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核电站发生高压熔堆严重事故后,采取堆内泄压再注水的策略能够有效缓解堆芯融化进程,降低压力容器失效风险。利用机理性分析程序SCDAP/RELAP5对百万千瓦级压水堆严重事故后泄压注水对堆芯的影响进行研究,通过分析堆芯在泄压未注水、1 500K和2 800K时注水过程中燃料棒、碎片床和熔融池的行为特性,结果表明:泄压虽然能够降低压力容器压力,但是会过早的形成熔融池,致使熔融物较未泄压先落入下腔室,从而加热下封头。泄压后注水会使脆化的堆芯材料碎裂,较未注水情况形成更高的碎片床。在泄压的基础上,堆芯在1 500K时注水比2 800K时注水产生的可溶性裂变产物少,同时在1 500K时注水对压力容器失效的延缓作用最明显。  相似文献   

SCDAP/RELAP5是一种常见的机理性严重事故分析程序,能够分析多种类型的堆芯构件.通过对比分析SCDAP/RELAP5程序模拟棒形燃料元件与板型燃料元件堆芯在严重事故下行为的分析模型,结合UO2-Zr板型状元件堆芯的特性,提出了运用并改进SCDAP/RELAP5程序模拟UO2-Zr板型元件堆芯在严重事故下行为的研究方案.对程序结构的分析结果表明,SCDAP/RELAP5程序部分结构和模型适用于对UO2-Zr板型元件进行基本的严重事故分析,但需要通过创建新部件、研究新模型,并与已有模型的重新组合搭配才能较为精准地模拟UO2-Zr板型元件严重事故的实际行为.  相似文献   

目前,SCDAP/RELAP5采用抛物线型氧化模型模拟严重事故早期再淹没期间的包壳氧化。该模型在模拟包壳温度较高、表面水蒸气流量较小时的氧化存在不足,此外,该模型未分析包壳中氧原子的分布,对包壳失效的准确模拟有限制。本课题对抛物线型氧化模型和扩散氧化模型之间的区别与联系进行分析,并将扩散氧化模型植入SCDAP/RELAP5中,研究两种模型对严重事故早期再淹没现象的模拟效果。结果表明:扩散氧化模型能更好地模拟严重事故早期再淹没现象;抛物线型氧化模型是扩散氧化模型在特定条件下的简化。  相似文献   

SCDAP/RELAP5与MELCOR程序对堆芯损伤过程预测的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付霄华 《核动力工程》2003,24(5):430-434
SCDAP/RELAP5与MELCOR程序是目前得到广泛使用的两个严重事故分析程序.它们在模拟堆芯溶化及压力容器下封头失效过程中采用了基于不同理论的计算模型。本文利用两个程序分别对秦山二期核电厂发生假想的全厂断电事故下的堆芯损伤过程进行预测.并对比分析了这2个严重事故分析程序的优点及相应的计算结果.  相似文献   

在模块式小型堆MELCOR分析模型的基础上,对典型严重事故序列进行计算分析,得到压力容器下腔室内堆芯熔融池特征参数,并使用自主研发的CISER程序对模块式小型堆堆腔注水冷却效果进行研究。通过影响参数的敏感性及保守性分析证明模块式小型堆堆腔注水冷却措施可行且有适当的安全裕量。  相似文献   

RELAP5与CFX程序耦合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以RELAP5与CFX程序为基础,利用并行虚拟机技术和CFX用户函数进行编程,开发了RELAP5/CFX耦合程序。在单相范围内,首先利用水平圆管喷放问题验证了程序间耦合的正确性。然后,针对双T型接管混合实验进行了模拟,相对于单独的RELAP5程序,耦合程序能更好地揭示真实的物理现象。通过后续的开发完善,耦合程序可用于反应堆安全分析中存在着显著三维混合现象的问题。  相似文献   

大型热工流体整体效应系统实验(CIET)台架是为模拟氟盐冷却高温堆(FHR)热工水力响应而设计的实验回路,采用DOWTHERM A模拟氟盐作为冷却剂。通过在RELAP5/MOD3.2程序中加入DOWTHERM A物性参数以及传热关系式,计算FHR实验回路CIET在两种工况下的热工水力行为,并与实验结果进行对比,计算工况包括强迫循环条件与自然循环条件。计算结果表明:在强迫循环条件下,堆芯热量主要靠盘管式空气换热器(CTAH)排出,堆芯进出口冷却剂温度及CTAH出口冷却剂温度与实验值符合良好,CTAH进口冷却剂温度与实验值有些微偏差;在自然循环工况中,堆芯热量主要通过DHX与堆芯辅助冷却系统(DRACS)回路的换热带走,DHX及DRACS的流量与实验值接近,相对误差在10%左右,验证了修正后RELAP5/MOD3.2的正确性。  相似文献   

基于SCDAP/RELAP5程序建立了用于熔融物压力容器内滞留(IVR)瞬态分析的系统简化模型,通过对模块式小型堆IVR过程的瞬态计算与分析,初步探索了IVR策略实施过程中压力容器下封头的瞬态热负荷特性。SCDAP/RELAP5程序的计算结果表明,利用外部冷却实施IVR策略的瞬态传热特性可分为熔融物注入之初的激烈传热阶段和熔融物硬壳形成之后的准稳态传热阶段。模块式小型堆的IVR瞬态分析表明,瞬态过程中的热流密度峰值不会达到临界热流密度,最终形成的稳定熔融池传热具有很大的安全裕量。研究同时发现SCDAP/RELAP5程序用于IVR分析时在模型上存在一定的不足。  相似文献   

热工水力数值模拟是反应堆系统设计和安全分析的重要内容,以RELAP5为代表的系统程序可对瞬态或事故工况进行快速分析,同时以FLUENT为代表的计算流体动力学(CFD)程序对堆芯局部三维现象的分析也越来越重要。为综合利用两者的优点,以RELAP5/FLUENT为基础,利用对RELAP5程序源代码的二次开发和FLUENT的用户自定义函数(UDF)进行编程,开发了RELAP5/FLUENT耦合程序。利用flibe熔盐在水平圆管流动问题验证了程序耦合的正确性;针对2 MW熔盐堆进行了稳态模拟,耦合程序能详细分析熔盐堆的热工水力行为;模拟了2 MW熔盐堆功率突变的瞬态热工水力行为,相对于单独的RELAP5,耦合程序能更好地揭示熔盐堆系统和堆芯的三维物理现象。该耦合程序可用于解决熔盐堆热工水力分析中存在的显著三维混合现象的问题。  相似文献   

为判断严重事故下堆腔的事故进程和堆腔注水策略启动后的执行效果,分析了严重事故条件下不同注水速度下堆腔多项物性参数状态的发展序列,对比研究了传统二代加核电厂、改进型二代加核电厂、华龙一号核电厂的监测手段;通过优化温度测量仪表、液位测量仪表、监测系统的功能设计和计算方法,最终在华龙一号核电厂中设计了完善的监测系统。此监测系统实现了严重事故下反应堆压力容器(RPV)失效前的事故状态监测、堆腔注水策略启动后缓解措施投运情况监测以及RPV破损后熔融物状态监测,有效完成了严重事故条件下堆腔状态监测需求。  相似文献   

In CANDU reactors, the cool moderator surrounding the calandria tubes provides a potential heat sink following an accident initiator if the emergency coolant injection fails. However, in scenarios when a subsequent loss of all heat sinks occurs, the fuel channels fail and ultimately, the entire reactor core collapses and relocates into the bottom of calandria vessel (CV), which is externally cooled by shield-tank water. Previous studies using MAAP4-CANDU and ISAAC computer codes were found to investigate the long-term coolability of the CV in the late phase of core degradation in course of a severe accident. SCDAP/RELAP5 was applied in a previous work of the authors to the study of the in-vessel retention issue using the COUPLE models with user-defined slumping inside the 2D COUPLE mesh. This option allows for thermal and mechanical analyses of the reactor lower head avoiding the necessity to calculate the preceding course of core degradation during the accident. The former analyses used an equivalent spherically shaped CV while, for the present paper, calculations are performed with COUPLE routines modified to properly use the option for a horizontal pipe in plane geometry. The paper describes the modifications and the application of the resulted SCDAP/RELAPSIM/MOD3.4 code version to the study of the coolability of a CV starting with a dry debris bed. The vessel rupture time is compared to the ISAAC calculated value for a LOCA with loss of all heat sinks and no recovery actions. Parametric studies are performed in order to quantify the effect of several identified sources of uncertainty: boundary conditions of the vessel above debris, gap heat transfer coefficient and metallic fraction of zirconium inside the debris.  相似文献   

先进压水堆的一个显著特点是非能动系统的高可靠性,评价这些系统的运行特性以及系统分析程序(如RELAP5等)的计算能力是非常重要的,中国核动力研究设计院设计建造了原理性的非能动堆芯应急冷却系统实验装置,并完成了相关实验研究,取得一批有价值的数据,本文用RELAP5/MOD3.2程序对实验过程进行了模拟分析。通过计算结果与实验结果的比较,初步评价了RELAP5/MOD3.2程序的计算能力。  相似文献   

The risk of large-break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) is that core will be exposed once the accident occurs, and may cause core damages. New phenomena may occur in LBLOCA due to passive safety injection adopted by AP1000. This paper used SCDAP/RELAP5 4.0 to build the numerical model of AP1000 and double-end guillotine of cold leg is simulated. Reactor coolant system and passive core cooling system were modeled by RELAP5 modular. HEAT STRUCTURE component of RELAP5 was used to simulate the fuel rod. The reflood option in RELAP5 was chosen to be activated or not to study the effect of axial heat conduction. Results show that the axial heat conduction plays an important role in the reflooding phase and can effectively shorten reflood process. An alternative core model is built by SCDAP modular. It is found that the SCDAP model predicts higher maximum peak cladding temperature and longer reflood process than RELAP5 model. Analysis shows that clad oxidation heat plays a key role in the reflood. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that the cladding will keep intact and fission product will not be released from fuel to coolant in LBLOCA.  相似文献   

研究了倾斜、起伏和摇摆等海洋条件的数学模型.通过修改控制方程,开发了国内首个基于先进的、自由节点划分的RELAP5程序,并且适用于海洋条件的反应堆热工水力系统分析程序RELAP5/MC.用RELAP5/MC对海洋条件下简单两环路系统的自然循环特性进行了计算,其结果都能得到合理解释,由此表明程序开发是初步成功的.  相似文献   

直流蒸汽发生器内二回路侧的工质水经历了复杂的相变过程,流型转变和传热情况比自然循环式蒸汽发生器要复杂。本文以B&W公司的19管直管式直流蒸汽发生器实验装置为研究对象,采用最佳估算程序RELAP5/MOD3.4对其进行建模分析,研究了节点划分个数、计算时间步长、不同算法和分析方法对计算结果的影响,研究了系统程序RELAP5在分析存在有剧烈相变问题时需注意的不确定性因素。结果表明:应适当增加控制体的划分个数、降低计算时间步长;注意两相流模型的选择使用;注意两种算法的使用场合;同时应选择多通道的分析方法。  相似文献   

During a station blackout of PWR, the pump seal will fail due to loss of the seal cooling. This particular transient-LOCA sequence designated as S3-TMLB' analyzed by SNL with MELPROG/TRAC for Surry plant showed that the depressurization due to the pump seal LOCA would result in early accumulator injection and subsequent core cooling which lead to the delay of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) meltthrough. The present analysis was performed with SCDAP/RELAP5 to evaluate this scenario shown in the MELPROG/TRAC analyses. Addition-ally, the calculated results were compared with the similar experimental studies of JAERI's ROSA-IV program.

The present analyses showed that: (1) During S3-TMLB', the loop seal clearing would occur and cause a slight delay of accident progression. (2) It is unlikely that the accumulator injection, which leads to the delay of RPV meltthrough by approximately 60 min, is initiated automatically during S3-TMLB'. Accordingly, an intentional depressurization using PORVs is recommended for the mitigation of the accident consequences. (3) The present SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses did not show significant delay of accident progression. It was found that non-realistic lower heat generation and higher core cooling models used in the MELPROG/TRAC analysis are attributed to this discrepancy.  相似文献   

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