectively. SPW ripples were associated with a 2.5-fold net increase of excitation. The discharge frequency of int(a/o) increased, decreased ("anti-SPW" cells), or did not change ("SPW-independent" cells) during SPW, suggesting that not all interneurons are innervated by pyramidal cells. Int(p) either fired together with (unimodal cells) or both before and after (bimodal cells) the pyramidal cell burst. During fast-ripple oscillation, the activity of interneurons in both the int(p) and int(a/o) groups lagged the maximum discharge probability of pyramidal neurons by 1-2 msec. Network state changes, as reflected by field activity, covaried with changes in the spike train dynamics of single cells and their interactions. Summed activity of parallel-recorded interneurons, but not of pyramidal cells, reliably predicted theta cycles, whereas the reverse was true for the ripple cycles of SPWs. We suggest that network-driven excitability changes provide temporal windows of opportunity for single pyramidal cells to suppress, enable, or facilitate selective synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis, behavioral activity assessments, and a conditioned place preference (CPP) test were used to investigate dopaminergic correlates of cocaine-conditioned behaviors. Over 12 days, rats were given either intravenous cocaine (4.2 mg/kg) or saline (6 cocaine and 6 saline infusions) daily in distinctively different environments. The following day, rats were tested in the cocaine- and saline-paired environments; 48 hr later, CPP was determined. The cocaine-associated environment elicited greater nucleus accumbens dopamine (NAcc DA) levels, hyperactivity, and place preference, though the emergence of DA increases was not in synchrony with peak behavioral activation. Although conditioned behavioral effects after repeated cocaine are well documented, direct evidence of increased NAcc DA in response to a cocaine-paired environment has not been previously reported. Discrepancies with previous work are attributed to a number of methodological differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Liver flukes Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica are polymorphic and vary morphologically depending upon the host being parasitized. It is known also that mixed infection occurs where both species are present. A technique involving protein separation was used to distinguish the 2 species. Isoelectric focusing of soluble proteins was performed on polyacrylamide gels using whole-body proteins from adult flukes. Although many bands appeared common to both species and some were shared with host tissues, the banding patterns could be used to distinguish 1 species from the other. Soluble protein isoelectric focusing is simple, reproducible, and has very good resolution. It seems well suited to the differentiation of the 2 fluke species.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of norfloxacin after intravenous (i.v.) and oral (PO) administration in lambs (n = 5) and adult sheep (n = 5) were studied. After i.v. administration (10 mg.kg-1) plasma concentrations were best fitted by a three-compartment open model in both age groups. Distribution volumes were significantly larger in lambs (approximate 4.0 fold difference between 4 week old and adult sheep). There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) between the groups in terms of elimination halflife but plasma clearance was significantly higher in lambs. Norfloxacin was poorly absorbed after oral administration (60 mg.kg-1) in sheep (F = 4.04%). Mean oral bioavailability was 73.51% in lambs (30 mg.kg-1). Norfloxacin elimination was faster in lambs after oral administration. MRTt was significantly prolonged in both age groups when compared with the respective data for i.v. administration.  相似文献   

In this article we describe three experiments aimed at determining why the conditioned stimulus/stimuli (CS) elicits similar increases in heart rate in groups given paired and random training. The first study demonstrates that regardless of the pseudoconditioning control procedure used (random, backwards, shock-alone, or naive), the same pattern of results is obtained: the increases in arterial pressure are greater in the paired than in each control group, but the heart rate rises to the same extent in all groups. The second study determined that the context in which the responses are tested (conditioning apparatus vs novel test chamber) does not affect the general pattern of results obtained. The third study demonstrates that the superficially similar increases in heart rate in conditioned and pseudoconditioned rats are achieved by different physiological mechanisms: coactivation of the sympathethic and parasympathetic nervous systems in conditioned rats and sympathetic excitation alone in pseudoconditioned rats. Thus, the heart is influenced by associative emotional processes, but heart rate is not, under these conditions, a particularly useful index of those influences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the drug discrimination paradigm as a model for assessing the ability of potential agonist medications to block the effects of intravenous cocaine. Previous research has demonstrated that oral cocaine attenuated the subjective and physiological effects of intravenous cocaine injections, and in the absence of a known efficacious medication for cocaine use disorders, a proof-of-concept approach was used in which cocaine was acutely administered orally to block intravenous cocaine's discriminative-stimulus effects. During training, 11 cocaine-dependent participants were able to discriminate between intravenous saline and 20 mg/70 kg iv cocaine, and 8 of these participants completed the study. After training, participants ingested capsules containing either placebo or 300 mg/70 kg cocaine 60 min prior to the intravenous injection of different doses of cocaine during test sessions with no contingencies in place. Each cocaine dose was administered twice, once under each oral pretreatment condition. Training sessions were interspersed among the test sessions. Physiological and subjective effects were measured throughout each session. Oral cocaine moderately increased some of the subjective and physiological effects of the lower doses of intravenous cocaine, whereas effects at the higher doses were unaltered. Similar changes were seen for the discrimination results. Thus, although oral cocaine given acutely likely is not a viable treatment medication for cocaine dependence, the usefulness of the drug discrimination model in the evaluation of agonist treatment medications remains unclear. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Due to the increasing importance of the central serotonergic neurotransmission for pathogenetic concepts and as a target of pharmacotherapeutic interventions in psychiatry, reliable indicators of this system are needed. Several findings from basic and clinical research suggest that the stimulus intensity dependence of auditory evoked potentials (AEP) may be such an indicator of behaviorally relevant aspects of serotonergic activity (Hegerl and Juckel 1993, Biol Psychiatry 33:173-187). In order to study this relationship more directly, epidural recordings over the primary and secondary auditory cortex were conducted in chronically implanted cats under intravenous (i.v.) administration of drugs influencing the serotonergic and other modulatory systems (8-OH-DPAT, m-CPP, ketanserin, DOI, apomorphine, atropine, clonidine). The intensity dependence of the cat AEP component with the highest functional similarity to this of the N1/P2-component in humans was significantly changed by influencing 5-HT1a and 5-HT2 receptors, but not 5-HT1c receptors. This serotonergic modulation of the intensity dependence was only found for the primary auditory cortex which corresponds to the known different innervation of the primary and secondary auditory cortex by serotonergic fibers. Our study supports the idea that the intensity dependence of AEP could be a valuable indicator of brain serotonergic activity; however, this indicator seems to be of relative specificity because at least cholinergic effects on the intensity dependence were also observed.  相似文献   

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