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随着智能终端技术的发展,移动运营商传统话音业务增长逐渐趋于稳定,数据流量业务增长明显,但是与之对应的业务收入并没有呈现出相关的增长态势。面对流量经营带来的新业务模式、新用户体验和新网络架构,如何满足快速增长的移动互联网业务需求成为移动运营商建设业务支撑系统面临的关键挑战。本文主要研究面向流量经营的流量计费策略和经分应用模型的制定,结合终端、业务、网络等维度分析数据业务用户的属性及行为特征,为精细化流量经营活动提供业务支撑手段。  相似文献   

随着手机上网速率的提升,智能终端功能的提高,移动互联网流量开始井喷,随之而来的是日趋激烈的移动互联网竞争,客户体验提升和新业务营销需要对海量的流量数据做分析,流量经营工作成为移动运营商新时期工作的重中之重.流量经营是指电信运营商提升单位流量价值、降低流量成本,以更好地满足用户需求的一系列运营手段.流量经营的本质是经营活动而非技术,不是单纯的流量计费,而是在经营活动中充分考虑流量成本并体现流量价值,从而实现基于用户体验价值的科学定价.流量经营分析系统根据用户、终端、内容、网络、业务、位置等维度实现流量的综合分析,整合了用户使用GPRS、WLAN上网的行为及内容等网络侧数据和经分侧数据,搭建了比较完善的数据流量运营分析支撑系统,实现了业务指标的集中化监控、用户内容分析、终端使用行为分析等功能.  相似文献   

余建利  吴杰 《移动通信》2014,(15):81-84
基于流量经营对流量计费灵活性的需求,介绍了移动互联网流量业务3个层次的灵活计费实现原理,为电信运营商的流量精细化运营提供了有效的借鉴。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的发展,流量业务已成为运营商面向未来生存和发展的核心业务。话音时代,用户需求较简单,网络承载的业务也是单一、固定的,通过发展新用户等粗放的增长方式即可产生可观的利润;流量时代,用户对业务的需求多元化,网络承载的业务也是丰富、复杂、多变的,并且流量迅猛增长的同时还带来一系列挑战,例如流量价值待提升、量收增长不同步,网络资源使用不均衡、效益不高,客户感知不佳甚至局部网络拥塞瘫痪等,破解这些问题就需要做好"流量经营"。中国移动通信集团公司网络部网络监控处项目经理孔松告诉记者,"流量经营"是对流量业务的精细化  相似文献   

随着运营商迈入4G时代,移动通信由传统的话音、短/彩信业务运营进入流量经营的阶段。如何更好地管控网络并创造价值,成为运营商关注的问题。3GPP中提出的PCC技术,既可以实现VoLTE呼叫策略管控,也可有效帮助运营商实现从哑管道到可控、可管的智能化管道方向演进,从业务、用户、总使用流量、位置/时间、接入类型等多个维度制定多样化的运营策略,从而获得更好收益。本文从移动运营商现有PCC网络架构和管控能力出发,以用户需求类型为导向,探讨PCC开放能力的应用方案,以求对电信运营商融合通信工程的开展提供指导意见。  相似文献   

随着3G网络的临近,各种丰富多彩的增值业务不断推出,业务的内容越发显得重要,内容价值的差异性不断凸显,要求更灵活的内容计费来适合更大用户面的需求.当前数据业务主要是采用包月计费方式、流量计费方式,或按下载次数计费等.这些原有的计费方式非常单一,已经不能适应当前运营商所提供的丰富多彩的应用内容,无法帮助运营商开拓新的应用领域,满足最终用户更多个性化、多样化的需求,因此,世界各大运营商都把目光投向了内容计费方案,并纷纷开展了基于内容进行计费的系统建设.  相似文献   

在分析流量与话务量差别基础上,重新定义了运营商流量经营的本质与内涵,从计费创新、业务创新、模式创新、用户价值深度挖掘等方面提出了运营商流量价值经营的主要策略,并制定了运营商流量经营策略矩阵。  相似文献   

IDC流量计费是为了适应IDC业务飞速发展而推出的一种基于流量采集的带宽租用费率体系.它包括平均流量计费和峰值流量计费两大类计费方式,能够灵活适应各个层次、各个行业用户的带宽诉求,达到用户和运营商的利益双赢.ID C流量计费采用SNMP协议作为底层采集手段,通过MRTG和TTServer实现业务逻辑,未来IDC流量计费将向精细化管理方向迈进.  相似文献   

在流量经营已经成为大势所趋的前提下,网络、资费、终端、应用和服务这5大要素,已经成为影响流量经营能否成功的关键在移动互联网发展的大背景下,运营商的经营模式出现了本质性的变化,流量已不再是话音业务的附加,正逐步成为客户的核心需求。因此,流量经营成为运营商们新的转型焦点,网络、资费、终端、应用、服务5大要素,成为影响"流量经营"成败的关键。加大网络升级力度持续增长的数据流量给运  相似文献   

LTE带来无线互联网接入全新时代,融合了语音、数据、视频等多媒体差异化的业务成为用户的迫切需求,LTE的引入会带来大量新业务的出现,对于各种业务准确和多样化的计费策略成为运营商必须要解决的问题。文章探讨了数据业务快速发展下通过内容计费实现流量经营的解决方案。  相似文献   

随着政策监管、技术创新和产业链变化的影响,国内运营商根据自身情况采取了不同的竞争策略,从三个方面制定了战略转型方向,践行数字化转型之路,针对用户价值不同来进行网络限速措施。根据先行运营商的5G策略分析,5G将改变传统收费模式,由服务差异化引发收费模式多样化。分别从基础业务、流量经营、融合业务和物联网四个方面提出了对运营商的借鉴。  相似文献   

在当前的GPRS/UMTS网络数据业务模式下,对终端用户都采用基于数据流量的计费方式;无差别的单一计费模式的弊端也日趋明显.鉴于此,提出了基于CAMEL3的IGGSN内容预付费方法.在该方法中,引入了区分不同类型数据流的流模板、应用服务类、判定规则等概念,配合伪APN、额度重分配、额度共享池等设计,对于预付费的支持扩展到了数据流的粒度级别,实现了对于不同内容的差异化预付费.在预付费的基础上引入对内容计费的支持,该方法具有重要的理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

面对成为互联网流量管道供应商的尴尬,运营商需要构建一张具有以下特征的高能效接入网:高带宽(每用户达到50M以上甚至更高),低延时,成本最优化的全IP宽带接入;采用可以同时满足家庭宽带用户、商业用户和移动基站回程等应用的统一融合的接入网平台;具有用户/业务/应用智能感知功能来保障正确的流量处理。高效能接入网络将帮助运营商成为急速增长的高附加值互联网内容产业链的一部分。  相似文献   

PCC是实现智能管道的关键技术,基于PCC架构可以实现网络资源的控制与管理,提升网络的服务质量。EPON是基于以太网的光接入网技术,其数据业务流量的突发性及分布的不均衡性,影响话音通信的质量。本文提出了基于PCC架构构建EPON智能管道以提升EPON话音服务质量的解决方案,给出了基于PCC的EPON智能管道的网络架构,重点讨论了通过对EPON话音、数据及视频业务的策略控制提高EPON话音服务质量的方法。  相似文献   

UMA:固定与移动融合发展的新机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
UMA可支持移动语音与数据从蜂窝网络到无线局域网(WLAN/WiFi)的无缝转换,是实现移动/固定网络融合的技术之一。目前UMA标准正逐渐成熟,不少厂商推出了基于UMA的解决方案和终端设备,欧洲、北美及亚太的运营商也开展了运作和测试。UMA为运营商开辟了新的业务途径;可帮助移动运营商解决室内覆盖、提高频谱利用率;有利于固网运营商提高话务量和收入。  相似文献   

An `intelligent' telecommunications network is a network that is capable of providing flexible control of its services and capabilities to both network operator and network user. The evolution to intelligent telecommunications networks began some thirty years ago with the introduction of stored programme control exchanges into the public switched network. Since then the introduction of digital switching technology, common channel signalling and network databases have advanced the concept. The evolutionary path now being followed by many network operators will lead from the universal voice telephone service to a universal information service in which the public switched network will be able to provide any combination of voice, data and image with maximum convenience and economy. Truly the ultimate intelligent network?  相似文献   

The success of personal mobile communication technologies has led an emerging expansion of the telecommunication infrastructure but also to an explosion to mobile broadband data traffic as more and more people completely rely on their mobile devices, either for work or entertainment. The continuously interaction of their mobile devices with the mobile network infrastructure creates digital traces that can be easily logged by the network operators. These digital traces can be further used, apart from billing and resource management, for large-scale population monitoring using mobile traffic analysis. They could be integrated into intelligent systems that could help at detecting exceptional events such as riots, protests or even at disaster preventions with minimal costs and improve people safety and security, or even save lives. In this paper we study the use of fully anonymized and highly aggregate cellular network data, like Call Detail Records (CDRs) to analyze the telecommunication traffic and connect people, locations and events. The results show that by analyzing the CDR data exceptional spatio-temporal patterns of mobile data can be correlated to real-world events. For example, high user network activity was mapped to religious festivals, such as Ramadan, Le Grand Magal de Touba and the Tivaouane Maouloud festival. During the Ramadan period it was noticed that the communication pattern doubled during the night with a slow start during the morning and along the day. Furthermore, a peak increase in the number of voice calls and voice calls duration in the area of Kafoutine was mapped to the Casamance Conflict in the area which resulted in four deaths. Thus, these observations could be further used to develop an intelligent system that detects exceptional events in real-time from CDRs data monitoring. Such system could be used in intelligent transportation management, urban planning, emergency situations, network resource allocation and performance optimization, etc.  相似文献   

In classical networks, charging and billing are important tools for customer care to fight competition and to assure the operator's revenue. If charging is to remain a prime competitive tool in next-generation networks, it must be functionally intelligent and flexible, and able to optimize operator and service provider revenues while providing a fair policy toward the end users. Multimedia sessions can be considered as being composed of a number of call components, each of which might consist of different bearer and service objects. The NGN multimedia network structure and its business model define four players involved in charging: access provider, connection provider, telecommunication service provider, and value-added service provider. Often charging components must be correlated to create a clear postpaid bill and ensure correct treatment of prepaid accounts, as well as settlement between the providers involved.  相似文献   

Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems will provide a large number of users with various high quality wireless Internet services including but not limited to voice over IP, real-time gaming, multimedia streaming and several others. A suitable pricing policy is an important component in order to bring benefits to both the operators and the customers. In fact, through this, the operator can efficiently manage the radio resources of cellular networks. For different types of services, the operator can maintain user Quality of Service and through which, the revenue can be optimized. This article analyzes various possible LTE pricing schemes, including the one proposed, based on different criteria: network load and congestion, operator revenue, traffic differentiation and user categorization. We provide comparative graphs to highlight the pros and cons of the studied pricing strategies. We highlight the importance for the operator to move from the often used flat-rate style policies towards more dynamic pricing strategies taking into account the user and service classes.  相似文献   

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