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We have developed and shown to be efficacious an immunotherapeutic strategy to enhance the generation of tumor-specific CD4+ T helper lymphocytes. The approach uses autologous tumor cells genetically modified to express syngeneic MHC class II genes as cell-based immunogens and is based on the hypothesis that tumor cells directly present tumor Ags to CD4+ T cells. Since the conventional pathway for CD4+ T cell activation is indirect via professional APC, induction of immunity following immunization with class II-transfected tumor cells was examined in bone marrow chimeric mice. Both tumor and host-derived cells are APC for tumor Ags, suggesting that the efficacy of tumor cell vaccines can be significantly improved by genetic modifications that enhance tumor cell Ag presentation.  相似文献   

The role of B lymphocytes in initiating and maintaining a CD4+ T cell response has been examined using a variety of strategies, but remains controversial because of weaknesses inherent to each of the approaches. Here, we address this issue by measuring CD4+ T cell priming both in mutant mice devoid of B cells and in chimeric animals lacking major histocompatibility complex class II molecules specifically on B cells. We find that peptide and some protein antigens do not require B cells expressing class II molecules, nor B cells themselves, to efficiently prime. This could be demonstrated by the usual lymph node proliferation assay, a rather indirect in vitro measure of priming, and by a direct ex vivo assay of population expansion and activation marker expression. Interestingly, one protein antigen, conalbumin, could not prime in the absence of B cells, but could in the presence of B cells devoid of class II molecules. This finding constrains the possible mechanisms whereby B lymphocytes contribute to the initiation of a CD4+ T cell response, arguing against the importance of surface immunoglobulin-mediated antigen presentation by B cells.  相似文献   

To evaluate directly the developmental potential of cortical CD4+8+ thymocytes, highly purified populations of small, nondividing CD4+8+TCRlow and large, dividing CD4+8+TCRhigh thymocytes from H-2d mice expressing a transgenic T cell receptor restricted by H-2Db (major histocompatibility complex class I) molecules were transferred into the thymus of normal, nonirradiated H-2b recipient mice. The results show that both populations generate CD4-8+ thymocytes under these conditions, thus providing conclusive evidence that small cortical thymocytes do not represent a 'dead end' but an important intermediate stage in T cell development.  相似文献   

Differentiation of naive CD4+ lymphocytes into either Th1 or Th2 cells is influenced by the cytokine present during initial Ag priming. IL-4 is the critical element in the induction of Th2 response; however, its origin during a primary immune response is not well defined. In the present study, we characterized a novel potential source of IL-4, the class I-selected CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells. In a first set of experiments, we demonstrated that CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes produce a large amount of IL-4 after in vitro anti-CD3 stimulation. This phenomenon was not observed in class I-deficient mice, demonstrating that among these cells, the class I-selected subset was predominantly responsible for IL-4 production. Further studies focused on the in vivo IL-4-producing capacity of peripheral CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells. To this end, a single injection of anti-CD3 mAb, which promptly induces IL-4 mRNA expression, was used. Peripheral CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells express high levels of IL-4 mRNA in response to in vivo anti-CD3 challenge. Furthermore, analysis performed in mice lacking MHC class I or class II molecules demonstrates that both the class I-selected subset of CD4-CD8-TCR+ and CD4+ peripheral T lymphocytes are the major IL-4 producers after in vivo anti-CD3 stimulation. These findings suggest that class I-selected CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ and CD4+ T cell populations are important sources of IL-4 probably implicated in the development of specific Th2 immune responses.  相似文献   

Recent studies revealed that CD4+ cells initiate allograft rejection through direct recognition of allogeneic MHC class II Ags and indirect recognition of MHC peptides processed by self APCs. Both pathways were shown to help CD8+ cells that eventually lysed allogeneic MHC class I-presenting targets. There was little evidence, however, that CD4+ cells are sufficient for graft rejection. We studied skin graft rejection by CD8-deficient (CD8 -/-) mice. We showed that BALB/cJ(H-2d) CD8 -/- mice could reject allogeneic skin from C57BL/6J(H-2b) mice deficient in MHC class I or in MHC class II Ags. To understand the role of CD4+ cells in this process, we isolated them from CD8 -/- mice and transferred them to BALB/cJ nude mice that had been grafted with allogeneic skin (H-2b) from animals deficient in MHC class I or MHC class II. Nude mice injected with CD4+ cells rejected MHC class II and, albeit more slowly, MHC class I disparate skins. We showed in vitro evidence that CD4+ cells were not cytotoxic toward MHC class I or MHC class II disparate targets and that they recognized MHC class I allogeneic targets through indirect recognition. CD4+ cells produced Th1 cytokines, but not IL-4, following stimulation with allogeneic cells. Furthermore, intragraft TNF-alpha was elevated in skin grafted onto nude mice reconstituted with CD4+ cells compared with nonreconstituted mice. This suggests that MHC class II- or MHC class I-guided CD4+ cells alone are sufficient to induce rejection by the generation of cytokine-induced lesions.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen T cells can adoptively transfer immunity to Listeria monocytogenes; this activity was markedly enhanced by stimulation with Con A in vitro before transfer. The enhanced and prolonged protection against L. monocytogenes in vivo was correlated with enhanced lysis in vitro of target cells infected with strains of L. monocytogenes that produce listeriolysin O (LLO). One of the targets of such cytotoxic cells from BALB/c (H2d) mice was a peptide that corresponded to amino acids 91 to 99 (p91-99) of the LLO molecule, which satisfies the binding motif of H2-Kd. Listeria-immune CD3+CD8+, but not CD3+CD8-, cells could also lyse H-2-incompatible, infected target cells. Immune cells from C57BL/6 (H2b) mice lysed allogeneic H-2d target cells infected with L. monocytogenes or a Bacillus subtilis transformant that secretes LLO, but did not lyse targets pulsed with p91-99. This H2-unrestricted cytolysis was therefore directed at a fragment of the LLO molecule other than p91-99. Listeria-infected bone marrow macrophages from congenic and recombinant strains of mice were lysed only when they shared the H2-T region or were Qa1-compatible with the immune cytotoxic cells; sharing of the H2-D, Q, or M region was insufficient. Thus, the immune response to L. monocytogenes included cytolytic CD8+ cells that recognized endogenously processed Listeria-derived Ags in the context of the class Ia H2-K molecule, as well as a class Ib H2-T molecule.  相似文献   

Evidence that T cells can down-regulate the immune response by producing or consuming certain cytokines or by lysing APCs or Th cells has been provided in various systems. However, the generation and characterization of suppressor T cell lines have met with limited success. Here we show that xenospecific suppressor T cells can be generated by in vitro stimulation of human T cells with pig APCs. Similar to allospecific suppressors, these xenospecific suppressor T cells carry the CD8+CD28- phenotype and react to MHC class I Ags expressed by the APCs used for priming. TCR spectratyping of T suppressor cells showed oligoclonal usage of TCR-Vbeta families, indicating that xenostimulation of CD8+CD28- T cells results in Ag-driven selection of a limited Vbeta repertoire. Xenospecific T suppressor cells prevent the up-regulation of CD154 molecules on the membrane of Th cells, inhibiting their ability to react against the immunizing MHC class II xenoantigens. The mechanism of this suppression, therefore, appears to be blockade of CD154/CD40 interaction required for efficient costimulation of activated T cells.  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular disease exemplifies the poor regenerative capacity of the CNS. While there are methods to prevent cerebral infarction, there is no effective therapy available to ameliorate the anatomical, neurochemical and behavioral deficits which follow cerebral ischemia. Focal and transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in rodents has been reported to result in neuropathology similar to that seen in clinical cerebral ischemia. Using specific techniques, this MCA occlusion can result in a well-localized infarct of the striatum. This review article will provide data accumulated from animal studies using the MCA occlusion technique in rodents to examine whether neural transplantation can ameliorate behavioral and morphological deficits associated with cerebral infarction. Recent advances in neural transplantation as a treatment modality for neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease, have revealed that fetal tissue transplantation may produce neurobehavioral recovery. Accordingly, fetal tissue transplantation may provide a potential therapy for cerebral infarction. Preliminary findings in rodents subjected to unilateral MCA occlusion, and subsequently transplanted with fetal striatal tissue into the infarcted striatum have produced encouraging results. Transplanted fetal tissue, assessed immunohistochemically, has been demonstrated to survive and integrate with the host tissue, and, more importantly, ameliorate the ischemia-related behavioral deficits, at least in the short term. Although, this review will focus primarily on cerebral ischemia, characterized by a localized CNS lesion within the striatum, it is envisioned that this baseline data may be extrapolated and applied to cerebral infarction in other brain areas.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell mucin MUC1 is expressed on adenocarcinomas in an underglycosylated form that serves as a tumor antigen in breast, pancreatic, ovarian, and other tumors. Two predominant MUC1-specific immune responses are found in patients: CD8+ CTLs, which recognize tandemly repeated epitopes on the MUC1 protein core, and IgM antibodies. There have been no reports to date of MUC1-specific CD4+ T-helper cells in cancer patients. We show here that MUC1-specific CD4+ T cells are neither deleted nor tolerized and that CD4+ T cell responses can be generated when an appropriate soluble form of MUC1 is used. Naive CD4+ T cells from healthy donors were primed in vitro to a synthetic MUC1 peptide of 100 amino acids, representing five unglycosylated tandem repeats, presented by dendritic cells. They produced IFN-gamma and had moderate cytolytic activity. We identified one core peptide sequence, PGSTAPPAHGVT, that elicits this response when it is presented by HLA-DR3.  相似文献   

Our previous studies in iron-loaded rat heart cells showed that in vitro iron loading results in peroxidative injury, manifested in a marked decrease in rate and amplitude of heart cell contractility and rhythmicity, which is correctable by treatment with deferoxamine (DF). In the present studies we explored the role of mitochondrial damage in myocardial iron toxicity. Iron loading by 24-hour incubation with 0.36 mmol/L ferric ammonium citrate resulted in a decrease in the activity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex I+III) to 35.3%+/-11.2% of the value in untreated controls; of succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex II+III) to 57.4%+/-3.1%; and of succinate dehydrogenase to 63.5%+/-12.6% (p < 0.001 in all cases). The decrease in activity of other mitochondrial enzymes, including NADH-ferricyanide reductase, succinate ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex II), cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV), and ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III), was less impressive and ranged from 71.5%+/-15.8% to 91.5%+/-14.6% of controls. That the observed loss of respiratory enzyme activity was a specific effect of iron toxicity was clearly demonstrated by the complete restoration of enzyme activities by in vitro iron chelation therapy. Sequential treatment with iron and doxorubicin caused a loss of complex I+III and complex II+III activity that was greater than that seen with either agent alone but was only partially correctable by DF treatment. Alterations in cellular adenosine triphosphate measurements paralleled very closely the changes observed in respiratory complex activity. These findings demonstrate for the first time the impairment of cardiac mitochondrial respiratory enzyme activity caused by iron loading at conditions formerly shown to produce severe abnormalities in contractility and rhythmicity.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) accumulates in tissues undergoing inflammation and atherosclerosis, where an infiltration of T cells is also seen. We found that lyso-PC increased IFN-gamma production and CD40L expression in CD4+ T cells stimulated with anti-CD3 Ab and recombinant CD80 molecules, whereas lyso-PC did not affect IL-2 and IL-4 production. These results suggest that lyso-PC, in combination with other stimuli, may regulate CD4+ T cell functions to propagate local inflammatory reactions and also imply a novel role played by a modified lipid in the selection of Th1/Th2 immune response as well as in the T cell mediated pathogenesis in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Although T cells are educated to recognize foreign antigenic peptides in the context of self MHC molecules during their development in the thymus, peripheral T cells also recognize allo- and xeno-MHC molecules. The lower frequency of xeno-MHC-reactive T cells than that of allo-MHC-reactive T cells is often explained by the difference in the degree of homology between xeno- or allo-MHC and self MHC molecules, as well as by the species barrier of the molecules involved in immune recognition. To distinguish these two possibilities, we estimated the frequency of I-Ab-reactive CD4+ T cells selected by HLA-DQ or DR alpha E beta b molecules, using HLA-DQ6 and HLA-DRA transgenic C57BL/6 (B6) mice lacking endogenous MHC class I and/or class II molecules (DQ6A0/0 and DR alpha 30A0/0 beta 20/0). CD4+ lymph node T cells from DQ6A0/0 and DR alpha 30A0/0 beta 20/0 showed the strong proliferative response to I-Ab molecules. In addition, DQ6A0/0 and DR alpha 30A0/0 beta 20/0 rejected the skin graft from mice expressing I-Ab molecules irrespective of MHC class I expression, indicating that the CD4+ T cells recognizing I-Ab molecules are directly involved in this rejection. The estimated frequency of I-Ab-reactive CD4(+)CD8- thymocytes in DR alpha 30A0/0 beta 20/0 and DQ6A0/0 was comparable with that observed in the MHC class II-disparate strains. Our findings thus indicate that CD4+ T cells selected to mature on xeno-MHC class II molecules such as HLA-DQ6 or DR alpha E beta b, when these molecules are expressed in mice, recognize I-Ab molecules as allo-MHC class II, despite the less structural homology.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood gamma delta T cells from non-exposed individuals respond to antigens of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, in vitro. This response, largely caused by T cells bearing the V gamma 9+ chain of the T-cell receptor, is stimulated by components of the parasite expressed on the schizont stage and released at schizont rupture. The response of V gamma 9+ T cells to parasite components is inhibited by antibodies to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II. However, the inhibition by anti-MHC class II antibodies can be overcome by the addition of interleukin-2 (IL-2) to the cultures, suggesting that gamma delta T cells themselves do not recognize MHC class II molecules but require an MHC class II-dependent response taking place in the culture. In contrast, the inhibition by anti-class I antibodies cannot be reversed by addition of IL-2. Since an accompanying CD4+ T-cell response occurred in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured with P falciparum antigens, it was considered that these cells provide the cytokines necessary for the subsequent activation and expansion of V gamma 9+ T cells recognizing components of the parasite and MHC class I molecules. This was confirmed by reconstituting the response of enriched gamma delta T cells to P falciparum schizont extract by addition of purified CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

Specific suppression of the host's immune response to donor HLA antigens remains the ultimate goal for clinical transplantation. In spite of considerable effort, however, allospecific human suppressor T cells (Ts) have been difficult to generate. Here we show that allospecific and xenospecific Ts can be raised by multiple priming of human T cells in mixed lymphocyte cultures. Ts derive from the CD8+CD28- subset and recognize specifically the MHC class I antigens expressed by antigen-presenting cells (APC) used for in vitro immunization. Allospecific Ts prevent the up-regulation of B7 molecules on target APC, interfering with the CD28-B7 interaction required for T helper (Th) activation. These findings provide a basis for the development of specific immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   

In the thymus, immature T cells are positively and negatively selected by multiple interactions between their Ag receptors (TCRs) and self MHC/peptide complexes expressed on thymic stromal cells. Here we show that in the milieu of negative selection on physiological self class II MHC/peptide complexes (Abwt), a single class II/peptide complex AbEp52-68 positively selects a number of TCRs with various Ag specificities. This TCR repertoire is semidiverse and not biased toward Ep-like Ags. Our finding implies that the degeneracy of positive selection for peptide ligands exceeds peptide-specific negative selection and is essential to increase the efficiency and diversity of the repertoire so that T cells with the same Ag specificity can be selected by different self MHC/ peptide complexes.  相似文献   

We obtained mice deficient for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules encoded by the H-2K and H-2D genes. H-2 KbDb -/- mice express no detectable classical MHC class I-region associated (Ia) heavy chains, although beta2-microglobulin and the nonclassical class Ib proteins examined are expressed normally. KbDb -/- mice have greatly reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells, indicating that selection of the vast majority (>90%) of CD8+ T cells cannot be compensated for by beta2-microglobulin-associated molecules other than classical H-2K and D locus products. In accord with the greatly reduced number of CD8+ T cells, spleen cells from KbDb -/- mice do not generate cytotoxic responses in primary mixed-lymphocyte cultures against MHC-disparate (allogeneic) cells. However, in vivo priming of KbDb -/- mice with allogeneic cells resulted in strong CD8+ MHC class Ia-specific allogeneic responses. Thus, a minor population of functionally competent peripheral CD8+ T cells capable of strong cytotoxic activity arises in the complete absence of classical MHC class Ia molecules. KbDb -/- animals also have natural killer cells that retain their cytotoxic potential.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that efficient selection of the mature CD4+ T cell repertoire requires a functional interaction between the CD4 coreceptor on the developing thymocyte and the MHC class II molecule on the thymic epithelium. Mice expressing a class II protein carrying the EA137/VA142 double mutation in the CD4 binding domain develop fewer than one-third the number of CD4+ T cells found in wild-type mice. In this report we describe the functional characteristics of this population of CD4+ T cells. CD4+ T cells that develop under these conditions are predicted to be a CD4-independent subset of T cells, bearing TCRs of sufficient affinity for the class II ligand to undergo selection despite the absence of accessory class II-CD4 interactions. We show that CD4+ T cells from the class II mutant mice are indeed CD4 independent in their peripheral activation requirements. Surprisingly, we find that CD4+ T cells from the class II mutant mice, having been selected in the absence of a productive class II-CD4 interaction, fail to functionally engage CD4 even when subsequently provided with a wild-type class II ligand. Nevertheless, CD4+ T cells from EA137/VA142 class II mutant mice can respond to T-dependent Ags and support Ig isotype switching.  相似文献   

The T cell coreceptors CD4 and CD8 enhance T cell responses to TCR signals by participating in complexes containing TCR, coreceptor, and MHC molecules. These ternary complexes are also hypothesized to play a seminal role during T cell development, although the precise timing, frequency, and consequences of TCR-coreceptor-MHC interactions during positive selection and lineage commitment remain unclear. To address these issues, we designed transgenic mice expressing mutant I-Ek molecules with reduced CD4-binding capability. These transgenic lines were crossed to three different lines of I-Ek-specific TCR transgenic mice, and the efficiency of production of CD4+ lineage cells in the doubly transgenic progeny was assessed. Surprisingly, replacing wild-type I-Ek molecules with these mutant molecules did not affect the production of CD4+CD8- thymocytes or CD4+ peripheral T cells expressing any of the three TCRs examined. These data, when considered together with other experiments addressing the role of coreceptor during development, suggest that not all MHC class II-specific thymocytes require optimal and simultaneous TCR-CD4-MHC interactions to mature. Alternatively, it is possible that these particular alterations of I-Ek do not disrupt the CD4-MHC interaction adequately, potentially indicating functional differences between I-A and I-E MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) reduces platelet aggregation in vitro. However, repeated measurements of platelet aggregation in infants and small children are impossible due to the large blood samples required. Instead, the expression of different platelet receptors mediating platelet adhesion (CD 36 and CD 42b), activation (CD 42b and CD 61) and aggregation (CD 41a) was measured repeatedly by flow cytometry. First, the expression of platelet receptors was quantified in platelet suspensions of 20 healthy volunteers after incubation with different concentrations of NO (0, 25, 100 and 640 ppm) and compared to changes in platelet aggregation and intrathrombocytic cGMP levels. It was then studied in 21 infants and children before, during and up to 3 days after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Seven of these patients required NO inhalation postoperatively. The in vitro experiments showed a reduced expression of the CD 41a, CD 42b and CD 61 receptors with increasing doses of NO, predominantly affecting the CD 41a receptor (-11% at 100 ppm and -20% at 640 ppm). This significant effect is in keeping with the observed NO-induced inhibition of platelet aggregation (-44% at 100 ppm) and the rise in platelet cGMP levels (+69% at 100 ppm). In patients without inhaled NO, the expression of CD 41a was slightly attenuated during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (-15%) but increased significantly afterwards (2 h: +31%, 1st day: +129%, 2nd day: +120%, 3rd day: +111%). Comparable results were obtained regarding the other adhesion molecules CD 36, CD 42b and CD 61. In patients with inhaled NO the same pattern was observed and analysis of variance did not reveal any significant difference between both groups of patients. CONCLUSIONS: NO (> or = 100 ppm) decreases the expression of different platelet adhesion molecules and platelet aggregation, presumably via an increase in intracellular cGMP. However, due to the low dose range used in the clinical setting (1-40 ppm) this is clinically not relevant. Immediately after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery the expression of these adhesion molecules is reduced, but recovers on the 1st postoperative day.  相似文献   

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