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Monaural speech separation and recognition challenge   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Robust speech recognition in everyday conditions requires the solution to a number of challenging problems, not least the ability to handle multiple sound sources. The specific case of speech recognition in the presence of a competing talker has been studied for several decades, resulting in a number of quite distinct algorithmic solutions whose focus ranges from modeling both target and competing speech to speech separation using auditory grouping principles. The purpose of the monaural speech separation and recognition challenge was to permit a large-scale comparison of techniques for the competing talker problem. The task was to identify keywords in sentences spoken by a target talker when mixed into a single channel with a background talker speaking similar sentences. Ten independent sets of results were contributed, alongside a baseline recognition system. Performance was evaluated using common training and test data and common metrics. Listeners’ performance in the same task was also measured. This paper describes the challenge problem, compares the performance of the contributed algorithms, and discusses the factors which distinguish the systems. One highlight of the comparison was the finding that several systems achieved near-human performance in some conditions, and one out-performed listeners overall.  相似文献   

A novel approach for joint speaker identification and speech recognition is presented in this article. Unsupervised speaker tracking and automatic adaptation of the human-computer interface is achieved by the interaction of speaker identification, speech recognition and speaker adaptation for a limited number of recurring users. Together with a technique for efficient information retrieval a compact modeling of speech and speaker characteristics is presented. Applying speaker specific profiles allows speech recognition to take individual speech characteristics into consideration to achieve higher recognition rates. Speaker profiles are initialized and continuously adapted by a balanced strategy of short-term and long-term speaker adaptation combined with robust speaker identification. Different users can be tracked by the resulting self-learning speech controlled system. Only a very short enrollment of each speaker is required. Subsequent utterances are used for unsupervised adaptation resulting in continuously improved speech recognition rates. Additionally, the detection of unknown speakers is examined under the objective to avoid the requirement to train new speaker profiles explicitly. The speech controlled system presented here is suitable for in-car applications, e.g. speech controlled navigation, hands-free telephony or infotainment systems, on embedded devices. Results are presented for a subset of the SPEECON database. The results validate the benefit of the speaker adaptation scheme and the unified modeling in terms of speaker identification and speech recognition rates.  相似文献   

Feature statistics normalization in the cepstral domain is one of the most performing approaches for robust automaticspeech and speaker recognition in noisy acoustic scenarios: feature coefficients are normalized by using suitable linear or nonlinear transformations in order to match the noisy speech statistics to the clean speech one. Histogram equalization (HEQ) belongs to such a category of algorithms and has proved to be effective on purpose and therefore taken here as reference.In this paper the presence of multi-channel acoustic channels is used to enhance the statistics modeling capabilities of the HEQ algorithm, by exploiting the availability of multiple noisy speech occurrences, with the aim of maximizing the effectiveness of the cepstra normalization process. Computer simulations based on the Aurora 2 database in speech and speaker recognition scenarios have shown that a significant recognition improvement with respect to the single-channel counterpart and other multi-channel techniques can be achieved confirming the effectiveness of the idea. The proposed algorithmic configuration has also been combined with the kernel estimation technique in order to further improve the speech recognition performances.  相似文献   

Speaker recognition faces many practical difficulties, among which signal inconsistency due to environmental and acquisition channel factors is most challenging. The noise imposed to the voice signal varies greatly and a priori noise model is usually unavailable. In this article, we propose a robust speaker recognition method that employs a novel adaptive wavelet shrinkage method for noise suppression. In our method, wavelet subband coefficient thresholds are automatically computed, which are proportional to the noise contamination. In the application of wavelet shrinkage for noise removal, a dual-threshold strategy is developed to suppress noise, preserve signal coefficients and minimize the introduction of artifacts. The recognition is achieved using modification of Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient of overlapped voice signal segments. The efficacy of our method is evaluated with voice signals from two public available speech signal databases and is compared with state-of-the-art methods. It is demonstrated that our proposed method exhibits great robustness in various noise conditions. The improvement is significant especially when noise dominates the underlying speech.  相似文献   

The issue of input variability resulting from speaker changes is one of the most crucial factors influencing the effectiveness of speech recognition systems. A solution to this problem is adaptation or normalization of the input, in a way that all the parameters of the input representation are adapted to that of a single speaker, and a kind of normalization is applied to the input pattern against the speaker changes, before recognition. This paper proposes three such methods in which some effects of the speaker changes influencing speech recognition process is compensated. In all three methods, a feed-forward neural network is first trained for mapping the input into codes representing the phonetic classes and speakers. Then, among the 71 speakers used in training, the one who is showing the highest percentage of phone recognition accuracy is selected as the reference speaker so that the representation parameters of the other speakers are converted to the corresponding speech uttered by him. In the first method, the error back-propagation algorithm is used for finding the optimal point of every decision region relating to each phone of each speaker in the input space for all the phones and all the speakers. The distances between these points and the corresponding points related to the reference speaker are employed for offsetting the speaker change effects and the adaptation of the input signal to the reference speaker. In the second method, using the error back-propagation algorithm and maintaining the reference speaker data as the desirable speaker output, we correct all the speech signal frames, i.e., the train and the test datasets, so that they coincide with the corresponding speech of the reference speaker. In the third method, another feed-forward neural network is applied inversely for mapping the phonetic classes and speaker information to the input representation. The phonetic output retrieved from the direct network along with the reference speaker data are given to the inverse network. Using this information, the inverse network yields an estimation of the input representation adapted to the reference speaker. In all three methods, the final speech recognition model is trained using the adapted training data, and is tested by the adapted testing data. Implementing these methods and combining the final network results with un-adapted network based on the highest confidence level, an increase of 2.1, 2.6 and 3% in phone recognition accuracy on the clean speech is obtained from the three methods, respectively.  相似文献   

Feature extraction is an essential and important step for speaker recognition systems. In this paper, we propose to improve these systems by exploiting both conventional features such as mel frequency cepstral coding (MFCC), linear predictive cepstral coding (LPCC) and non-conventional ones. The method exploits information present in the linear predictive (LP) residual signal. The features extracted from the LP-residue are then combined to the MFCC or the LPCC. We investigate two approaches termed as temporal and frequential representations. The first one consists of an auto-regressive (AR) modelling of the signal followed by a cepstral transformation in a similar way to the LPC-LPCC transformation. In order to take into account the non-linear nature of the speech signals we used two estimation methods based on second and third-order statistics. They are, respectively, termed as R-SOS-LPCC (residual plus second-order statistic based estimation of the AR model plus cepstral transformation) and R-HOS-LPCC (higher order). Concerning the frequential approach, we exploit a filter bank method called the power difference of spectra in sub-band (PDSS) which measures the spectral flatness over the sub-bands. The resulting features are named R-PDSS. The analysis of these proposed schemes are done over a speaker identification problem with two different databases. The first one is the Gaudi database and contains 49 speakers. The main interest lies in the controlled acquisition conditions: mismatch between the microphones and the interval sessions. The second database is the well-known NTIMIT corpus with 630 speakers. The performances of the features are confirmed over this larger corpus. In addition, we propose to compare traditional features and residual ones by the fusion of recognizers (feature extractor + classifier). The results show that residual features carry speaker-dependent features and the combination with the LPCC or the MFCC shows global improvements in terms of robustness under different mismatches. A comparison between the residual features under the opinion fusion framework gives us useful information about the potential of both temporal and frequential representations.  相似文献   

Robustness is one of the most important topics for automatic speech recognition (ASR) in practical applications. Monaural speech separation based on computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) offers a solution to this problem. In this paper, a novel system is presented to separate the monaural speech of two talkers. Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) and vector quantizers (VQs) are used to learn the grouping cues on isolated clean data for each speaker. Given an utterance, speaker identification is firstly performed to identify the two speakers presented in the utterance, then the factorial-max vector quantization model (MAXVQ) is used to infer the mask signals and finally the utterance of the target speaker is resynthesized in the CASA framework. Recognition results on the 2006 speech separation challenge corpus prove that this proposed system can improve the robustness of ASR significantly.  相似文献   

Histogram equalization (HEQ) is one of the most efficient and effective techniques that have been used to reduce the mismatch between training and test acoustic conditions. However, most of the current HEQ methods are merely performed in a dimension-wise manner and without allowing for the contextual relationships between consecutive speech frames. In this paper, we present several novel HEQ approaches that exploit spatial-temporal feature distribution characteristics for speech feature normalization. The automatic speech recognition (ASR) experiments were carried out on the Aurora-2 standard noise-robust ASR task. The performance of the presented approaches was thoroughly tested and verified by comparisons with the other popular HEQ methods. The experimental results show that for clean-condition training, our approaches yield a significant word error rate reduction over the baseline system, and also give competitive performance relative to the other HEQ methods compared in this paper.  相似文献   

基于性别识别的分类CHMM语音识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对语音识别进行了探讨,提出一种通过性别识别对连续隐马尔可夫模型(CHMM)分类的方法,在此基础上进行语音识别。首先,通过计算性别判定语音信号的Mel频率倒谱系数(MFCC)使用CHMM对说话人性别进行识别,然后再根据不同性别使用分类CHMM进行语音识别。最后通过实验验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A conventional automatic speech recognizer does not perform well in the presence of multiple sound sources, while human listeners are able to segregate and recognize a signal of interest through auditory scene analysis. We present a computational auditory scene analysis system for separating and recognizing target speech in the presence of competing speech or noise. We estimate, in two stages, the ideal binary time–frequency (T–F) mask which retains the mixture in a local T–F unit if and only if the target is stronger than the interference within the unit. In the first stage, we use harmonicity to segregate the voiced portions of individual sources in each time frame based on multipitch tracking. Additionally, unvoiced portions are segmented based on an onset/offset analysis. In the second stage, speaker characteristics are used to group the T–F units across time frames. The resulting masks are used in an uncertainty decoding framework for automatic speech recognition. We evaluate our system on a speech separation challenge and show that our system yields substantial improvement over the baseline performance.  相似文献   

在说话人空间中,存在语音特征随句子和时间差异而变化的问题。这个变化主要是由语音数据中的语音信息和说话人信息的变化引起的。如果把这两种信息彼此分离就能实现鲁棒的说话人识别。在假设大的说话人变量的空间为“语音空间”和小的说话人变量的空间为“说话人空间”的情况下,通过子空间方法分离语音信息和说话人信息,提出了说话人辨认和说话人确认方法。结果显示:通过相对于传统方法的比较试验,能用小量训练数据建立鲁棒说话人模型。  相似文献   

This study addresses a framework for a robot audition system, including sound source localization (SSL) and sound source separation (SSS), that can robustly recognize simultaneous speeches in a real environment. Because SSL estimates not only the location of speakers but also the number of speakers, such a robust framework is essential for simultaneous speech recognition. Moreover, improvement in the performance of SSS is crucial for simultaneous speech recognition because the robot has to recognize the individual source of speeches. For simultaneous speech recognition, current robot audition systems mainly require noise-robustness, high resolution, and real-time implementation. Multiple signal classification (MUSIC) based on standard Eigenvalue decomposition (SEVD) and Geometric-constrained high-order decorrelation-based source separation (GHDSS) are techniques utilizing microphone array processing, which are used for SSL and SSS, respectively. To enhance SSL robustness against noise while detecting simultaneous speeches, we improved SEVD-MUSIC by incorporating generalized Eigenvalue decomposition (GEVD). However, GEVD-based MUSIC (GEVD-MUSIC) and GHDSS mainly have two issues: (1) the resolution of pre-measured transfer functions (TFs) determines the resolution of SSL and SSS and (2) their computational cost is expensive for real-time processing. For the first issue, we propose a TF-interpolation method integrating time-domain-based and frequency-domain-based interpolation. The interpolation achieves super-resolution robot audition, which has a higher resolution than that of the pre-measured TFs. For the second issue, we propose two methods for SSL: MUSIC based on generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD-MUSIC) and hierarchical SSL (H-SSL). GSVD-MUSIC drastically reduces the computational cost while maintaining noise-robustness for localization. In addition, H-SSL reduces the computational cost by introducing a hierarchical search algorithm instead of using a greedy search for localization. These techniques are integrated into a robot audition system using a robot-embedded microphone array. The preliminary experiments for each technique showed the following: (1) The proposed interpolation achieved approximately 1-degree resolution although the TFs are only at 30-degree intervals in both SSL and SSS; (2) GSVD-MUSIC attained 46.4 and 40.6% of the computational cost compared to that of SEVD-MUSIC and GEVD-MUSIC, respectively; (3) H-SSL reduced 71.7% of the computational cost to localize a single speaker. Finally, the robot audition system, including super-resolution SSL and SSS, is applied to robustly recognize four sources of speech occurring simultaneously in a real environment. The proposed system showed considerable performance improvements of up to 7% for the average word correct rate during simultaneous speech recognition, especially when the TFs were at more than 30-degree intervals.  相似文献   

Spelling speech recognition can be applied for several purposes including enhancement of speech recognition systems and implementation of name retrieval systems. This paper presents a Thai spelling analysis to develop a Thai spelling speech recognizer. The Thai phonetic characteristics, alphabet system and spelling methods have been analyzed. As a training resource, two alternative corpora, a small spelling speech corpus and an existing large continuous speech corpus, are used to train hidden Markov models (HMMs). Then their recognition results are compared to each other. To solve the problem of utterance speed difference between spelling utterances and continuous speech utterances, the adjustment of utterance speed has been taken into account. Two alternative language models, bigram and trigram, are used for investigating performance of spelling speech recognition. Our approach achieves up to 98.0% letter correction rate, 97.9% letter accuracy and 82.8% utterance correction rate when the language model is trained based on trigram and the acoustic model is trained from the small spelling speech corpus with eight Gaussian mixtures.  相似文献   

Automatic Speaker Recognition (ASR) refers to the task of identifying a person based on his or her voice with the help of machines. ASR finds its potential applications in telephone based financial transactions, purchase of credit card and in forensic science and social anthropology for the study of different cultures and languages. Results of ASR are highly dependent on database, i.e., the results obtained in ASR are meaningless if recording conditions are not known. In this paper, a methodology and a typical experimental setup used for development of corpora for various tasks in the text-independent speaker identification in different Indian languages, viz., Marathi, Hindi, Urdu and Oriya have been described. Finally, an ASR system is presented to evaluate the corpora.  相似文献   

This paper describes speech recognition software called ECHO (Environnement de Communication Homme-Ordinateur) which is devoted to the design of usable interactive speech-based applications. Usability refers to the stability of the Speech Recognition system performance under ordinary usage conditions (i.e., different acoustic environments) rather than high performance in a limited set of well-known conditions. In order to reach this objective, the system must be able to anticipate any change in the environment and adapt itself to the different usage conditions. One solution for this problem has been achieved by connecting some specialized modules of speech signal pre-processing and post-processing to the automatic speech recognition engine. These different modules interact as a mirror with the speech engine in order to force it to adapt its runtime parameters, thus improving its performance and its robustness.  相似文献   

This paper considers the separation and recognition of overlapped speech sentences assuming single-channel observation. A system based on a combination of several different techniques is proposed. The system uses a missing-feature approach for improving crosstalk/noise robustness, a Wiener filter for speech enhancement, hidden Markov models for speech reconstruction, and speaker-dependent/-independent modeling for speaker and speech recognition. We develop the system on the Speech Separation Challenge database, involving a task of separating and recognizing two mixing sentences without assuming advanced knowledge about the identity of the speakers nor about the signal-to-noise ratio. The paper is an extended version of a previous conference paper submitted for the challenge.  相似文献   

连续语音识别技术,是集语音处理、模式识别、句法和语义分析于一体的综合性语音处理技术,能够识别任意的连续语音,如一个句子或一段话,大大提高了语音交互的连续性和体验度,是语音识别技术的核心之一。本文介绍了连续语音识别技术的研究现状及几种常见的技术方法,并且分析探讨了连续语音识别技术的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

孙林慧  叶蕾  杨震 《计算机仿真》2005,22(5):231-234
测试时长是影响说话人识别问题的主要因素之一。该文主要对分布式语音识别中测试时长与说话人识别率的关系进行了研究。文中采用文本无关的训练模板,首先对基本的说话人辨认系统用干净语音和带噪语音进行了测试,结果表明系统识别率随测试时长的增加而提高,并在实验室条件下获得加噪语音最佳测试时长。其次为了减小最佳测试时长采用改进的说话人辨认系统,先对说话人的性别进行分类然后再对其身份进行识别,不仅减少了测试所需的最佳时长,而且提高了系统的抗噪性能。最后对仿真结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

Vocal tract length normalization (VTLN) for standard filterbank-based Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) features is usually implemented by warping the center frequencies of the Mel filterbank, and the warping factor is estimated using the maximum likelihood score (MLS) criterion. A linear transform (LT) equivalent for frequency warping (FW) would enable more efficient MLS estimation. We recently proposed a novel LT to perform FW for VTLN and model adaptation with standard MFCC features. In this paper, we present the mathematical derivation of the LT and give a compact formula to calculate it for any FW function. We also show that our LT is closely related to different LTs previously proposed for FW with cepstral features, and these LTs for FW are all shown to be numerically almost identical for the sine-log all-pass transform (SLAPT) warping functions. Our formula for the transformation matrix is, however, computationally simpler and, unlike other previous LT approaches to VTLN with MFCC features, no modification of the standard MFCC feature extraction scheme is required. In VTLN and speaker adaptive modeling (SAM) experiments with the DARPA resource management (RM1) database, the performance of the new LT was comparable to that of regular VTLN implemented by warping the Mel filterbank, when the MLS criterion was used for FW estimation. This demonstrates that the approximations involved do not lead to any performance degradation. Performance comparable to front end VTLN was also obtained with LT adaptation of HMM means in the back end, combined with mean bias and variance adaptation according to the maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) framework. The FW methods performed significantly better than standard MLLR for very limited adaptation data (1 utterance), and were equally effective with unsupervised parameter estimation. We also performed speaker adaptive training (SAT) with feature space LT denoted CLTFW. Global CLTFW SAT gave results comparable to SAM and VTLN. By estimating multiple CLTFW transforms using a regression tree, and including an additive bias, we obtained significantly improved results compared to VTLN, with increasing adaptation data.  相似文献   

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