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<正>2006年全国电力建设再创佳绩,全国范围电力供需实现基本平衡。全年国家核准开工电站项目规模约7950万千瓦。其中:水电1950万千瓦,火电5960万千瓦,风电、秸秆发电40万千瓦。已核准火电项目中,煤耗较低的单机30万千瓦级热电与60万千瓦及以上火电项目规模占全部火电规模的91%。  相似文献   

国家发展和改革委员会最新统计显示,到2006年底,全国在建秸秆发电项目总装机120万千瓦,另有三座总装机8万千瓦的秸秆发电站已投产。[第一段]  相似文献   

正发电装机容量增长1026倍1949年全国发电装机容量185万千瓦,居世界第21位;1978年全国发电装机容量5712万千瓦,居世界第8位;1987年全国发电装机容量10290万千瓦,突破1亿千瓦;2013年全国发电装机容量12.58亿千瓦,超越美国,位列世界第1位;  相似文献   

2003年全国共新增大中型发电装机容量2793万千瓦,增长7.6%,到2003年底我国发电装机总容量已达3.8212亿千瓦(其中火电8871万千瓦、水电28674万千瓦、核电619万千瓦),总发电量19110亿千瓦时。今年预计全国新增大中型发电装机4800万干瓦,增长11.4%到今年底全国发电装机总容量将突破4亿千瓦大关,达到4.325亿千瓦。  相似文献   

根据《2010年热电联产发展规划及2020年远景发展目标》,到2010年时,全国热电联产机组总容量将达1.2亿千瓦,其中城市建筑物采暖集中供热热电厂约5600万千瓦,工业生产用热热电厂约6400万千瓦.预计到2010年全国发电装机容量将达8亿千瓦左右,届时热电联产将占全国发电总装机容量的15%.  相似文献   

进入“十五”的前两年,已安排开工项目4000万千瓦,其中,2001年开工建设1992万千瓦,2002年开工建设2200万千瓦,目前,发电项目在建规划达到7000万千瓦。到2002年底,全国发电装机容量达到3.53亿千瓦;全国发电量完成16540亿千瓦时,同比增长11.7%。  相似文献   

2013年底我国发电装机预计将达12.3亿千瓦左右,发电装机规模有望跃居世界第一,全国电力供需总体平衡。中国电力企业联合会发布《2013年全国电力供需形势分析预测报告》预计,2013年全国新增装机8 700万千瓦左右,其中火电4 000万千瓦左右。预计2013年底全国发电装机12.3亿千瓦左右,发电装机规模有望跃居世界第一,其中  相似文献   

预计2007年我国将新增发电装机容量9500万千瓦左右,而2006年中国新增发电装机容量约1亿千瓦。  相似文献   

电网建设提速 输变电设备需求增大 2007年是电源建设和电网建设“双高速”的一年。新增发电设备容量超过1亿千瓦,是继2006年后第二个超亿千瓦的年份。全国发电装机容量达到71329万千瓦。电网建设新增220千伏及以上输电线路41334千米,同比增加6490千米;新增变电容量18830万千伏安,同比增加3482万千伏安。  相似文献   

<正>"十二五"期间,全国电力工业投资将达5.3万亿元,比"十一五"增长68%。在电源发展上,坚持优先开发水电、优化发展煤电、大力发展核电、积极推进新能源发电、适度发展天然气集中发电、因地制宜发展分布式发电的方针;在电网发展上,加快推进智能电网建设。"十二五"期间电源投资约为2.75万亿元,占全部电力投资的52%。2015年,全国发电装机容量将达到14.37亿千瓦左右,年均增长8.5%。其中,水电为2.84亿千瓦,抽水蓄能4100万千瓦,煤电9.33亿千瓦,核电4300万千瓦,天然气发电3000万千瓦,风电1亿千瓦,太阳能发电200万千瓦,生物质能发电及其他300万千瓦。到"十二五"末非化石能源发电装机总规模将达4.74亿千瓦,占总装机的比重为33%。非化石能源发电可替代化石能源5亿吨标煤,占一次能源消费的比重达到11.9%左右。  相似文献   

Northeast power grid, taking 220-kV and 500-kV trunk frame as a mainstay, may be divided into three parts by configuration. Its northern part consists of Hulun Buir and Heilongjiang power grids; the central part consists of Tongliao City, Xing'an prefectural and Jilin provincial power grids; and the southern part consists of Chifeng City and Liaoning provincial grids.  相似文献   

王玎  沈阳武  邵筑  徐民  曹伟  左剑 《湖南电力》2021,41(2):65-69
截止2020年9月,湖南电网新能源装机规模接近900万kW,占比全省全社会总装机容量接近18.5%,是湖南电网的第三大电源.受限于新能源反调峰特性、负荷峰谷差大、丰水期大量水电不具备可调节性、外来电入湘以及火电保安全开机方式与旋转备用等因素,丰水期电网调峰能力有限,新能源消纳矛盾逐渐凸显.未来"十四五"期末湖南新能源装...  相似文献   

分析了2016年中国电力供需特点,对2017年电力供需形势进行了预测,提出了相关措施建议。2016年受实体经济稳中趋好、夏季高温天气、上年同期低基数等因素影响,全国用电形势呈现增速同比提高、动力持续转换、消费结构继续调整的特征,发电设备利用小时数为近52年新低。2017年中国电力需求增速将维持在5.0%~6.0%,全社会用电量将达到6.21万亿~6.27万亿kW·h;净增发电装机约1.2亿kW,年底总装机容量将达到17.7亿kW;火电设备利用小时数略有回升,达到4 200 h左右;全国电力供需总体平衡,但局部地区仍存在少量电力缺口,分区域看,华北电网电力供需偏紧,华东、华中、南方电网电力供需平衡有余,东北、西北、西南电网电力供应富余。  相似文献   

The Yellow River is rich in water energy resources. According to the reinvestigation on the national water power resources in 2003, in the Yellow River valley, rivers each having 10-MW or above theoretically potential hydro energy amount to 155. Their total theoretically potential hydro energy is 43,312.1 MW. Hydropower stations each having technically exploitable installed capacity of 500 kW or above may amount to 535. Their total installed capacity may be 37,342.5 MW and total annual generation may be 136,096 TWh. Hydropower stations economically exploitable may amount to 482. Their total installed capacity may be 31,647.8 MW and total annual generation may be 111,139 TWh, accounting for 84.75% and 81.66% that of technically exploitable ones respectively. The basin area of the Yellow River is 795,000 m2. The area of its medium and upper reaches represents 97% of the total. The upper Yellow River, in particular, Longyangxia- Qingtongxia river stretch is rich in hydropower resources with good conditions and has been listed in one of the important hydropower bases to be exploited.  相似文献   

雷绍林  秦珍 《现代电力》2012,29(5):49-54
选取节能和经济两个决策目标,建立水火电力系统发电多目标优化调度模型,寻求满足决策目标的最优调度方案。根据水力发电和火力发电的能耗特性,引入同等装机容量技术条件下水煤转换系数的概念,建立了水火电力系统联合发电能耗模型以及火电综合成本模型,并选取水火电力系统发电等效总煤耗最小作为节能调度的目标,选取火电厂发电综合成本最小作为经济调度的目标,对含有梯级水电站群和多个火电厂的大区域性电力系统进行多目标优化调度。以一个具有8个梯级水电站和8个火电厂的水火电力系统为例进行仿真,其结果证明所建的节能与经济发电优化调度模型能够在增加发电量的同时,提高水资源利用率,节约煤炭资源,降低火电成本,创造良好的发电效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

The year 2000 was a year when China's nationaleconomical and social development witnessed tremendousachievements, and China's electric power industrysuccessfully realized the objectives set at the beginningof the year 2000.In 2000, the nationwide electricity generation fulfilled1368.5TWh, an increase of 10.975% on the basis of year-on-year; the newly commissioned generating capacityreached 20,553 MW. With annual newly commissionedgenerating capacity exceeding 10,000 MW consecutivelyfor thir…  相似文献   

“十二五”期间,新疆乌鲁木齐昌吉电网将新增火电和水电装机5 660 MW,其中火电5 565 MW,水电95 MW,另外还计划新增1 250 MW的风电装机。由于新增的火电机组中,热电机组约占66%,届时将继续加大电网的调峰压力。从乌鲁木齐昌吉电网负荷特性出发,分析研究乌鲁木齐昌吉电网调峰容量盈亏,从而得出乌鲁木齐昌吉电网对抽水蓄能电站的需求容量。  相似文献   

Solar and geothermal energy systems are shown to have received the widest use among all kinds of renewable sources of energy for heat supply purposes around the world. The power capacities and amounts of thermal energy generated by solar and geothermal heat supply systems around the world are presented by way of comparison. The thermal power capacity of solar heat supply systems installed around the world as of 2015 totaled 268.1 GW, and the thermal energy generated by them amounted to 225 TW h/year. The thermal power capacity of geothermal heat supply systems installed around the world totaled 70.3 GW, and the thermal energy generated by them amounted to 163 TW h/year. Information on the geothermal heat supply systems in the leading countries around the world based on the data reported at the World Geothermal Congress held in 2015 is presented. It is shown that China, with the installed thermal power capacities of its geothermal heat supply stations totaling 17.87 GW and the amount of thermal energy generated per annum equal to 48.435 TW h/year, is the world’s leader in this respect. The structures of geothermal heat supply systems by the kinds of heat consumption used around the world are presented. The systems equipped with geothermal heat pumps accounted for 70.95% in the total installed capacity and for 55.3% in the total amount of generated heat. For systems that do not use heat pumps, those serving for pools account for the largest share amounting to 44.74% in installed capacity and to 45.43% in generated heat. A total of 2218 geothermal wells with the total length equal to 9534 km (with 38.7% of them for heat supply purposes) were drilled in 42 countries in the period from 2010 to 2014. In Russia, geothermal heat supply systems are in operation mainly in Dagestan, in Krasnodar krai, and in Kamchatka. The majority of these systems have been made without breaking the stream after the well outlet. A cyclic control arrangement is also used. The combined geothermal and solar heat supply system with an installed thermal power capacity of 5 MW that is in operation in the Rozovyi settlement, Krasnodar krai, is described. In the summer time, the solar installation with a capacity of 115 kW is used for supplying hot water to residential houses and for restoring the geothermal well pore pressure. The basic process circuit and characteristics of the geothermal heat supply system with the installed thermal power capacity of 8.7 MW operating in the Khankala settlement, the city of Groznyi, are given. The specific feature of this system is that the spent geothermal heat carrier is reinjected into a specially drilled inclined well. Advanced geothermal heat supply technologies involving reinjection of the spent geothermal heat carrier, combination with binary power units, use of heat pumps for recovering the spent heat carrier, and protection of equipment from corrosion and deposits are proposed.  相似文献   

Huang Xiang 《电气》2006,17(4):26-30
Since reforming and opening to the outside world, the power construction in China has been expanding by leaps and bounds. As of the end of 2005, the nationwide generation installed capacity made a breakthrough of 500 GW, of which thermal power units represented three-fourths. Relevant predictions indicate that the installed capacity will reach 680-730 GW in 2010 and it will exceed 1000 GW in 2020 as expected.The present situation of service power rate of thermal power units and how to make it approach and come up to world level are questions to be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

针对水电装机容量较高、调节能力较弱的电网汛期水火电发电计划制作困难的问题,充分考虑汛期水电出力受阻、火电多段成本深度调峰及电网备用容量需求,以计及弃水电量价值的汛期水火电总运行成本最小为目标,构建水火电短期联合调度模型。通过耦合弃水电量计算的一体化水火电计划制作方式,简化汛期水火电发电计划制作的过程,提高发电计划的精确性。所建模型通过混合整数线性规划实现,并利用Gurobi求解器对其进行快速求解。广西电网的算例仿真结果表明,所提调峰弃水电量计算方式更为精确,弃水电量价值的引入可协调汛期水火电运行,同时,相较于现行水火电分层调度方式,汛期水火电联合调度方式在保证电网安全运行的前提下,可实现清洁能源高效利用,降低火电运行费用,有利于电网的节能调度。  相似文献   

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