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X. Chen  X.G. Li  C.W. Du  Y.F. Cheng   《Corrosion Science》2009,51(9):2242-2245
In this work, a test rig was developed to study the effect of cathodic protection (CP) on corrosion of X70 pipeline steel in the crevice area under disbonded coating through the measurements of local potential, solution pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. Results demonstrated that, in the early stage of corrosion of steel, CP cannot reach the crevice bottom to protect steel from corrosion due to the geometrical limitation. Corrosion of steel occurs preferentially inside crevice due to a separation of anodic and cathodic reaction with the depletion of dissolved oxygen in the crevice solution. The main role of CP in mitigation of sequential corrosion of steel in crevice under disbonded coating is to enhance the local solution alkalinity. With the increase of distance from the open holiday, a high cathodic polarization is required to achieve appropriate CP level at crevice bottom. A potential difference always exists between the open holiday area and inside crevice, reducing the CP effectiveness.  相似文献   

The mechanism of cathodic protection of an aluminium substrate by a Mg-rich coating was investigated using localized techniques. Both scanning vibrating electrode techniques (SVET) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) were used to investigate the processes occurring at the surface of exposed metal when electrically connected or disconnected in a galvanic couple with the Mg-rich coating. The SVET has shown the evolution of the pit activity with time under conditions of sacrificial protection, whereas the SECM allowed indirect sensing of the cathodic activity above the electrodes. It was shown that the cathodic protection provided by magnesium to aluminium substrates acts by both preventing pit nucleation and inhibiting the growth of the pre-existing pits.  相似文献   

Underground steel pipelines are protected by coatings and cathodic protection (CP). The pipeline corrosion occurs when the coating is disbonded away from a defect or holiday to form a crevice and the corrosion rate varies temporally and spatially in the crevice. In the presence of dissolved oxygen (O2) in soil ground water, a differential O2 concentration cell may develop in the crevice because O2 diffuses more readily into the crevice through the holiday than through the disbonded coating. CP can decrease or eliminate the O2 concentration cell depending on the potential applied at the holiday. Since the coatings are usually non-conductive, CP is unable to protect the steel surface deep inside the crevice. The transport of dissolved O2, and that of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) if present, into the crevice through holiday can be key to determining the crevice corrosion rate. In this work, the transient and steady state behavior of the corrosion process is investigated. The effect of the cathodic portion of iron vs. ferrous ion redox reaction on the crevice corrosion rate, which is often neglected traditionally, is further studied. At steady state, the effect of dissolved O2 on the crevice corrosion rate and the added effect of dissolved CO2 are mathematically modeled.  相似文献   

Cathodic disbonding of the underwater-applied, ultra-thick, solvent free epoxy coating subjected to various levels of cathodic protection was investigated during the period of the coating cure. The results indicate that the partially cured coating was of low resistivity, between 103 and 105 Ω cm2 for the cathodic polarization of on-potentials between −0.98 and −1.4 VAg/AgCl/sw. The coating was shown to be capable of withstanding normal levels of cathodic protection between off-potentials of −0.8 and −1.1 VAg/AgCl/sw while the IR drop, introduced by the coating in the same potential range, increased from 0.06 to 0.1 V and has to be taken into account at the design stage of the cathodic protection system. Beneficial influence of calcareous deposit formation on the cathodic protection current was confirmed, particularly for the failed coating. The initial period (1 week) of coating cure was shown as the most critical for disbonding processes caused by the excessive cathodic polarization.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the results of a preliminary study on potential suitability of a chopped nickel-coated carbon fibre (NiCCF) material to an impressed current, cathodic protection (CP) system, for an underground-buried steel structure. A primary role of a conductive NiCCF filler (Toho-Tenax®-J MC HTA-12K A302 fibre) was to enhance distribution of a protective current, by significantly lowering the corrosion environment’s resistivity.Initially, the resistivity of sand-based soil (with humidity of ca. 20%) was optimized through addition of small amounts of chopped (15 ± 3 mm long) pieces of Toho-Tenax fibre. An operational efficiency for two laboratory CP setups (in the presence and absence of NiCCF soil modifier) was then monitored, over a period of 30 days. Each cathodic protection setup consisted of a protected structure (simulated by a steel rebar:  = 10 mm and length 0.5 m) and a DSA (Ti/MMO: a = 95 mm) anode. Obtained results demonstrated a continuous increase of the soil resistivity parameter during a preliminary, 30-day cathodic polarization cycle, for the NiCCF-modified CP setup.  相似文献   

Steel coupons were buried in soil for 2 months under cathodic protection. Their residual corrosion rates were deduced from voltammetry and weight loss measurements. In aerated soils, the current density due to O2 reduction, jK,O2, was modelled with a mixed activation–diffusion controlled kinetic. The anodic part jA of the current density j, computed as jA = j  jK,O2, obeyed Tafel law. Its extrapolation to the protection potential gave a corrosion rate (∼7 μm yr−1) consistent with that obtained from weight loss measurements. With a deficient protection, corrosion rates remained at ∼80 μm yr−1, a value given by both methods.  相似文献   

The cathodic protection (CP) of on-grade coated steel storage tanks deployed on reinforced concrete slabs in soils of 20–30?kΩ?cm resistivity was evaluated for two different time periods 9 years apart. The required CP current was calculated and the ohmic drop was measured using the instant-off potential method. The resulting polarisation shift is a useful indicator of the level of protection afforded and whether the potential criterion or the polarisation shift criterion is fulfilled. It was also noted that the greater the ground resistivity, the less corrosive the environment for an on-grade steel structure.  相似文献   

R. Naderi 《Corrosion Science》2010,52(4):1291-1219
Protective performance and cathodic disbondment of epoxy coating pigmented with zinc aluminum phosphate (ZPA) were studied in this work. In solution, superior corrosion inhibition of ZPA extracted from EIS and electrochemical noise data was connected to deposition of a protective layer. EIS evaluation of the pigmented coatings indicated significant effect of modification of zinc phosphate on the protective performance as well as resistance to cathodic disbonding. Compared to ZPA, introduction of zinc phosphate resulted in inferior performance in cathodic disbonding test. In presence of ZPA, precipitation at disbonding front inferred from EIS data was confirmed by SEM.  相似文献   

Cathodic protection (CP) is considered to be the only rehabilitation method for chloride-induced rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. The protection current distribution depends on several parameters, such as the geometry and number of rebars and the concrete resistivity. In order to investigate the influence of concrete resistivity on the possibilities and limitations of rebar protection, this paper presents a numerical approach based on the finite element method (FEM) in conjunction with laboratory results to determine its impact on the CP of alkali-activated slag mortar. An ordinary Portland cement was also tested for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a sacrificial anode cathodic protection problem of 2D steel storage tank was simulated using boundary element method. The tank was protected by a zinc anode located directly on structure wall. Data obtained from potentiodynamic measurements were used as boundary condition. In this study, optimum location of the anode was determined, and the influence of anode length and paint defect on the level of protection provided by system were investigated. This study showed that boundary element method is beneficial in modeling and analyzing cathodic protection systems and calculated results were consistent with expectations from the basic corrosion concepts.  相似文献   

The efficiency of cathodic protection implemented through magnesium anodes has been investigated inside a 100 L domestic boiler, as a function of temperature (18-60 °C) and of water conductivity (50-500 μS/cm). Continuous monitoring of potentials and partial currents, corresponding to all metallic parts of the boiler and to six local probes, installed on the critical points of the tank, has been carried out. Cathodic protection is more efficient increasing water conductivity (500 μS/cm) and further low conductivities (50 μS/cm) tend to increase the probability of tank failure in a relatively short time, even in presence of magnesium anodes protection.  相似文献   

Corrosion of steel embedded in concrete structures and bridges is prevented using cathodic protection. Majority of the structures protected employ impressed current system. Use of sacrificial system for the protection of steel in concrete is not as widely employed. The use of magnesium anodes for the above purpose is very limited. This study has been carried out with a view to analyse the use of magnesium alloy anode for the cathodic protection of steel embedded in concrete.Magnesium alloy anode, designed for three years life, was installed at the center of reinforced concrete slab, containing 3.5% sodium chloride with respect to weight of cement, for cathodic protection. Potential of the embedded steel and the current flowing between the anode and the steel were monitored, plotted and analyzed. Chloride concentration of concrete at different locations, for different timings, were also determined and analyzed.The magnesium anode was found to shift the potential of the steel to more negative potentials initially, at all distances and later towards less negative potentials. The chloride concentration was found to decrease at all the locations with increase in time. The mechanism of cathodic protection with the sacrificial anode could be correlated to the removal of corrosive ions such as chloride from the vicinity of steel.  相似文献   

A. Eslami  R. Kania  J. Been  W. Chen 《Corrosion Science》2010,52(11):3750-3756
A novel test setup has been used in this study to simulate stress corrosion cracking initiation under a disbonded coating on an X-65 pipeline steel. In this setup, the synergistic effects of cyclic loading, cathodic protection and soil solution environment under disbonded coatings have been considered. When the X-65 pipeline steel was exposed to the test environment, there existed a wide range of corrosion products on the steel surface in the gradient of cathodic protection. Increasing the test time and the maximum stress increased the possibility of stress corrosion cracking initiation in regions with a high susceptibility to pitting corrosion.  相似文献   

A.Q. Fu 《Corrosion Science》2010,52(7):2511-4940
Potentiodynamic polarization measurements were performed on X70 pipeline steel in thin carbonate/bicarbonate solution layers trapped under a disbonded coating. A conceptual model was developed to illustrate the effects of the thickness and concentration of the trapped solution layer, cathodic protection (CP) potential and stress on stress corrosion crack initiation and propagation in pipelines. It was found that the passivity of the steel depended on the solution layer thickness, and the passive current density decreased with the thinning of the solution layer. With an increasing solution concentration, the role of the solution layer thickness in the steel passivity became unapparent, which was attributed to a strong passivating ability of bicarbonate and carbonate ions. Furthermore, with the decrease of the solution layer thickness, the pitting potential was shifted negatively. However, an increase of the solution concentration enhanced the resistance of the steel to pitting. A pre-application of CP would degrade the passivity of the steel due to the hydrogen-enhanced activity of the steel. Moreover, an applied stress shifted the pitting potential negatively, and decreased the passive potential range.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of microelectrode technique, the local potential and pH in a crevice simulating disbonded coating on X70 pipeline steel were investigated as a function of cathodic protection (CP) in a near neutral pH soil bulk solution bubbled with 5% CO2/N2 gas. The experimental potential–pH (E–pH) diagrams were established for the steel in the crevice. Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility of the steel in the local environment in the crevice was analyzed based on the experimental E–pH diagrams. The results showed that the local steel potential in the deep of the crevice was independent on CP potential applied at the opening. Due to the effect of the atmospheric CO2, a near-neutral pH local environment promoting near-neutral pH SCC (also known as transgranular SCC, TGSCC) might be harbored in the crevice even with normal CP at the opening. During CP interruption, the steel potential decay and CO2 absorption (pH decrease) might shift E–pH points into a susceptibility region of near-neutral pH SCC.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the cathodic protection of tank bottoms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mathematical model previously developed for predicting the cathodic protection of pipeline networks is extended to treat cathodic protection of the bottoms of cylindrical above-ground storage tanks. A single tank was modeled for which protection was provided by an anode located infinitely far from the tank bottom, by a series of anodes distributed around the circumference of the tank, and by an anode grid laid directly underneath the tank bottom. The influence of an insulating barrier associated with secondary spill containment was also modeled for the arrangements in which anodes are placed adjacent to the tank bottom. The performance predictions are strongly dependent on anode placement, the oxygen content of the soil, and the presence of insulating barriers associated with secondary spill containment.  相似文献   

Nano-sized TiO2/WO3 bilayer coatings were prepared on type 304 stainless steel substrate by sol-gel method. The performance of photo-electrochemical and photogenerated cathode protection of the coating was investigated by the electrochemical method. The results show that the bilayer coating with four TiO2 layers and three WO3 layers exhibits the highest photo-electrochemical efficiency and the best corrosion resistance property. Type 304 stainless steel with the coating can maintain cathode protection for 6 h in the dark after irradiation by UV illumination for 1 h. In addition, the mechanism of the photogenerated cathode protection for the bilayer coating was also explored.  相似文献   


Cathodic protection (CP) monitoring in the presence of simultaneous AC and DC interference could lead to erroneous measurements, since IR drop contribution due to both DC and AC could heavily affect potential readings. Therefore, to know the true potential (or true polarisation level), the ohmic drop contribution has to be eliminated. In literature, there is lack of agreement about the proper procedure to measure the true potential in the presence of AC. Laboratory tests on carbon steel specimens in soil simulating conditions were carried out focusing on potential measurement problem in the presence of AC through standard potential measurement procedure and the use of a potential probe. Results suggest the need of a proper methodology for potential measurement to determine reliably CP conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of CO2 and cyclic stress R-ratio (R = minimum stress/maximum stress) on near-neutral pH SCC initiation mechanism(s) under a disbonded coating of pipeline steel protected by cathodic protection (CP). It was found that depending on CO2 concentration and level of CP, different localized environments with various pH could be formed under the disbonded coating. When cyclic loading was applied, different SCC initiation mechanisms were involved depending on the pH of the localized environments. Reducing the R-ratio had different effects on the initiation mechanisms.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid sol-gel/polyaniline coating has been developed for application onto an AZ31 magnesium alloy for corrosion protection. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in 3.5 wt% NaCl and diluted Harrison’s solutions, along with salt spray tests showed that the coating possesses excellent corrosion resistance. The hybrid coating was modified by doping with silica nanoparticles (for scratch resistance) and cured at a low temperature of 75 °C. Whilst conventional sol-gel methods tend to limit the coating thickness values up to 10 μm, the new hybrid sol-gel/polyaniline system presented here allows thick coatings to be deposited, in this case, around 50-60 μm.  相似文献   

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