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公共项目PFI模式合同管理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PFI(Private Finance Initiatives以下简称PFI)是目前国际上基础设施开发的一种重要模式,但由于PFI模式的项目投资庞大,同时项目涉及的主体较多,因而某合同异常复杂。作者认为,PFI模式在中国具有广阔的应用空间,对PFI模式合同特点、合同管理等内容进行研究,于在我国推广PFI模式具有参考意义。本文在分析PFI模式的概念、合同特点的基础上,分别对PFI合同管理的条件、合同管理的原则、合同管理的环填,以及合同管理各阶段的内容等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

污水处理项目公益性强、投资额大,私人投资者不愿参与,地方财政难以支撑。提出了PFI融资模式,分析了该模式的内涵和优点,并构建了经济效果评价模型。以河南省污水处理项目为例,根据开发期的不同,分四种情况分别对传统的和PFI两种融资模式进行经济和社会效果评价。研究结果均表明,PFI模式比传统模式更适合于河南省污水处理项目建设,并能够缓解政府财政压力、提前收回投资和提高项目运营效率。  相似文献   

张显俊 《中州建设》2006,(10):56-56
PFI(Private Finance Initiative)是上世纪90年代初诞生于英国的一种项目融资经济模式,其含义是利用私有资金进行公共项目的开发与运营。它在一定程度上克服了传统公共工程建设中的高投入、低效率和资源的高消耗弊端.是英国推行国有企业民营化、政府服务部门独立法人化的重要行政改革手段,是英国政府获得高质量、高效率的公共设施或公共项目的主要方式。目前,已成为发达国家在准公共产品生产中广泛推行的一种项目运作方式。  相似文献   

以缓解融资问题为切入点,试图将PFI模式引入公共租赁住房的建设、运营过程中。分析公共租赁住房采用PFI融资模式的风险类型及其根源,界定公共租赁住房PFI项目融资中的各参与主体,进而依据风险分担的原则进行分阶段的风险分担流程设计,构建多方参与主体的风险分担框架图,最后提出健全相关法律法规、建立PFI项目管理体系、规范金融市场等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

PFI是一种新的公共项目私人融资方式。它鼓励私人部门营建基础设施项目或政府公共项目,并以此为基础提供公共服务的一种区别于传统政府公共项目的出产方式。它能够广泛地适用于许多政府的公共项目领域,在英国该方式已成为政府获得高质量、高效率的政府项目的主要工具。PFI的应用有二个基本必须遵循的原则,一是要能够实现安全可靠的经济价值;二是项目的风险能够在政府部门和私人部门之间合理分配。  相似文献   

PFI项目融资模式在公共工程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资金短缺是公共工程建设中的普遍现象,PFI作为一种新型的融资模式在一定程度上缓解了资金紧张的问题.本文在介绍PFI含义的基础上分析其在我国实行的必要性和可行性,探讨了PFI模式在我国的推行.  相似文献   

英国的公共工程采购经历了较大变革,形成了新型的以PFI模式为主的政府采购公共工程项目管理机制。基于一个正处于运营状态的英国教育服务政府采购项目的实际案例,分析和研究了现行英国政府采购公共工程项目的管理模式的优点、其运营过程中风险分配特点及存在问题。利用PFI模式建设公共工程在我国才刚刚起步,大多数的项目还未进入长期的运营阶段,而对英国的公共项目中PFI模式的运营状况进行研究,对我国完善政府公共工程PFI模式,尤其是风险管理方面具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

我国城市基础设施工程推行PFI融资模式的对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析PFI融资模式存在的优势、劣势以及我国城市基础设施工程推行PFI模式存在的机会与威胁,应用SWOT分析方法,综合考虑优势与劣势、机会与威胁,提出了促进我国PFI模式发展的各种对策,为我国城市更好地引入PFI模式进行城市基础设施项目的建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

通过分析我国建筑垃圾处理状况、建筑垃圾处理项目在投资与管理运营中存在的问题,结合实际情况和相关的理论,提出了建筑垃圾处理项目较合适的建设运行方式是PFI,并分析了实行PFI模式应注意的问题,提出了政府在采用该模式时的对策建议。  相似文献   

公共工程建设管理的新思路——中国特色的PFI   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
此文值得一读。PFI模式将成为全球政府建设项目的开发模式 ,该文提出将PFI的方法与中国国情相结合 ,构建有中国特色的PFI模式的思路 ,通过分析指出该模式具有特色的公共管理、特别的项目管理、特殊的企业管理的特点 ,为进一步完善公共工程建设管理模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

PFI作为一种新型的融资模式,可引入公租房建设,并委托专门的代理公司为其提供公租房项目建设、管理服务。首先提出基于代理制的PFI融资模式构建目标和原则,分析运作中的"委托—代理"关系,设计运作流程,然后提出完善PFI融资模式的建议措施。  相似文献   

In a bid to understand the relationship between public sector clients’ sustainable energy requirements and innovation, this paper describes a study examining the requirement development process in four private finance initiative (PFI) school projects. A case study approach was adopted to enable a greater understanding of the public sector clients’ activities at the front end of the design process, particularly focusing on requirement identification and the effect of the requirement on private sector actors’ pursuit of an innovative sustainable design. The findings have shown that incentive effects of the requirements are often weak in PFI projects, particularly in relation to the requirement’s specificity and achievability, the inability of requirements such as BREEAM to promote energy efficiency and the low weighting of environmental sustainability on PFI bid evaluation criteria. Taken together, these results offer insight into public authorities in relation to the necessary conditions for the use of requirements as an effective contractual mechanism to encourage innovation for sustainable energy.  相似文献   

介绍了民间主动融资(PFI)的概念、分类和特点,就PFI在我国城市水业发展中的应用进行了可行性和优势分析,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Private finance initiative (PFI), as a form of public/private partnership (PPP), helps to contract the private sector to governmental projects. In contrast to traditional public financed projects, PFI projects are procured by allowing a private sector entity to take the responsibility to design, build, finance, and operate (DBFO) an asset for a contract period of up to several decades. Moreover, banks are perceived to take the leading role in financing PFI projects. Since project financing involves credit assessment of loan applicants, banks have employed popular credit scoring models to assess their creditworthiness. Although the existing models are useful for credit scoring, new models have to emerge in response to ever-changing business practices. This paper therefore aims at introducing the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) as an alternative credit-scoring model. Unlike traditional credit-scoring building on a formula where weights to a set of criteria are assigned subjectively, DEA will automatically generate the relative weights for analysis. However, incorporating DEA demands additional considerations, which are discussed in this paper. Finally, examples are demonstrated for illustrating this alterative approach to credit scoring by DEA.  相似文献   

The complex procurement process entailed by the private finance initiative (PFI) means that clients need new capacities to manage their relationships with bidders and to assess project proposals if the desired level of design quality is to be achieved. To assist local authorities in their client role, a new Architectural Design Quality Evaluation Tool was developed. The aim was to improve the quality of design in residential sheltered housing, procured through the PFI. The tool was developed for and applied to a programme that will see the replacement of a local authority's entire sheltered housing stock. The tool has two functions: (1) to inform the client's assessment process and assist with the selection of the preferred bidding consortium through a series of stages in the PFI process; and (2) to improve the quality of all the submitted designs through an iterative process. Although several existing mechanisms are available for evaluating the performance attributes of buildings, few also tackle the less tangible amenity attributes, which are vital to the feeling of home. The new tool emphasizes the amenity attributes without neglecting performance.  相似文献   

Achieving good value for money (VFM) is the principal objective of any private finance initiative (PFI) project while sustaining it throughout the contract life is the greatest challenge. Empirical evidence is required to understand uncertainties surrounding VFM of PFI before finding effective ways to improve it. Variations in costs, time and client requirements are explored, between successive review stages of PFI projects from the strategic business case stage through to the operational phase. The magnitudes of these variations are established and critical parameters that influence them are identified. The research methods include a documentary analysis of the full business cases of five PFI projects and a questionnaire survey of 44 PFI projects from the healthcare and transport sectors in the UK. The findings reveal that the current VFM assessment of PFI projects is often carried out under conditions of considerable uncertainty with frequent changes in costs, timescales and client requirements. The list of critical parameters can help practitioners to identify priority areas and achieve a long-lasting VFM. The study broadens the understanding of whole life aspects of VFM of PFI projects and the interactivity of project parameters at different stages.  相似文献   

项目融资租赁在电网建设中的应用浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试图将项目融资引入电网建设,探讨适合电网建设项目特点的融资模式,拓宽电网建设的融资渠道。本文首先对目前的几种项目融资模式进行分析比较,结合电网建设的特点,筛选出适合电网建设项目的融资模式,然后进一步探讨该模式应用于电网建设项目的可能性,建立基本的理论基础。  相似文献   

首先分析了城市基础设施建设中采用私人融资方式的优势,然后探讨了英国政府在应用私人融资方式建设城市基础设施等公共项目所采取的政策和措施.在分析了我国基础设施项目面临的资金压力和建设管理薄弱等问题的基础上,本文提出了我国城市基础设施也可采用私人融资方式的设想,并就此提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

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